#!/bin/bash # ls-qubes.sh # List Qubes and total RAM used by all Qubes # Usage: ls-qubes.sh # Output: 9Q|13.3G # ... this means: 9 Qubes running, total RAM consumption 13.3GB # This script has to be placed in dom0 and must be made executable via chmod +x # suggested location ~/bin as this location is included in the PATH environment variable # How to run: # # The output of this script can be placed in the XFCE top bar, via: # 1) Right Click on bar > Panel > Add new items > Generic Monitor # 2) after adding the generic monitor plabel, right click on it and choose properties # 3) add this script to the command field. # # Initial version 03.04.18 by https://github.com/one7two99 # xl list | awk ' BEGIN { mem=0; qubes=0; } / [0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ / { mem+=$3; qubes++; } END { printf("%dQ|%.1fG\n", qubes, mem/1000); }'