# Do you believe in brain washing? ![Non è la rai 1995](le-ragazze-di-non-e-la-rai-620x264.jpg) Yes. And mass media and television owners believe more than you. Do you know **TV format** [[1]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_format)? Ok, it's absolutely the same of the pattern used in gang stalking and all others criminals activities of the synthetic telepathy network. It's this a case? No, it is not! In the "Illuminati" pseudo dictatorship most owners are from television and cinema, this is the audiovisual mafia, the digital mafia and the B-side technological mafia. It's nothing more. *Television formats applied to suicide cases*. Full stop. Who are the beautiful girls of this '90 photo shoot? **Gianni Boncompagni** [[2]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gianni_Boncompagni) productions "**Non è la rai**" [[3]](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non_%C3%A8_la_Rai). # External links 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_format 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gianni_Boncompagni 3. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non_%C3%A8_la_Rai