mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 20:19:17 -05:00
@ -70,277 +70,552 @@ First of all I want to speak about that every time that I go to Barcelona and I
From June 2020 I start to log every type of torture that I received in radio:
- **Sleep deprivation** [[10]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_deprivation) at 3:10 AM 12/06/2020.
- Dream injection, sleep deprivation and electronic sexual violence at 3:20 AM 15/06/2020.
- With an advanced military technology all my body is surrounded by wireless direct current, liquid inside my stomach are moving and I suffered of **diarrhea** [[11]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diarrhea) attaches from 04:00 to 06:30 AM 15/06/2020.
- Dream injection, sleep deprivation and threats in the night of 19/06/2020. Dream injection is a streaming of a video in our cortex with a lot of neural excitation, this is something absolutely dangerous for a brain cancer.
- Extreme pain in the auditive system with blood spill after a first sleep. Dream injection also 20/06/2020. Extreme neural excitation on the frontal lobe.
- As soon as I went to bed they make me sick and they don't let me sleep 21/06/2020.
- Before sleep direct current applied directly on the **eardrum** [[12]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eardrum) of the right ear and at 4:14 very high v2k messages and dream injection. 25/06/2020.
- Electronic sexual violence at 5:26 25/06/2020.
- Sleep deprivation and extreme sexual violence with an horse at 3:00 of 27/06/2020.
- Sleep deprivation and dream injection all night long of 28/06/2020.
- Sleep deprivation on 29/06/2020. As you know sleep deprivation is a torture and this kind of human crime could put in jail whatever surname.
- Sleep deprivation and dream injection on 1/07/2020. **Francesca say that her work is induct to suicide people**. This girl never sleep, a simple drug test will underline that she is a complete drug addicted.
- On the night of 3/7/2020 the shape of my mother, that is my mother because of the street where I live, start to touch my earth with near direct current and do sexual violence to me. Remember that this is the traffic network, the B-side network, and in Genoa the address is totally clear.
- Extreme dream injection with enormous video streamed in my cortex visualizing me ciclying like a child and a man that I know. In the dream the person that produce it think that I'm a little child or something like this. Narcissist abuse. Nothing more. 00:44 AM. Sexual violence always from my mother. "Se piensa de venir en casa mia a montar antenas". 4/7/2020.
- Dream injection where a friend of mine and my ex girlfriend affirm that they have got sex and sold video of mine doing sex with her in my old house in Canyelles at 3:18 AM 4/7/2020. After that continuous sleep deprivation torture using voice to skull messages. A crime against humanity.
- Going to sleep, the voice of my mother in voice to skull service say that she doesn't want that I continue to live in Barcelona, the city that I'm love to. She do sexual violence to me with wireless brain machine interface mounted in the Collserola tower by the marquees living in Genoa. Those who are fascist. The Spanish crown should help me to eliminate this cancer from the road of Barcelona. Sorry if I speak about you, but I really respect your family but I don't respect nothing fascism. Good night 5/07/2020.
- At 2:30 AM of 9/7/2020 I cannot sleep because of voice to skull torture. My family is guilty.
- 6:00 AM of 10/7/2020 dream injection about people that I know in Genoa, they speak about be part of a group, betting, sexual violence and orgies that they have done with all my ex girlfriends. Theoretically for them was pleasure but in reality it is an order by Francesca that is the real chief.
- All the day long of 12/7/2020 I was extremely tortured by electronic harassment with muscles pains, temblors, heavy stomach pains, electronic weapons over the penis, and I also shit on myself. What I'm living is worst than tortures in Guantanamo prison. I'm living tortures like a terrorist in front of the eyes of every one in Spain and no one say nothing. A tremendous scandal.
- On the morning of 13/7/2020 sexual harassment with holograms of my mother, she say that I''ve to return to Genova and go to live in the house of my old mother at via Era. Era in Italian mean was. This woman is absolutely guilty about all what I've passed. She is a mental hill person and probably with this technology she has also killed her parents. **She works without any doubt with Francesca**, works in the suicide business and kills youth. Or it can be an hologram like a dress used by Francesca or Andreu.
- 13/7/2020 at 15:49 one important person present in this network, the traffic one, told me that my destiny will be suicide. On 16:21 he speaks with Francesca about to kill me.
- 13/7/2020 at 20:20 another important person this time from audiovisual industry say that he wants to kill me.
- 14/7/2020 01:00 dream injection and sleep deprivation. The dream is about my ex girlfriend in an orgy tortured by friends of mine under a bridge in the sea. They speak about an old friend of mine that is strictly connected with the audiovisual industry. Another say to me when I weak up in subliminal messages that she has done a lot of pornography about her and then he fucks with her in Barcelona for one year. What happen to them? She is victim of brainwashing by television stuff at the age of 37 years old. She was used in pornography perhaps also in Liguria. After I can't go back to sleep because Francesca says: "torturing him because he has to die knows too many names".
- 15/7/2020 01:48 an horror film streamed directly to my visual cortex doing a dream injection. Saray love horror. I cannot sleep again because of sexual harassment with the voice of my mother. In reality is the Francesca crew. Until 5 of clock those idiots follow with dream injections and speak about violence. Are Italians that want to destroy Barcelona with little Mafia rules. They have only destroy our beloved city.
- 15/7/2020 17:00 just during the "siesta" with dream injection they say to me that I'm not accepted in the drug scene, who question this?, and I see my mother doing me sexual violence as usual.
- 15/7/2020 21:36 a very important person say that he will kill me.
- 15/7/2020 23:50 the same person say to me another time if I want to die.
- 16/7/2020 00:30 the wife of this important person call me slave. And I'm an Italian citizen in Spain.
- 16/7/2020 18:30 my mother do sexual violence to me saying "vattene dal computer". That I've to go out from the personal computer.
- 16/7/2020 20:27 Francesca say to me that I'll going to die.
- 16/7/2020 21:00 Andreu say that Saray have to suck a dick to give the drug market to a man. Saray is a sexual slave of this man from I don't know how many years. She was fucked in radio and physically from I don't even know how many persons from when she go out from our house in Canyelles. All the people here in radio have do sexual violence to her. She needs help.
- 18/7/2020 10:17 With the voice of my mother and shape they say: "You have to die, you cannot work in Spain" doing sexual violence to me and humiliations. I've collected more than forty videos where you can appreciate holograms doing sexual violence to me. In the gangstalking routine it's normal to give to parents the blame. The reality is that yes they are present in the remote monitoring network and this is totally sufficient to have them tried in a court of law; and yes my mother takes a lot of psychotropic drugs these nobles probably took advantage of his mental illnesses to build this absurd story and this suicide game since I was a kid. My father recently also start to take psychotropic drugs practically resigned in that the son died, which does not happen and will not happen. So yes, they are guilty of not realizing that these corrupt nobles had destroyed their lives and that they would use them for a game of suicide of their son. Competition for the purpose of being assassinated with premeditation is the crime. This is not a game, this is a tremendous and huge genocide trial.
- 20/7/2020 00:30 continuous voice to skull subliminal voices, always my parents speaking without doing sexual harassment to me. I cannot sleep because of sleep deprivation torture. I'm very tired of this stupidity. To work and to rejoin the society I need to sleep without interference. Please help King of Spain. I'm a telecommunication business man and first of all I'm writing thousand of pages to public denunciate an horrible Mafia that is working in Catalunya, a territory of your dear sir, secondly writing doesn't permit to me to focus in my work, thirdly it's not possible that police doesn't understand that this Mafia has to be shutdown. Many womans in Catalunya act because of sexual and electronic harassment. Many that I know and they are all moms, they are all good womens, Saray also. Please help.
- 20/7/2020 03:48 dream injection with death menace where I try to escape from my father jumping in structures in the void hiding from him. In the neuronal network my father is one of the stalkers. A Catalan nobleman named Andreu. I wake up with a sense of fear, I smoke a cigarette and see you in court shitty stalker. My father is a good person not a drug seller or a king of a drug cartel, the red one. This cartel is from the the dead father of the Ligurian noble family, named Renzo and who did not descend so much in peace. These motherfuckers are corrupted nobles, putting parents in the middle is part of stalking. Son of bitches. But yes he is present in this network, so yes, he is guilty to doesn't help his son to do a great complaint against those two nobles families, the Catalan and the Frances living in Liguria. He says to me that I've got to work, incredible.
- 20/7/2020 12:58 A person that perhaps is the boyfriend of Saray say to me that I'm gonna die.
- 20/7/2020 22:11 my mother, or her voice, applying me radio frequency in my left eardrum. It's seems to be that they want to break the twos eardrum. After that I loose all my airs, and they destroy the nerves of my tooths. This monsters have destroyed my life, they play suicide with probably them sons, because his son is a play card game, like Alessandro, the brother of Francesca, was. And he was dead, in an accident. Like Christian, and he was dead, committing suicide. This is probably child trafficking with the goal of suicide game. Slavery. This monsters have to be condemned to be judged. "Tu ti rendi conto che sei una carta da gioco, le carte muoiono. " The voice of an old destroyed woman.
