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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
* Bertos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* the GNU General Public License.
* Copyright 2004, 2008 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* All Rights Reserved.
* -->
* \brief Graphics Menu bar widget
* \author Stefano Fedrigo <aleph@develer.com>
* \author Francesco Sacchi <batt@develer.com>
#include "menubar.h"
#include <gfx/gfx.h>
#include <gfx/text.h>
#include <gfx/font.h>
#include <cfg/compiler.h>
#warning FIXME:This module is obsolete, you must refactor it!
#if 0
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> /* strlen_P() */
#define strlen_P(s) strlen(s)
#define text_puts_P(s, b) text_puts(s, b)
#define pgm_read_uint16_t(addr) (*(addr))
#include <string.h> /* strlen, memcpy */
/** Predefined labels */
static const pgm_char lab_1[] = "";
static const pgm_char lab_2[] = "mute";
static const pgm_char lab_3[] = "menu";
static const pgm_char lab_4[] = "back";
static const pgm_char lab_5[] = " ok ";
static const pgm_char lab_6[] = "Ch 1";
static const pgm_char lab_7[] = "Ch 2";
static const pgm_char lab_8[] = "C1+2";
static const pgm_char lab_9[] = " "UP_ARROW" ";
static const pgm_char lab_10[] = " "DOWN_ARROW" ";
static const pgm_char lab_11[] = " - ";
static const pgm_char lab_12[] = " + ";
static const pgm_char lab_13[] = "sel ";
static const pgm_char lab_14[] = "lock";
static const pgm_char lab_15[] = "unlock";
static const pgm_char lab_16[] = "more";
static const pgm_char lab_17[] = "edit";
static const pgm_char lab_18[] = "fast";
static const pgm_char lab_19[] = LEFT_ARROW" ";
static const pgm_char lab_20[] = " "RIGHT_ARROW;
static const pgm_char lab_21[] = "slow";
static const pgm_char lab_22[] = "yes";
static const pgm_char lab_23[] = "no";
static const pgm_char * PROGMEM label_strings[LABEL_CNT] = {
lab_1, lab_2, lab_3, lab_4, lab_5, lab_6, lab_7, lab_8, lab_9,
lab_10, lab_11, lab_12, lab_13, lab_14, lab_15, lab_16, lab_17,
lab_18, lab_19, lab_20, lab_21, lab_22, lab_23
* Macro to access a label iptr_t: if a char pointer get the string pointed to
* in program memory, otherwise return the corrispondent predefined string
* (see label_strings in menubar.c)
#define PTRLBL(x) ((unsigned int)(x) < 256 ? \
(const pgm_char *)pgm_read_uint16_t(label_strings + (unsigned int)(x)) \
: (const pgm_char *)(x))
* Initialize the MenuBar widget with the bitmap associated,
* the label names and the number of labels.
void mbar_init(
struct MenuBar *mb,
struct Bitmap *bmp,
const_iptr_t labels[],
int num_labels)
mb->bitmap = bmp;
mb->labels = labels;
mb->num_labels = num_labels;
* Render the MenuBar on the bitmap.
void mbar_draw(const struct MenuBar *mb)
uint8_t oldstyle;
int i;
size_t maxlen = 0; /* Length of the longest label */
coord_t x1, x2, y1, y2, label_padding;
/* Maximum space available for a label */
coord_t slot_width = mb->bitmap->width / mb->num_labels;
/* Find longest label */
for (i = 0; i < mb->num_labels; i++)
if (strlen_P(PTRLBL(mb->labels[i])) > maxlen)
maxlen = strlen_P(PTRLBL(mb->labels[i]));
oldstyle = text_style(mb->bitmap, STYLEF_INVERT, STYLEF_MASK);
/* y coords for menubar: bottom of the bitmap */
y1 = mb->bitmap->height - FONT_HEIGHT;
y2 = mb->bitmap->height;
/* Clear menubar area */
gfx_rectClear(mb->bitmap, 0, y1, mb->bitmap->width, y2);
for (i = 0; i < mb->num_labels; i++)
size_t lablen = strlen_P(PTRLBL(mb->labels[i]));
/* Don't draw empty labels */
if (mb->labels[i] == (const_iptr_t)LABEL_EMPTY)
/* x coords: magic formula for equal distribution of the
* labels along bitmap
label_padding = slot_width - (FONT_WIDTH * lablen + 2);
x1 = i * (slot_width + (label_padding / (mb->num_labels - 1)));
x2 = x1 + lablen * FONT_WIDTH + 1;
/* Draw vertical line before.
* Uncomment +1 for "rounded" menubars */
gfx_line(mb->bitmap, x1, y1 /* + 1 */, x1, y2);
/* Draw text */
text_setCoord(mb->bitmap, x1 + 1, y1);
text_puts_P(PTRLBL(mb->labels[i]), mb->bitmap);
/* Draw vertical line after
* Uncomment +1 for "rounded" menubars */
gfx_line(mb->bitmap, x2, y1 /* + 1 */, x2, y2);
text_style(mb->bitmap, oldstyle, STYLEF_MASK);