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* \file
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* \brief Driver for NTC sensors (reads a temperature through an ADC).
* \author Giovanni Bajo <rasky@develer.com>
* \author Francesco Sacchi <batt@develer.com>
* $WIZ$ module_name = "ntc"
* $WIZ$ module_hw = "bertos/hw/hw_ntc.h", "bertos/hw/ntc_map.h", "bertos/hw/hw_ntc.c"
#ifndef DRV_NTC_H
#define DRV_NTC_H
#include "hw/ntc_map.h"
#include <cfg/compiler.h>
#include <cfg/debug.h>
#define NTC_OPEN_CIRCUIT -32768
#define NTC_SHORT_CIRCUIT 32767
typedef int16_t deg_t; /** type for celsius degrees deg_t = °C * 10 */
/** Macro for converting from deg to deg_t type */
#define DEG_TO_DEG_T(x) ((deg_t)((x) * 10))
/** Macro for converting from deg_t to celsius degrees (returns only the integer part) */
#define DEG_T_TO_INTDEG(x) ((x) / 10)
/** Macro for converting from deg_t to celsius degrees (returns only the decimal part) */
#define DEG_T_TO_DECIMALDEG(x) ((x) % 10)
/** Macro for converting from deg_t to celsius degrees (returns type is float) */
#define DEG_T_TO_FLOATDEG(x) ((x) / 10.0)
typedef uint32_t res_t; /** type for resistor res_t = Ohm * 100 */
typedef float amp_t; /** type for defining amplifications amp_t = A, where A is a pure number */
DB(extern bool ntc_initialized;)
/** Describe a NTC chip */
typedef struct NtcHwInfo
const res_t *resistances; ///< resistances of the NTC (ohms * 100)
size_t num_resistances; ///< number of resistances
deg_t degrees_min; ///< degrees corresponding to the first entry in the table (celsius * 10)
deg_t degrees_step; ///< difference in degrees between two consecutive elements in the table (celsius * 10)
} NtcHwInfo;
/** Initialize the NTC module */
void ntc_init(void);
/** Read a single temperature value from the NTC */
deg_t ntc_read(NtcDev dev);
#endif /* DRV_NTC_H */