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synced 2025-03-12 02:16:42 -04:00
@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ From June 2020 I start to log every type of torture that I received in radio:
- 12/11/2020 Dream injection. A friendly environment with the non state actors crew. Yesterday I was sexually tortured very heavy. Because i'm stiudying every morning international human rights conventions people stalk me.
- 13/11/2020 **Francesca** continuously stalk me and do sexual harassment to me. He has sold Saray, the neural application, to Francesca doing human trade. My mother is also guilty for Saray, the Spanish low class society is a enslaved society and my mother play with them. They have utilised Saray to do pain to me using the custody of her son. He is a man that do slavery in Catalunya, forced prostitution, and work also in drug market. Francesca is a very big drug dealer also. Saray is a slave of them and do sexual harassment to me also. The catalan head is the owner of the non-state actor Mafia that torture for the aristocracy, Francesca is the Marquees from Genoa that protect this Mafia a. I need help from Europol and Spanish Police. This is a scandal it's like six years that this bitch destroy my life, she work also with an engineering her name is **Aurora**.
- 13/11/2020 It's all the day that I'm heavily sexual tortured by **Francesca** and **Andreu**. It's like electroshock on the genitals with sexual over excitement and those pervert saying that I've got to masturbate, that is public nudity because my house is under remote vision by radio technology and my body and eyes are under electromagnetic attack. They continuously let speak Saray that continuously touch me by the remote neural monitoring network, this is done because of cognitive interpretation of his mind that is thinking about my genitals and reproduced with a latency minor than a second in my body with those weapons. This is sexual violence but Saray does this because she is coerced with her son. Tomorrow is her birthday, happy birthday Lucia I just miss you, kisses. Others woman from Genoa are touching me continuously, they are woman from very rich families this is more sadist they think that I'm a slave or an hamster or something like this. In this facility mental illness are very clear.
- 15/11/2020 I cannot sleep because of dream injection and electronically stimulated salivation to cause stomatitis, a torture. Francesca es sexual harass me. At 8 am she continue to torture me. My mother is guilty of be present when I've been tortured. Connected to commun and liberation the man who torture me is dressing the hologram of my mother.
- 15/11/2020 I cannot sleep because of dream injection and electronically stimulated salivation to cause stomatitis, a torture. Francesca es sexual harass me. At 8 am she continue to torture me. My mother is guilty of be present when I've been tortured. Connected to commun and liberation the man who torture me is dressing the hologram of my mother. All day long under electroshock torture.
- 16/11/2020 I cannot sleep because of torture. Massimo is doing it, Saray also and my mother. They are harass me, also the head of the Catalan Mafia. They speak about a thief in the Vatican bank, but is only about remote parimutuel betting system and neural application development. They are all guilty, my mother have put me in this hell when I was adolescent by Durand family. This family have utilised the Barcelona Norman Foster tower with common and liberation priest and mothers that has got mental illness. They sold them sons and got money from this facility and use this to obtain coercion with the son. Others have died. Others are stockholders of this hell facility. Girls are violated for a time then they play to suicide people and gain money probably only betting, I'm so sorry sweetie. I'm so sorry I cry all the days. This is a business. The target individual business sold in Genoa, Italy. Massimo rule is to capture girls and put here to suicide people.

@ -192,6 +192,28 @@ Un **shunt** [[47]](https://bit.ly/3eZMHfb) es una resistencia acoplada en paral
Permite indicar su valor en ohmios mediante bandas de colores.
El conjunto de dichos anillos nos da la lectura del número de ohmios de la resistencia. La tolerancia de una resistencia expresa los márgenes alrededor de los cuales puede variar su valor. A mayor precisión, menor tolerancia.
#### 1.2.6 Disipación de potencia en las resistencias
Una resistencia se intercala en un circuito para obstaculizar el paso de la corriente y transformar en calor el voltaje que no necesitamos ne un punto dado. Se conoce como **efecto Joule** [[49]](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efecto_Joule). Todo conducto por lo que circula una corriente experimenta un aumento de su temperatura. La ley de joule enuncia que la cantidad de calor desprendida en un conductor por el paso de una corriente constante es proporcional al cuadrado de la intensidad de la corriente, a la resistencia del conductor y al tiempo que dure el paso. se llama potencia de disipación, medidas en vatios, al producto del votake por la intensidad que ha de circular por la resistencia:
P = V xI
Si la resistencia disipa una potencia mayor que aquélla para la que está preparada, se quema, cortándose el hilo del que está hecha o fundiéndose el material resistivo. Disipación máxima es la potencia calorífica que podemos suministrar a un resistencia sin que la temperatura se eleve peligrosamente.
Los valores de disipación de potencia más frecuentes de las resistencias son los de 0,125W, 0,25W, 0,5W y 1 W.
#### 1.2.7 Coeficientes negativos y positivos de temperatura NTP y PTC
Un **termistor** [[50]](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Termistor) NTC es una resistencia cuyo valor se va reduciendo a medida que aumenta la temperatura. Análogamente a un NTC un termistor PTC es una resistencia cuyo valor va aumentando a medida que aumenta la temperatura.
#### 1.2.8 Otros tipos de resistencias.
Una resistencia ajustable permite fijar su valor dentro de un rango mediante una abrazadera móvil en contacto con el elemento resistivo. Un **reóstato** [[51]]() es una resistencia variable que se usa en los circuitos de gran consumo, empleándose para regular la corriente en máquinas y motores. Un **potenciómetro** [[52]](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potenci%C3%B3metro) es una resistencia variable que puede ser variada por el usuario para realizar cualquier función.
### External links
@ -292,4 +314,12 @@ Permite indicar su valor en ohmios mediante bandas de colores.
48. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galvan%C3%B3metro
49. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efecto_Joule
50. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Termistor
51. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reostato
52. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potenci%C3%B3metro
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