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synced 2025-02-06 09:55:35 -05:00
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* \file
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* -->
* \brief Simple AX25 data link layer implementation.
* For now, only UI frames without any Layer 3 protocol are handled.
* This however is enough to send/receive APRS packets.
* \author Francesco Sacchi <batt@develer.com>
#include "ax25.h"
#include "cfg/cfg_ax25.h"
#include <algo/crc_ccitt.h>
#include <cfg/log.h>
#include <string.h> //memset, memcmp
#include <ctype.h> //isalnum, toupper
#define AX25_SET_REPEATED(msg, idx, val) \
do \
{ \
if (val) \
(msg)->rpt_flags |= BV(idx) ; \
else \
(msg)->rpt_flags &= ~BV(idx) ; \
} while(0)
#define DECODE_CALL(buf, addr) \
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof((addr)); i++) \
{ \
char c = (*(buf)++ >> 1); \
(addr)[i] = (c == ' ') ? '\x0' : c; \
static void ax25_decode(AX25Ctx *ctx)
AX25Msg msg;
uint8_t *buf = ctx->buf;
DECODE_CALL(buf, msg.dst.call);
msg.dst.ssid = (*buf++ >> 1) & 0x0F;
DECODE_CALL(buf, msg.src.call);
msg.src.ssid = (*buf >> 1) & 0x0F;
LOG_INFO("SRC[%.6s-%d], DST[%.6s-%d]\n", msg.src.call, msg.src.ssid, msg.dst.call, msg.dst.ssid);
/* Repeater addresses */
for (msg.rpt_cnt = 0; !(*buf++ & 0x01) && (msg.rpt_cnt < countof(msg.rpt_lst)); msg.rpt_cnt++)
DECODE_CALL(buf, msg.rpt_lst[msg.rpt_cnt].call);
msg.rpt_lst[msg.rpt_cnt].ssid = (*buf >> 1) & 0x0F;
AX25_SET_REPEATED(&msg, msg.rpt_cnt, (*buf & 0x80));
LOG_INFO("RPT%d[%.6s-%d]%c\n", msg.rpt_cnt,
(AX25_REPEATED(&msg, msg.rpt_cnt) ? '*' : ' '));
while (!(*buf++ & 0x01))
char rpt[6];
uint8_t ssid;
DECODE_CALL(buf, rpt);
ssid = (*buf >> 1) & 0x0F;
LOG_INFO("RPT[%.6s-%d]\n", rpt, ssid);
msg.ctrl = *buf++;
if (msg.ctrl != AX25_CTRL_UI)
LOG_WARN("Only UI frames are handled, got [%02X]\n", msg.ctrl);
msg.pid = *buf++;
if (msg.pid != AX25_PID_NOLAYER3)
LOG_WARN("Only frames without layer3 protocol are handled, got [%02X]\n", msg.pid);
msg.len = ctx->frm_len - 2 - (buf - ctx->buf);
msg.info = buf;
LOG_INFO("DATA: %.*s\n", msg.len, msg.info);
if (ctx->hook)
* Check if there are any AX25 messages to be processed.
* This function read available characters from the medium and search for
* any AX25 messages.
* If a message is found it is decoded and the linked callback executed.
* This function may be blocking if there are no available chars and the KFile
* used in \a ctx to access the medium is configured in blocking mode.
* \param ctx AX25 context to operate on.
