--- layout: doc title: Gentoo Template permalink: /doc/templates/gentoo/ --- # Gentoo Template If you would like to use a stable, predictable, manageable and reproducible distribution in your AppVMs, you can install the Gentoo template, provided by Qubes in ready to use binary package. For the minimal version, please see [Minimal TemplateVMs](/doc/templates/minimal/) ## Installation The standard Gentoo TemplateVM can be installed with the following command in dom0: [user@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community qubes-template-gentoo To switch, reinstall and uninstall a Gentoo TemplateVM that is already installed in your system, see *How to [switch], [reinstall] and [uninstall]*. #### After Installing After a fresh install, we recommend to [Update the TemplateVM](/doc/software-update-vm/). ## Want to contribute? * [How can I contribute to the Qubes Project?](/doc/contributing/) * [Guidelines for Documentation Contributors](/doc/doc-guidelines/) [switch]: /doc/templates/#switching [reinstall]: /doc/reinstall-template/ [uninstall]: /doc/templates/#uninstalling