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### Denuncia contra Hamamatsu Motor
Apreciada comisaria de los mossos d'Esquadra yo Riccardo Giuntoli con NIE **X9770628K** y domicilio en **c/ Mossen Anton Miret 10 2/1 08810 sant Pere de Ribes** quisiera denunciar el robo de una moto Yamaha R6 de matricula **5169DDK** y bastidor **JYARJ095000000556** por parte del taller de reparación **Hamamatsu Motor** de **c/ de Mallorca 337 08037 Barcelona**.

El día **28 de Noviembre de 2015** tuve un accidente grave en la autopista C32 altura de Viladecans . No acuerdo exactamente si el vehículo fue llevado directamente en el taller que quiero denunciar o bien unos días después.
Conocía a través de un amigo en común, don Stefano Seminati, un hombre que trabajaba en dicho taller de lo cual no conozco el apellido, el señor Eliseo con número de teléfono móvil **610206744**.
Después de tener el accidente tuve grabes problemas de salud, perdí la casa y también mi empresa.
El día 2 de Diciembre de 2019 llamé al taller y me confirmaron la entrada en la oficina en aquella fecha pero no recuerdan que se hizo con ella. El señor Eliseo no parece trabajar mas en dicha instalación y el la persona que contestó a la llamada confirmó que estaba en nomina en dicha empresa.
Adjunto imágenes de la moto en aquel taller, testigo el señor Stefano Seminati que efectivamente fue en reparación en dichas instalaciones.
En fe, Riccardo Giuntoli X9770628K
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### Denuncia contra Hospital Clinic de Barcelona
En mayo 2018 llame al SEM para ser atendido por una ambulancia, el estado en lo cual me encontraba era un malestar general debida a cansancio y calor. En la ambulancia el trato fue razonable y los dos enfermeros, una mujer y un hombre, me controlaron unos valores básicos y me llevaron al hospital Clinic . Sin previo aviso al paciente, yo, el personal del hospital **no me ingreso en urgencias pero me trasladó inmediatamente en la planta dos**.
En dicha planta me redujeron con fuerza unas cinco personas personal del hospital y un miembro de una empresa de seguridad probablemente Prosegur en una camilla donde fui atado con camisa de fuerza. Fui privado de mis bienes. Recuerdo muy distintamente un enfermero muy violento de ojos azules y tatuajes vistosos.
Para reducirme dichas personas utilizaron violencia ya que me pegaron puñetazos en el estomago, me dislocaron el hombro y me doblaron mi pulso izquierdo donde llevo hierros de una operación que tuve en el año 2015. Además de esto una vez contenido con camisa me inyectaron un potente disociativo infra muscular. Allí perdí prácticamente conocimiento. Al retomar conciencia después de unas seis horas me encontraba en el mismo estado, atado a la camilla. Llamé al personal chillando porqué no tenía ningún tipo de enfermero a mi lado y estaba en un cuartillo aislado sin otros compañeros. Tenía que poder hacer mis necesidades fisiológicas. En vez de dejarme hacerlas me inyectaron otra vez el mismo compuesto y esta vez estuve muy cerca de colapsar. Después de otras seis horas una enfermera me trajo un orinal y me libró unicamente un brazo y tuve que mear como podía una cantidad que superó la capacidad del mismo.


