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# Reasons
# An articulated plot
Why I'm under a magnetic bell in the remote neural control network in Spain? What I've done to the outside world to be damned with those electronic tortures? Why absolutely all the persons that I've known in my life are present in this network someone doing stalking, others playing in remote parimutuel betting system and others torturing me? What is this shit? Am I a bad person? No I'm not. Absolutely.

### DNA
What I've lived from November 2017 is without any doubt the systematically destruction of my life. It was certainly designed by an engineer, and my father is. But here there is also an engineer, theoretically a good friend, who also works for the Italian navy. The French noble family who currently lives in Genoa is absolutely closely connected with this part of the Italian army having in his grandfather a hero of the Second World War, although certainly a fascist.

This plot has a tremendous recovery of funds both in the black market, as a source of inspiration in the world of great cinema, as a material for lower-level audiovisuals, as well as in the world of betting and pornography, as well as in the big technologies. So that is a plan or better said a completely self-sufficient although totally illegal business process. But where public figures take part who should not be involved in illegality. There is certainly talk of billions of positives. A flood of submerged markets ready to be reported to the European tax police.
This is my ethnic estimation obtained by a laboratory in United States from a saliva sample sent by regular mail directly from Spain. The laboratory is from an Israel company named **MyHeritage** [[1]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyHeritage).
**Economia sommersa** [[1]](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economia_sommersa) in Italian.
Theoretically I was born in **Genoa** [[2]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genoa) Italy on 31 of March 1981 from Mauro, a man that have origin between **Tuscany** [[3]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuscany) and **Marche** [[4]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marche), and Laura, a woman that have origin between **Piedmont** [[5]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piedmont) and **Veneto** [[6]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veneto).
The good part is that like there is in this virtual radio chat room and co working ambient a lot of public figures, if the victims, that I'm and also my ex girlfriend is, speak in public and denunciate this enormous black market machine them lives are not in danger.
Always theoretically my principle **ethnic group** [[7]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_group) had been to be south European and it is. But there is two possible interpretation of those ethnic groups:
1. I'm son of Mauro and Laura and the ethnic group is correct with 73.9% of **DNA** [[8]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA) segments included in this principle group.
2. I'm not son of Mauro and Laura and I'm victim of child trafficking but they even don't know because of change of babies by a hospital nurse, very often nuns. In the eighty in Europe there was some scandal about this crime that underline the church as the real guilty. Normally there is something behind this fact, obviously. Genoa is a city full of ancient nobles families and mostly owned by the church or institutions connected to it.
3. I'm not son of Mauro and Laura, I'm victim of child trafficking and they bought me in the black market to play with me when I will be a man, just now from 2017.
In the second and third option the explanation is very simple from DNA. Has you can appreciate the south European group is subdivided into two others leafs, **Iberian** [[9]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iberians) and Greek - south Italian one. In this case it could mean that one of the twos parents had to be from Spain and the other from Greece. Why I say this? Simple it's very important to underline that I've got also 6.4% of DNA segments that pertains to the north African ethnic group and a 16.2% to the Balkan one. Now the key of lecture could be this:
- In the past in the VIII century Spain was been dominated by the Arabs of north Africa in what was described has the **Umayyad conquest of Hispania** [[10]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umayyad_conquest_of_Hispania), so the 6.4% is can be connected with the Iberian group and it will form 45.8%.
- The Greek group is the 34.4% but it contain also south Italy. But in the key of lecture that there is also a 16.2% of Balkan group the total is 50.6%.
Always remaining in this possible interpretation the option of exchange of cots is very difficult to apply because theoretically I was born in Genoa. The options that could be applied it's the most terrifying but it will explain why I was under a magnetic bell where nobles and big business man play with remote parimutuel betting system over my life, a noble game. The ghost of **trafficking of children** [[11]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafficking_of_children) is very clear and clearly could be the real explanation why I suffer a fascist persecution in Barcelona on 2018 and they have systematically destroyed my life. The worst think is that my parents are presents in this neural control network. And all of my friends and ex girlfriends. A lot of famous people also. A scandal. My parents say that I'm crazy but I've got a lot of telephone registrations and whatsup messages with subtle threats and allusions to the fact.
> *This could be the key and the real explication. The fact that my parents are present in this network it clearly indicate that all of what I've passed it is a clear indication that it is a family tragedy. Almost always the darkest crimes pass between the four walls of the house.*
### A preassigned playing card in a noble game

