#!/bin/sh # Author: tasket # Github: https://github.com/tasket/ # Usage : A ressource monitor which can be run in dom0 and uses low system ressources (compared to Qubes Manager) # # Link to the repository of the initial author (tasket): # https://github.com/tasket/Qubes-scripts/blob/master/system-stats-xen delay=5 sensor_lines='Package id 0|fan1' lnparse () { if [ "$2" = 'CPU(%)' ]; then clear sensors |grep -E "^($sensor_lines)" echo -e "\nVM NAME CPU(% ) MEMORY(MB)" else echo "$ln" fi } clear stdbuf -oL xentop -b -f -d $delay \ | stdbuf -oL awk '{sub(/\.[0-9]/, " ")} {printf ("%-20s %5s %7\047d\n", $1,$4,$5/1000) }' \ | while read ln; do lnparse $ln done