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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
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* Copyright 2008 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* -->
* \brief Low-level stepper timer module for AVR (inplementation).
* \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>
#include <cfg/compiler.h>
#include <cfg/macros.h>
#include <drv/stepper.h>
#warning TODO:This is an example, you must implement it!
* IRQ callback function type definition.
typedef void (*irq_t)(void);
* Timer contex structure.
typedef struct TimerCounter
int timer_id; ///< Timer counter ID
irq_t isr; ///< IRQ handler
stepper_isr_t callback; ///< Interrupt callback pointer
struct Stepper *motor; ///< Stepper context structure
} TimerCounter;
* Enable interrupt for timer counter compare event.
INLINE void stepper_tc_irq_enable(struct TimerCounter *timer)
/* put here code to enable timer irq */
//Only for test remove when implement this function
* Disable interrupt for timer counter compare event.
INLINE void stepper_tc_irq_disable(struct TimerCounter *timer)
/* put here code to disable timer irq */
//Only for test remove when implement this function
* Set delay for next interrupt compare event.
INLINE void stepper_tc_setDelay(struct TimerCounter *timer, stepper_time_t delay)
/* put here code to set the delay for next irq */
//Only for test remove when implement this function
* Set delay for next interrupt compare event.
INLINE void stepper_tc_resetTimer(struct TimerCounter *timer)
/* put here code to reset the timer */
//Only for test remove when implement this function
* Programm timer counter to generate a pulse on select TIO output.
INLINE void FAST_FUNC stepper_tc_doPulse(struct TimerCounter *timer)
/* put here code to generate a pulse */
//Only for test remove when implement this function
* Programm timer counter to not generate a pulse on select TIO output.
INLINE void FAST_FUNC stepper_tc_skipPulse(struct TimerCounter *timer)
/* put here code to skip a pulse */
//Only for test remove when implement this function
void stepper_tc_setup(int index, stepper_isr_t callback, struct Stepper *motor);
void stepper_tc_init(void);
#endif /*DRV_STEPPER_AVR_H */