Link to the Qubes Docs: This describes how to create an own disposable AppVM which will be based on an existing template # Create a new Disposable App-VM which is based on a custom template (here named: t-fedora-26) qvm-create --template t-fedora-26 --label red --property template_for_dispvms=True --class=AppVM my-dvm # TEST: Start an application in this dvm qvm-run --dispvm=my-dvm xterm # Fix menu entry from Domain: my-dvm to Disposable: my-dvm #!msg/qubes-users/gfBfqTNzUIg/sbPp-pyiCAAJ # qvm-features my-dvm appmenus-dispvm 1 qvm-sync-appmenus --regenerate-only my-dvm # Change the Disp-VM from an AppVM (here for an AppVM which is named my-untrusted) qvm-prefs --set my-untrusted default_dispvm my-dvm # Try to start something from this AppVM in a disposable VM qvm-run --auto my-untrusted 'qvm-open-in-dvm https:/' # This should start a new dispvm which is based on your dvm-App # Check the template on which the dispvm is based on in dom0 qvm-ls | grep disp # Set default DispVM qubes-prefs --set default_dispvm my-dvm