- VM 'work': firewalled, ssh to known hosts and to mail server; used for emails/office work, storing non confidential documents, and terminals (with [tmux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tmux)).
- VM 'untrusted': firewalled, only a few IPs allowed (eg. nextcloud server, ...); used for opening multimedia files, and content that is thought to be OK. See [this comment](https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Contents/issues/21#issuecomment-385189481) for the rationale behind keeping this VM without full Internet access.
- VM 'sys-usb': firewalled, only 1 IP allowed (playing music from a NAS to a USB soundcard).
- dispVM 'dispBrowser': doc / WIP; used for casual browsing. Using with a customized firefox profile with privacy extensions and a custom `user.js` file (adapted from [here](https://github.com/pyllyukko/user.js)).
- dispVMs: used for opening content downloaded from unknown/dodgy sources as well as browsing sites that won't work with the restricted firefox profile of 'dispBrowser'.
- ctrl-alt X: open a popup windows to open xterm in a given VM (script [here](https://github.com/taradiddles/qubes-os/blob/master/popup-appmenu-r4), screenshot [there](https://github.com/taradiddles/qubes-os/blob/master/popup-appmenu.screenshot.jpg)). Shortcut: `popup-appmenu xterm`.
sys-net: since nm-applet isn't started by default in all VMs (see section below), start it with a .desktop file in `$HOME/.config/autostart` (note: can't use `rc.local` because Xorg isn't started yet when `rc.local` runs).
-`fix-xdg`: remove autostart stuff in `/etc/xdg/autostart`; this will prevent for instance nm-applet from starting in all VMs while it's only required in sys-net.
-`setxkbmap.desktop`: multiple keyboard layouts (see [this doc](https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Contents/blob/master/docs/localization/keyboard-multiple-layouts.md)).
-`solarized.vim2`, `vimrc.add.colors`: configure vim to use the [solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) color scheme.
-`Xresources` and `xresources.desktop`: load Xresources at boot (can't simply use `/etc/X11/xresources` because `xinit` runs `xrdb -merge` without the preprocessor, which breaks the solarized color scheme definitions.