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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
* Bertos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Copyright 2006 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* -->
* \author Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* \brief Very simple hierarchical windowing system.
* All functions in this module are to be intended as methods
* of the Window class. Please see its documentation
* for a module-wise introduction.
* \see struct Window
*#* $Log$
*#* Revision 1.2 2006/08/01 17:26:04 batt
*#* Update docs.
*#* Revision 1.1 2006/08/01 15:43:01 batt
*#* Add in board_kd current edited channel visualization.
*#* Revision 1.4 2006/07/19 12:56:26 bernie
*#* Convert to new Doxygen style.
*#* Revision 1.3 2006/02/10 12:25:41 bernie
*#* Add missing header.
*#* Revision 1.2 2006/01/26 00:36:48 bernie
*#* Const correctness for some new functions.
*#* Revision 1.1 2006/01/23 23:14:29 bernie
*#* Implement simple, but impressive windowing system.
#include "win.h"
#include <struct/list.h>
* Map the contents of all child-windows into the bitmap of \a w.
* \note Recursively drawing children into their parent
* effectively damages the parent buffer.
void win_compose(Window *w)
Window *child;
* Walk over all children, in back to front order and tell them
* to compose into us.
REVERSE_FOREACH_NODE(child, &w->children)
/* Recursively compose child first. */
/* Draw child into our bitmap. */
if (w->bitmap)
gfx_blit(w->bitmap, &child->geom, child->bitmap, 0, 0);
* Map window \a w into \a parent.
* The new window becomes the topmost window.
* \note Opening a window twice is illegal.
* \see win_close()
void win_open(Window *w, Window *parent)
w->parent = parent;
ADDHEAD(&parent->children, &w->link);
* Detach window from its parent.
* Closing a window causes it to become orphan of its
* parent. Its content will no longer appear in its
* parent after the next refresh cycle.
* \note Closing a window that has not been previously
* opened is illegal.
* \see win_open()
void win_close(Window *w)
w->parent = NULL;
* Move window to the topmost position relative to its sibling.
* \see win_move(), win_resize(), win_setGeometry()
void win_raise(Window *w)
ADDHEAD(&w->parent->children, &w->link);
* Set window position and size at the same time.
* This function is equivalent to subsequent calls to win_move()
* and win_resize() using the coordinates provided by the
* \a new_geom rectangle.
* \note The xmax and ymax members of \a new_geom are non-inclusive,
* as usual for the Rect interface.
* \see win_move()
* \see win_resize()
void win_setGeometry(Window *w, const Rect *new_geom)
// requires C99?
// memcpy(&w->geom, new_geom, sizeof(w->geom));
w->geom = *new_geom;
* Move window to specified position.
* Move the window top-left corner to the pixel coordinates
* \a left and \a top, which are relative to the parent window.
* \note A window can also be moved outside the borders
* of its parent, or at negative coordinates.
* \note It is allowed to move an orphan window.
void win_move(Window *w, coord_t left, coord_t top)
Rect r;
r.xmin = left;
r.ymin = top;
r.xmax = r.xmin + RECT_WIDTH(&w->geom);
r.ymax = r.ymin + RECT_WIDTH(&w->geom);
win_setGeometry(w, &r);
* Resize the rectangle of a window.
* The window shrinks or grows to the specified size.
* \note Growing a window beyond the size of its
* backing bitmap results in unspecified behavior.
* \note It is allowed to resize an orphan window.
void win_resize(Window *w, coord_t width, coord_t height)
Rect r;
r.xmin = w->geom.xmin;
r.ymin = w->geom.ymin;
r.xmax = r.xmin + width;
r.ymax = r.ymin + height;
win_setGeometry(w, &r);
* Initialize a new window structure.
* The new window initial position is set to (0,0).
* The size is set to the size of the installed bitmap,
* or (0,0) if there's no backing store.
* \arg bm The bitmap to install as backing store
* for drawing into the window, or NULL if
* the window is not drawable.
void win_create(Window *w, Bitmap *bm)
w->parent = NULL;
w->bitmap = bm;
w->geom.xmin = 0;
w->geom.ymin = 0;
if (bm)
w->geom.xmax = bm->width;
w->geom.ymax = bm->height;