- 21/7/2020 3:49 my parents, and yes they are, do stalk to me and I cannot sleep. I will put them in jail. Full stop. Aurora also present. 90KHz signal registered. Francesca, the chief of a drug cartel called the red one, said that I've got to go in Italy because she has bet over the fact that I live or minus in Spain. This situation it's absurd, my family and the family of Francesca play with sons in suicide game.
- 22/7/2020 All night long stalking and sexual tortures. Saray violated in radio and I don't have blood pressure. Torture of sleep deprivation today I want to go ahead with my work but now I've to go to sleep because to work in good way sleep is necessary. Sleep deprivation is a crime against humanity. I've got all the names and surnames, if you don't stop I've got to put your names in public and send to ATP or other against tortures organizations. STOP NOW it's three years that I'm tortured every day in front of the neural screen application of a lot of Catalan and Spanish persons.
- 22/7/2020 **Francesca** a stalker that work for Jesuits a shit of woman that Work with Common and Liberation and work in the suicide business say "I want that he return to Genoa to kill him with the Catholic Church, with some fanatic". She is a terrorist and she has destroyed all the people that I've known in my life. She is a fascist. Someone have to delete this family from Genoa. This family are not heroes. Are terrorist.
- 23/7/2020 20:20 The voice of my mother: it was a game see you committing suicide.
- 26/7/2020 00:22 **Francesca** doing sexual electronic violence to me dressing the hologram of my mother in front of a child of nine years. In this network, that is the slavery network if a person doesn't have access or better saying is a target individual there are child that are obliged to see sex of them parents and others people in the neural television application. This network when a person got access is like the matrix game all injected to visual and auditory cortex. In Japan people speak about. But here in Spain is used to create slavery, with the target individual program. And this is the true. Japan is also full of target individuals the similarity between the twos countries is that are crowns. So it's very common that in crowns those networks are used like traffic networks, black market but also humans.
- 26/7/2020 12:45 **Aurora**, an engineer that work indirectly for Francesca speak about a plot where all the nobility have been participated. I'm very sorry because she was a friend of mine and now she is the girlfriend of one of the best person that I've known in my life. But she just said: "*you've got to die*".
- 26/7/2020 like I've to present a commercial offer those telecommunication mafias today that is Sunday only do my stalk in neural network. Those, all, work for the great telecommunication firms. Stupidity rules Europe. They do business mobbing to me. Multi millionaires that use girls to destroy little entrepreneurs like me. Europe need a face wash not brain wash. Nobility have to be put in his place. The oblivion.
- 31/7/2020 Today is the worldwide day against electronic tortures. #StopElectronicTorture. I'm living in Spain where technocrazy is a reality. In my neural application a lot of people that I've known in my life do continuous stalk to me and sexual electronic violence all the day long. This is in front of the higher aristocracy representatives of this country. This is a total scandal. Two nobles families one from France and the other Catalan are the terrorists that are changing our united Europe.
- 1/8/2020 03:31 dream injection doing a death thread.
- 2/8/2020 05:30 dream injection, sleep deprivation and voice to skull. I cannot sleep again.
- 3/8/2020 01:12 I cannot sleep because of sexual harassment, **Francesca** pay girls to do sexual violence to me using the neural network in Barcelona. It's three years that this stupid pay people with the ultimate goal to induct me to suicide. She is the nephew of an Italian war hero. This bitch doesn't pay an Eur of tax, this bitch has destroy the life of almost all my friends. This bitch has to be put in jail immediately, the crown of Spain has to do something or I will go directly to European parliament and I will stop this shit, this shit is a pseudo dictatorship from aristocracy that got his bases on drugs and forced prostitutions. Girls with babies that do sexual harassment to good mans like me because of the suicide business.
- 3/8/2020 06:20 Dream injection, always **Francesca**, that speak about rape me.
- 3/8/2020 12:50 My mother is doing sexual harassment to me: "vieni via dalla Spagna, o Madonna Madonna". My mother is used by **Francesca** stalk and drug cartel to induct to suicide people. My mother is a extremely mental ill person, take a lot of psychotic drugs from when I was young. I remember how she screams all the day in front of my father that return from work. My youngness was a hell, those mental ill persons screams every day. And this is the true. Probably they are not my parents, also. They all work together in my suicide, Francesca had lost a brother in a motorbike accident those people play suicide them sons. The Catalan noble know this craziness and use also my ex girlfriend to do sexual stalking to me. "pensi di sopravvivere" the voice of my father.
- 6/8/2020 19:39 **Francesca** as every day say to me: "I want that you sell drugs for me". She has destroyed entire life of practically all my friends. Europe is destroyed for this terrible technology. Interferences to normal life of European citizen. Francesca has interrupted my career, try to kill me with a motorbike accident, and now stalk and do work mobbing to me because I want to restart a company. But she read my mind continuously and I don't have secret of my brainstorming. She is a terrorist and I want absolutely that the Spanish crown take this criminal and put her in jail forever. And this is an imperative.
- 10/8/2020 01:41 **Francesca** and my parents are doing sleep deprivation to me in radio frequency with extremly loud voice to skull and pains to heart and left eardrum. This person is one of the most important in aristocracy. I've got thirty nine and those people have interrupted my professional career and this torture is slowing down along with the study of this technology and the writing of this huge public complaint my new enterprise. Corporate mobbing in the form of torture used by the Spanish state. A ridiculous dictatorship based on stalking. 
- 10/8/2020 22:10 The Catalan say that Saray is him son, and this is not true her daddy has die. Say that the meaning of being him son is that he does whatever he wants with her. Saray is enslaved to him.
- 14/08/2020 11:11 **Francesca** say continously that I've to commit suicide. Francesca represent Italians aristocracy and Vatican and all the Church know that this shittish fascist bitch has tried to kill me from when I was young. This woman have to be put in jail for life.
- 15/08/2020 00:38 **Francesca** that I have to go to sleep because I'm a baby. Others peoples speak that Saray is doing sexual competition in discoteques and a friend of mine also. The twos are transmitted in the neural network screens inyected in the visual cortex of who is betting about them. They bet about sex, like a dog race. It's a shit all about humilliations and my ex girlfriend and him are partecipating to this psicological torture. I'm under tortures from more that four years. They speak about a game, a present from my father. The only reality is that also my parents bet but this is not a present, it's a game of humilliation tortures and suicide. And the victim it's me. The others twos are also victims but they accept to be considered like breeding animals adn they are object of parimutuel betting system. But they induct to suicide me.
- 15/08/2020 00:51 The voice of my father, but yes he is a think, say that I've got sell drug to play the game. Those people, those monster, have sold me to the aristocracy to gain money with development of bio informatic application when I was young. But probably they only gain a monthly free and who have put me in this hell is the same aristocracy because I'm victim of child trafficking. And those are the two options about the systematic destruction of my life.
- 15/08/2020 18:34 The owner of this network, a man that among others things it deals with break professional career of businessman like me, justa said to me that my parents and the parents of my ex girlfriend have played suicide with us. Suicide and systematic destruction of our lifes. Those people destroy youth. I've fear that Saray got problems because of my parents. But if it is not true the only explanation is that is **Francesca**.
- 16/08/2020 23:47 A boy, just say me that he will send me a "sicario". Like the film. Fantastic.
- 17/08/2020 14:07 **Vincenzo** a stalker from Genoa that work for **Francesca** and do sexual violence to girls who are inserted into this facility is trying to humiliate me with subliminal voice to skull messages. I know that he sexually harassed Saray and I have photos of him and the French Marquise fucking. This ridiculous son of good family is a Genoese junkie who deals exactly with these sexual crimes with the end of suicide.
- 18/08/2020 00:00 "Riccardo io voglio solo che non scopi davanti a tua madre", delirium tremens of a criminal that call himself a genious of mind crontrol. I'm very tired in front of all the aristocracy of Spain that this shit speak in this manner to myself. A lot of friend of mine and ex girlfriends have suffered stalking because of him. This is why, I think, they all have been in my neural application to play in the Casino betting over my life. Because they have fear of him and because they could have tought that I'm like them. By the way there is something behind, this is an history of aristocracy. Behind there is the Vatican.
- 23/08/22020 02:29 I cannot sleep because of subliminal voice messages continuous. Many persons participate but is the chief of the sect that forces them by threatening women with sexual violence on the net and men with coercion, usually threats of arrest because unfortunately all or almost all of them have fallen into the sale of drugs due to being slaves. With my father's voice, this criminal is saying in Italian "voglio che fai male a tutti". It's the same of a sect, the same method with which children were induced to massacre schoolmates with firearms in the United States. Behind always **Francesca** who I've reported to the Italian anti-mafia.
- 23/08/2020 10:10 I've recently discovered that behind **Francesca** and behind the telecommunications system of remote neural monitoring there is **neo nazism** and in subliminal messages they just say me that they want to kill me.
- 23/08/2020 18:33 **Vincenzo** a sexual stalker that work for **Francesca** say to me that I will kill me with a gun. He just say that this Marquees say to him that he can do it because she protect him. With what? Nothing it's only a stupid that think that aristocracy got more rights that an European citizen. He is also doing sexual violence in radio to me and Saray.
- 24/08/2020 05:30 dream injection, sleep deprivation and v2k. I want to remember to stalkers, people that I know, that sleep deprivation is a torture.
