/** * \file * <!-- * This file is part of BeRTOS. * * Bertos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software * library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by * the GNU General Public License. * * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/) * Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org> * * --> * * \brief Additional support macros for compiler independance * * \author Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org> */ #ifndef BERTOS_COMPILER_H #define BERTOS_COMPILER_H #include <cpu/detect.h> #if defined __GNUC__ && defined __GNUC_MINOR__ #define GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \ ((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min)) #else #define GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) 0 #endif /* Some CW versions do not allow enabling C99 from the settings panel. */ #if defined(__MWERKS__) #pragma c99 on #endif #if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) #if (__STDC_VERSION__ == 199409L) // IAR #define COMPILER_C99 1 // not true, because partial C99, avoid miscompilation #elif (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) // GCC #define COMPILER_C99 1 #else #define COMPILER_C99 0 #endif #endif /** Concatenate two different preprocessor tokens (allowing macros to expand) */ #define PP_CAT(x,y) PP_CAT__(x,y) #define PP_CAT__(x,y) x ## y #define PP_CAT3(x,y,z) PP_CAT(PP_CAT(x,y),z) #define PP_CAT4(x,y,z,w) PP_CAT(PP_CAT3(x,y,z),w) #define PP_CAT5(x,y,z,w,j) PP_CAT(PP_CAT4(x,y,z,w),j) /** String-ize a token (allowing macros to expand) */ #define PP_STRINGIZE(x) PP_STRINGIZE__(x) #define PP_STRINGIZE__(x) #x /** */ #if COMPILER_C99 #define COUNT_PARMS2(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _, ...) _ #define COUNT_PARMS(...) \ COUNT_PARMS2(11 , ## __VA_ARGS__, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0) /** * usage: * \code * #define foo_init(...) PP_CAT(foo_init_, COUNT_PARMS(__VA_ARGS__)) (__VA_ARGS__) * \endcode */ #else #define COUNT_PARMS2(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _, ...) _ #define COUNT_PARMS(args...) \ COUNT_PARMS2(11 , ## args, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0) /** * usage: * \code * #define foo_init(args...) PP_CAT(foo_init_, COUNT_PARMS(args)) (args) * \endcode */ #endif #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) #pragma language=extended /* IAR iccarm specific functions */ #include <intrinsics.h> #pragma diag_suppress=Pe940 #pragma inline = forced #define MEMORY_BARRIER asm("") #if CPU_ARM || CPU_CM3 #define COMPILER_VARIADIC_MACROS 1 #define INTERRUPT(x) __irq __arm void x (void) #define INLINE static inline #define NAKED /* Include some standard C89/C99 stuff */ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #elif CPU_I196 // IAR has size_t as built-in type, but does not define this symbol. #define _SIZE_T_DEFINED #define INTERRUPT(x) interrupt [x] #define REGISTER shortad #define INLINE /* unsupported */ /* * Imported from <longjmp.h>. Unfortunately, we can't just include * this header because it typedefs jmp_buf to be an array of chars. * This would allow the compiler to place the buffer on an odd address. * The CPU _should_ be able to perform word accesses to * unaligned data, but there are *BUGS* in the 80196KC with * some combinations of opcodes and addressing modes. One of * these, "ST SP,[?GR]+" is used in the longjmp() implementation * provided by the IAR compiler ANSI C library. When ?GR contains * an odd address, surprisingly the CPU will copy the high order * byte of the source operand (SP) in the low order byte of the * destination operand (the memory location pointed to by ?GR). * * We also need to replace the library setjmp()/longjmp() with * our own versions because the IAR implementation "forgets" to * save the contents of local registers (?LR). */ struct _JMP_BUF { void *sp; /* Stack pointer */ void *return_addr; /* Return address */ int lr[6]; /* 6 local registers */ }; typedef struct _JMP_BUF jmp_buf[1]; int setjmp(jmp_buf env); void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val); /* Fake bool support */ #define true (1==1) #define false (1!=1) typedef unsigned char bool; #else #error Unsupported CPU #endif #elif defined(_MSC_VER) /* Win32 emulation support */ /* MSVC doesn't provide <stdbool.h>. */ #ifndef __cplusplus #define true (1==1) #define false (1!