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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
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* Copyright 2006 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* -->
* \author Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* \brief Very simple hierarchical windowing system.
* All functions in this module are to be intended as methods
* of the Window class. Please see its documentation
* for a module-wise introduction.
* \see struct Window
*#* $Log$
*#* Revision 1.3 2006/07/19 12:56:27 bernie
*#* Convert to new Doxygen style.
*#* Revision 1.2 2006/01/26 00:36:48 bernie
*#* Const correctness for some new functions.
*#* Revision 1.1 2006/01/23 23:14:29 bernie
*#* Implement simple, but impressive windowing system.
#ifndef GFX_WIN_H
#define GFX_WIN_H
#include <struct/list.h> /* Node, List */
#include <gfx/gfx.h> /* coord_t */
* Window handle and context structure.
* A window is a small rectangular area on the
* screen backed by its own bitmap where you
* can draw.
* A window can contain any number of children
* sub-windows that can be depth arranged with
* respect to their siblings.
* At any time, a window and all its children
* can be drawn into another bitmap to display
* a complete screen, taking depth and
* overlapping into account.
* This rendering model is commonly referred to as
* screen composition, and is quite popular among
* modern windowing systems.
typedef struct Window
Node link; /**< Link us with other siblings into our parent. */
struct Window *parent; /**< Our parent window. NULL for the root window. */
Bitmap *bitmap; /**< Pixel storage for window contents. */
Rect geom; /**< [px] Window size and position relative to parent. */
* List of child windows, arranged by depth (front to back).
* Child top/left coordinates are relative to us.
List children;
} Window;
* Public function prototypes
void win_compose(Window *w);
void win_open(Window *w, Window *parent);
void win_close(Window *w);
void win_raise(Window *w);
void win_setGeometry(Window *w, const Rect *new_geom);
void win_move(Window *w, coord_t left, coord_t top);
void win_resize(Window *w, coord_t width, coord_t height);
void win_create(Window *w, Bitmap *bm);
#endif /* GFX_WIN_H */