void ax25_poll(AX25Ctx *ctx)
int c;
while ((c = kfile_getc(ctx->ch)) != EOF)
if (!ctx->escape && c == HDLC_FLAG)
if (ctx->frm_len >= AX25_MIN_FRAME_LEN)
if (ctx->crc_in == AX25_CRC_CORRECT)
LOG_INFO("Frame found!\n");
LOG_INFO("CRC error, computed [%04X]\n", ctx->crc_in);
ctx->sync = true;
ctx->crc_in = CRC_CCITT_INIT_VAL;
ctx->frm_len = 0;
if (!ctx->escape && c == HDLC_RESET)
LOG_INFO("HDLC reset\n");
ctx->sync = false;
if (!ctx->escape && c == AX25_ESC)
ctx->escape = true;
if (ctx->sync)
if (ctx->frm_len < CONFIG_AX25_FRAME_BUF_LEN)
ctx->buf[ctx->frm_len++] = c;
ctx->crc_in = updcrc_ccitt(c, ctx->crc_in);
LOG_INFO("Buffer overrun");
ctx->sync = false;
ctx->escape = false;
if (kfile_error(ctx->ch))
LOG_ERR("Channel error [%04x]\n", kfile_error(ctx->ch));
static void ax25_putchar(AX25Ctx *ctx, uint8_t c)
if (c == HDLC_FLAG || c == HDLC_RESET
|| c == AX25_ESC)
kfile_putc(AX25_ESC, ctx->ch);
ctx->crc_out = updcrc_ccitt(c, ctx->crc_out);
kfile_putc(c, ctx->ch);
static void ax25_sendCall(AX25Ctx *ctx, const AX25Call *addr, bool last)
unsigned len = MIN(sizeof(addr->call), strlen(addr->call));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++)
uint8_t c = addr->call[i];
ASSERT(isalnum(c) || c == ' ');
c = toupper(c);
ax25_putchar(ctx, c << 1);
/* Fill with spaces the rest of the CALL if it's shorter */
if (len < sizeof(addr->call))
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(addr->call) - len; i++)
ax25_putchar(ctx, ' ' << 1);
/* The bit7 "has-been-repeated" flag is not implemented here */
/* Bits6:5 should be set to 1 for all SSIDs (0x60) */
/* The bit0 of last call SSID should be set to 1 */
uint8_t ssid = 0x60 | (addr->ssid << 1) | (last ? 0x01 : 0);
ax25_putchar(ctx, ssid);
* Send an AX25 frame on the channel through a specific path.
* \param ctx AX25 context to operate on.
* \param path An array of callsigns used as path, \see AX25_PATH for
* an handy way to create a path.
* \param path_len callsigns path lenght.
* \param _buf payload buffer.
* \param len length of the payload.
void ax25_sendVia(AX25Ctx *ctx, const AX25Call *path, size_t path_len, const void *_buf, size_t len)
const uint8_t *buf = (const uint8_t *)_buf;
ASSERT(path_len >= 2);
ctx->crc_out = CRC_CCITT_INIT_VAL;
kfile_putc(HDLC_FLAG, ctx->ch);
/* Send call */
for (size_t i = 0; i < path_len; i++)
ax25_sendCall(ctx, &path[i], (i == path_len - 1));
ax25_putchar(ctx, AX25_CTRL_UI);
ax25_putchar(ctx, AX25_PID_NOLAYER3);
while (len--)
ax25_putchar(ctx, *buf++);
* According to AX25 protocol,
* CRC is sent in reverse order!
uint8_t crcl = (ctx->crc_out & 0xff) ^ 0xff;
uint8_t crch = (ctx->crc_out >> 8) ^ 0xff;
ax25_putchar(ctx, crcl);
ax25_putchar(ctx, crch);
ASSERT(ctx->crc_out == AX25_CRC_CORRECT);
kfile_putc(HDLC_FLAG, ctx->ch);
static void print_call(KFile *ch, const AX25Call *call)
kfile_printf(ch, "%.6s", call->call);
if (call->ssid)
kfile_printf(ch, "-%d", call->ssid);
* Print a AX25 message in TNC-2 packet monitor format.
* \param ch a kfile channel where the message will be printed.
* \param msg the message to be printed.
void ax25_print(KFile *ch, const AX25Msg *msg)
print_call(ch, &msg->src);
kfile_putc('>', ch);
print_call(ch, &msg->dst);
for (int i = 0; i < msg->rpt_cnt; i++)
kfile_putc(',', ch);
print_call(ch, &msg->rpt_lst[i]);
/* Print a '*' if packet has already been transmitted
* by this repeater */
if (AX25_REPEATED(msg, i))
kfile_putc('*', ch);
kfile_printf(ch, ":%.*s\n", msg->len, msg->info);
* Init the AX25 protocol decoder.
* \param ctx AX25 context to init.
* \param channel Used to gain access to the physical medium
* \param hook Callback function called when a message is received
void ax25_init(AX25Ctx *ctx, KFile *channel, ax25_callback_t hook)
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
ctx->ch = channel;
ctx->hook = hook;
ctx->crc_in = ctx->crc_out = CRC_CCITT_INIT_VAL;