The neural control network got it layer one based on radio high power electromagnetic emissions. The results is the neural control monitoring network build upon this and **electrosmog** [[1]](, unnatural **electromagnetic field** [[2]]( and **electromagnetic interference** [[3]]( Human body and human magnetic field produced by different organs.
### Magnets

I've put a simple magnet upon a hat and another near the heart in the pocket of a shirt for example. This disturb the communication with the "Illuminati" facility. And our body magnetic field are altered.
Simply build an **aluminum foil hat** [[5]]( to stop our mind to be read by the remote neural monitoring network.
There is a tissue that is made of **Faraday** [[6]]( fiber on the market not very common to find but nowadays present in campaign foundation portals like **kickstarter** [[7]]( that is very important to dress our child and ourself to reflect electromagnetic field and radiation product by the remote neural monitoring facility.
- **Faraday's | The World's Most Advanced Men's Undergarment** [[9]](
Using this material there's also another application very nice to protect our smart phones but also credit card, USB keys and every type of tech gadget. Why we need to protect them from the "Illuminati" network? Because with this technology is possible to eliminate battery charge but also to remote read memories! So they can read the hard disk of our mobile. It's very important use cypher to protect our data.
They call this as "Faraday bags" simply **search them in amazon** [[11]](
**Radio jamming** [[12]]( from the end of the second world war was used to silently combat between different factions.
In the "Illuminati" radio wave network a lot of different frequencies are used to torture, read our toughs, inject dreams and subliminal voices to our head. In particular subliminal voice service use MF frequencies near 450 KHz.
You can build one of these in a cheap way using Arduino and a SDR radio operating range in those frequencies for example using those two boards:
It's also possible to buy a small radio transmitter USB to connect to a smart phone and code an application to continuously transmit in these frequency and cover the synthetic telepathy network facility emissions.