Lo más increíble de este **grave crimen de mala sanidad** es como he sido ingresado en la infraestructura. Para el hospital yo resulté ser **Torn Mati nacido el ocho de Agosto de 1898**.
En fe, Riccardo Giuntoli X9770628K
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Hola Saray, primero de todo repetirte lo que te he dicho por radio frecuencia.
Ya se que si quieres yo me voy preso porqué el juego del gangstalking se basa sobre el articulo 172 del código penal donde como acecho se considera el acoso hacía una mujer. Yo no me he suicidado y no me considero un acosador hacía tu persona. Me considero una persona que está muy preocupada por tu vida en la red de control neuronal y creo también en la vida real. He llorado muchísimo porqué al escucharte he pensado inmediatamente en Miriam S.S. de la cual encuentra una fotografía en el documento adjunto.
Lo que yo creo es que esta persona, de la cual conozco las modalidades de actuar, ha moldeado con el tiempo tu carácter a través unas relaciones maquinadas. David, el dolor por no poder criar todos los días a tu hija, yo, la experiencia de hacer daño a un hombre, Javi, que te ha preparado físicamente para ser vendida en servicios especiales físicos (no creo que con conciencia pero no lo conozco).
El dolor genera odio, sadismo y el sadismo es locura. La locura se cura con los psicofarmacos una de las drogas mas letal para el cerebro y el carácter. La anfetamina y el crack no te hacen dormir y el cerebro humano si no descansa entra en mecanismos, los cuales si son debidamente manipulados pueden ser muy destructivos. Los sedativos y los barbitúricos alimentan la bipolaridad o sea hablando de la red de telepatía intensifica o como lo llama Andreu C. (el cual también tienes en una fotografía en el anexo) el "techno" el hecho no se reconozca que esta red no es nada mas que un sistema de telecomunicaciones y no otro mundo. O sea que las reglas son la de siempre la de la constitución española y no la del medioevo. Hablando de leyes, como yo creo y casi estoy seguro, te acordaras las palabras de Miriam, una manipuladora profesional que ha intentado cambiar mi carácter y los fundamentos de mi vida sin conseguirlo, tienes que tener muy claro que no tienen mas de una interpretación, las leyes son únicamente lo que hay escrito nada mas, no hay otra interpretación. Lo que si existe y en esta red muchísimo es la corrupción policial, de abogacía y judicial. Miriam ha únicamente conseguido eliminar todas mis amistades del plano físico mientras que siempre las tengo en la red de control neuronal, red de control que ha nivel bajo la gente de Andreu, Gerand en primis, ha desarrollado utilizando también la infraestructura que yo había montado en MESWIFI. Pero que a más alto nivel está embebida en algún que otro repetidor LTE, yoigo en primis de lo cual tiene acciones Francesca D., la francesa en radio frecuencia. Aquí dentro juegan también casas reales, Saray te están exprimiendo para que haga toda las porquerías posibles del mundo para después dejarte en un loquero enganchada o muerta. Te suplico de escucharme.
Saray lo que tu haces en las pantallas no es un vídeo juego, lo que tu haces se repercute diariamente en las personas físicas. Estas personas podrían haber cometido suicidio Saray. La vida es una, acuérdate siempre, y es un don de la naturaleza. No se puede sacar provecho del suicidio de la gente. Y no es un provecho tuyo, es en parte de ellos, en parte de nobles españoles y italianos.
Saray yo estoy dispuesto en ayudarte, cada día. Hasta que no consigas superar este momento. Como amigo Saray, no quiero nada mas que ayudarte. Todos en esta red te hablan mal de mi para ridiculizarme delante de ellos que se hacen llamar hackers pero no son nada mas que violadores orquestados por Miriam y Andreu. Las personas seleccionadas por unas ciertas características, como tu, vienen después moldeados a través de traumas y dolor para ser utilizados como maquinas para matar, para vender, para sexo.
Saray por favor no pasa nada. Se trata únicamente de dormir, llorar, pasear y respirar a llenos pulmones. Ellos a mi lo han intentado, el "insert", el ingreso y yo he tenido que hacer este recurrido de forma solitaria para alejarme de ellos que en realidad, en este red, únicamente son fantasmas. Voces. Nada mas. No tengas miedo por Lucia, ella esta con David y no le pasa nada. La verdad es que, como que la tecnología es muy avanzada, podría ser que ella ni está y que solo se trate de inteligencia artificial.
Saray tu única culpa es el ser una mujer maravillosa, la mejor mama que he visto en mi vida y la de ser llena de amor.
Saray +34660922890 aprovéchate de mi por favor.
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### Denuncia contra Jesus R.A.
### Denuncia contra don Jesus Rodero Arto
Apreciada comisaria de los mossos d'Esquadra quisiera denunciar **varios crimenes** por parte de don Jesus R.A. que fue mi casero por la vivienda unifamiliar de avenida de les Palmeres 12 08811 Canyelles teóricamente de su propiedad. En la casa estuve viviendo con mi dos parejas antes la señorita Thais N.G. y después con Saray L.H.
Apreciada comisaria de los mossos d'Esquadra yo Riccardo Giuntoli con NIE **X9770628K** y domicilio en **c/ Mossen Anton Miret 10 2/1 08810 sant Pere de Ribes** quisiera denunciar **varios crimenes** por parte de don Jesus Rodero Arto con DNI **52425061B** y domicilio en **c/ Murcia 91 08812 sant Pere de Ribes** que fue mi casero por la vivienda unifamiliar de **a/ de les Palmeres 12 08811 Canyelles** teóricamente de su propiedad. Pueden verificar la hoja de padrón en los documentos adjuntos.

Aquí estoy en el tejado de la vivienda con mi socio de empresa don Adam M.L..
Primero de todo comentar a los presentes que estuve en alquiler con **contrato entra privados** desde 2010 hasta 2016. Sin ningún tipo de problema de pago el precio estuve variando desde 900 hasta 700 euros. Informar a Ustedes que el casero cobraba tanto por transferencia bancaria cuanto por dinero en efectivo.
Primero de todo comentar a los presentes que estuve en alquiler con **contrato entra privados** desde 2010 hasta 2016. Sin ningún tipo de problema de pago el precio estuve variando desde 900 hasta 700 euros. Informar a Ustedes que el casero cobraba tanto por transferencia bancaria cuanto por dinero en efectivo; pueden apreciar unos pagos via transferencia en los documentos adjuntos de la caixa de pensiones.
La casa fue alquilada totalmente vacía. La casa consta de tres plantas pueden imaginar ustedes la cantidad de muebles, electrónica y electrodomésticos de la cual había yo amueblado la casa.
@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ El material substraído consta en:
53. Un reloj de oro de comunión
54. Dos gemelos de oro de propiedad de mi familia
Don Jesus R.A. el año pasado recibió un mensaje de mi parte en la plataforma social Facebook donde le pedía con gentileza acerca el poder recuperar todos mis bienes pero simplemente evitaba contestar bloqueándome en la misma.
Don Jesus Rodrero Arto el año pasado recibió un mensaje de mi parte en la plataforma social Facebook donde le pedía con gentileza acerca el poder recuperar todos mis bienes pero simplemente evitaba contestar bloqueándome en la misma como pueden apreciar de documento adjunto.
En fe,
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Buenos días os escribo desde sant Pere de Ribes me llamo Riccardo Giuntoli y soy empresario de telecomunicaciones.
Quisiera denunciar una infraestructura de acoso organizado que opera en Catalunya pero muy probablemente en toda España, Italia y Dinamarca. Ha salido una noticia en el cuotidiano el Español hace pocos días:
Quisiera denunciar una infraestructura de acoso organizado que opera en Catalunya pero muy probablemente en toda España, Italia y Dinamarca. Ha salido una noticia en el cotidiano el Español hace pocos días:
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@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ In the world there is a series of wireless networks organized in layers in a **t
- Surveillance systems like **ECHELON** [[3]]( and **Frenchelon** [[4]]( Secret services from various nations.
- Military ionosphere satellites network.
- Government network of telecommunications. In this network take part nobles families and dynasties. It includes Masonic lodges and secret societies. They decide the sort of the world, changing the political climate identically as they've done in the middle age. Nothing has changed it's only digitalized. Commercial private hardware used.
- The access network, from satellite and terrestrial waves access points, those especial for development.
- The synthetic telepathy data center.
- The access network, terrestrial radio wave used, only voice to skull binded.
What is the principle difference between those networks? Ingredients added to the technology soap. The government one is an embedded hardware in LTE towers from **Huawei** [[5]]( There's a little disclosure in Internet about the **concerns over Chinese involvement in 5G wireless networks** [[6]](
@ -6,231 +6,24 @@ Nowadays it is a multi layer radio frequency networks which structure is similar
It's a soap of different radio service, very complex to analyze because of a smoke curtain covering this type of networks. Why? Because in the past they was utilized by secret services and nowadays are utilized my a digital mafia that hack human brains. Manipulate masses. Change political views. Destroy families. Bet on suicides. The aristocratic cast, the Vatican, audiovisual monsters, big tech facilities and also public and private space companies "play" with this.
*Something that is destroying the Europe Union and democracy*.

