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* \file
* <!--
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* -->
* \brief PWM driver (implementation)
* \author Francesco Sacchi <batt@develer.com>
* \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>
#include "cfg/cfg_pwm.h"
#include <cfg/macros.h>
#include <cfg/module.h>
// Define logging setting (for cfg/log.h module).
#include <cfg/log.h>
#include <cfg/debug.h>
#include <drv/pwm.h>
#include CPU_HEADER(pwm)
#include <cpu/types.h>
#include <cpu/irq.h>
#include <string.h>
* Set duty of PWM channel \p dev.
* The current output frequency will be maintained.
* \param dev PWM channel.
* \param duty the new duty cycle.
void pwm_setDuty(PwmDev dev, pwm_duty_t duty)
pwm_period_t period = 0;
pwm_duty_t real_duty = 0;
duty = MIN(duty, PWM_MAX_DUTY);
period = pwm_hw_getPeriod(dev);
real_duty = (uint64_t)(duty * period) >> (uint64_t)PWM_MAX_PERIOD_LOG2;
LOG_INFO("real_duty[%d] duty[%d], period[%d]\n", real_duty, duty, period);
pwm_hw_setDutyUnlock(dev, real_duty);
* Set frequency of PWM channel \p dev at \p freq.
* \param dev PWM channel.
* \param freq new frequency, in Hz.
* \warning This function has to be called with PWM disabled, otherwise
* the output value will be undefined.
* The current duty cycle value will be lost, after calling this
* function the duty cycle have to be set again.
void pwm_setFrequency(PwmDev dev, pwm_freq_t freq)
pwm_hw_setFrequency(dev, freq);
* Enable/Disable PWM channel \p dev.
* \param dev PWM channel.
* \param state if true the PWM on \p dev is activated, if false is disabled.
void pwm_enable(PwmDev dev, bool state)
if (state)
* Initialize the PWM driver.
* \warning all available PWM channels are initialized.
void pwm_init(void)
cpu_flags_t flags;
PwmDev dev;
/* set all pwm to 0 */
for (dev = 0; dev < PWM_CNT; dev++)
pwm_setDuty(dev, 0);
#if !CFG_PWM_ENABLE_OLD_API || defined(__doxygen__)
INLINE void setRealDuty(Pwm *ctx, pwm_duty_t duty)
if (ctx->pol == PWM_POL_LOW_PULSE)
duty = PWM_MAX_DUTY - duty;
pwm_hwreg_t period = pwm_hw_getPeriod(ctx);
pwm_hwreg_t hw_duty;
switch (duty)
case 0:
hw_duty = 0;
hw_duty = period;
hw_duty = (uint64_t)(duty * period) >> (uint64_t)PWM_MAX_PERIOD_LOG2;
pwm_hw_setDuty(ctx, hw_duty);
* Set the duty cycle of the PWM channel linked to \p ctx.
* The modification will be applied to the channel immediatly.
* The current frequency of the channel will be maintained.
* \param ctx PWM channel context.
* \param duty the new duty cycle value.
* \see pwm_duty_t
void pwm_setDuty(Pwm *ctx, pwm_duty_t duty)
ctx->duty = duty;
if (ctx->enabled)
setRealDuty(ctx, duty);
* Set PWM frequency of channel linked to \p ctx.
* The modification will be applied to the channel immediatly.
* The duty cycle of the channel will be maintained.
* \param ctx PWM channel context.
* \param freq the new frequency of the signal, in Hz.
* \note Depending on the hardware implementation, this function may
* generate a glitch in the output signal upon frequency changing.
void pwm_setFrequency(Pwm *ctx, pwm_freq_t freq)
pwm_hw_setFrequency(ctx, freq);
pwm_enable(ctx, ctx->enabled);
* Set PWM polarity of pwm channel linked to \p ctx.
* The modification will be applied to the channel immediatly.
* \param ctx PWM channel context.
* \param pol the new polarity of the signal.
* \note if a channel is disabled, changing its polarity will change the
* current steady output level.
* \see pwm_enable
* \see PwmPolarity
void pwm_setPolarity(Pwm *ctx, PwmPolarity pol)
ctx->pol = pol;
pwm_enable(ctx, ctx->enabled);
* Enable/Disable the pwm channel linked to \p ctx.
* The modification will be applied to the channel immediatly.
* \param ctx PWM channel context.
* \param enable if true the channel will be enabled, if false will be disabled.
* \note When a PWM channel is disabled, the output level will be the same
* as if the duty would be set to 0%.
* So, if current polarity is positive, a disabled channel will be
* low, if polarity is negative will be high.
* \see pwm_setPolarity
void pwm_enable(Pwm *ctx, bool enable)
ctx->enabled = enable;
if (enable)
setRealDuty(ctx, ctx->duty);
setRealDuty(ctx, 0);
* Initialize PWM driver.
* \param ctx pointer to a PWM context structure, used for holding PWM
* driver related information.
* \param channel the channel you want to initialize.
* \note The channel will be initialized disabled and with High polarity.
void pwm_init(Pwm *ctx, unsigned channel)
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
ctx->ch = channel;
pwm_hw_init(ctx, channel);