- 25/08/2020 01:58 with radio frequency they provoke to me areophagy to humiliate me in front of all the presents in my neural application; the problem is that all are stalkers and do crimes against humanity. Dear **Francesca** areophagy it's not the problem here there is a lot of people with child...
- 25/08/2020 12:14 in subliminal messages services a very important aristocratic of this country has offered to me do sex with a famous person. In this slavery network those persons thinks that I'm an hourse. This animal have to sell drug, do sex in parimutuel betting system, and be a slave of a owner. An old lady in a bar speaking with another say "que lo alquilen", this why I say no to have sex under this human camera system to a Spanish wonderful woman. Aristocracy in Spain think that I'm a play card, a person in slavery that generate money. This is a scandal because I'm an Italian man protected by international laws. JA,JA.
- 28/08/2020 00:30 ripetitive voice to skull simulating a strange soundfrom Rubi, the blonde (now middle grey) chief, and I cannot sleep. Sleep deprivation dear it's a torture.
- 28/08/2020 17:25 My daddy: "this work is useless". Dear dad I'm working for my freedom. You are useless because you are seeing your son been tortured. Go to fuck.
- 30/08/2020 13:32 My daddy: "tu devi lavorare poi quando esageri con i soldi ti faccio mandare all'ospedale da uno di questi picchiatori". "Gli Italiani siamo chi ammazzano i figli". As the brother of Francesca that was killed in a motorbike accident and others friends of mine. In Genova, parents try to kill them son. This is the true. And it is all church related.
- 18/09/2020 06:00 dream injection. Saray affirm that she live with three brothers in Marina district. In dream she wants to suck me but I suffer from erectile dysfunction we are in a site where techno music is played in passeig verneda 88, Barcelona. After my mother speaks. It's a suicide game exactly the blue whale challenge and it's from Russia and played in the Barcelona neural monitoring network.
- 21/9/2020 04:00 dream injection. stupidity streamed to obtain a torture, sleep deprivation. people have to work in Spain, they do this because the create zombies that have to sell drugs.
- 22/9/2020 03:00 dream injection. my mother, Massimo, and the mother of Massimo. I cannot sleet and I have to work. They say, not in dream, that our mothers bet over our life. Destroying it for betting purposes. Psychotics womans destroy life of them sons. Francesca play with this CL group of old womans the do a lot of money.
- 24/9/2020 22:59 a Catalan aristocratic say that I pertain to him and another say that he see me on the street he will kill me. And another Italian also.
- 29/9/2020 03:50 dream injection. Saray was dressed with a taller all white. After I wake up and in visual cortex injection only with closed eyes, BDSM with the twos chief of the band that have done and do stalk to me, Saray was blowjobs him and his woman, a crazy of domination a metal ill, say to me stupidities. Francesca has created a Barcelona based upon humilliations and sexual slavery.
- 1/10/2020 10:10 As I go ahead with my study about human right a person in subliminal message system say: "I'll kill you".
- 5/10/2020 17:55 I cannot work because of continous stalking from aristocracy in my house. Voice to skull, is Saray that follow the rules from aristocracy or they torture her. It's a scandal from a shittish marquees from France that is destroying Catalunya in front of the crown. They say that this is a game but I love her, its six years that I don't see her, and I'm very tired of stupidity from this woman that sell people and do human slavery in twentyone century. This is the only true, a scandal. **FULL STOP**.
- 6/10/2020 I'm very tired to be tortured every days. I cannot go ahead with my WISP Redama because there is someone that pay non-state actor crew to torture me because of work mobbing. **Please, king of Spain, help me**; I'm a worker and I work every day to go ahead with my life that was interrupted by technocracy. Please really, help me.
- 8/10/2020 a member of a important Catolich group is torturing me with direct corrent in front of a lot of people. No one say nothing and this shittish son of a bitch is using torture because I'm working from two weeks and he doesn't want. It's a scandal. **STOP ELECTRONIC TORTURE NOW**.
- From 9 to 11 10 2020. I was tortured continuously by electromagnetic weapons and I cannot sleep for two days.
- 16/10/2020 01:45 in a dream they threatened me with being embroiled in pedophilia. I just because these people are capable of inventing anything. I remember that I am studying to present myself as a human rights defender.
- 18/10/2020 11:22 today I wanted to start distributing advertising in the areas surrounding sant pere de ribes by bicycle but unfortunately I could not do it due to not having sufficiently swollen wheels and to being the petrol distributor without a suitable compressor. A person I have known for thirty years, **Alessio**, on returning home started to humiliate me because he had made a bet and obviously lost it. In the remote betting system there are practically all the people I have met in my life in Genoa, being **Francesca** resident in my hometown. These people, obviously not knowing the technology of neuronal control, participated in the game of suicide both for me and for **Cristian**, a boy who committed suicide by jumping out of the window of a psychiatric hospital in Nervi, a Genoese neighbourhood. They are accomplices of murdered and torture. This man now say that want to set my house on fire in Genoa.
- 19/10/2020 Because today I've worked from 6AM to 16PM those pathetic ordered by this stupid little bitch of the Marquees do stalk to me in radio subliminal voice service.
- 21/10/2020 12:00 The torture never stop. I'm continuously electrocuted by electromagnetic weapons in Catalunya, Spain. The weapons are used by a Catalan Mafia man that follow Francesca orders. In subliminal message system he always death threat me.
- 26/10/2020 00:19 It's from 48h that they torture me. Very heavy head cache.
- 2/11/2020 10:11 I was tortured all night long with extremely loud beeps inside my head. From a military electronic weapon and **I'm an European citizen**. Son of bitches.
- 3/11/2020 04:30 dream injection and extreme neural remote excitement. I cannot sleep. **STOP TORTURE ME SON OF BITCHES.**
- 5/11/2020 all night long I cannot sleep because of sexual harassment. Famous people in neural slavery speak to me. Stop electronic torture. I have to work I cannot loose days.
- 6/11/2020 Because yesterday I've said in v2k subliminal message system in the remote neural monitoring facility that I go out from home and go to Barcelona and because I don't do it today I'm under continuous electroshock torture because obviously people have bet upon it and they're loosing money. My life was totally piloted and because know they actively read my mind with electronic weapons I'm under gambling. Help.
- 7/11/2020 Dream injection. In the Dream Saray is in a open space room where a lot of people that I know is doing an orgie with her. Those ambient are real and are sexual harassment ambient. Are like BDSM orgies fest. Goals: destroy a person, compelling her with the fear that her daughter might be violated in the same way, lose her job, forced prostitution. also used to make unsuspecting men fall in love with women who are actually used as Saray to make him commit suicide afterwards. Inside mafia people that bet about, they are also in jail.
- 8/11/2020 Like all night long the head of the non state actors Mafia torture me.
- 9/11/2020 **Rape threat by Francesca** and the non state actors Mafia in dream injection. After she continue to say that she will rape me in v2k subliminal message also speaking about my family. A good friend of mine of Genoa, a woman, say that she threat her continuously with her sons.
- 10/11/2020 Dream injection. I think that dream injection covers the real purpose, neuronal excitation. The excited cells, I think MEM cells, emit an electromagnetic field which is then used to be connectet from a second radio from the Collserola tower. After this connection a kind of virtual highway is created where various frequencies and licenses are used to obtain various results on the human body used as a 360 degree gyroscopic antenna.
- 12/11/2020 Dream injection. A friendly environment with the non state actors crew. Yesterday I was sexually tortured very heavy. Because i'm stiudying every morning international human rights conventions people stalk me.
- 13/11/2020 **Francesca** continuously stalk me and do sexual harassment to me. He has sold Saray, the neural application, to Francesca doing human trade. My mother is also guilty for Saray, the Spanish low class society is a enslaved society and my mother play with them. They have utilised Saray to do pain to me using the custody of her son. He is a man that do slavery in Catalunya, forced prostitution, and work also in drug market. Francesca is a very big drug dealer also. Saray is a slave of them and do sexual harassment to me also. The catalan head is the owner of the non-state actor Mafia that torture for the aristocracy, Francesca is the Marquees from Genoa that protect this Mafia a. I need help from Europol and Spanish Police. This is a scandal it's like six years that this bitch destroy my life, she work also with an engineering her name is **Aurora**.
- 13/11/2020 It's all the day that I'm heavily sexual tortured by **Francesca** and **Andreu**. It's like electroshock on the genitals with sexual over excitement and those pervert saying that I've got to masturbate, that is public nudity because my house is under remote vision by radio technology and my body and eyes are under electromagnetic attack. They continuously let speak Saray that continuously touch me by the remote neural monitoring network, this is done because of cognitive interpretation of his mind that is thinking about my genitals and reproduced with a latency minor than a second in my body with those weapons. This is sexual violence but Saray does this because she is coerced with her son. Tomorrow is her birthday, happy birthday Lucia I just miss you, kisses. Others woman from Genoa are touching me continuously, they are woman from very rich families this is more sadist they think that I'm a slave or an hamster or something like this. In this facility mental illness are very clear.
