# User setup / @raffaeleflorio ## TemplateVMs and VMs The following TemplateVMs are really generic. I didn't include any specialized TemplateVMs (e.g. those used for development). ### TemplateVM fedora-28-minimal It's used only as a base for other TemplateVM. ### TemplateVM fedora-28-mini A clone of fedora-28-minimal with: ``` qubes-core-agent-nautilus qubes-core-agent-networking qubes-core-agent-network-manager qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates network-manager-applet dejavu-sans-fonts notification-daemon qubes-usb-proxy qubes-input-proxy-sender qubes-img-converter qubes-pdf-converter less psmisc pciutils keepassxc openssl qubes-gpg-split NetworkManager-wifi wireless-tools openssh-clients nmap-ncat oathtool vim-common ``` Template of: - fedora-28-mini-dvm: template for DispVMs - sys-net: DispVM based on fedora-28-mini-dvm - sys-usb: DispVM based on fedora-28-mini-dvm - sys-sd: DispVM based on fedora-28-mini-dvm - sys-firewall: DispVM based on fedora-28-mini-dvm - vault: offline; password manager; totp generation - *VMs used as split-{gpg,ssh} backend (e.g. work-keys)*: offline; management of a minimal set of (sub)keys - *VMs used as data container (e.g. backup)*: offline Notes: - [split gpg](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/split-gpg/) - [split gpg advanced setup](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/split-gpg/#advanced-using-split-gpg-with-subkeys) - [split ssh](https://github.com/henn/qubes-app-split-ssh) ### TemplateVM fedora-28-net A clone of fedora-28-mini with: ``` firefox thunderbird thunderbird-qubes pulseaudio-qubes mozilla-https-everywhere mozilla-privacy-badger ``` Template of: - dvm-net: template for DispVMs - dispNet: DispVM based on dvm-net - *VMs that needs a minimal Firefox and/or Thunderbird (e.g. work)*: firewalled; qubes-url-redirector; custom Firefox preferences Notes: - [qubes-url-redirector](https://github.com/raffaeleflorio/qubes-url-redirector) - [Qubes community docs about link/files opening](https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Contents/blob/master/docs/common-tasks/opening-urls-in-vms.md) ### TemplateVM fedora-28-heavy A clone of fedora-28-net with: ``` vlc libreoffice gimp whois bzip2 bind-utils emacs p7zip java-1.8.0-openjdk unar unzip galculator polkit qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root man-pages man git glibc-langpack-en gnome-terminal qubes-vm-recommended tree bash-completion chromium python2-jwt ``` Template of: - dvm-heavy-offline: offline; template for DispVMs; used to handle every file in every other VMs - dispHeavyOffline: DispVM based on dvm-heavy-offline - dvm-heavy-online: template for DispVMs; - dispHeavyOnline: DispVM based on dvm-heavy-online ### TemplateVM whonix-ws-14 - dvm-anon Notes: - [Whonix info 1](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/whonix) - [Whonix info 2](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes) ### TemplateVM whonix-gw-14 - sys-whonix