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* \file
* <!--
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* -->
* \brief Test for PWM driver (implementation)
* This is a simple test for PWM driver. This module
* is target independent, so you can test all target that
* BeRTOS support.
* To use this test you should include a pwm_map.h header where
* are defined the PWM channels for your target. Then you should add
* or remove a test setting in pwm_test_cfg array, and edit a value for
* your specific test.
* Afther this, all is ready and you can test PWM driver.
* The test check first if all PWM channel starts, and then try
* to change a PWM duty cicle for all channel.
* The change of duty cycle is operate when a PWM channel is enable,
* in this way you can see if a pwm signal is clean and work properly.
* The duty value is change incrementaly, and when it arrive to 100% or 0%,
* we reset the duty value and restart the test.
* Further the duty test, we check also a PWM polarity, infact when we
* reach a reset duty value, we invert a polary of PWM wavform.
* So you can see if the hardware manage correctly this situation.
* Note: To be simple and target independently we not use a timer module,
* and so the delay is do with a for cycle.
* \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>
#include "hw/pwm_map.h" // For PwmDev and channel avaible on thi target
#include "cfg/cfg_pwm.h"
#include <cfg/macros.h>
#include <cfg/debug.h>
// Define logging setting (for cfg/log.h module).
#include <cfg/log.h> // for logging system
#include <cpu/types.h>
#include <cpu/irq.h>
#include <drv/pwm.h>
#include CPU_HEADER(pwm)
#define DELAY_TIME 10000 // This is a number of for cycle before to set a new value of duty
#define PWM_DUTY_INC 200 // Incremental value for duty
* Simple struct to store
* the testing value.
typedef struct PwmTest
int ch;
bool pol;
pwm_freq_t freq;
pwm_duty_t duty;
} PwmTest;
* Test settings for each channel.
* Frequency value is in Hz.
* Esample of value for duty cycle"
* - 100% => 0xFFFFFFFF
* - 80% => 0xCCCCCCCC
* - 75% => 0xBFFFFFFF
* - 50% => 0x7FFFFFFF
* - 25% => 0x3FFFFFFF
* - 33% => 0x55555555
* - 16% => 0x2AAAAAAA
static PwmTest pwm_test_cfg[PWM_CNT] =
/* Channel, polarity, frequecy, duty */
{ 0, false, 100UL, 0 }, /* 100Hz, 0% duty */
{ 1, false, 1000UL, 0x7FFF }, /* 1KHz, 50% duty */
{ 2, false, 12356UL, 0x5555 }, /* 12,356KHz, 33% duty */
{ 3, false, 100000UL, 0xCCCC } /* 100KHz, 80% duty */
* Setup all needed to test PWM on AT91
int pwm_testSetup(void)
LOG_INFO("Init pwm..");
return 0;
* Test suit for genation of pwm waveform.
void NORETURN pwm_testRun(void)
pwm_duty_t duty = 0;
int delay = 0;
LOG_INFO("\n\n===== BeRTOS PWM test =====\n\n");
for (int i = 0; i < PWM_CNT; i++)
LOG_INFO("PWM test ch[%d]\n", pwm_test_cfg[i].ch);
LOG_INFO("--> set pol[%d]", pwm_test_cfg[i].pol);
LOG_INFO("\n(Note: if polarity is false the output waveform start at high level,\n see low level implentation for detail)i\n");
pwm_setPolarity(pwm_test_cfg[i].ch, pwm_test_cfg[i].pol);
LOG_INFO("--> set freq[%ld]", pwm_test_cfg[i].freq);
pwm_setFrequency(pwm_test_cfg[i].ch, pwm_test_cfg[i].freq);
LOG_INFO("--> set duty[%d]", pwm_test_cfg[i].duty);
pwm_setDuty(pwm_test_cfg[i].ch, pwm_test_cfg[i].duty);
LOG_INFO("--> Enable pwm");
pwm_enable(pwm_test_cfg[i].ch, true);
LOG_INFO("\n-------------------------- Dinamic PWM test --------------------------\n");
LOG_INFO("We test if driver change correctly the duty cycle durind it working.\n");
LOG_INFO("On your oscilloscope you should see the pwm singal that increase until\n");
LOG_INFO("the duty value is 100%%. After this value we invert a polarity of pwm,\n");
LOG_INFO("and repeat the test. But now you should see that pwm duty decreasing until\n");
LOG_INFO("0%% duty value.\nAfter that, we repeat the test from beginning.\n\n");
for (;;)
if (delay == DELAY_TIME)
for (int i = 0; i < PWM_CNT; i++)
LOG_INFO("PWM test ch[%d]\n", pwm_test_cfg[i].ch);
LOG_INFO("--> set duty[%d]", duty);
pwm_setDuty(pwm_test_cfg[i].ch, duty);
duty += PWM_DUTY_INC;
delay = 0;
//Reset duty cycle overflow
if (duty >= (pwm_duty_t)0xFFFF)
duty = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < PWM_CNT; i++)
LOG_INFO("Duty reset, swap polarity:\n");
LOG_INFO("--> pol from [%d] to [%d]", pwm_test_cfg[i].pol, !pwm_test_cfg[i].pol);
pwm_test_cfg[i].pol = !pwm_test_cfg[i].pol;
pwm_setPolarity(pwm_test_cfg[i].ch, pwm_test_cfg[i].pol);
* End a PWM Test.
* (Unused)
int pwm_testTearDown(void)
/* */
return 0;
* Empty main.
* Look it as exmple or use it if
* you want test a PWM driver stand alone.
#if 0
int main(void)