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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
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* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* Copyright 1999 Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* -->
* \author Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* \author Stefano Fedrigo <aleph@develer.com>
* \brief Text graphic routines
#include <gfx/gfx.h>
#include <gfx/font.h>
#include <gfx/text.h>
#include <gfx/gfx_p.h> // FIXME: BM_DRAWPIXEL
#include <cfg/debug.h>
* ANSI escape sequences flag: true for ESC state on.
* \todo Move to Bitmap.flags.
static bool ansi_mode = false;
* Move (imaginary) cursor to coordinates specified.
void text_setCoord(struct Bitmap *bm, int x, int y)
bm->penX = x;
bm->penY = y;
* Move (imaginary) cursor to column and row specified.
* Next text write will start a that row and col.
void text_moveTo(struct Bitmap *bm, int row, int col)
ASSERT(col >= 0);
ASSERT(col < bm->width / bm->font->width);
ASSERT(row >= 0);
ASSERT(row < bm->height / bm->font->height);
text_setCoord(bm, col * bm->font->width, row * bm->font->height);
* Render char \a c on Bitmap \a bm.
static int text_putglyph(char c, struct Bitmap *bm)
const uint8_t * PROGMEM glyph; /* font is in progmem */
uint8_t glyph_width, glyph_height, glyph_height_bytes;
unsigned char index = (unsigned char)c;
/* Check for out of range char and replace with '?' or first char in font. */
if (UNLIKELY(!FONT_HAS_GLYPH(bm->font, index)))
kprintf("Illegal char '%c' (0x%02x)\n", index, index);
if (FONT_HAS_GLYPH(bm->font, '?'))
index = '?';
index = bm->font->first;
/* Make character relative to font start */
index -= bm->font->first;
glyph_height = bm->font->height;
// FIXME: for vertical fonts only
glyph_height_bytes = (glyph_height + 7) / 8;
if (bm->font->offset)
/* Proportional font */
glyph_width = bm->font->widths[index]; /* TODO: optimize away */
glyph = bm->font->glyph + bm->font->offset[index];
* Fixed-width font: compute the first column of pixels
* of the selected glyph using the character code to index
* the glyph array.
glyph_width = bm->font->width;
//For horizontal fonts
//glyph = bm->font->glyph + index * (((glyph_width + 7) / 8) * glyph_height);
glyph = bm->font->glyph + index * glyph_height_bytes * glyph_width;
/* Slow path for styled glyphs */
if (UNLIKELY(bm->styles))
uint8_t styles = bm->styles;
uint8_t prev_dots = 0, italic_prev_dots = 0;
uint8_t dots;
uint8_t row, col, row_bit;
* To avoid repeating clipping and other expensive computations,
* we cluster calls to gfx_blitRaster() using a small buffer.
uint8_t render_xpos = 0;
/* This style alone could be handled by the fast path too */
if (bm->styles & STYLEF_CONDENSED)
if (bm->styles & STYLEF_EXPANDED)
glyph_width *= 2;
for (row = 0, row_bit = 0; row < glyph_height_bytes; ++row, row_bit += 8)
/* For each dot column in the glyph... */
for (col = 0; col < glyph_width; ++col)
uint8_t src_col = col;
/* Expanded style: advances only once every two columns. */
if (styles & STYLEF_EXPANDED)
src_col /= 2;
/* Fetch a column of dots from glyph. */
dots = PGM_READ_CHAR(RAST_ADDR(glyph, src_col, row_bit, glyph_width));
/* Italic: get lower 4 dots from previous column */
if (styles & STYLEF_ITALIC)
uint8_t new_dots = dots;
dots = (dots & 0xF0) | italic_prev_dots;
italic_prev_dots = new_dots & 0x0F;
/* Bold: "or" pixels with the previous column */
if (styles & STYLEF_BOLD)
uint8_t new_dots = dots;
dots |= prev_dots;
prev_dots = new_dots;
/* Underlined: turn on base pixel */
if ((styles & STYLEF_UNDERLINE)
&& (row == glyph_height_bytes - 1))
dots |= (1 << (glyph_height - row_bit - 1));
/* Inverted: invert pixels */
if (styles & STYLEF_INVERT)
dots = ~dots;
/* Output dots */
render_buf[render_xpos++] = dots;
if (render_xpos == RENDER_BUF_WIDTH)
gfx_blitRaster(bm, bm->penX + col - render_xpos + 1, bm->penY + row_bit,
render_buf, render_xpos,
MIN((uint8_t)RENDER_BUF_HEIGHT, (uint8_t)(glyph_height - row_bit)),
render_xpos = 0;
gfx_blitRaster(bm, bm->penX + col, bm->penY + row_bit,
&dots, 1, MIN((uint8_t)8, glyph_height - row_bit), 1);
/* Flush out rest of render buffer */
if (render_xpos != 0)
gfx_blitRaster(bm, bm->penX + col - render_xpos, bm->penY + row_bit,
render_buf, render_xpos,
MIN((uint8_t)RENDER_BUF_HEIGHT, (uint8_t)(glyph_height - row_bit)),
render_xpos = 0;
/* No style: fast vanilla copy of glyph to bitmap */
gfx_blitRaster(bm, bm->penX, bm->penY, glyph, glyph_width, glyph_height, glyph_width);
/* Update current pen position */
bm->penX += glyph_width;
return c;
* Render char \c c, with (currently) limited ANSI escapes
* emulation support and '\n' for newline.
int text_putchar(char c, struct Bitmap *bm)
/* Handle ANSI escape sequences */
if (UNLIKELY(ansi_mode))
switch (c)
bm->penX = 0;
bm->penY = 0;
text_style(bm, 0, STYLEF_MASK);
kprintf("Unknown ANSI esc code: %x\n", c);)
ansi_mode = false;
else if (c == '\033') /* Enter ANSI ESC mode */
ansi_mode = true;
else if (c == '\n') /* Go one line down on a line-feed */
if (bm->penY + bm->font->height < bm->height)
bm->penY += bm->font->height;
bm->penX = 0;
text_putglyph(c, bm);
return c;
* Clear the screen and reset cursor position
void text_clear(struct Bitmap *bmp)
text_putchar('\x1b', bmp);
text_putchar('c', bmp);
void text_clearLine(struct Bitmap *bm, int line)
gfx_rectClear(bm, 0, line * bm->font->height, bm->width, (line + 1) * bm->font->height);
* Set/clear algorithmic font style bits.
* \param bm Pointer to Bitmap to affect.
* \param flags Style flags to set
* \param mask Mask of flags to modify
* \return Old style flags
* Examples:
* Turn on bold, leave other styles alone
* \code text_style(bm, STYLEF_BOLD, STYLEF_BOLD); \endcode
* Turn off bold and turn on italic, leave others as they are
* \code text_style(bm, STYLEF_ITALIC, STYLEF_BOLD | STYLEF_ITALIC); \endcode
* Query current style without chaning it
* \code style = text_style(bm, 0, 0); \endcode
* Reset all styles (plain text)
* \code text_style(bm, 0, STYLE_MASK); \endcode
uint8_t text_style(struct Bitmap *bm, uint8_t flags, uint8_t mask)
uint8_t old = bm->styles;
bm->styles = (bm->styles & ~mask) | flags;
return old;