So we speak about child trafficking. So we have underlined that child trafficking, also in Europe nowadays and that is totally unbelievable because of constitution and democracy, has got one goal, forced labor. But forced labor what could it mean also? Be an object of bet. And in the remote neural monitoring network bet can be remote. Remember that this network could be understand also as a co working ambient. A deep fake one where nobles in a virtual saloon or better saying a virtual casino do them bet over your life, my life. You've been played like in a card game a player trow a card.
In my opinion I can trace those step to be a human playing card:
- You're a bastard, like a dog. You are the son of one important member of a big noble family born from a sexual adventure between another member of another family or a prostitute.
- You're not a bastard but in the family they decide your body doesn't strictly complain with the regularized pattern of your family. I mean in big nobles family there is a physical standard that for some reason the new born doesn't complain.
- Your parents and all the family decide to sell you in the black market with forced labor purposes. Normally this market is maintained by the same Catholic church. And this is the true.
### An unrecognized nobleman

Here in this magnetic bell where I've suffered all what I've described writing some are **witnesses** [[12]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witness) and others are executioners.
All of them, and many are Spanish and international famous people being politics, nobles, actors, elite sportsmen and so on, say that they they must recognize me.
**To recognize** [[13]](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/recognize) it could means:
1. *to know someone* or something because you have seen or heard him or her or experienced it before.
2. *to accept* that something is legal, true, or important.
3. If a person's achievements are recognized, *official approval* is shown for them.
All the meanings explained by the Cambridge official UK dictionary are flowing into one goal speaking about my situation. It seems to be very clear that I'm a nobleman that have to be recognize from the society. What is passing in this radio network I've understand that is a previous of what will pass.
I live in Europe, and Europe is immobility for the Vatican.
But Spain is not. It's pertain to Europe without any doubt but it's not motionless. Administration is almost totally in Internet, for what I've understand for nobility is almost all in radio. Administration is agile. So I live in the correct place.
What are the passes that I've to complain to be recognized in the society:
1. DNA test and ethnic estimation.
2. Paternity test.
3. Write to email, normal post service and fax to all the nobles, masonry and club associations where you found to have roots.
4. Use public justice, Internet and this radio network to denunciate that you're victim of child trafficking and various crimes more.
5. Try to join this network without do any crimes. Some of them are criminals but you're not!
6. Work and don't loose your dignity.
7. Be always friend of your real friends. Some of them could have tortured you but they are only slaves. If they don't reply to you call them again. They are only slaves.
8. If they stalk you, don't stalk anyone. Because you will fall from abused to an abuser. And you're not! If they do it it's only to lead to temptation. When they will accept you, you will denunciate all of the executioners.
9. Be yourself.
10. Be social.
> *To many of them, and many it's incredible, really incredible, to speak with I will only say: thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Love you guys.*
### How do they use me in slavery

