diff --git a/RNMnetwork/technomafia/organigram.md b/RNMnetwork/technomafia/organigram.md
index 522bcda7..eeac85a5 100644
--- a/RNMnetwork/technomafia/organigram.md
+++ b/RNMnetwork/technomafia/organigram.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ First of all this organization it's strictly connected to child trafficking betw
 This Casino is very articulated. Its the result of a great **brainstorming** [[3]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainstorming) from great minds. But to do pain and the systematically destroy people. Who are? And I'm not jocking. They are probably **archbishops** [[4]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archbishop). Who are? Nobles that dedicate to study. Illuminati. Nothing more.
-#### Organization chart of the Sagrada Familia Mafia. A subsidiary of SPECTRAM, a crew of non-state actors.
+#### Organization chart of the Sagrada Familia Mafia. A subsidiary of SPECTRAM, a crew of non-state actors working for  the aristocracy.
 ![SPECTRAM subsidiary](http://telecomlobby.com/Images/sagrada_familia_mafia_nonstate_actors_spectram.webp)