Using multiple keyboard layouts =============================== The [official Qubes OS faq entry]( only covers how to change the layout *globally* - ie. both for dom0 and VMs, with a *single* layout. This document shows several ways of using *multiple* keyboard layouts and being able to *quickly* switch between them. Recommended setup ----------------- Run `setxkbmap` in *each* VM. Dom0 stays untouched (running `setxkbmap` in dom0 too will interfere with the VM's `setxkbmap` setup). For instance the following command would alternate between the US English and the Bulgarian phonetic layout when pressing both shift keys: ~~~ setxkbmap -layout "us,bg(phonetic)" -option "grp:shifts_toggle" ~~~ To automatically run the `setxkbmap` command when the VM starts, add a `/etc/xdg/autostart/setxkbmap.desktop` file in the VM's *template* with the following content: ~~~ [Desktop Entry] Name=Configure multiple keyboard layouts Exec=setxkbmap -layout "us,bg(phonetic)" -option "grp:shifts_toggle" Terminal=true Type=Application ~~~ Note: without `Terminal=true` the setxkbmap settings aren't applied for some reason, until one runs `setxkbmap` without options in a terminal. It is thus normal to notice a terminal flicker at startup. If you prefer to have a per-vm setup rather than per-template, create a `/rw/config/setxkbmap.desktop` with the same content as above and add the following line to `/rw/config/rc.local`: ~~~ cp /rw/config/setxkbmap.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart ~~~ Note: the reason we can't put the `setxkbmap` command in the `rc.local` script is because the X server isn't running when `rc.local` is executed. Alternatively, you could add the `setxkbmap` command to your profile's `.bashrc` file if you use terminals to start applications. Alternative setups ------------------ - Configure a keyboard shortcut in dom0 that would run `qvm-run vname 'setxkbmap ...'`, where the VM is the one whose window is under the mouse pointer (using `xprop -id $(xdotool getactivewindow`) ). An advantage is that it doesn't require tweaking VMs or templates, but this is a bit convoluted and `qvm-run` is sometimes slow when the system is under heavy I/O usage, so the layout switch doesn't happen immediately which is annoying. - Change the layout with `setxkbmap` *only in dom0*. This isn't optimal because: - there is no way to know which layout is used when typing the password in the xscreensaver's password field. - sometimes the keyboard layout would not be propagated to one of the VMs, requiring a reboot of the VM. - Once Qubes OS gains support for keyboard layout propagation from dom0 to VMs (see [this official issue]( the desktop environment's keyboard layout switcher (eg. Xfce Keyboard Layout switcher) could be used instead of `setxkbmap`. It is not clear however if this solution won't have the same issues as above. - Change the layout in dom0 with `localectl`: it's a no-go as it requires a reboot