2. Open a terminal in Debian 11 (or your previously chosen template ; note that `gnome-terminal` isn't installed by default in a [minimal template], in which case replace `gnome-terminal` with `uxterm`):
We need a notification daemon, otherwise Signal will hang the first time you receive a message when the window doesn’t have the focus (alternatively you could install `xfce4-notifyd` instead of `dunst`):
Download the Signal signing key (we need to pass the `--proxy` argument to `curl` as TemplateVMs can only access internet through a proxy at localhost/ port 8082):
4. A bit more work is required in case you used a minimal template for the TemplateVM above:
`signal-desktop` requires at the minimum `libatk1.0-0`, `libatk-bridge2.0-0`, `libcups2` and `libgtk-3-0` to run. Those dependencies are automatically installed when installing `xfce4-notifyd`, but if you installed `dunst` you'll have to add them:
If you haven't done so already, `qubes-core-agent-networking` must be installed for networking to work in qubes which are based on minimal templates:
sudo apt install qubes-core-agent-networking
Then optionally install the following packages for convenience of handling files (`zenity` is needed by the Qubes OS functions in `qubes-core-agent-nautilus` to show the progress dialog when moving / copying files):
7. With your mouse, select the `Q` menu -> `Domain: "AppVM Name"` -> `"AppVM Name": Qube Settings` -> `Applications` (or in Qubes Manager `"AppVM Name"` -> `Settings` -> `Applications`). Select `Signal` from the left `Available` column, move it to the right `Selected` column by clicking the `>` button and then `OK` to apply the changes and close the window.