*Something that is destroying the Europe Union and democracy*. *Here is a scheme from a **target individual** [[2]](*
Who bind those services? Facilities that buy services from official providers that bind legal services and got also this product *under the table* for big telecommunications clients. Normally are businessman that use to create B-side networks in a state and clean them in another with legal services. Medium hackers crew create small networks like this; but also governments silently sniff data about. It's the digital mafia.
Last mile normally is soak into official infrastructure. It's not a secret all the patents are public. A lot of are from the US patents office but there is someone from India, Pakistan, China, Taiwan and Korea. But can also be forged upon software defined radios.
Who are target individuals? For example who are classified as terrorist, like **ETA** [[2]]( in Spain, by governments was controlled by remote neural networks. But in the last ten years someone come to speculate over those networks forcing human clients to join this hell because of data selling to big tech companies, military facilities and audiovisual industry. Because of big masses manipulation.
Who are target individuals? For example who are classified as terrorist, like **ETA** [[3]]( in Spain, by governments was controlled by remote neural networks. But in the last ten years someone come to speculate over those networks forcing human clients to join this hell because of data selling to big tech companies, military facilities and audiovisual industry. Because of big masses manipulation.
I'm in remote neural control because the madness of a mental sick mother and an inept father that didn't protect his son from this destruction, but I like it i love technology, research and continuous struggle. I'm in remote neural control from about twelve years. From when i came to live in Spain. Ten years of passive and two of active with subliminal voice to skull service. I've lost all what I've done, but not my mental clearness.
The service, because yes it is a service from a provider, was contracted in Spain by a military family derived girl that i know in Genoa, Italy, when i go in primary school. My parents have permitted it attaching drug abuse or some stupidity like this. This is only an horrible crime and they have done with my brain data and bet in my life thousand of millions of Eur.
The service, because yes it is a service from a provider, in from a military family derived girl that i know in Genoa, Italy, when i go in primary school. My parents have permitted it attaching drug abuse or some stupidity like this. This is only an horrible crime and they have done with my brain data and bet in my life thousand of millions of Eur.
> *I'm public writing all of this because of **justice**. It's difficult to demonstrate but a very important person in Spain is helping me in this network. So I'm doing it. Thank you great man and person. I'm searching for the woman that I'm love to and this book is dedicated to her and her baby. They forced her to go out from our house five years ago.*
### Magnetic fields.

**Vatican Radio** [[3]]( is active from 1930s. It had got a lot of complaints for be cancerous with them emission. Got an extremely power transmitter that cover all over the world because of a law of 1936 where the **International Telecommunication Union** [[4]]( had permitted broadcasting in all over the world considering them emissions like a special case. The **principle transmitter** [[4]]( in the Vatican situated in **Santa Maria di Galeria** [[5]](

The Vatican extreme power AM transmitter, but also all kind of other radio waves transmitter, interacting with **overhead power lines** [[5]]( create what is called electrosmog.
This an enormous magnetic field under the **Troposhere** [[6]]( The hackers of the worldwide neural control network had build all below this layer one that was not created exactly for this purposes. But was also utilized in the second world war.

> *They call this steam machine.*
The steam machine works similar to the red upon a bumper cars installation but wireless. It's the cause of all the violence in this hell network and it permit human semi physical transposition. I use the substantive Vatican because in subliminal voice to skull there's a lot of person from the ancient state of Vatican. They say that
With the magnetic field upon our head they virtually connect cables to our body channeling different technologies and frequencies inside of them. This is why it's almost impossible register this electromagnetic transmission. The only method possible is using an **electroencephalogram** [[7]]( **cap** [[8]]( but we will see more in deep in the technical analysis.
The magnetic field area network or **MFAN** [[9]]( is the method to encapsulate IP data over a magnetic field.
With this virtual device the environment near the victim is like a remote **CT scan** [[10]]( machine, like under an electromagnetic isolation bell. And it is continuously, the real mean is that we are under excess doses and risk **radiation burn** [[11]]( and risk of cancer.

