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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
* Bertos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
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* invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
* the GNU General Public License.
* Copyright 2006 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* Copyright 2001 Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* -->
* \brief Display Blanker (implementation).
* \author Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
#include "blanker.h"
#include "hw/hw_blanker.h"
#include <drv/kbd.h>
#include <drv/timer.h>
/* Time without input events before starting blanker */
#define BLK_BLANKTIMEOUT (15 * 1000) /* ms */
#warning FIXME:Revise me!
/** Keyboard event handler to listen for key presses in blanker. */
static KbdHandler blk_KbdHandler;
/** Time since last key event. */
static ticks_t blk_lastevent;
/** Display blanking function is enabled. */
static bool blk_enabled;
/** Display blanker is engaged right now. */
static bool blk_active;
static bool blk_on(void)
if (!blk_active)
blk_active = true;
return true;
static void blk_off(void)
if (blk_active)
blk_active = false;
void blk_retrigger(void)
blk_lastevent = timer_clock();
#if 0
* Matrix-like screen saver effect
static void blk_hack(void)
static signed char blk_colstart[CONFIG_LCD_COLS];
UBYTE row, col;
if (rand()%3 == 0)
/* Modify one column */
col = rand() % CONFIG_LCD_COLS;
blk_colstart[col] += rand() % 12 - 5;
for (col = 0; col < CONFIG_LCD_COLS; ++col)
if (blk_colstart[col] > 0)
/* Scroll down */
for(row = CONFIG_LCD_ROWS-1; row; --row)
lcd_SetAddr(blk_layer, LCD_POS(col,row));
lcd_PutChar(blk_layer->Buf[LCD_POS(col,row-1)], blk_layer);
/* Add new kanji */
lcd_SetAddr(blk_layer, LCD_POS(col,0));
lcd_PutChar((char)(rand() % 127 + 128), blk_layer);
else if (blk_colstart[col] < 0)
/* Clear tail */
for(row = 0; row < CONFIG_LCD_ROWS; ++row)
if (blk_layer->Buf[LCD_POS(col,row)] != ' ')
lcd_SetAddr(blk_layer, LCD_POS(col,row));
lcd_PutChar(' ', blk_layer);
static keymask_t blk_handlerFunc(keymask_t key)
/* key used to turn off blanker */
static keymask_t offkey;
ticks_t now = timer_clock();
/* If key pressed */
if (key != 0)
blk_lastevent = now;
if (blk_active)
/* remember and eat key event */
offkey = key;
key = 0;
else if (key == offkey)
/* keep eating the key until released */
key = 0;
/* pass key through */
return key;
/* reset off key */
offkey = 0;
/* Blank timeout reached? */
if (now - blk_lastevent > ms_to_ticks(BLK_BLANKTIMEOUT))
/* Enable blanker unless already done */
if (!blk_active && !blk_on())
return 0;
#if 0
/* Do some nice visual effect */
#endif /* _DEBUG */
return 0;
void blk_enable(void)
if (!blk_enabled)
blk_active = false;
blk_lastevent = timer_clock();
/* Add display blanker handler */
blk_KbdHandler.hook = blk_handlerFunc;
blk_KbdHandler.pri = 100; /* high priority */
blk_KbdHandler.flags = KHF_RAWKEYS;
blk_enabled = true;
void blk_disable(void)
if (blk_enabled)
blk_enabled = false;