So I'm in this hell network probably from when I was a child, because in radio they have speak about and in dream and visual cortex injections they have streamed to my brain information totally true about my **childhood** [[14]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhood). When I was a child I cannot remember if I've suffered sexual violence but I can underline that who probably is my stepfamily don't do it. So I will that no, no one have fucked me.
Remember that I'm opened, or better say I'm in active neural control with brain, nervous and muscle interactions, from November 2017. From that date I've suffered sexual violence in radio only a couple of times and very rapid. Nothing important, and this is not normal because here slaves or victims or target individuals normally are violated.
So in my opinion only for this I'm an important person.
How they use me for all over my life? Three ways:
1. Sold of data from what I see. Because I'm an human camera from 11/2017 without any doubt and probably from when I was a child. Is what is known as **big data** [[15]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_data).
2. Alpha test of technology and brain inducted states. Without any doubt from when I'm opened and probably from when I was a child. A human guinea pig.
3. Object of bets in the remote parimutuel betting system.
But in nobility there is always more than a sense so the **idiom** [[16]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiom) "the reverse of the medal" has to be interpreted has:
1. Be part of a selection process. When you are under a magnetic bell where a lot of people bet over your life, in my case from November 2017, all the ones that participate in fact are observed from enormous epicure that evaluate you in front of all the others. Because you're object of bets all the others think that you're the victim but if you're great you can "turn the omelette" so all the others can be victims. Some is used to attract others in a failure state, in my case my queen, Saray, has been used like a **mousetrap** [[17]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mousetrap) with sexual harassment, practically all who I've known in my life have do sex with her in radio, that it can be considered a failure for them.
2. Always speaking about alpha test it can be considered select a man with great values.
3. What they've sold it can be considered in a small part a revenue for you if you pass the proof.
Speaking about the clerical way to see the think in four ways of interpretation like the cross interpretation are very difficult to understand but in my opinion follow what is known as the four rhetorical operation, but this in case of judgment in a court are practically impossible to proof always because the Vatican state is almost untouchable.
But yes they are here and they are playing with me.
### My family psychiatric disorders
> Possibly I'm saving your life my love. Don't be afraid sweetie.
### External links
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyHeritage
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genoa
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuscany
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marche
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piedmont
6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veneto
7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_group
8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA
9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iberians
10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umayyad_conquest_of_Hispania
11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafficking_of_children
12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witness
13. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/recognize
14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhood
15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_data
16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiom
17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mousetrap
1. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economia_sommersa
@ -105,20 +105,21 @@ But yes they are here and they are playing with me.
So it's important for me understand why I've been played in parimutuel betting system, why all the persons that I've known in my life are presents, why no one help me, why they all lie, why there is also a lot of important persons and celebrities, why I've been tortured, stalked and my life was systematically destroyed and no one, nor my family, say nothing. Those are my toughs:
- The remote neural network it's different in every country, for example in Spain it's owned by the Monarchy an according to the region administered by one or another important noble family in the territory. Those administrators bind services to nobility and to the Church, those services are absolutely not definable as compatible with the constitution and democracy.
- The results of those services are goods or better saying packets sold to big tech companies that use them in the development of high level technologies with applications in space, military, government and commercial purposes.
- Targets individuals are subjected to a remote parimutuel betting system where play nobility and those who have known you. Nobility play with gold and money with account in the European fiscal paradise connected to the Vatican bank as Andorra, san Marino, Monaco, Luxembourg and so on. Normal people play with Bitcoins and its derivatives. In this way these criminals make sure that they have no complaints already that the victim should report any person he previously knew. In this way these criminals make sure that they have no complaints already that the victim should report any person he previously knew. But it is obvious that even if these people play, they in turn are victims because they are forced to bet and observe through the virtual screens of the neuronal network to the victim, probably for almost all their lives. The fact that the victim has been observed for a large period generates **hatred** [[18]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatred), with racial connotations, towards the same victim.
- Possible reasons could be:
- Vatican where a person is baptized preassign to nobility, probably to maintain some little family with low revenues in a middle high level social class, a play card game, persons like me, to play in the future in remote parimutuel betting system. The reason is completely fortuitous. It's like a lottery lot, but where bad luck rules (**sfortuna** [[19]](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sfortuna) in Italian). In this case the only unforgivable fault of the family is that they have not speak clearly to you to prepare you this terrible period. In my case my father gave me some suggestions in my life while my mother did not. My mother is a bigot and my father doesn't go to the Church.
- Bloodlines. You're a descendant of a noble lineage in ruins or who is not already recognized as such. That is, you are an unrecognized nobleman. The Vatican keep my neural network machine opened to the public because of being recognized in the curse of the life. Arrived at a certain time like that the person was not recognized they put it into play. In a sadistic suicide game.
- I'm only victim from November 2017 and I'm victim of the digital mafia. The reason it's only money. The strangeness is that my family it's present in radio, but their shapes and voices they may have been copied. But I really don't think so because what I've lived before this date. My life is full of strangeness.
- I'm the son of a family important in a Genoese mafia, based in the use of this technology. Like Alessandro, the brother of Francesca who have died in a motorbike accident twenty kilometers where I was subjected to a LSD overdose and where I practically died, they try to kill them sons. This seems to be a madness but it could underline which of all the progenitors of these two families is the most intelligent. As if it were a natural selection caused by violence. But I'm not a mobster and I prefer to put them all in jail. This mafia bind services also to the Catholic Church. Or could be the Catholic Church B-side. The Catholic Church mafia. But also could be the nobility B-side.
- It could be a soap of the four.
How can i try to escape to this horrible destiny?
- Spreading the world. All the world have to know. Using all the legal tools that I can find to inform. Internet, this radio network, the streets, public court judgment, sending emails and lest but not last sending ordinary mail to all the important and famous persons that are present here.
- Studying this technology and put it in open source and in open repositories. But it can be dangerous. But with danger I eat together from all my life.
### External links
Reference in New Issue
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