We're locked to those networks by satellite and by the steam machine between an unique human magnetic field value transmitted naturally if radio wave stimulated. **Magnetoelectric** [[12]]( **nanoparticles** [[13]]( MEN are responsible of this emission.
Until ten years ago those networks exist but the services use in hide mode, there was no interaction with the client, the victim. Then someone have created a tool that scan for this magnetic field unique id and a lot of people become target individuals. Human guinea pig. Subjects that are under a continuous bet vortex in crypt concurrency. People that normally commit suicide. Go in mental disorder vortex by a corrupted health care system. Something that is destroying our society. Welcome to the false electronic democracy. Welcome to the probably third world war.
### The government LTE embedded hardware

Governments has got subliminal voice services and silent brain waves sniff embedded in national operators LTE towers. But also use GPS satellite networks to stimulate MEN particles and track targets individuals.
### The access network

The antennas and ground stations that permit the connection to the human targets are very simple. In this photo taken in Catalunya in a tower from a wireless Internet service provider that bind those illegal services there are two black ferrite magnetic loop antennas that create with two software defined radios a network below 100Hz. They implement **US patent 6011991** [[13]]( , **4834701** [[14]]( but not only.
The white omnidireccional antenna is operating in VHF and it used for subliminal voice services. It implement **US patent 5159703** [[15]](
The last one it's probably related to an open hardware radar system.
This infrastructure, very simple in design, is implemented by Francesca, nephew of an Italian second world war hero, in Catalunya and all over the world. This infrastructure was mounted where i build my wireless Internet service provider. This is why i fall like a victim in the worldwide neural control network. With this infrastructure Francesca is the owner of the gangstalking service in all over the world. Her nickname in the silent subliminal message chat is "Francese". I personally know her and she is one of the head of the digital mafia lobby.
### The terrestrial positioning system

**3D radar** [[16]]( It's a positioning system that is implemented in the neural control network. There are two layers of positioning, the official one from military forces and the open hardware one that use SDR hardware that it's called **software defined embedded radar** [[17]](
### The synthetic telepathy network computing center

