 * \file
 * <!--
 * This file is part of BeRTOS.
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 * Copyright 2009 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
 * -->
 * \brief Test kernel preemption.
 * This testcase spawns TASKS parallel threads that runs for TIME seconds. They
 * continuously spin updating a global counter (one counter for each thread).
 * At exit each thread checks if the others have been che chance to update
 * their own counter. If not, it means the preemption didn't occur and the
 * testcase returns an error message.
 * Otherwise, if all the threads have been able to update their own counter it
 * means preemption successfully occurs, since there is no active sleep inside
 * each thread's implementation.
 * \author Andrea Righi <arighi@develer.com>
 * $test$: cp bertos/cfg/cfg_proc.h $cfgdir/
 * $test$: echo  "#undef CONFIG_KERN" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_KERN 1" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo  "#undef CONFIG_KERN_PRI" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_KERN_PRI 1" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo  "#undef CONFIG_KERN_PREEMPT" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_KERN_PREEMPT 1" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo  "#undef CONFIG_KERN_HEAP " >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_KERN_HEAP 1" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo  "#undef CONFIG_KERN_HEAP_SIZE" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_KERN_HEAP_SIZE 2097152L" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h
 * $test$: cp bertos/cfg/cfg_monitor.h $cfgdir/
 * $test$: sed -i "s/CONFIG_KERN_MONITOR 0/CONFIG_KERN_MONITOR 1/" $cfgdir/cfg_monitor.h
 * $test$: cp bertos/cfg/cfg_signal.h $cfgdir/
 * $test$: echo  "#undef CONFIG_KERN_SIGNALS" >> $cfgdir/cfg_signal.h
 * $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_KERN_SIGNALS 1" >> $cfgdir/cfg_signal.h
 * notest: all

#include "../proc_test.c"