continue moving stuff to subfolders

This commit is contained in:
taradiddles 2018-03-22 08:59:52 +02:00
parent 2d9e9b89d9
commit 6d870e9cf2
21 changed files with 39 additions and 187 deletions

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# Qubes-Community #
Here you can find the Community guide's, doc's, & wiki's. Furthermore you can also raise feedback discussions in the issue tracker. Keep in mind everything on Qubes Community is unofficial. If you haven't already, then it may be worthwhile to check the official Qubes doc's first, found [here](
### Caution before use ###
We, as in any Qubes-Community users, collaborators, members and owners, expect that anyone using anything produced, uploaded, adviced or otherwise, that comes out of the Qubes Community, to be met with a healthy amount of skepticism. Please be careful about running any scripts, following wiki's, doc's or guide's, which you don't understand what do. We take no responsibility for any damage or losses. We do however wish to keep the reliability, as well as security
and privacy, at the best quality possible, but we are not accountable for not meeting our goals.
This site is run by volunteers. The Qubes OS Project is not affiliated with this site and does not endorse the content of any of these pages.
### Infographics ###
Some icons replace other icons in a logical flow, for example finished can be used instead of sub-collection, if all sub-scripts are deemed finished.
Finished <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Check-01.png" width="16"> | Updated, check date <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Refresh-01.png" width="16"> | Review(s) are needed <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Help-01.png" width="16"> | Development Paused <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Pause-01.png" width="16">
Sub-collection <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Info-01.png" width="16"> | Work in progress <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Gear-01.png" width="16"> | Looking for developers <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/User New-01.png" width="16"> | Dangerous, don't use! <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Close-01.png" width="16">
_Credits and special thanks for icons goes to deleket @ deviantart._
### Review system ###
To be announced.
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### Community doc's ###
All doc's here have the potential to one day become an official Qubes doc. Be mindful that they are still not perfect, and you must be careful when using them.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Check-01.png" width="16"> [Official accepted Community doc's]()
- Right now this list-page is empty as we're only just starting out and has not forwarded any Community docs for official review.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/User New-01.png" width="16"> [Placeholder example of a Community released doc]()
- Work in progress, drafted Community doc's which are taking substantial time, will be listed here on current page.
- Finished and accepted Community doc's which has become Official Qubes doc's, are moved to the official accepted community doc's sub-collection folder.
<br />
### Commuinity wiki's ###
The centralized and all published decentralized github wiki's can be found here.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Gear-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes Community Wiki]() - Coming soon.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/User New-01.png" width="16"> Feel free to request for your Qubes wiki on helping Qubes related issues, to be linked here.
<br />
### Community external guide collection ###
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Gear-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes 4 - Installing Win7]( - Official GitHub issue
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Help-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes Network Server]( - Third party GitHub repository.
<br />
### Commuinity Script's ###
Here you can find the community scripts. Currently there is no review system in place for scripts. Be extra cautious before you run any of them. In time we plan to review and/or improve the quality of all the listed scripts.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Info-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes - A collection of small, but handy scripts](/scripts/qubes-a-small-but-handy-script-collection)
- Here you find our collection of smaller scripts, which are too small or too unqiue to be listed on this main page. There might be something useful in here though, so feel free to take a look once in a while as our collection grows and expands.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Help-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes - Backup to AppVM script](/master/scripts/qvm-backup-to-appvm)
- A simple but potentially essential script to standardize your backup processes.
- May further be used, i.e. to put a timer on the script to perform automatically.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Help-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes - Create minimal sys-vm](/scripts/qubes-create-minimal-sys-vms)
- This script is helpful to help set up a minimal template and turn it into a small appVM for sys-net and sys-firewall.
- The script can be modified to include other similar use-cases as well.
- Useful if setting up a new fresh Qubes system, or if you're unsure how to do minimal VM's.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Check-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes - Easy dom0 to AppVM screenshotting](/scripts/qubes-screenshot-scripts)
- A collection of community screenshot scripts to handle the dom0 screenshot issue.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Check-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes - Easy sound volume control](/scripts/qubes-sound-control-scripts)
- Here you can find our growing collection of sound control scripts.
- They're typical ideal to keybind.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Help-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes - Move files to dom0](/scripts/qvm-copy-to-dom0)
- Moving files to dom0 is dangerous and discouraged, but if you must then here is a script to ease the process.