- 15/11/2020 I cannot sleep because of dream injection and electronically stimulated salivation to cause stomatitis, a torture. Francesca es sexual harass me. At 8 am she continue to torture me. My mother is guilty of be present when I've been tortured. Connected to common and liberation the man who torture me is dressing the hologram of my mother. All day long under electroshock torture.
- 16/11/2020 I cannot sleep because of torture. **Massimo** is doing it, **Saray** also and my mother. They are harass me, also the head of the Catalan Mafia. They speak about a thief in the Vatican bank, but is only about remote parimutuel betting system and neural application development. They are all guilty, my mother have put me in this hell when I was adolescent by **Francesca** family. This family have utilised the Barcelona Norman Foster tower with common and liberation priest and mothers that has got mental illness. They sold them sons and got money from this facility and use this to obtain coercion with the son. Others have died. Others are stockholders of this hell facility. Girls are violated for a time then they play to suicide people and gain money probably only betting, I'm so sorry sweetie. I'm so sorry I cry all the days. This is a business. The target individual business sold in Genoa, Italy. **Massimo** rule is to capture girls and put here to suicide people.
- 18/11/2020 Dream injection with sexual harassment environment, better saying torture, for **Saray**. I love you sweetie my investigation is going ahead, come with your legs here in my house those son of bitches have to be put in jail for life. I love you.
- 18/11/2020 19:01 **Saray** says: "my work is to commit suicide to stupids who scream at the monarchy". And next she says when I just try to sleep, that she will came with Andreu, the chief of the Catalan Mafia, to kill me at my house. She is a totally slave of this man and he use her to kill, to suicide, ex boyfriends. Those are cut of nobility, this man have build a Mafia upon slavery by nobility. He calls it the Gaudi or the Dalì Mafia. **A mafia that use girls that have become sadist to suicide people**. Those girls with drugs, sex, a little bit of money, crypto concurrency and black visa card, play techno...that is machined mechanism where people bet over the humilliations and systematic destruction of life of people. Saray is a slave owned with sexual violence from about two decades. In this hell network she acts like a sadist and a suicide girl. This is the shit of Europe and this bastard got a crew of girls that use to block little businessman like me and put them in remote parimutuel betting system. It's three years that he torture me, two years that Saray does it and six years that I'm victim of this mafia where this Andreu and Francesca play a sadistic game: card with people. People are reduced to completly slaves, I know a lot of them but everyone say that this network doesn't exist. This man and his crew kills parents of victims to obtain slavery, from tortured to torture. And Saray is a torture.
- 20/11/2020 03:56 Dream injection. **Saray** and **Andreu**, Saray used to fuck I don't know and speak about kill. I want to sleep in this country, it's impossible. With dream injection I notice a neural extreme activity over exited by electronic weapons. **My father** say something...like that I don't give a fuck...obviously I'm tortured. *My life was broken when you go away, nothing is important from about six years.*
- 20/11/2020 **Saray** in subliminal message system speak about that all what have passed is because I've found a person better than me. It's from July 2018 that she continuously do stalk to me and sexual harassment in radio. Humiliations also. She is from the container of slavery number four, coherced with her son.
- 24/11/2020 I cannot sleep because of massive voice to skull subliminal messages from a lot of people that have played in the remote parimutuel betting system, it's seems to be that I'm like a Christ a person that have been crucified. My mother is present without any doubt. Massimo, Saray also. **Andreu** also. Someone has also say to me that the rule of this humiliation and torture "game" for me is sexual harassment for her. People that have played had fucked her. It's like a Catholic tradition. A lot of in radio with sensation, but others in person. It seems to be that Andreu have put in neural radio an ancient Catholic tradition building a thief. They speak about billions of euro that have flow in the hand of Mafia. Sud Italian Mafia and Catalan one. Also nobility. A fortune in black market all is simply to find with a fiscal investigation, divided between bitcoin and European fiscal paradise. The day 27 is three years that I'm stalked and I was in slavery from when the tower has opened. This means that people had gain money with my brain programming neural application without my consent, I'm an human guinea pig in contrary for example with article four of the European convention on human right. Please help Interpol.
- 25/11/2020 17:08 **Andreu** say in subliminal message network that I've to enter in a psychiatric hospital because of his corruption Mafia. A functionary tell that I've got to go out from this State, Spain a State member of Europe.
- 27/11/2020 03:01 **Alessandro**, a person that I've known in Genoa from when I was an adolescent, wake up me with electroshock torture and in subliminal voice message service say to me "questo è il techno e nel techno si muore". **Alessandro** is a noble and is a owner of a dog, a Carlino. What he raffigurates with his dog is something about slavery, I'll explain it in another chapter. **Alessandro** is a professional poker player, in the slavery network people are considered play game card.
- 29/11/2020 17:11 **Francesca** start to threat me about kidnapping. She virtually kidnap me from 1996. **Francesca** is from a extreme right and fascist family. She is a terrorist.
- 29/11/2020 21:06 **Francesca** speaking with a friend of mine say that she will kill his son if he complaint with me.
- 30/11/2020 04:59 **Francesca** threat me to kill all my family.
- 30/11/2020 10:36 **Francesca**: "you realize you had four motorcycles and two cars I destroyed your whole life"
- 1/12/2020 16:57 Today is the birthday of **Saray**, in dream injection this night she has gave me an appointment. After 3000 km that I've done to search for her. Giving appointments is torture because of walking and parimutuel betting system. It's from July 2018 that she is playing with me like a bait the only and final goal is **torture**.
- 2/12/2020 all night long sexual harassment by **Francesca** and another two girls from Genoa. Also death threat. In this suicide business the family of Francesca had put in remote parimutuel betting system a lot of people from my born city. They are all guilty.
- 2/12/2020 **Francesca** continuously threat me about death. **She and a person that work for her**.
- 3/12/2020 **Francesca** say to Andreu to kill me. She say that Andreu is from a noble family of Catalunya and that he will kill me. Say that this is a game that people have to see me commit suicide. She is a killer and three friends of mine have died.
- 4/12/2020 11:00 **Francesca** say: "Andreu I will kill you if you don't kill Riccardo".
- 5/12/2020 Every time that I go out from my village to Barcelona capital **Saray** do stalk to me. She is very annoying every time she pretends to want to see me and gives me fictitious appointments to make me mistrust. It seems that Saray depends on the orders of a pyramid of scammers who work for **Francesca** and **Andreu**. The business is always the same, that of suicide. At first I thought it was purely out of fear, but it's obvious after everything I've done and without receiving a single response to tons of emails or a call earns money in Bitcoin from this Mafia and terrorist company. It is totally shameful that no one has done anything for **Saray**. In the neural network there is also his mother and the father of his daughter. **Saray** is not a mafia, she is a girl recruited by deception and sexually exploded in huge scams with the ultimate goal of the victim's suicide. **Saray** just needed help, but for its beauty it was used in front of a thousand people by a Catalan Mafia who also sold her, her neural application, to Francesca in human trafficking.
- 5/12/2020 By using the electronic weapons a high representative of the Spanish state does not allow me to study and read. **Francesca** in subliminal message service always speak to me about money not to be named in an absolutely inevitable torture trial even if her high-class surname makes her think she is untouchable, when we all know why it is legislated that the law is the same for everyone.
- 5/12/2020 **Francesca** every minute repeat: your son will die. She continuously threat me about death. And about kidnap.
- 6/12/2020 **Saray** send me an email from his boyfriend where he told me to not try to contact her if I don't want to go to jail. After in remote neural monitoring network she say that he will hit me.
- 11/12/2020 sexual harassment in the night. **Saray** always touching me with others girls. It's forced masturbation that is torture.
- From 11 to 28 of December 2020 always about sleep deprivation, sexual harassment and various death threats. In Spain it's very common that **Andreu** is part of the national secret service agency.
- 29/12/2020 I cannot sleep because of electronic torture.
- 30/12/2020 sleep deprivation from 4 am. Friends of mine playing in a casino, game addiction. Girls that I know doing sex with me, sexual harassment. They don't sleep. Francesca has built in the panoptic a casino very similar to the concept that we've seen in twin peaks from David Lynch.
- 30/12/2020 I want to underline that all day longs all the people that are connected in my torture environment press me to be a drug dealer. Obviously to go in jail and follow up with the torture that is a industrial chain. A machine of death and suicide.
- 1/1/2021 19:22 A man just say to me that he will kidnap me.
- 5/1/2021 as usual all the day they stalk me and cybertorture me. They want to force me to sell drugs and because I don't do it they torture my genitals.
- 7/1/2021 All the day long the continuously stalk me because I want to put a complaint to the chief of the non state actor crew. Aurora say to Francesca if someone can kill me.
- 8/1/2021 **Aurora** continously stalk to me all night long.
- 9/1/2021 Like the day before continuous stalk, sleep deprivation, sexual harassment and electronic torture. This is because my work is good to put in jail all the non state actors crew. The option that they give me is to take amphetamine all the days and start to sell drug. The want to put me in a injected game where people loose them mind, the target individual program. All in front of high level aristocracy. The Catalan non state actors crew work for **Francesca** but I think that it depend on what target is opened now in the "game" of the slow assassination, the game of suicide. The first three years they have generated a lot of revenue with exploitation of a slave and now they start again heavy stalk to induct me to be a member of the crew. The result is a tortured that have to torture. Like one of the best persons that I've know in those years. A man from Italia.
