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* \file
* <!--
* This file is part of BeRTOS.
* Bertos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* Copyright 1999, 2001, 2003 Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* -->
* \defgroup event_handling Event handling module
* \ingroup core
* \{
* \brief Events handling
* This module implements a common system for executing
* a user defined action calling a hook function.
* Device drivers often need to wait the completion of some event, usually to
* allow the hardware to accomplish some asynchronous task.
* A common approach is to place a busy wait with a cpu_relax() loop that invokes
* the architecture-specific instructions to say that we're not doing much with
* the processor.
* Although technically correct, the busy loop degrades the overall system
* performance in presence of multiple processes and power consumption.
* With the kernel the natural way to implement such wait/complete mechanism is to
* use signals via sig_wait() and sig_post()/sig_send().
* However, signals in BeRTOS are only available in presence of the kernel (that
* is just a compile-time option). This means that each device driver must provide
* two different interfaces to implement the wait/complete semantic: one with the
* kernel and another without the kernel.
* The purpose of the completion events is to provide a generic interface to
* implement a synchronization mechanism to block the execution of code until a
* specific event happens.
* This interface does not depend on the presence of the kernel and it
* automatically uses the appropriate event backend to provide the same
* behaviour with or without the kernel.
* Example usage (wait for a generic device driver initialization):
* \code
* static Event e;
* static void irq_handler(void)
* {
* // Completion event has happened, resume the execution of init()
* event_do(&e);
* }
* static void init(void)
* {
* // Declare the generic completion event
* event_initGeneric(&e);
* // Submit the hardware initialization request
* async_hw_init();
* // Wait for the completion of the event
* event_wait(&e);
* }
* \endcode
* Example usage: wait multiple generic events via event_select()
* \code
* Event ev1;
* Event ev2;
* void event_notifier(void)
* {
* Event *evs[] = { &ev1, &ev2 };
* event_initGeneric(&ev1);
* event_initGeneric(&ev2);
* while (1)
* {
* int id = event_select(evs, countof(evs),
* ms_to_ticks(100));
* if (id < 0)
* {
* kprintf("no IRQ\n");
* continue;
* }
* kprintf("IRQ %d happened\n", id);
* }
* }
* void irq1_handler(void)
* {
* // do something
* ...
* // notify the completion of event 1
* event_do(&ev1);
* }
* void irq2_handler(void)
* {
* // do something
* ...
* // notify the completion of event 2
* event_do(&ev2);
* }
* \endcode
* \author Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
* $WIZ$ module_name = "event"
#ifndef KERN_EVENT_H
#define KERN_EVENT_H
#include "cfg/cfg_proc.h"
#include "cfg/cfg_signal.h"
#include "cfg/cfg_timer.h"
#include <cfg/compiler.h>
#include <cpu/power.h> /* cpu_relax() */
#include <kern/signal.h>
/* Forward decl */
struct Process;
typedef struct Event
void (*action)(struct Event *);
struct Process *sig_proc; /* Process to be signalled */
sigbit_t sig_bit; /* Signal to send */
Signal sig; /* Local signal structure (used by generic event) */
} Sig;
Hook func; /* Pointer to softint hook */
void *user_data; /* Data to be passed back to user hook */
} Int;
bool completed; /* Generic event completion */
} Gen;
} Ev;
} Event;
void event_hook_ignore(Event *event);
void event_hook_signal(Event *event);
void event_hook_softint(Event *event);
void event_hook_generic(Event *event);
void event_hook_generic_signal(Event *event);
/** Initialize the event \a e as a no-op */
#define event_initNone(e) \
((e)->action = event_hook_ignore)
/** Same as event_initNone(), but returns the initialized event */
INLINE Event event_createNone(void)
Event e;
e.action = event_hook_ignore;
return e;
/** Initialize the event \a e with a software interrupt (call function \a f, with parameter \a u) */
#define event_initSoftint(e,f,u) \
((e)->action = event_hook_softint,(e)->Ev.Int.func = (f), (e)->Ev.Int.user_data = (u))
/** Same as event_initSoftint(), but returns the initialized event */
INLINE Event event_createSoftint(Hook func, void *user_data)
Event e;
e.action = event_hook_softint;
e.Ev.Int.func = func;
e.Ev.Int.user_data = user_data;
return e;
/** Initialize the event \a e with a signal (send signal \a s to process \a p) */
#define event_initSignal(e,p,s) \
((e)->action = event_hook_signal,(e)->Ev.Sig.sig_proc = (p), (e)->Ev.Sig.sig_bit = (s))
/** Same as event_initSignal(), but returns the initialized event */
INLINE Event event_createSignal(struct Process *proc, sigbit_t bit)
Event e;
e.action = event_hook_signal;
e.Ev.Sig.sig_proc = proc;
e.Ev.Sig.sig_bit = bit;
return e;
* Signal used to implement generic events.
/** Initialize the generic sleepable event \a e */
#define event_initGeneric(e) \
((e)->action = event_hook_generic_signal, \
(e)->Ev.Sig.sig_proc = proc_current(), \
(e)->Ev.Sig.sig_bit = EVENT_GENERIC_SIGNAL, \
(e)->Ev.Sig.sig.wait = 0, (e)->Ev.Sig.sig.recv = 0)
#define event_initGeneric(e) \
((e)->action = event_hook_generic, (e)->Ev.Gen.completed = false)
* Create a generic sleepable event.
* \return the properly initialized generic event structure.
INLINE Event event_createGeneric(void)
Event e;
return e;
* Wait the completion of event \a e.
* This function releases the CPU the application is configured to use
* the kernel, otherwise it's just a busy wait.
* \note It's forbidden to use this function inside irq handling functions.
INLINE void event_wait(Event *e)
e->Ev.Sig.sig_proc = proc_current();
sig_waitSignal(&e->Ev.Sig.sig, EVENT_GENERIC_SIGNAL);
while (ACCESS_SAFE(e->Ev.Gen.completed) == false)
e->Ev.Gen.completed = false;
* Wait for multiple events
* On success return the offset in the \a evs vector of the Event that
* happened, -1 if the timeout expires.
* NOTE: timeout == 0 means no timeout.
* \attention The API is work in progress and may change in future versions.
int event_select(Event **evs, int n, ticks_t timeout);
* Wait the completion of event \a e or \a timeout elapses.
* \note It's forbidden to use this function inside irq handling functions.
bool event_waitTimeout(Event *e, ticks_t timeout);
* Trigger an event.
* Execute the callback function associated with event \a e.
* This function can be used also in interrupt routines, but only if the
* event was created as a signal or generic event.
INLINE void event_do(struct Event *e)
/** \} */
#endif /* KERN_EVENT_H */