- If you know what you're doing, then this might be helpful.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Help-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes 4 - Universal Update Script](/scripts/
- This script can update dom0 and all templates in a single click or keybind, starting from one end, automatically working itself through all your templaes and dom0 updates.
- The '-y' attribute option is not included, because it's seen as dangerous to auto-accept new updates without review, so it's expected for users to manually accept new updates.
- The script will continue automatically if no new updates are found.
- It can be modified to include extra templates, as well as changing between stable and current-testing.
- This script is also intended to ensure syncronization and avoid the fedora 48 hour cache issues, as well as to help keep repositories aligned across the whole Qubes system.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Button Help-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes 4 - Win7 install - Guide/Script](/scripts/howto-build-win7-appvm)
- This script is designed to be a part guide, part script. Essentially it guides you through the commands to create a new Win7 VM. Please use the script as it was intended as a mixed guide/script.
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### Community project's ###
These are extensive works which incorporate multiple of inter-connected scripts and coding, problems which also may require their own issue tracking lists, as well as a larger collaboration of community developers. Community project's hold a repository on their own.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/User New-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes-A.I. ](
- Offline & Open Source. Keeping your privacy and security as maximum priority.
- Initially Voice Control only, open A.I.'s are not quite as freely available yet as voice control is.
- Initially local only, but will eventually be possible to tunnel securely via encryption and private host.
- Project is fresh and require hands to speed it up.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/User New-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes-NAS](
- Securing your NAS systems with a home-based server system.
- Initially the project will be local, but will eventually focus on becoming an internet based NAS server.
- Project is fresh and require hands to speed it up.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/User New-01.png" width="16"> <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Gear-01.png" width="16"> [QubesTV](
- Securing your SmartTV from microphones, web-cams, voice-control, internet connections, with QubesTV.
- Almost no binaries are installed, this project relies heavily on easy to review scripts. The few binaries needed are reliable, for example pulseaudio-utils.
- Project development has started, extra hands are welcome.
More projects to come as volunteers start them up. A project must go beyond the complexity of a script/guide, and involve complexity of inter-connected scripts, issue tracking, long-term development and updates, or other reasons that justifies it to become a project.
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### Community guide's ###
Guides are not doc's which has the potential to reach the official Qubes doc's page. Instead guides are meant for more pure community oirentated how-to's. For example how to style your system to make it look better, or suggestions for how you can help contribute to the Qubes Community.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Gear-01.png" width="16"> [Application recommendations for Qubes]()
- Generally apps which make sense on Qubes, as well as mostly free and open source.
- Coming soon.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Gear-01.png" width="16"> [Hardware Selection](/guides/
- A decision tree that helps selecting proper hardware for Qubes OS.
- Be mindful that these are suggestive solutions, which helps narrowing down the options. Please research and double-check any outputs in the final selection.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Gear-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes Styling - XFCE4 w/ Launchers]()
- Suggestion and inspiration on how to make Qubes look better and more stylish.
- Guide how to be minimalistic and do it securely, and still make it look good.
- Picture illustrations are included.
- Coming soon.
<br />
### Qubes server's - Guides & Scripts ###
Here you can find guides as well as scripts to a Qubes server of various types and sorts.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/User New-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes-A.I.-server ](
- Is a Qubes Community project. It is listed here as a dublicate due to its double project/server role.
- It may in the future serve as a private hosted A.I. system, for example in your home, acting as a server through encrypted channels to your various mobile devices.
- This is a very long-term project, which needs developers to succeed.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/User New-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes-NAS-server](
- is a Qubes Community project. It is listed here as a dublicate due to its double project/server role.
- It may in the future serve as a private hosted NAS system, for example in your home, acting as a server through encrypted channelse to your various modbile devices.
- This is a future project, which might not be too far off, but also not too soon. It needs developers to speed it up.
- <img src="/github-resources/review-icons/Gear-01.png" width="16"> [Qubes-Wire-Chat-server](/scripts/qubes-wire-chat-server)
- Using the open source client Wire, with the open source server, set as a Qubes server.
- The potential here is possibly big for secure chat systems. Further experimentaton needs to be done, however it's looking good for now.
- This is the most near-term Qubes server setups to be finished among the known works.
This page is about the 'Contents' repository, which hosts user-contributed Documentation and code/resources. The project's main page is [here](
User contributed Documentation and code/resources are respectively in the `docs/` and `code/` subfolders of the ['Contents']( repository. Please see the in each of those folders for more information.
Ongoing submissions, reviews and QA are in [Issues]( and [pull requests]( before new content is accepted in the repository (see [contributing](