- 10/1/2021 torture all night long. sleep deprivation and a very strong electric torture in my neck.
- 11/1/2021 **Andreu**, the chief of the non state actor crew, probably a member of CNI, is sexual torture me continuously. He tortures me from more than three years.
- 12/1/2021 **Francesca** say that she will torture me continuously because I call her terrorist. She is one of the most important figure in **neo-nazism**.
- 12/1/2021 **Saray**, who has been sold in human trade like a bitch to Francesca from Spain services, to break a strong friendship with me and two brothers from Genoa that have been recruited in neo-nazism (I'll explain later who they work in the society) is heavy sexual torture me and put in my visual cortex orgies videos. Saray was my ex girlfriend. Neo-nazism is terrorism. Francesca is a terrorist. But she is a noble and she is very connected to high levels church in Rome and no one say nothing.
- 13/1/2021 I couldn't drink a cup of coffee that **Saray** torture me with electronic weapons.
- 14/1/2021 I just say in neural network subliminal chat that I'll present a complaint in Genoa about traffic of humans, child to **Francesca** and a voice just tell me that I'll die.
- 15/1/2021 **Francesca** just say that she model my face with electronic weapons to change my aspect.
- 17/1/2021 **Andreu** because I'm doing a complaint against him and some fellow from his non state actors crew is heavy torture me in front of high level aristocracy of this country and no one do or say nothing. This is absurd and a total scandal. Andreu is very common to be a secret agent from CNI of Spain. But I don't even know exactly perhaps he is only a soldier from Spanish Navy.
- 17/1/2021 **Francesca** just say to me that she want to kill me.
- 17/1/2021 I'm writing a complaint and **Andreu** is torturing me with electronic weapons.
- 18/1/2021 Same as usual. Torture, torture and more torture.
- 19/1/2021 An exponent a Sicilian clan just say that a very good friend of mine is propierty of his family. This is because has happened what has happened. Behind this clan that is operating in Genoa and probably in Barcellona Francesca, a marquees, is who is protecting those guys. This woman play at suicide business and they have to play also because of protection. Massimo was a bartender and he had participated to the systematic destruction of my life.
- 20/1/2021 Sleep deprivation from 10 pm to 2 am cybertorture in my brain with electronic weapons and sexual harassment from my ex girlfriend.
- 21/1/2021 sleep deprivation from 9 pm to 1 am cybertorture in my brain like electrocution.
- 22/2/2021 wakeup with dream injection and strong electrocution at 7:30 am.
- 23/1/2021 from 9 pm to 1 am magnetic perturbations in DOMINT and heavy v2k torture. I've got some video. The technology is clearly military. They map all my bedroom with remote transmitted magnetic fields. I've done some video and put it in youtube because DOMINT it is visible to the naked eye. When they do magnetic perturbation in the torture ambient, my room, the EMF magnetic field measured is very high.
- 24/1/2021 from 8 am to 10 am extreme electroshock torture in the left side part of my brain. Now at 10 am I cannot work, I've got big head cache and inside my brain I fell like empty inside of my head. Who is torture me is **Andreu**, **Saray** is present doing me sexual harassment and in my head they do also dream injection.
- 24/1/2021 15:10 **Francesca** continuously speak about death thread, she speaks about people that work for her because of military grades in Marina Militare. **Francesca** is a terrorist and she is probably who is investigated by **Federico Cafiero de Raho** that had opened an investigation about masonry .
- 21/1/2021 15:35 **Francesca** just speak that no one have fought against her nor the father of **Gianmaria** a good boy that was friend of mine that had died in motorbike accident in Genova two decades ago. This man was hospitalized in coma, and after die. Because Francesca use this technology to develop neural application is very common that she have plotted this for Gianmaria to obtain data in a brain that had got a spilling of blood.
- 25/1/2021 from 8 am to 9:30 am dream injection. I wake up in the morning and **Saray** is humiliating me. **Andreu** also.
- 25/1/2021 20:25 a Jewish woman married to a person I know from Genoa, whose family is connected with Ansaldo, has just been threatened by **Francesca**.
- 25/1/2021 from 9 pm to 3 am sleep deprivation. heavy electronic torture. A lot of people contributing **Andreu** and **Saray** always presents. **Francesca** also.
- 26/1/2021 8:30 am dream injection. My family also present. Electroshock to wake me.
- 26/1/2021 20:57 it's the first time that I write about but **Andrea**, that I've known when I was young in Genoa, usually do stalk to me but not torture me. Obviously he plays in the virtual casino remote parimutuel betting system and probably he is an has got shares of Francesca's firm. Company engaged in the unauthorized sale of data for military purposes of targeted individuals enslaved by technology. He is from a rich family in Genoa connected to the Ansaldo company.
- 27/1/2021 10:30 pm to 04:00 am continuous stalk. In all this chaos a person say that sold my machine to **Alessandro** for 15000 euros, a little noble from Genoa. He play with cards with **Andreu** in tribunal corruption, it seems to be that in the Barcelona Justice house there is people that are corrupted this will explain why **Massimo**, another person that I know but that I've already denunciate, never enter to jail. In the late night various death treat from a Marina Militare military that work for **Francesca** family, he also do threats to **Saray** to put me fear.
- 28/1/2021 9:00 pm to 2:00 am because I want to work in the morning in Redama, calling a client and do some administration, Francesca doesn't stop to do stalk to me. I'm continuously tortured in front of a lot of people that I've known in my life and no one, absolutely no one, say nothing. I don't ever know why **Francesca** put me in this modern slavery network to exploit me, there's military from Italy from Marina Militare and also from Spain. This is absurd because in this network there is a lot of target individuals more. It's obvious that is something related with aristocracy. Perhaps I'm not son of my fathers and I'm victim of child trafficking from this family of black market human traders. They are fascist and they play with sons of leaf of nobility tree. They sold babies. Always the same military death treat me.
- 28/1/2021 07:00 am wakeup with electroshock torture. Heavy voice to skull from as usual, **Andreu** and **Francesca**. **Saray** also present and also some girls from Genoa, east Genoa.
- 31/1/2021 from 4:00 am to 8:30 am dream injection to induct to me to do another cycle in the brain washing machine organized by **Andreu** and **Francesca** in Barcelona, to create slaves, zombies of the technology. They speak about a brother of him, probably another high level functionary that play in the Barcelona circus.
- 31/01/2021 from 20:30 to 21:40 **Saray** sexual harass me continuous with electronic weapons. It does it means that she is thinking about my dick and her neural state is interpreted by artificial intelligence that resend the command to another electronic weapons that is given me genital torture. **Francesca** say that I'm an addicted to masturbation in front of a lot of people connected in my neural torture application. It's humiliation and is always torture. In this torture chamber there is also my family.
- 31/01/2021 to 1/2/2021 at 5:30 I wake up three times because of dream injection torture and electroshock torture. I cannot sleep to have a clean mind and do a good job. They have destroyed my career in front of those stupids of my parents. **Saray** never sleep also, I remember that when she was with me also she doesn't sleep in a good way. I think that she could be great but she does the waitress, in Catalunya this terrorist group does not allow guys, including children, to express themselves through their mind. They destroy the careers of brilliant young people, being themselves demented depraved scammers and mobsters. An Europe destroyed by three blood-sucking families and old parents who live off the destruction of their own children.
- 1/2/2021 15:30 I was sleeping the afternoon nap because this night I cannot sleep and I wake up for electroshock torture, **Stefano** speaking in voice to skull.
- 2/2/2021 08:30 Wake up and after a couple of minutes Francesca start to electroshock me. These are electromagnetic weapons that act directly over my nervous system. Look at my video on the footer "**Electroshock torture in the Catalan slavery network**".
- 2/2/2021 21:27 **Francesca** just say to me that I've to commit suicide because she has destroyed my life and now that I've got all the material to do a great complaint against her for crimes against humanity and terrorism she doesn't accept it. "Riccardo you've got to commit suicide".
- 3/2/2021 11:47 **Andreu** just say to me that he will kidnap me.
- 3/2/2021 14:38 as usual when I work in my profession, I'm a networking engineer, all the stalkers presents, and be careful because many stalker are people that I've known in my life but are also criminals, say that they are better than me. It's always about torture and humiliation. This is an enormous case of state terrorism. The only explication is that I'm not son of my family and I'm victim of child trafficking, a child that have been assigned to a family by the Church. This is the only reason why a **father** doesn't speak with his son about all his work of public complaint. Remember that torture is the worst crime against humanity. Slavery and exploitation also. In the meaning **Saray** and also a little bit **Andreu** rape me. Sexual harassment. **Saray** say in subliminal messages: "you're not a person that could live". She also affirm that I've got to sell drugs.
- 3/2/2021 **Alessandro** just say to me that because I've got fear this have passed to me.
- 3/2/2021 from 10 pm to 1 pm I cannot sleep. **Andreu** do a lot of stalk to me, there people from Genoa.
- 4/2/2021 in the afternoon stalkers are happy saying that they have blocked my career. In the morning I received death threat from a guy.
