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* \file
* <!--
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* -->
* \defgroup drv_emb_flash Embedded flash driver
* \ingroup drivers
* \{
* \brief Embedded flash for cpu.
* This module allows to access in reading and writing to the internal
* flash memory of the micro. It is a block device, so it must be
* accessed using the KBlock interface functions (see kblock.h).
* Once you have opened the flash for writing, you may want to use
* kblock_trim() to avoid overwriting data on other flash banks.
* Example usage:
* \code
* Flash fls;
* flash_init(&fls, 0);
* // enable access only on desired blocks
* // start block = 50, num blocks = 20
* kblock_trim(&fls.blk, 50, 20);
* // ...
* // now write to the flash
* // block number is automatically converted
* kblock_write(&fls.blk, 0, buf, 0, 128);
* \endcode
* \author Francesco Sacchi <batt@develer.com>
* \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>
* $WIZ$ module_name = "flash"
* $WIZ$ module_depends = "kfile", "kfile_block", "kblock"
* $WIZ$ module_configuration = "bertos/cfg/cfg_emb_flash.h"
#ifndef DRV_FLASH_H
#define DRV_FLASH_H
#include "cfg/cfg_emb_flash.h"
#include <cfg/macros.h>
#include <cfg/compiler.h>
#include <io/kblock.h>
#include <io/kfile.h>
#include <io/kfile_block.h>
#include <cpu/attr.h>
#define flash_init(...) PP_CAT(flash_init_, COUNT_PARMS(__VA_ARGS__)) (__VA_ARGS__)
* Init function for flash driver.
* This macro cannot fail, so no error conditions are reported.
* This macro expands to
* - flash_init_2(Flash *fls, flags), the new KBlock API
* - flash_init_1(Flash *fls), old API, provided for compatibility
* Do NOT use the above functions directly, use flash_init() instead.
* Disable old API if you are not upgrading an existing project.
#define flash_init(args...) PP_CAT(flash_init_, COUNT_PARMS(args)) (args)
* \name Embedded flash error values
* \{
#define FLASH_WR_OK 0 ///< Write ok.
#define FLASH_NOT_ERASED BV(1) ///< Flash memory was not erased before to write it.
#define FLASH_WR_PROTECT BV(2) ///< Write not allowed the flash memory was protected.
#define FLASH_WR_TIMEOUT BV(3) ///< Timeout while writing
#define FLASH_WR_ERR BV(4) ///< Invalid command and/or a bad keywords
/** \} */
struct FlashHardware;
* EmbFlash KBlock context structure.
typedef struct Flash
KBlock blk; ///< KBlock context
struct FlashHardware *hw;
union {
KFile fd;
KFileBlock fdblk;
} Flash;
* ID for FLASH
#define KBT_FLASH MAKE_ID('F', 'L', 'A', 'S')
* Convert + ASSERT from generic KBlock to Flash.
INLINE Flash *FLASH_CAST(KBlock *fls)
ASSERT(fls->priv.type == KBT_FLASH);
return (Flash *)fls;
void flash_hw_init(Flash *fls, int flags);
void flash_hw_initUnbuffered(Flash *fls, int flags);
#include CPU_HEADER(flash)
* \name Flash init flags
* \{
#define FLASH_WRITE_ONCE BV(0) ///< Allow only one write per block.
#define FLASH_UNBUFFERED BV(1) ///< Open flash memory disabling page caching, no modification and partial write are allowed.
/** \} */
* Initialize \a fls Flash context structure.
* \param fls Flash context structure
* \param flags A combination of flash init flags
#define flash_init_2(fls, flags) (flags & FLASH_UNBUFFERED) ? \
flash_hw_initUnbuffered(fls, flags) : flash_hw_init(fls, flags)
INLINE DEPRECATED void flash_init_1(Flash *fls)
flash_hw_init(fls, 0);
kfileblock_init(&fls->fdblk, &fls->blk);
/** \} */
#endif /* DRV_FLASH_H */