This is the network scheme of the "Illuminati" criminal network **data center** [[17]]( Let's analyses device by device what is the synthetic telepathy network, a telecommunication facility that is changing in my opinion all Europe and is determining a right turning in our governments. It's very dangerous and probably it's the start of what i think it could be a **neo nazism** [[18]]( digital dictatorship and a start of a alpha stage of what we found in Internet named as **cyberwarfare** [[19]](
In Internet we can find a lot of references about the synthetic telepathy network by **metaphors** [[20],]( or what is called nowadays as **Internet meme** [[21]](
Let's introduce every device of the network scheme above:
- **Target machine:** A virtual device locked to the target persons by the unique magnetic field. What does it mean? Every machine has an id to witch in a **VPN** [[22]]( there's a correspondence with a remote virtual **Android** [[23]]( device where we can find a lot of applications more or less powerful depending on what kind of access we've got in the network. A single Machine could be shared by many clients, usually humans but also animals, could determine a pyramid structure normally identified by a natural number, the mine in Barcelona for example will be the number **9** if I accept to work in this shit, but technology awesome, network.
- **Target in reality**: one or more persons that doesn't have access to the administration of his Machine, loose totally his privacy and all the time passed without access is considered like a slave. Many times is also considered only like an object, they use to do experiments with the person to archive data under extreme stress, violent sex situations and brain experiments. The target individual is a **human guinea pig** in an unauthorized **human subject research** [[24]](
- **Machine in metaphor**: A mobile telephone, protected by a simple **PIN** [[25]]( of four numbers. It's security it's so basic because allow gangstalker to get control of the target machine or another client that doesn't know about basic security. Every machine got various crypt bank account but also **offshore bank** [[26]]( accounts.
- **Target in metaphor**: Is a dog, gangstalkers consider a target individual with the same rights of an animal. They give him orders, deny every types of rights, electronically punish him. So do practically all the persons connected to this system because if they doesn't torture the victim they loose privilege in the network and return to the victim state that is the initial state when you were forced to join this hell network with brain zapping, that is a technique used to find the unique magnetic identification of a human. It is archive using a physical Android device, normally a telephone. A victim is captured identifying is unique magnetic field id by proximity with another network client used like a predator. Normally is a woman or a very attractive man that have sex with the victim, the predator has got her or his mobile infected by an application remotely controlled by the network owners.
- **Bidirectional connection to target machine**: Using the unique identification of the target person, or probably an array of, ground station speak directly with the victim or the client using **RNM**, remote neural monitoring. The remote neural monitoring act like a **BCI** [[27]](, a **TMS** [[28]]( device, a **MRI** [[29]]( device; all of them are remote and virtual. All is done by radio frequency. All is remote brain waves. There is no need of any sort of device acting like a client in the human target. There is no need of **brain implant** [[30]](
- **Remote brainwaves**: This one of the **last mile** [[31]]( technology used by the synthetic telepathy network. They are used to build what is known as **BRAINnet** [[32]](, a sort of network of interconnected brains. In the synthetic telepathy network **brainwaves** [[33]]( was hacked to archive the modulation of the eight neural oscillations that are present in our brain. The frequencies used by BRAINnet are from 0.5 to 100 Hz and are received by various analogue **SDR** [[34]]( or commercial private add ons to mobile towers. Every type of brain wave is related to a part of our brain and to a specific function like the auditory cortex or the visual cortex. Those name are:
- **Delta wave** [[35]]( from 0.1 to 3 Hz.
- **Theta wave** [[36]]( from 4 to 7 Hz.
- **Mu wave** [[37]]( from 7.5 12.5 Hz.
- **SMR wave** [[38]]( from 12.5 15.5 Hz.
- **Alpha wave** [[39]]( from 7 to 12 Hz.
- **Beta wave** [[40]]( from 12 to 30 Hz.
- **Gamma wave** [[41]]( from 32 to 100 Hz.
Our brain is stimulated by scalar microwaves beam from satellite or by the steam machine. With this stimulation, to make you an idea it is similar to the cooking we get in a microwave oven, our brainwaves are amplified and received by an array of radios in terrestrial towers, like the emission it's not very powerful it is necessary that all the territory is totally covered by passive scanner almost impossible to detect with another scanner. This are without any doubt the LTE towers. It's an hide service of the owners of the mobile infrastructure of the state.
*So our body is the transmitter.*
- **Silent subliminal presentation system**: a method from United States patent that serve to bypass first human auditory system, using the frequency of 462.25 KHz with a channel width of 14.5 KHz. This is an active transmission radio. It's possible to detect with a scanner. The reception is with the passive brainwave radios.
- **Geosynchronous satellite**: Used to obtain remote imaging of the target. Nowadays with the advent of the open hardware, middle size criminal organization could have a satellite in low orbit. This could be classified as *satellite terrorism*. **Open hardware satellite** [[42]]( could be launch in orbit by companies that bind this service at relative low cost. It's used also with a radio that transmit to stimulate our brain like i've already explain.
- **Ground station**: Is an access point to BRAINnet and the others technologies. To archive the full coverage of a territory like Catalunya there is no need of too many points because of **wavelengths** [[43]]( from 100000 to 1000 kilometers and because at this frequencies there is no need of **line of sight** [[44]](, waves can pass through many types of materials. Every ground station perhaps have got eight different physical radios and antennas, one for every type of brain wave, and an interface, fiber optic or another radio technology, for the **backbone** [[45]](
- **Telemetry**
- **Listening station** : part of every ground station but not in the outside. Every target individual got his **telemetry** [[46]]( saved in the network computing center, like all steps taken, all the trips and so on. There's no privacy in this network.
- **Input/Output processing**
- **Vocalizations**: in the synthetic telepathy network with technology the owners can do an exact copy of the target's voice. Not only the timbre of the voice but also the vocalization **speech** [[47]]( Targets individuals can be tricked to think to speak with another individual that is not. This is part of the mental confusion in which they may fall in the gangstalking mind game. He may enter in mental disorder confusion. Vocalizations is modulated in gamma wave using a **vocoder** [[48]]( and it results on **voice to skull** transmission, that is a hearing direct to the **auditory cortex** [[49]]( Many others technologies can create silent subliminal messages.
- **Mental Imagery**: in this network it's possible to do data injection direct to the **visual cortex** [[50]]( It's something very powerful they can archive **augmented** [[51]]( and **mixed reality** [[52]]( direct in our brain without using the **human eye** [[53]](, a part of the **visual system** [[54]]( It's also possible to archive dream injections. They can obtain to stream a video in our brain when we are sleeping using the correct brainwave . Our dreams can also be read, they have archive to stole our dreams one of the most private and personal think of our personal sphere.
- **Sensory**: Like the auditory and visual cortex also the **sensory cortex** [[55]]( can be tricked, injected and manipulated by remote brain waves. They can archive that our brain can reproduce unreal feelings in our body, like sexual excitement. In the synthetic telepathy network it's possible to force a woman or a man to have sex with a stalker, to be all the day exited and then s/he can be tricked in a machined situation to have a disproportionate orgies that can be remote filmed always by the network and then to be sold in VOD crypt concurrences systems. The worst think is that they can do this also to minors creating **sexual slavery** [[56]](
- **Feedback monitoring**
- **External events**: because of our visual cortex is under control, like in a **MitM** [[57]]( environment, when we're victim of the synthetic telepathy network we are like a remote video camera. All what we do and we see is transmitted to the data center. What it can means? Simple, our privacy and the privacy of whatever is under our line of sight is compromised. All what we write using a pen or in a computer or in a cash dispenser is stolen. When we've sex all is transmitted, and so on. We're like a tool for hackers. What does it mean? Image a beautiful woman victim of the network. All the people that have sex with her can be connected to the network. Woman can be like a **Trojan horse** [[58]](
- **Health monitoring**: With this machine owners of the synthetic telepathy network got physical health values of the targets individuals, like **blood pressure** [[59]](, **heart rate** [[60]](, **human body temperature** [[61]]( and so on. They have the complete medical view of every human client connected to the network.
- **Lie detection**: owners of the network got also in their hands a full remote equipment of **lie detection** [[62]]( They know if the target lie or not about an argue. All is registered in the network core center.
- **Core process**
- **Strategic Natural Language Processing**: client who has got access to the services in BRAINnet could understand and speak a lot of different humans languages with them vocalization. This is possible by an advanced system of **natural language processing** [[63]]( , a part of computer science concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages.
- **Mental Impressions**: owners got a medical global view of our mental health.
- **Keyword analysis**: like a **search engine** [[64]]( In the core process of the synthetic telepathy network there is a **keyword analysis** [[65]]( system that could react to certain word or phrases with **artificial intelligence** [[66]]( bot that use known speech and vocalization of the victim. He can trust to speak with a real person but in reality is a **chatbot** [[67]]( This function also aliment the **schizophrenia** [[68]]( and **paranoia** [[69]]( of the target individual that is slowly condemned to go crazy.
- **Emotive response**: related to the different possible responses of the target individual among the artificial intelligence, chatbot, owners and machined situations proposed to him. All of this data are certainly used to improve the different algorithms inside the network but also probably sold to military and paramilitary forces that use human data to build robot and electronic cyberwarfare equipment. This is terrorism because target individuals are not volunteers but are unconscious victims. This is in opposition to **the universal declaration of human rights** [[70]](
- **Data mining**: always focused to the sold of data related to the target individual. **Data mining** [[71]]( is the computer science and statistics part related to the extract of **data set** [[72]]( in a large amount of data. What could be the meaning in a criminal point of view because of the target individual condition? It could be referred to the fact that all what the victim do is registered. Imagine when a person go to a big shopping center; what are the windows that mostly reclaim his attention? What products does he buy mostly when he go es to a market? What are the colors that attract him? And so on. All of those data are potentially sold to big firm companies, and are an important part of a commercial campaign. They are also very important in a political point of view. Remember that target individuals aren't volunteers but are obligated so we can always speak about crimes. With BRAINnet in my opinion it's possible also to have a target individual that doesn't know to be because he doesn't listen to voice to skull telecommunication so only the visual cortex could be under control and only in read mode. What does it mean? It means that probably this network got thousand of victims and it probably mean that is the cause of the change in Europe these days.
- **Reporting**: **Data reporting** [[73]]( is the fact to exactly report all the data set extracted from **big data** [[74]](
- **Error control**: referring to the control of percent of errors in the data reporting process.
- **Sensory control**: machines dedicated to the automatic control and regulation on all what append in the *feedback monitoring* facility. Certainly dominated by machine intelligence, **machine learning** [[75]]( and **neural network** [[76]](
- **Artificial Intelligence**: all in the synthetic telepathy network, or BRAINnet, is absolutely dominated by machine intelligence. I think that there isn't a big crew of administrators but there is a lot of excellent programmers. I've found connections with the **Neuralink** [[77]]( project by **Elon Musk** [[78]]( and what have said **Mark Zuckerberg** [[79]]( at **F8 conference in 2017** [[80]](