- 4/2/2021 **Saray** just say to me that she works in the non state actor crew to suicide people. And she will kill me.
- 6/2/2021 I wake up in the morning for subliminal voice in my head of two guys that I know. They say to me that I will die.
- 7/2/2021 Because her guilty **Saray** say to me "you've got to be careful when you go in the street".
- 7/2/2021 **Massimo** just say to me that he has killed a lot of "card game" for the nobility. His master, or better saying the person that have enslaved him, his **Andreu**. **Massimo** is a tot that was drugged in the mind by this master of stalking. The circuit is the same circuit that have seen **Ayrton Senna** death in a car accident. The method is the same, remote parimutuel betting system in multi billionaire player.
- 7/2/2021 from 9 pm all night long. I cannot sleep. Deeply threated by **aristocracy**. Heavy voice to skull and electroshock torture. Help United Nations.
- 8/2/2021 **Francesca** is using people from south Italy to death threat me, she is saying that I cannot put a complaint because of them. Francesca is the person that Federico de Rhao is investigation for Mafia connections.
- 8/2/2021 **Aurora**, an engineer that work with **Francesca**, always say to me to commit suicide.
- 9 and 10 2021. I cannot sleep because of heavy electronic torture. I've done a video where a system like a magnetic cannon is shooting exactly in my room. It means that probably in the near field there is a military weapons connected to the slavery network in Catalunya where **Andreu**, that is a military that have destroyed the society in this country, and his fellows, **Massimo**, **Stefano**, **Saray**, and a guy that is incarcerated in Genoa are heavy stalk me. Now I'm writing this and I'm receiving death treat. This technology let incarcerated people work. Francesca have destroyed the democracy in the Mediterrean area. The only, and I really mean the only, goal of this torture is suicide. Those criminals bet over my life. This is the suicide game that feeds low class criminals group and low class nobility. But here in my torture application there is also high aristocracy from Spain. I think that they are like the providers of those services that are called "techno", like the music. In two days I sleep three hours, I cannot work with clarity, because of the pressure group, that is payed probably for my old colleague. Stalkers are doing the shape and voices of my parents but they are present and it is not clear why they pretend nothing has happened. They are over seventy years old and I don't understand how they can be afraid of any kind of crime when their son's life is being played by gamblers.
- 10/2/2021 from 21:17 to 11/2/2021 05:11. Heavy stalk to me. Military electronic weapons used. Start with genital electroshock torture, after voice to skull of **Francesca**, **Aurora** always speaking about suicide. At 4 am it start what I believe to be a weapon mounted in a civilian apartment that flood my neighborhood with a magnetic torment used to map the inside of all the citizens. A total invasion of the privacy from the aristocracy.
- 11/2/2021 14:54 **Andreu** speaking to **Saray** underline that she is better than me in all what I like to do. Part of the humiliation process. Part of torture. Saray in the slavery network, that is a business where my parents have exploited his son selling neural data, is painted as what I'm. It's all the day that she is sexual harass me.
- 11//2/2021 18:04 **Andreu** speak as usual that a lot of people are better than me. He is trying to change my person to force me to be a trafficker. He had been forced a lot of friend of mine. Massimo first of all. It's something more than a Mafia. With technology they change your behavior. It is called **SPECTRAM**. Its purposes is human trafficking and explotation.
- 11/2/2021 19:10 Because I'm saying that Francesca with this slavery technology network have rebuild Fascism, Andrea just affirm: "Why you don't die?". Francesca always repeating: "I will kill you" and he says "You have to kill him because he speaks".
- 11/2/2021 from 9 pm to 2 am. Sleep deprivation and heavy diarrhea inducted from electronic weapons.
- 12/2/2021 11:24 A guy just say to me that because they have player behind me because I wasn't conscious now I've got to commit suicide.
- 13/2/2021 4 am weak up for electroshock torture. **Francesca** is stalking me continuously. At 10 am wake up another time with a dream about **Andreu** and **Stefano**. **Andreu** menace me to be poisoned with a parasite. Next some death threat. The most ridiculous think is that here in my neural application of torture are present the most important families from nobility of Spain and Italy. No one say nothing. Go ahead morons!
- 14/2/2021 7am in the night **Andreu** have tortured me. I wake up three times. In the morning **Saray** is sexual harass me, a man from Mafia is speaking about death threat because he says that he is a fascist. Alessandro, a good man that is also in this hell network, say that Andreu is trying to create a dysfunction in my hearth with electronic weapons.
- 14/2/2021 7:34 **Saray** say that this is a game. Torture for her is a game.
- 14/2/2021 I'm heavy electroshock tortured.
- 15/2/2021 05:50 wake up with electroshock torture. **Andreu** always present. But I also speak with old friends from Genoa, we're discussing on why aristocracy have created those histories of torture and suicide. The real goal is simple, to block possibility of develop a great business. people doesn't sleep. Sleep deprivation is a torture, sleep deprivation change the mind of all the tortured, sleep deprivation induct to start to take one of the heaviest drugs in the world, psychotropic drugs. In opposite people that work in the criminal part of the states, Mafias, with those histories of persecution, histories similar to the calvary of jesus, gain a lot of money betting. Nobles also. But normal people, of bourgeoisie, cannot work. Crowns are destroying our Europe. If I'll be killed Interpol has to know that this horror show is mounted by crowns. Nobles, corrupted paramilitaries, mafias play here. We, the Europe that work, are the victims. I am the scapegoat.
- 15/2/2021 16:36 Saray always rape me. It's impossible to live and to work between her and a couple of Mafias that work for **Francesca** in Genova. It's absurd all this, and I speak about that I've been death threated and raped by her in front of high level aristocracy and State of this country from about three years. All the days. It's a scandal.
- 16/2/2021 02:55 Death threat from Mafia in subliminal messages. They say that the father of Francesca have sold me when I was a child to Mafia because of gambling. In 1996 I was connected to the tower of Barcelona, and Mafia of Genoa and Catalunya, **Andreu** is the chief, have bet over my life. In this neural torture application also my parents are presents and no one say nothing. It's very common that my death was written by **Renzo D... de la Pe.**... A monster that traffic with humans. The son is the same and them surname is recognized by the Italian state as eroes. They are human traffickers. The shit of Europe.
- 16/2/2021 16:38 various stalkers says that is my father that have destroyed my life, this is because behind this horrible reality of torture there is an enormous business based upon slavery and exploitation. People do slaves to gain money from the neural data obtained by them brain under electronic weapons. Because I was the owner of a telecommunication ISP my father probably had entered in the business selling the life of his son. Is my father? I don't really think so, I'm tired to be threated from Mafias and the man who have put me in slavery, **Andreu**. They always say that I've to sell drug or do hacking, this is because when you're a target individual, like one of the mans that I've know in those years that was recruited in the non state band that is composed by people that torture who've been tortured and are under death treat by Mafias. My parents also says in subliminal messages this absurdity. **I'm a target individual from nobility. THIS IS THE ONLY TRUE.** Normal people die for hunger, and I'm alive in good mental and body state. And I've understand all about. This is incredible. The worst think is that when you're a target individual from nobility, all, and also your parents, participate in the systematic destruction of your life. The only true is that also your parents want in reality your suicide. Many mans and womans have die. Gian Maria, Giovanni, Cristian, Emanuele, and I don't know how many mores. This is the only true. Die in an exploitation and torture environment. In front of all the people that you're in love to. All.
- 16/2/2021 A voice tell me: "listen to me Riccardo, don't write the surname of **Francesca** in public because doing in this manner you will be obliged to return to Italy where the Church will torture you and not the aristocracy of Spain ".
- 16/2/2021 nobility just say to me that with sensory deprivation want to kill me exactly in the manner that they have done with **Ayrton Senna**. Sensory deprivation is exactly the same to be a puppet owned by the technology. In my life I've lived it four times, the last one in 25 of Dicember 2020 in front of a person that I've know in Barcelona that work in the non state actor mafia where **Andreu** is the chief. Those people are tortured, four friends of mine have die in this way. **Francesca** is who want to kill me.
- 17/02/2021 07:00 am wakeup with electroshock torture.
- 18/2/2021 19:30 **Francesca** just say to me that I've to commit suicide instead of tarnishing his surname. She thinks to be better that another human because she is noble.
- 18/2/2021 20:32 **Francesca** rape me using electronic weapons.
- 18/2/2021 21:03 **Saray** continuously humiliate me.
- 19/2/2021 10:45 **Saray** continuously violate me using electronic weapons. She just say to me to be careful where I go. I've just done a question to her about why she rape me with electronic weapons. Her answer is that doing this she puts me nervous and I will scream. The final goal is to loose my house in Spain and to put me in the street. It's the degrade chain of suicide of neo Franquism. She is involved in.
- 19/2/2021 17:54 **Saray** just say to me that if I go out from my town she will send me someone to beat me.
- 20/2/2021 06:20 weak up with electroshock torture.
- 20/2/2021 21:25 A person that I've known in a little reunion of target individuals of Barcelona tell me that a girl that he knowns in dream injection torture have seen the terrorist attack in Barcelona two weeks before it happened. This means that the military behind this post Franco torture are who have plotted this horrible crime. Behind always **Francesca**.