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### User-contributed code (scripts, programs, ...)
**`dom0/`** - things meant to be run in dom0
- qvm-copy-to-dom0: copy files to dom0 (moving files to dom0 is dangerous and discouraged though)
- unattented template update (whonix, ...)
- sound-control-scripts: toggle, volume up, volume down, ...
- toggle-fullscreen-scripts
- screenshot-scripts
### Caution before use ###
**`server`** - using Qubes OS as a server
We, as in any Qubes-Community users, collaborators, members and owners, expect that anyone using anything produced, uploaded, adviced or otherwise, that comes out of the Qubes Community, to be met with a healthy amount of skepticism. Please be careful about running any scripts, following wiki's, doc's or guide's, which you don't understand what do. We take no responsibility for any damage or losses. We do however wish to keep the reliability, as well as security and privacy, at the best quality possible, but we are not accountable for not meeting our goals.
This site is run by volunteers. The Qubes OS Project is not affiliated with this site and does not endorse the content of any of these pages.
# Description of scripts
## howto-build-win7-appvm
a howto which will list all steps to create Windows 7 HVM in Qubes 4.
Starting from booting up the ISO, installing Qubes Windows Tools, Fixing networking and enabling seamless mode.
? to be defined ?
## qubes-create-minimal-sys-vms
describes how to provision sys-net / sys-usb / sys-firewall based on fedora-26-minimal templates instead of a full fedora-template.
## qvm-backup-to-appvm
script which can copy data from dom0 to an gzipped tarfile in an AppVM.
## qvm-copy-to-dom0
script which can copy data from an AppVM to a location in dom0.
(script must be launched from dom 0)
- see

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
### Qubes sound control scripts
Here you may find various of different kinds of Qubes sound control. Some work in other *nix operation systems as well, but others are Qubes specific, for example volume control of specific AppVM's. (More will be uploded later).
### Caution before use ###
We, as in any Qubes-Community users, collaborators, members and owners, expect that anyone using anything produced, uploaded, adviced or otherwise, that comes out of the Qubes Community, to be met with a healthy amount of skepticism. Please be careful about running any scripts, following wiki's, doc's or guide's, which you don't understand what do. We take no responsibility for any damage or losses. We do however wish to keep the reliability, as well as security and privacy, at the best quality possible, but we are not accountable for not meeting our goals.
This site is run by volunteers. The Qubes OS Project is not affiliated with this site and does not endorse the content of any of these pages.

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### Screenshot scripts ###
Here you have different choices, inspect and find one that matches your needs.
### Caution before use ###
We, as in any Qubes-Community users, collaborators, members and owners, expect that anyone using anything produced, uploaded, adviced or otherwise, that comes out of the Qubes Community, to be met with a healthy amount of skepticism. Please be careful about running any scripts, following wiki's, doc's or guide's, which you don't understand what do. We take no responsibility for any damage or losses. We do however wish to keep the reliability, as well as security and privacy, at the best quality possible, but we are not accountable for not meeting our goals.
This site is run by volunteers. The Qubes OS Project is not affiliated with this site and does not endorse the content of any of these pages.

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### A small, but handy script collection ###
Here you may find all small community scripts which does not fall logically into a script theme folder, or scripts which are too rarely used to be listed on the script overview list.
### Caution before use ###
We, as in any Qubes-Community users, collaborators, members and owners, expect that anyone using anything produced, uploaded, adviced or otherwise, that comes out of the Qubes Community, to be met with a healthy amount of skepticism. Please be careful about running any scripts, following wiki's, doc's or guide's, which you don't understand what do. We take no responsibility for any damage or losses. We do however wish to keep the reliability, as well as security and privacy, at the best quality possible, but we are not accountable for not meeting our goals.
This site is run by volunteers. The Qubes OS Project is not affiliated with this site and does not endorse the content of any of these pages.

code/server/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
### Using Qubes OS as a server
Hosted repositories:
- [Qubes-A.I.-server ]( serve as a private hosted A.I. system, for example in your home, acting as a server through encrypted channels to your various mobile devices (WIP).
- [Qubes-NAS-server]( serve as a private hosted NAS system, for example in your home, acting as a server through encrypted channels to your various modbile devices (WIP).
External links:
- [Qubes Network Server](

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- create-minimal-sys-vms : should be a doc
- howto-build-win7-appvm : ditto
- qvm-backup-to-appvm : isn't backup related ; +, why not use qvm-run vmname 'mv ...' instead of helper script.

docs/ Normal file
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### User-contributed documentation
- [Tips on choosing the right hardware](

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