2019-08-27 21:13:20 -04:00

47 lines
1.3 KiB

# From https://github.com/tasket/Qubes-VM-hardening
# installer version 0.9.3
set -e
[ `id -u` -eq 0 ] || exit
if [ "$1" = "--uninstall" ]; then
echo "Removing vm-boot-protect.service..."
echo "Warning: This will remove any custom files added to /etc/default/vms!"
read -p "Proceed [y/N]? " ans
if [[ $ans == @(Y|y) ]]; then
systemctl disable vm-boot-protect.service
rm -r /lib/systemd/system/vm-boot-protect.service /usr/lib/qubes/init/vm-boot-protect.sh /etc/default/vms
systemctl daemon-reload
echo "Done."
echo "Aborted."
exit 0
echo "Installing vm-boot-protect.service..."
cp vm-boot-protect.sh /usr/lib/qubes/init
chmod +x /usr/lib/qubes/init/vm-boot-protect.sh
cp vm-boot-protect.service /lib/systemd/system
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable vm-boot-protect.service
echo "Adding defaults in /etc/default/vms..."
mkdir -p /etc/default/vms
# Careful... ownership & mode are not preserved here!
cp -riv default/vms/* /etc/default/vms
echo "Adding nosuid,nodev options to /etc/fstab..."
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
awk '($1~"^/rw/" || $2~"^/rw$") && ($4!~"nosuid" || $4!~"nodev") {$4=$4",nosuid,nodev"}1' \
/etc/fstab.bak >/etc/fstab
echo -e "\nvm-boot-protect installed!\n"
bash ./configure-sudo-prompt
exit 0