- 21/2/2021 08:00 wakeup with electroshock torture.
- 21/2/2021 09:20 **Andreu** torture me putting direct current in the middle of the eyes. **Gerard**, a person that I've put a complaint, also speak but no t torture in voice to skull service. **Adam**, mt ex colleague, tell me that he has done this fraud to enter in the big data market. Big data in Barcelona is obtained by slavery upon marginal and low class society. With this terrorist and post franquism technology what people see is sold.
- 21/2/2021 15:13 A good woman say to me that because this morning I weak up and I've think about Saray, the chief of the non state actor crew say to a man to call to demonstrate that he'll fuck her in front of all the neural cameras. Saray I think that she is opened, I mean without access to the slavery network but always under control of various criminals, like me.
- 22/2/2021 05 am **Francesca** wake me up with extreme electroshock torture I'm very tired that no one do nothing.
- 22/2/2021 17:29 **Andreu** always says that is better than me. He is doing stalk to me because of suicide. His Mafia is a pressure Mafia, here there is also my ex colleague that probably pay him because he doesn't want competitors. He does to me continuous work mobbing.
- 23/2/2021 05:40 **Francesca** wake up with electroshock.
- 23/2/2021 9:30 **Francesca** because I'm an IT engineer use Mafia to death treat me saying that I cannot work in my profession.
- 23/2/2021 09:53 **Andrea**, that I previously considered a friend of mine, that is the nephew of a chief of the Ansaldo fabric say to me that he will rape and kill me.
- 24/2/2021 16:06 Speaking with my own father I've said to him that I'm victim of **Francesca** in the modern slavery network. He just says to me to go to the doctor. Because I'm torture ambient stalkers from Genoa listen to me, Andrea, a man that come from a rich family, just said to me that I'm crazy.
- 24/2/2021 19:43 **Andrea** just say to me that I will die because of a murder.
- 27/02/2021 06:30 wake up with dream injection. Three ex friends of mine speaking about a game that have prepared my father from the 77. A game where I would have passed a good time in Barcelona that they have broken for jealousy. **Francesca** is who have plotted this disaster in something similar have die **Cristian**. Another good man defrauded in his life by all his circle of friends. For gambling.
- 27/2/2021 11:38 **Francesca** just say "you're a dead man". And that she works in the telecommunications Mafia. A lobby that sell neural data of slaves enslaved by technology. Big data sell is them principle market.
- 27/2/2021 11:41 A man fromMafia just say to Saray that she want to stay with me she will die.
- 28/2/2021 10:36 **Andreu**, has my father told me when I was young, said to me that he can rape me. Physically.
- 28/2/2021 17:58 **Francesca** admit that is the owner of all the neural remote control network, the modern slavery, transmitted by the Collserola tower. In this facility she exploited people to sell neural data. People are slaves and who is active tortured is is obliged by the continuous torture to the black market or low level work.
- 28/2/2021 18:16 **Francesca** continuously press me because of gambling about that I've to return to Genoa. In this manner have conviced my mother to systematically destroy my life in Barcelona. I've lost all because this terrorist that play with Mafia, Mafia from all over south Italy. She is involved also in heavy cocaine traffic.
- 1/3/2021 09:01 **Andreu** always do me pain and dolor in my internal organs. For two days I've taken medicines and this morning he wants that I take more. I've just question him about why he does such think. His answer is that he is here to ruin my life.
- 1/3/2021 19:52 stalkers in the slavery network say to me continuously that I've COVID.
- 1/3/2021 2012 **Francesca**, because I'm trying to go ahead with my work project, always rape and sexual harass me using this network. She doesn't want that I return to work. Victims of her "game" of suicide always end up begging. The game is inspired to the film "the holy mountain".
- 1/3/2021 from 9pm to 1am extreme voice to skull with the goal of sleep deprivation. Sexual harassment also. **Francesca** is working actively with **Andreu** because they don't want that I open again my business. A presion group is one of the missions of the non state actors Mafia that they own. Many girls that I know work with them, they say that they are victims but I think that they pay them in bitcoin. Those girls speaks about drugs traffic also.
- 2/3/2021 10:49 **Francesca** say that she will kidnap me.
- 2/3/2021 on 9/2/2020 a military electronic fair weapons have attack me. I don't fell very well from that day. I suffer about hypothermia. I've registered my body temperature from 28/2/2021 and is below 36. Today is 35.3. In radio, **Saray** also, always stalkers speak about COVID, but with this military weapons they have provoked to me this body temperature. It's the result of weapons.
- 3/3/2021 16:04 **Francesca**: "your house is Genoa because your're a slave of mine". "I''ve murder more than one hundred people for you".
- 3/3/2021 all night long. Extreme torture by an high representative of the Catholic Church and by Francesca. I cannot sleep because today I've done a great work in my business. They don't want that I'm a good business owner they want that I sell drugs.
- 4/3/2021 **Aurora** that is an employee of a large Italian state company connected with the navy, part of the Italian military forces where Francesca has a name due to her family, underlines how I am allowed to name **Francesca**'s family at the United Nations being one of the most important families in Italy . I add one of the most dangerous mafia families in Italy.
- 4/3/2021 from 9 pm to 5 am extreme torture. The same of yesterday.
- 7/3/2021 Wake up three times for dream injection and sleep deprivation. At 1 am, at 4 am and at 7 am. **Francesca** always present.
- 7/3/2021 **Andreu** just say to me to be careful because I'll go to the hospital because he puts me down in the marginalization class to suicide me.
- 7/3/2021 A worker of **Francesca** says because she is here and she wants that when I will start to work I would be obliged to pay the lace. **Francesca** is actually a mafia who operates violently in Catalunya and Liguria.
- 7/3/2021 I want to go to Genoa to redo my driver license and **Andreu** affirm that he is my jailer and I couldn't do this. This is why in the remote parimutuel betting system nobles and mafias have bet about it.
- 8/3/2021 5 am I cannot sleep because of extreme voice to skull and heavy electroshock torture. **Francesca** and **Andreu** always presents. Others non state actors also. Andreu in voice to skull "prepare you to receive beatings". Andreu is a corrupted CNI or military intelligence that work for technocracy a state in state mafia and terrorism owned by aristocracy in Spain.
- 8/3/2021 2:45 pm today my first client call me and a lot of people here say to me that they want that I die.
- 9/3/2021 1am dream injection. 5:45 am sleep deprivation and heavy v2k and electroshock torture. **Electroshock can be appreciate with a coil hat and a oscilloscope charges of 2V DC arrive transported by a VLF and LF frequencies**. Exactly from the tower of Collserola they use ionosphere propagation and coil antennas. Charges are pulsed to the brain of the target individual periodically. Frequency is not fixed. One function is torture the other electrifying our synapses making in a way that our brain emits an electromagnetic field through which always using the weapons of the tower this Mafioso group, spectram, masons and brotherhoods have made the human being a slave. It is modern slavery. **Andreu** and **Francesca** always presents.
- 9/3/2021 08:04 I just started working and **Saray**, that is part of this Mafia, do stalk to me.
- 9/3/2021 stalkers continually say to me that my work couldn't work.
- 10/3/2021 06:00 am wake up for electroshock torture. **Andreu** and **Francesca** presentes. I've found evidences that Andreu pertain to a brotherhood, he is the owner of a sect.
- 10/3/2021 07:50 **Miriam** one of the head of the non state actors crew start doing stalk to me because I just want to restart my working life. This is a pressure group payed probably for my ex colleague and by others.
- 10/3/2021 21:17 **Saray**: "you will die soon". She got a problem with this non state actors band and she prefer to suicide people instead of denouncing.
- 11/3/2021 05:30 sleep deprivation and electroshock torture as usual.
- 11/3/2021 08:03 I've just started to work and Saray stalk me. She said that she is involved in the drug market.
- 11/3/2021 17:14 **Andreu**, that is a masonry a criminal very connected with the Vatican that operate in Barcelona, just say to me that he will rape me a will do sexual violence to me. He also say that if I want to do money I've got to sell drug for him. He say always to me: "I'm your assassin as I was for Cristian". He was a friend of mine, who has die committing suicide. Andreu with the post modern television obviously have tortured him for years. He was living also in Spain, like me and like me was a business man. We two are victims of this pressure group, this crew that torture victims. Others friends of mine are also, like Massimo and Stefano. They've got fear because they are tortured and they've got child. Behind an enormous business of sold of big data derived by target individuals eyes.
- 12/3/2021 10:21 because i want to return to work in the telecommunications market stalkers always speak to me about drug market and they threat me. They always say to me that my work couldn't go well. One of the functions, the principle one, of this mafia is to be a pressure group.
- 12/3/2021 14:00 Aurora just say to me that or i'll work for **Francesca** or I will have mafia related problems.
- 12/3/2021 18:00 as usual every time that I go to Barcelona **Saray** start to stalk and humiliate me.
- 13/3/2021 06:30 am wake up with electroshock torture by **Andreu**.
- 13/3/2021 21:49 **Massimo** speaking with a woman say that I've got to die.
- 13/3/2021 22:07 **Francesca** say that she is torturing my mother, a woman of more than 70 years.
