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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
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* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* Copyright 2004 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* -->
* \author Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* \brief Simple charts on top of mware/gfx routines (implementation).
#include "charts.h"
#include <gfx/gfx.h>
void chart_init(Bitmap *bm, coord_t xmin, coord_t ymin, coord_t xmax, coord_t ymax)
/* Clear the chart area */
gfx_rectClear(bm, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
gfx_setClipRect(bm, xmin + CHART_BORDERLEFT, ymin + CHART_BORDERTOP,
void chart_setScale(Bitmap *bm, chart_x_t xmin, chart_y_t ymin, chart_x_t xmax, chart_y_t ymax)
gfx_setViewRect(bm, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
* Draw the chart axes
void chart_drawAxis(Bitmap *bm)
/* Draw axis */
gfx_moveTo(bm, bm->cr.xmin, bm->cr.ymin + 4);
gfx_lineTo(bm, bm->cr.xmin, bm->cr.ymax - 1);
gfx_lineTo(bm, bm->cr.xmax - 4 - 1, bm->cr.ymax - 1);
/* Draw up arrow */
gfx_moveTo(bm, bm->cr.xmin - 2, bm->cr.ymin + 3);
gfx_lineTo(bm, bm->cr.xmin + 2, bm->cr.ymin + 3);
gfx_lineTo(bm, bm->cr.xmin, bm->cr.ymin);
gfx_lineTo(bm, bm->cr.xmin - 2, bm->cr.ymin + 3);
/* Draw right arrow */
gfx_moveTo(bm, bm->cr.xmax - 4, bm->cr.ymax - 3);
gfx_lineTo(bm, bm->cr.xmax - 4, bm->cr.ymax + 1);
gfx_lineTo(bm, bm->cr.xmax - 1, bm->cr.ymax - 1);
gfx_lineTo(bm, bm->cr.xmax - 4, bm->cr.ymax - 3);
/* Draw a box around the chart */
gfx_rectDraw(bm, bm->cr.xmin, bm->cr.ymin, bm->cr.xmax, bm->cr.ymax);
//CHECK_WALL(wall_before_raster, WALL_SIZE);
//CHECK_WALL(wall_after_raster, WALL_SIZE);
* Draw a set of \a curve_cnt connected segments, whose Y coordinates
* are identified by the \a curve_y array and X-coordinates are
* are evenly spaced by one virtual unit.
void chart_drawCurve(Bitmap *bm, const chart_y_t *curve_y, int curve_cnt)
int i;
gfx_moveTo(bm, gfx_transformX(bm, 0), gfx_transformY(bm, curve_y[0]));
for (i = 1; i < curve_cnt; i++)
gfx_lineTo(bm, gfx_transformX(bm, i), gfx_transformY(bm, curve_y[i]));
//CHECK_WALL(wall_before_raster, WALL_SIZE);
//CHECK_WALL(wall_after_raster, WALL_SIZE);
* Disegna dei dot in corrispondenza delle coppie (dotsx[i];dotsy[i])
* Se dotsx e' NULL, i punti vengono disegnati ad intervalli regolari.
void chart_drawDots(Bitmap *bm, const chart_x_t *dots_x, const chart_y_t *dots_y, int cnt)
int i;
coord_t x, y;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
if (dots_x)
x = gfx_transformX(bm, dots_x[i]);
x = gfx_transformX(bm, i);
y = gfx_transformY(bm, dots_y[i]);
/* Draw tick over the curve */
x - TICKS_WIDTH / 2, y - TICKS_HEIGHT / 2,
x + (TICKS_WIDTH + 1) / 2, y + (TICKS_HEIGHT + 1) / 2);
/* Draw vertical line from the curve to the X-axis */
//gfx_drawLine(bm, x, y, x, bm->cr.ymax - 1);
//CHECK_WALL(wall_before_raster, WALL_SIZE);
//CHECK_WALL(wall_after_raster, WALL_SIZE);