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# Hardware layers
### Magnetic field
**Vatican Radio** [[1]]( is active from 1930s. It had got a lot of complaints for be cancerous with them emission. Got an extremely power transmitter that cover all over the world because of a law of 1936 where the **International Telecommunication Union** [[2]]( had permitted broadcasting in all over the world considering them emissions like a special case. The **principle transmitter** [[3]]( in the Vatican situated in **Santa Maria di Galeria** [[4]](

The Vatican extreme power AM transmitter, but also all kind of other radio waves transmitter, interacting with **overhead power lines** [[5]]( create what is called electrosmog.
This an enormous magnetic field under the **Troposhere** [[6]]( The hackers of the worldwide neural control network had build all below this layer one that was not created exactly for this purposes. But was also utilized in the second world war.

> *They call this steam machine.*
The steam machine works similar to the red upon a bumper cars installation but wireless. It's the cause of all the violence in this hell network and it permit human semi physical transposition. I use the substantive Vatican because in subliminal voice to skull there's a lot of person from the ancient state of Vatican.
With the magnetic field upon our head they virtually connect cables to our body channeling different technologies and frequencies inside of them. This is why it's almost impossible register this electromagnetic transmission. The only method possible is using an **electroencephalogram** [[7]]( **cap** [[8]]( but we will see more in deep in the technical analysis.
The magnetic field area network or **MFAN** [[9]]( is the method to encapsulate IP data over a magnetic field.
With this virtual device the environment near the victim is like a remote **CT scan** [[10]]( machine, like under an electromagnetic isolation bell. And it is continuously, the real mean is that we are under excess doses and risk **radiation burn** [[11]]( and risk of cancer.
### The government LTE embedded hardware

Governments has got subliminal voice services and silent brain waves sniff embedded in national operators LTE towers. Satellite constellation network also is used to stimulate MEN cells remotely with a 3GHz radio beam antenna. But also they implement in a **cubesat** [[14]]( environment subliminal voice service like I've proved in an airplane trip and remote imaging of targets individuals.
### The access network

The antennas and ground stations that permit the connection to the human targets are very simple. In this photo taken in Catalunya in a tower from a wireless Internet service provider that bind those illegal services there are two black ferrite magnetic loop antennas that create with two software defined radios a network below 150Hz. They implement **US patent 6011991** [[15]]( , **4834701** [[16]]( but not only.
The white omnidireccional antenna is operating in VHF and it used for subliminal voice services. It implement **US patent 5159703** [[17]](
The last one it's probably related to an open hardware radar system.
This infrastructure, very simple in design, is implemented by Francesca, nephew of an Italian second world war hero, in Catalunya and all over the world. This infrastructure was mounted where i build my wireless Internet service provider. This is why i fall like a victim in the worldwide neural control network. With this infrastructure Francesca is the owner of the gangstalking service in all over the world. Her nickname in the silent subliminal message chat is "Francese". I personally know her and she is one of the head of the digital mafia lobby.
### The terrestrial positioning system

**3D radar** [[18]]( It's a positioning system that is implemented in the neural control network. There are two layers of positioning, the official one from military forces and the open hardware one that use SDR hardware that it's called **software defined embedded radar** [[19]](
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# Human networking stack
Like in the OSI model in the remote neural monitoring network there's a pile of different protocols that which deals with human address that are constantly tracked in the network and are considered like machines in a IP network.

### Physical layer

**Human body** [[1](] is the physical layer of connectivity of this network. This is an awesome technology but used to destroy, command and conquer.
### Data Link Layer

We're locked to those networks by satellite and by the steam machine between an unique human magnetic field value transmitted naturally if radio wave stimulated. The frequency that is used to stimulate these field is 3Ghz it can be transmitted by satellite or by **WiMax** [[2](] radio technology. **Magnetoelectric** [[3]]( **nanoparticles** [[4]]( MEN are responsible of this emission.
Until ten years ago those networks exist but the services use in hide mode, there was no interaction with the client, the victim. Then someone have created a tool that scan for this magnetic field unique id and a lot of people become target individuals. Human guinea pig. Subjects that are under a continuous bet vortex in crypt concurrency. People that normally commit suicide. Go in mental disorder vortex by a corrupted health care system. Something that is destroying our society. Welcome to the false electronic democracy. Welcome to the probably third world war.
### Network Layer

Another method to give an address in this radio network to clients, humans but not only also animal and machines, is the magnetic field produced by **heart** [[5]](
### Transport Layer

The transport layer to address the different organs of the client services, in this case are our organs, are the resonance frequencies of every part of our body. The worst part is that every human has got a particular range of resonance of internal organs. So every target individual has to be scanned like in a **nmap** [[6]]( session.
How they can do it?
Using others victims and their particular smart phones infected by hackers working with these facility.
A smart phone nowadays has got a lot of hardware that can be used to do this body scanner:
- **MEMS magnetic field sensor** [[7]](
- **Accelerometer** [[8]](
- **LTE quad band modem** [[9]](
- **Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules** [[10]](
- **GNSS modules** [[11]](
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Part 1 - The worldwide neural control network/4 - data
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# The network computing center