- 15/3/2021 04:48 electroshock, various people threat me. **Francesca** present.
- 15/3/2021 19:39 **Francesca** say that Catalunya work based upon corruption managed by the remote neural network transmitted by the electronic weapons mounted in the third part of the Collserola tower.
- 15/3/2021 22:32 **Saray** stalk to me in voice to skull.
- 16/3/2021 5:30 am dream injection, **Francesca** and **Andreu** present and also a person from the techno scene. 11:55 **Alessandro** do stalk to me, is a person that I've known in Genoa when I was young. No one want that I return to be a business man like I was until 2016 when all this middle mafias destroy systematically my life because of **Francesca** and her engineering **Aurora**. Alessandro say that I cannot redo my numbers in telecommunications because I'm a person that have to die, he also say that he is very secure about that because with this technology he thinks to be untouchable because it is difficult to demonstrate. But I've already done it.
- 17/3/2021 12:00 **Francesca** just say that she wants to pay a killer to kill me because I've understand all the business behind the European target individual program.
- 17/3/2021 19:25 **Francesca** say that I always masturbate my self. This is humiliation and it is public humiliation because in my application of torture there are a lot of people that I've know and a couple of famous person of the jazzset and of the television. Francesca is torturing me in front of all of those persons from the 27 of November 2017 and no one, absolutely no one, say nothing. It is the suicide business, all of them got actions from this B-side business. They gain of lot of money if I commit suicide, neural states from a person that commit suicide are payed millions of Eur for robotics and cybernetic industries. This is why all of them don't speak about what is known as "techno", the modern slavery network.
- 18/3/2021 17:22 **Massimo** say to me if I think that I will not die, if i don't commit suicide he says in this network that he will kill me. He doesn't understand that this is a democratic state where police put in jail people like him.
- 20/3/2021 00:05 **Francesca** continually allows herself to humiliate me by indicating that I am a person who was dedicated by the church to be food for its marquisate. A coat of arms dedicated to death and drug dealing. This terrorist has killed many of my friends and parents of my friends using this network. With this little story, Francesca, covered by the Vatican due to her surname as a dirty and smelly fascist, has sold neuronal states of people under extreme stress for the development of weapons, robotics and cybernetics. It is an illegal market based on the death of human guinea pigs who are mocked, humiliated and tortured with the sole purpose of suicide. The people who participate, all around the person, think it is for the nobility. It is only a shop owned by a family of murderers, traffickers, scammers, who have ruined my beloved Genoa. Murderers.
- 23/3/2021 06:00 as usual I woke up before the hours of sleep recommended for a proper rest. The stalkers, as always led by **Francesca** and **Andreu**, when I wake up due to electroshock, want to harbor the seed of madness in my brain. The aims are manifold, obviously the first is suicide to eliminate evidence, the second to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital which we have already analyzed and which thanks to corruption is feeding the same seed (hospitals are infrastructures very affected by the mafia of the nobility also in various schemes of American gangstalkers the same method is found, this method is a patron), the third is to record neuronal states under stress or mental confusion, which is classified by modern medicine as madness, with the aim of military technological development. All of this to which we victims of this crazy technology race shop are subjected is practically the same thing that happened in the cold war with the space race. Spain plays, high aristocracy and masonry obviously in the front row. Italy too, post modern television dominates.
- 25/3/2021 all night long: Thanks to the hard work I was able to become the first client in the redama. These damned sons of bitches who also work as a pressure group are torturing me continuously using this hell by making me inflame the tendons near the irons of the operation. Operation that is due to an intent of murdered. For three days I have also had a bit of fever due to this madness in front of very important people in telecommunications. This shop is attended by many important shareholders of the Spanish and Italian monsters.
- 25/3/2021 because I'm doing complaints with Catalan police and because this business is covered by high aristocracy, **Aurora** an engineer of **Francesca**, without any problems say to me that I will die asap and that the elite will put me in a psychiatric hospital.
- 26/3/2021 05:30 electroshock torture, always **Francesca**. At 6:42 **Andreu** "I'm goig to torture you a lot".
- 26/3/2021 09:09 **Andreu** speak with a man and say to him to prepare to seize it.
- 26/3/2021 10:54 **Massimo**, who has participated in the systematic destruction of life since he licked the ass of **Francesca** a nobleman who has played my life, continues to rave that in life he will kill me. The reason why these shits of people have approached me and then rob me of everything I had done is obviously to seek protection for some of the nobles in their dirty business. I considered Massimo as a dear friend, I was deceived by him and by many others for this reason alone. Protection in the black market.
- 26/3/2021 16:00 **Andreu** always is speaking about cocaine and masturbation.
- 26/3/2021 20:02 **Alessandro** in subliminal messages repeat every minutes that if I will do a general complaint of all what happen to me due to complexity of the crime I will go to jail. Alessandro got reason because nobility mask heavy the real purpose of this kind of persecution that is the neural state market. All is curated in the manner that the victim seams to go crazy, in the plot and corrupted there is also doctors from the psychiatric hospital of Barcelona. It's a business very difficult to unmask. A business based upon slavery. Slavery obtained also by the silence and the betrayal of almost all the people who have known each other in life. Everything is for money, betting, systems, selling data and neuronal states. The slave is also a source of income for the same family. This people probably could be enjailed searching for bank account in fiscal paradise. Probably also in middle east where a brother of Francesca works. In Oman. Another way is to use a lie detector in court. Another is to measure the electrical activity of their brain is obviously interfered as in the case of the victim only that they control the system that is that even the salvation proposed by united nation is not valid, these people cannot even be considered tortured who torture, they are people participating in a shop based on slavery and the death of a close friend. It has happened to many, now they want it to be my turn.
- 27/3/2021 05:30 am as usual sleep deprivation from **Francesca**.
- 27/3/2021 **Francesca** say that I've lost the opportunity to be silent about her family. Because she is one of the most important surname in Italy. This is true but because in Italy we've got problems with Fascism, her grandfather was a military involved with the fascist squadron "decima mas" and the State give to him a medal of honor. She is terribly involved in the Modern Slavery network, where people are tortured by the elite. I'm tortured because of for my roots, for racism. **She doesn't understand that slavery was abolished two centuries ago.**
- 27/3/2021 13:13 **Francesca** call me "slave" and continually humiliates me.
- 28/3/2021 from 00 to 08:00 extreme torture, dream injection, death threat in subliminal messages, etc etc. **Andreu**.
- 28/2/2021 **Francesca** from 2016 using her non state actors band have put in front of me a lot of people that work with in the black market, now that I'm doing complaint without any doubt I will have many problems because of this terrorist that in front of high aristocracy of Spain do this horrible crime to a single. This is absolutely incredible but totally true. All of those people work for her in this persecution to a single because of protection in black market. Nothing more. They torture because of corruption and because of fear to be put in jail. But they are also tortured by the same technology. **Francesca is a terrorist.**
- 28/3/2021 **Francesca** affirm always that she is "the queen of techno". For techno she speaks about a exploitation virtual camp mounted in Catalunya and transmitted from the Collserola tower that sell neural data obtained from slavery, victims of the marginal and worker class.
- 29/3/2021from 00 to 04 I cannot sleep because of extreme voice to skull torture. **Andreu**, **Francesca**, **Saray** presents. Saray induct to me to start a drug market career, saying that she is involved. It's in the target individual program, that is the same in all over the countries. See you in the justice palace. They copy also shape and voice of my father and mother saying that they are drug dealers, absurd.
- 31/3/2021 today is my birthday, I suffered electroshock torture and dream injection two times this night. **Francesca** and **Andreu**. A friend of mine, victim of this aristocracy business, tell me a think about my father.
- From **1 to 3 of April 2021** for the Holy week in neural network they staged a further humiliation of my person in a procession. The images of the procession were translated in front of a three-dimensional space in front of my house, unfortunately, due to the power of this mafia, the mafia of the aristocracy, several South American citizens also participated in the stalking.
- **4 of Abril 2021 10:43** I'm under a electronic weapon that shut millimeters streams that use a frequency to break my head, interference my brain waves and neural states and heavy electroshock me because every one transport 2 volts DC over near 33 Khz. I'm suffering also of hypothermia. Francesca is a fucking terrorist.

- **4 of Abril 2021 16:00**

At 13:00 hours as I filmed in a youtube video that you can appreciate below a person that work for Francesca Durand have energized my synapses without my consent to obtain a remote semi full scan of my **brain connectivity map**. That illegal electronic weapon used at the high of my head had got a duration of three hours more or less. A lot. Than without warning anyone I was putted in full immersion, this is when the gangstalking machine owned by the technocracy terrorism in Spain, in the full immersion interactive streamed film with options read in remote by weapons I was seeing a very complex and articulated movie. There was presents people from high aristocracy and military normal forces from the army of Spain, aristocracy speak about neural war terrorism. Apart from thus obtaining a remote scan of my synapses these people laughed at the objective individual that he was a complete slave to the aristocracy. A totally terrorist aristocracy that mounts these slave sessions with the aim of exploding and obtaining data from the human guinea pig. Saray was also present and they boasted of having fucked her in three of her, Massimo, Gabriele and Stefano.

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