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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
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* Copyright 2003, 2006 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* All Rights Reserved.
* -->
* \brief Channel protocol parser and commands.
* This file contains the channel protocol parser and
* the definition of the protocol commands. Commands are defined
* in a "CmdTemplate" type array, containing:
* - the name of the command,
* - the arguments it expects to receive,
* - the output values,
* - the name of the function implementing the command.
* The arguments and results are passed to command function
* using an union: the element of the union to use for each
* argument is determined by format strings present in the
* CmdTemplate table.
* \author Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* \author Stefano Fedrigo <aleph@develer.com>
* \author Giovanni Bajo <rasky@develer.com>
#include "parser.h"
#include "cfg/cfg_parser.h"
#include <io/kfile.h>
#include <struct/hashtable.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // atol(), NULL
#include <string.h> // strchr(), strcmp()
/// Hashtable hook to extract the key from a command
static const void* get_key_from_command(const void* cmd, uint8_t* length);
/// Hashtable that handles the commands that can be executed
* \brief Tokenize one word at a time from a text.
* This function is similar to strtok, but does not use any implicit
* context, nor it does modify the input buffer in any form.
* The word is returned as a STL-like [begin,end) range.
* To extract the first word, make both begin and end point at the
* start of the text, and call the function. Then, subsequent
* calls will return the following words (assuming the begin/end
* variable are not modified between calls).
* \param begin Will contain the index of the first character of the word
* \param end Will contain the index of the character after the last
* character of the word
* \return True if a word was extracted, false if we got to the end
* of the string without extracting any word.
static bool get_word(const char **begin, const char **end)
const char *cur = *end;
while ((*cur == ' ' || *cur == '\t') && *cur)
*begin = cur;
while ((*cur != ' ' && *cur != '\t') && *cur)
*end = cur;
return (*end != *begin);
* \brief Command arguments parser.
* Using the format pointed by the argument fmt
* parses the input string filling the array argv
* with input parameters of the correct type.
* \param fmt Parameters format string.
* \param input Input string.
* \param argv Array filled with parameters.
* \return False in case of errors, otherwise true.
static bool parseArgs(const char *fmt, const char *input, parms argv[])
const char *begin = input, *end = input;
while (*fmt)
// Extract the argument
if (!get_word(&begin, &end))
return false;
switch (*fmt)
case 'd':
(*argv++).l = atol(begin);
case 's':
(*argv++).s = begin;
ASSERT2(0, "Unknown format for argument");
return false;
/* check if there are remaining args */
if (get_word(&begin, &end))
return false;
return true;
/// Hook provided by the parser for matching of command names (TAB completion) for readline
const char* parser_rl_match(UNUSED_ARG(void *,dummy), const char *word, int word_len)
HashIterator cur;
HashIterator end = ht_iter_end(&commands);
const char *found = NULL;
for (cur = ht_iter_begin(&commands);
!ht_iter_cmp(cur, end);
cur = ht_iter_next(cur))
const struct CmdTemplate* cmdp = (const struct CmdTemplate*)ht_iter_get(cur);
if (strncmp(cmdp->name, word, word_len) == 0)
// If there was another matching word, it means that we have a multiple
// match: then return NULL.
if (found)
return NULL;
found = cmdp->name;
return found;
bool parser_get_cmd_id(const char* line, unsigned long* ID)
const char *begin = line, *end = line;
char *end2;
// The first word is the ID
if (!get_word(&begin, &end))
return false;
*ID = strtoul(begin, &end2, 10);
if (end2 != end)
return false;
return true;
* Find the template for the command contained in the text line.
* The template can be used to tokenize the command and interpret
* it.
* This function can be used to find out which command is contained
* in a given text line without parsing all the parameters and
* executing it.
* \param input Text line to be processed (ASCIIZ)
* \return The command template associated with the command contained
* in the line, or NULL if the command is invalid.
const struct CmdTemplate* parser_get_cmd_template(const char *input)
const char *begin = input, *end = input;
// Skip the ID, and get the command
if (!get_word(&begin, &end))
return NULL;
if (!get_word(&begin, &end))
return NULL;
return (const struct CmdTemplate*)ht_find(&commands, begin, end-begin);
static const char *skip_to_params(const char *input, const struct CmdTemplate *cmdp)
const char *begin = input, *end = input;
// Skip the ID, and get the command
if (!get_word(&begin, &end))
return NULL;
if (!get_word(&begin, &end))
return NULL;
ASSERT2(strlen(cmdp->name) == (size_t)(end-begin), "Invalid command template specified");
ASSERT2(!strncmp(begin, cmdp->name, end-begin), "Invalid command template specified");
return end;
* Extract the arguments for the command contained in the text line.
* The first argument will always be the command name, so the actual arguments
* will start at index 1.
* \param input Text line to be processed (ASCIIZ)
* \param cmdp Command template for this line
* \param args Will contain the extracted parameters
* \return True if everything OK, false in case of parsing error.
bool parser_get_cmd_arguments(const char* input, const struct CmdTemplate* cmdp, parms args[CONFIG_PARSER_MAX_ARGS])
input = skip_to_params(input, cmdp);
if (!input)
return false;
args[0].s = cmdp->name;
if (!parseArgs(cmdp->arg_fmt, input, args + 1))
return false;
return true;
static const void* get_key_from_command(const void* cmd, uint8_t* length)
const struct CmdTemplate* c = cmd;
*length = strlen(c->name);
return c->name;
* \brief Command input handler.
* Process the input, calling the requested command (if found).
* \param input Text line to be processed (ASCIIZ)
* \return true if everything is OK, false in case of errors
bool parser_process_line(const char* input)
const struct CmdTemplate *cmdp;
cmdp = parser_get_cmd_template(input);
if (!cmdp)
return false;
if (!parser_get_cmd_arguments(input, cmdp, args))
return false;
if (!parser_execute_cmd(cmdp, args))
return false;
return true;
* Register a new command into the parser
* \param cmd Command template describing the command
* \return true if registration was successful, false otherwise
bool parser_register_cmd(const struct CmdTemplate* cmd)
return ht_insert(&commands, cmd);
void parser_init(void)
// Initialize the hashtable used to store the command description