This is the network scheme of the "Illuminati" criminal network **data center** [[17]]( Let's analyses device by device what is the synthetic telepathy network, a telecommunication facility that is changing in my opinion all Europe and is determining a right turning in our governments. It's very dangerous and probably it's the start of what i think it could be a **neo nazism** [[18]]( digital dictatorship and a start of a alpha stage of what we found in Internet named as **cyberwarfare** [[19]](
In Internet we can find a lot of references about the synthetic telepathy network by **metaphors** [[20],]( or what is called nowadays as **Internet meme** [[21]](
Let's introduce every device of the network scheme above:
- **Target machine:** A virtual device locked to the target persons by the unique magnetic field. What does it mean? Every machine has an id to witch in a **VPN** [[22]]( there's a correspondence with a remote virtual **Android** [[23]]( device where we can find a lot of applications more or less powerful depending on what kind of access we've got in the network. A single Machine could be shared by many clients, usually humans but also animals, could determine a pyramid structure normally identified by a natural number, the mine in Barcelona for example will be the number **9** if I accept to work in this shit, but technology awesome, network.
- **Target in reality**: one or more persons that doesn't have access to the administration of his Machine, loose totally his privacy and all the time passed without access is considered like a slave. Many times is also considered only like an object, they use to do experiments with the person to archive data under extreme stress, violent sex situations and brain experiments. The target individual is a **human guinea pig** in an unauthorized **human subject research** [[24]](
- **Machine in metaphor**: A mobile telephone, protected by a simple **PIN** [[25]]( of four numbers. It's security it's so basic because allow gangstalker to get control of the target machine or another client that doesn't know about basic security. Every machine got various crypt bank account but also **offshore bank** [[26]]( accounts.
- **Target in metaphor**: Is a dog, gangstalkers consider a target individual with the same rights of an animal. They give him orders, deny every types of rights, electronically punish him. So do practically all the persons connected to this system because if they doesn't torture the victim they loose privilege in the network and return to the victim state that is the initial state when you were forced to join this hell network with brain zapping, that is a technique used to find the unique magnetic identification of a human. It is archive using a physical Android device, normally a telephone. A victim is captured identifying is unique magnetic field id by proximity with another network client used like a predator. Normally is a woman or a very attractive man that have sex with the victim, the predator has got her or his mobile infected by an application remotely controlled by the network owners.
- **Bidirectional connection to target machine**: Using the unique identification of the target person, or probably an array of, ground station speak directly with the victim or the client using **RNM**, remote neural monitoring. The remote neural monitoring act like a **BCI** [[27]](, a **TMS** [[28]]( device, a **MRI** [[29]]( device; all of them are remote and virtual. All is done by radio frequency. All is remote brain waves. There is no need of any sort of device acting like a client in the human target. There is no need of **brain implant** [[30]](
- **Remote brainwaves**: This one of the **last mile** [[31]]( technology used by the synthetic telepathy network. They are used to build what is known as **BRAINnet** [[32]](, a sort of network of interconnected brains. In the synthetic telepathy network **brainwaves** [[33]]( was hacked to archive the modulation of the eight neural oscillations that are present in our brain. The frequencies used by BRAINnet are from 0.5 to 100 Hz and are received by various analogue **SDR** [[34]]( or commercial private add ons to mobile towers. Every type of brain wave is related to a part of our brain and to a specific function like the auditory cortex or the visual cortex. Those name are:
- **Delta wave** [[35]]( from 0.1 to 3 Hz.
- **Theta wave** [[36]]( from 4 to 7 Hz.
- **Mu wave** [[37]]( from 7.5 12.5 Hz.
- **SMR wave** [[38]]( from 12.5 15.5 Hz.
- **Alpha wave** [[39]]( from 7 to 12 Hz.
- **Beta wave** [[40]]( from 12 to 30 Hz.
- **Gamma wave** [[41]]( from 32 to 100 Hz.
Our brain is stimulated by scalar microwaves beam from satellite or by the steam machine. With this stimulation, to make you an idea it is similar to the cooking we get in a microwave oven, our brainwaves are amplified and received by an array of radios in terrestrial towers, like the emission it's not very powerful it is necessary that all the territory is totally covered by passive scanner almost impossible to detect with another scanner. This are without any doubt the LTE towers. It's an hide service of the owners of the mobile infrastructure of the state.
*So our body is the transmitter.*
- **Silent subliminal presentation system**: a method from United States patent that serve to bypass first human auditory system, using the frequency of 462.25 KHz with a channel width of 14.5 KHz. This is an active transmission radio. It's possible to detect with a scanner. The reception is with the passive brainwave radios.
- **Geosynchronous satellite**: Used to obtain remote imaging of the target. Nowadays with the advent of the open hardware, middle size criminal organization could have a satellite in low orbit. This could be classified as *satellite terrorism*. **Open hardware satellite** [[42]]( could be launch in orbit by companies that bind this service at relative low cost. It's used also with a radio that transmit to stimulate our brain like i've already explain.
- **Ground station**: Is an access point to BRAINnet and the others technologies. To archive the full coverage of a territory like Catalunya there is no need of too many points because of **wavelengths** [[43]]( from 100000 to 1000 kilometers and because at this frequencies there is no need of **line of sight** [[44]](, waves can pass through many types of materials. Every ground station perhaps have got eight different physical radios and antennas, one for every type of brain wave, and an interface, fiber optic or another radio technology, for the **backbone** [[45]](
- **Telemetry**
- **Listening station** : part of every ground station but not in the outside. Every target individual got his **telemetry** [[46]]( saved in the network computing center, like all steps taken, all the trips and so on. There's no privacy in this network.
- **Input/Output processing**
- **Vocalizations**: in the synthetic telepathy network with technology the owners can do an exact copy of the target's voice. Not only the timbre of the voice but also the vocalization **speech** [[47]]( Targets individuals can be tricked to think to speak with another individual that is not. This is part of the mental confusion in which they may fall in the gangstalking mind game. He may enter in mental disorder confusion. Vocalizations is modulated in gamma wave using a **vocoder** [[48]]( and it results on **voice to skull** transmission, that is a hearing direct to the **auditory cortex** [[49]]( Many others technologies can create silent subliminal messages.
- **Mental Imagery**: in this network it's possible to do data injection direct to the **visual cortex** [[50]]( It's something very powerful they can archive **augmented** [[51]]( and **mixed reality** [[52]]( direct in our brain without using the **human eye** [[53]](, a part of the **visual system** [[54]]( It's also possible to archive dream injections. They can obtain to stream a video in our brain when we are sleeping using the correct brainwave . Our dreams can also be read, they have archive to stole our dreams one of the most private and personal think of our personal sphere.
- **Sensory**: Like the auditory and visual cortex also the **sensory cortex** [[55]]( can be tricked, injected and manipulated by remote brain waves. They can archive that our brain can reproduce unreal feelings in our body, like sexual excitement. In the synthetic telepathy network it's possible to force a woman or a man to have sex with a stalker, to be all the day exited and then s/he can be tricked in a machined situation to have a disproportionate orgies that can be remote filmed always by the network and then to be sold in VOD crypt concurrences systems. The worst think is that they can do this also to minors creating **sexual slavery** [[56]](
- **Feedback monitoring**
- **External events**: because of our visual cortex is under control, like in a **MitM** [[57]]( environment, when we're victim of the synthetic telepathy network we are like a remote video camera. All what we do and we see is transmitted to the data center. What it can means? Simple, our privacy and the privacy of whatever is under our line of sight is compromised. All what we write using a pen or in a computer or in a cash dispenser is stolen. When we've sex all is transmitted, and so on. We're like a tool for hackers. What does it mean? Image a beautiful woman victim of the network. All the people that have sex with her can be connected to the network. Woman can be like a **Trojan horse** [[58]](
- **Health monitoring**: With this machine owners of the synthetic telepathy network got physical health values of the targets individuals, like **blood pressure** [[59]](, **heart rate** [[60]](, **human body temperature** [[61]]( and so on. They have the complete medical view of every human client connected to the network.
- **Lie detection**: owners of the network got also in their hands a full remote equipment of **lie detection** [[62]]( They know if the target lie or not about an argue. All is registered in the network core center.
- **Core process**
- **Strategic Natural Language Processing**: client who has got access to the services in BRAINnet could understand and speak a lot of different humans languages with them vocalization. This is possible by an advanced system of **natural language processing** [[63]]( , a part of computer science concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages.
- **Mental Impressions**: owners got a medical global view of our mental health.
- **Keyword analysis**: like a **search engine** [[64]]( In the core process of the synthetic telepathy network there is a **keyword analysis** [[65]]( system that could react to certain word or phrases with **artificial intelligence** [[66]]( bot that use known speech and vocalization of the victim. He can trust to speak with a real person but in reality is a **chatbot** [[67]]( This function also aliment the **schizophrenia** [[68]]( and **paranoia** [[69]]( of the target individual that is slowly condemned to go crazy.
- **Emotive response**: related to the different possible responses of the target individual among the artificial intelligence, chatbot, owners and machined situations proposed to him. All of this data are certainly used to improve the different algorithms inside the network but also probably sold to military and paramilitary forces that use human data to build robot and electronic cyberwarfare equipment. This is terrorism because target individuals are not volunteers but are unconscious victims. This is in opposition to **the universal declaration of human rights** [[70]](
- **Data mining**: always focused to the sold of data related to the target individual. **Data mining** [[71]]( is the computer science and statistics part related to the extract of **data set** [[72]]( in a large amount of data. What could be the meaning in a criminal point of view because of the target individual condition? It could be referred to the fact that all what the victim do is registered. Imagine when a person go to a big shopping center; what are the windows that mostly reclaim his attention? What products does he buy mostly when he go es to a market? What are the colors that attract him? And so on. All of those data are potentially sold to big firm companies, and are an important part of a commercial campaign. They are also very important in a political point of view. Remember that target individuals aren't volunteers but are obligated so we can always speak about crimes. With BRAINnet in my opinion it's possible also to have a target individual that doesn't know to be because he doesn't listen to voice to skull telecommunication so only the visual cortex could be under control and only in read mode. What does it mean? It means that probably this network got thousand of victims and it probably mean that is the cause of the change in Europe these days.
- **Reporting**: **Data reporting** [[73]]( is the fact to exactly report all the data set extracted from **big data** [[74]](
- **Error control**: referring to the control of percent of errors in the data reporting process.
- **Sensory control**: machines dedicated to the automatic control and regulation on all what append in the *feedback monitoring* facility. Certainly dominated by machine intelligence, **machine learning** [[75]]( and **neural network** [[76]](
- **Artificial Intelligence**: all in the synthetic telepathy network, or BRAINnet, is absolutely dominated by machine intelligence. I think that there isn't a big crew of administrators but there is a lot of excellent programmers. I've found connections with the **Neuralink** [[77]]( project by **Elon Musk** [[78]]( and what have said **Mark Zuckerberg** [[79]]( at **F8 conference in 2017** [[80]](

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@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ Speaking about the Vatican Radio there is various cases of cancer denunciated by
### The crime of organized stalking
### External links