=1) typedef int bool; #endif /* !__cplusplus */ /* These C99 functions are oddly named in MSVCRT32.lib */ #define snprintf _snprintf #define vsnprintf _vsnprintf /* MSVC doesn't support C99's __func__, but has a similar extension. */ #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ /* MSVC doesn't support C99's inline keyword */ #ifndef __cplusplus #define INLINE __inline #endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) /* Compiler features */ #define COMPILER_VARIADIC_MACROS 1 /* Even in C++ */ #define COMPILER_TYPEOF 1 #define COMPILER_STATEMENT_EXPRESSIONS 1 /* GCC attributes */ #define FORMAT(type,fmt,first) __attribute__((__format__(type, fmt, first))) #define NORETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__)) #define UNUSED_ARG(type,arg) __attribute__((__unused__)) type arg #define UNUSED_VAR(type,name) __attribute__((__unused__)) type name #define USED_VAR(type,name) __attribute__((__used__)) type name #define INLINE static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) #define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline)) #define LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1) #define UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0) #define PURE_FUNC __attribute__((pure)) #define CONST_FUNC __attribute__((const)) #define UNUSED_FUNC __attribute__((unused)) #define USED_FUNC __attribute__((__used__)) #define RESTRICT __restrict__ #define MUST_CHECK __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) #define PACKED __attribute__((packed)) #define ALIGNED(x) __attribute__ ((__aligned__(x))) #if CPU_ARM | CPU_CM3 #define NAKED __attribute__((naked)) #else #define NAKED #endif /** * Force compiler to reload context variable. */ #define MEMORY_BARRIER asm volatile ("" : : : "memory") #if GNUC_PREREQ(3,1) #define DEPRECATED __attribute__((__deprecated__)) #endif #if GNUC_PREREQ(4,5) #define UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable() #endif #ifndef __cplusplus #define ASSERT_TYPE_EQUAL(var1, var2) \ STATIC_ASSERT(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var1), typeof(var2))) #define ASSERT_TYPE_IS(var, type) \ STATIC_ASSERT(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var), type)) #endif /* Include some standard C89/C99 stuff */ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #if !CPU_AVR #include <sys/types.h> /* for ssize_t */ #endif #ifndef __cplusplus /* * Disallow some C++ keywords as identifiers in C programs, * for improved portability. */ #pragma GCC poison new delete class template typename #pragma GCC poison private protected public operator #pragma GCC poison friend mutable using namespace #pragma GCC poison cin cout cerr clog #endif #elif defined(__MWERKS__) /* Compiler features */ #define COMPILER_VARIADIC_MACROS 1 #define COMPILER_TYPEOF 1 #define COMPILER_STATEMENT_EXPRESSIONS 1 #define typeof __typeof__ #define UNUSED_ARG(type,arg) type #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> // CodeWarrior has size_t as built-in type, but does not define this symbol. #define _SIZE_T_DEFINED #else #error unknown compiler #endif /* Defaults for compiler extensions. */ /** * \def COMPILER_VARIADIC_MACROS * Support for macros with variable arguments. */ #ifndef COMPILER_VARIADIC_MACROS #define COMPILER_VARIADIC_MACROS (COMPILER_C99 != 0) #endif /** * \def COMPILER_TYPEOF * Support for dynamic type identification. */ #ifndef COMPILER_TYPEOF #define COMPILER_TYPEOF 0 #endif /** * \def COMPILER_STATEMENT_EXPRESSIONS * Support for statement expressions. */ #ifndef COMPILER_STATEMENT_EXPRESSIONS #define COMPILER_STATEMENT_EXPRESSIONS 0 #endif /* A few defaults for missing compiler features. */ #ifndef INLINE #define INLINE static inline #endif #ifndef NOINLINE #define NOINLINE /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef NORETURN #define NORETURN /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef FORMAT #define FORMAT(type,fmt,first) /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef DEPRECATED #define DEPRECATED /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef UNUSED_ARG #define UNUSED_ARG(type,arg) type arg #endif #ifndef UNUSED_VAR #define UNUSED_VAR(type,name) type name #endif #ifndef USED_VAR #define USED_VAR(type,name) type name #endif #ifndef REGISTER #define REGISTER /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef LIKELY #define LIKELY(x) x #endif #ifndef UNLIKELY #define UNLIKELY(x) x #endif #ifndef PURE_FUNC #define PURE_FUNC /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef CONST_FUNC #define CONST_FUNC /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef UNUSED_FUNC #define UNUSED_FUNC /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef USED_FUNC #define USED_FUNC /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef RESTRICT #define RESTRICT /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef MUST_CHECK #define MUST_CHECK /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef PACKED #define PACKED /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef ALIGNED #define ALIGNED /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef MEMORY_BARRIER #define MEMORY_BARRIER /* nothing */ #warning No memory barrier defined for select compiler. If you use the kernel check it. #endif #ifndef UNREACHABLE #define UNREACHABLE() for (;;) #endif /* Misc definitions */ #ifndef NULL #define NULL (void *)0 #endif #ifndef EOF #define EOF (-1) #endif /* Support for hybrid C/C++ applications. */ #ifdef __cplusplus #define EXTERN_C extern "C" #define EXTERN_C_BEGIN extern "C" { #define EXTERN_C_END } #define EXTERN_CONST extern const #define CONST_CAST(TYPE,EXPR) (const_cast<TYPE>(EXPR)) #else #define EXTERN_C extern #define EXTERN_C_BEGIN /* nothing */ #define EXTERN_C_END /* nothing */ #define EXTERN_CONST const #define CONST_CAST(TYPE,EXPR) ((TYPE)(EXPR)) /* FIXME: How can we suppress the warning in C? */ #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) \ || ((defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)) && CPU_I196) /** * \name ISO C99 fixed-size types * * These should be in <stdint.h>, but a few compilers lack them. * \{ */ typedef signed char int8_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef short int int16_t; typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; typedef long int int32_t; /* _WIN64 safe */ typedef unsigned long int uint32_t; /* _WIN64 safe */ #ifdef _MSC_VER typedef __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; #else typedef long long int64_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; #endif /* \} */ #else /* This is the standard location. */ #include <stdint.h> #endif #if CPU_AVR_ATMEGA8 /* * The ATmega8 has a very small Flash, so we can't afford * to link in support routines for 32bit integer arithmetic. */ typedef int16_t ticks_t; /**< Type for time expressed in ticks. */ typedef int16_t mtime_t; /**< Type for time expressed in milliseconds. */ typedef int16_t utime_t; /**< Type for time expressed in microseconds. */ #define SIZEOF_MTIME_T (16 / CPU_BITS_PER_CHAR) #define SIZEOF_UTIME_T (16 / CPU_BITS_PER_CHAR) #define MTIME_INFINITE 0x7FFFL #else typedef int32_t ticks_t; /**< Type for time expressed in ticks. */ typedef int32_t utime_t; /**< Type for time expressed in microseconds. */ #define SIZEOF_UTIME_T (32 / CPU_BITS_PER_CHAR) #ifndef DEVLIB_MTIME_DEFINED #define DEVLIB_MTIME_DEFINED 1 /* Resolve conflict with <os/hptime.h> */ typedef int32_t mtime_t; /**< Type for time expressed in milliseconds. */ #define SIZEOF_MTIME_T (32 / CPU_BITS_PER_CHAR) #define MTIME_INFINITE 0x7FFFFFFFL #endif #endif /** User defined callback type */ typedef void (*Hook)(void *); /** Bulk storage large enough for both pointers or integers. */ typedef void * iptr_t; /** Bulk storage large enough for both pointers to constants or integers. */ typedef const void * const_iptr_t; typedef unsigned char sigbit_t; /**< Type for signal bits. */ typedef unsigned char sigmask_t; /**< Type for signal masks. */ /** * Signal structure */ typedef struct Signal { sigmask_t wait; /**< Signals the process is waiting for */ sigmask_t recv; /**< Received signals */ } Signal; /** * \name Standard type definitions. * * These should be in <sys/types.h> or <stddef.h>, but many compilers * and C libraries lack them. * * We check for some common definitions to avoid redefinitions: * * glibc, avr-libc: _SIZE_T_DEFINED, __ssize_t_defined * Darwin libc: _BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_, _SIZE_T * IAR ARM: _SIZE_T * * \{ */ #if !(defined(size_t) || defined(_SIZE_T_DEFINED) || defined(_BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_) \ || defined(_SIZE_T)) #if CPU_X86 /* 32bit or 64bit (32bit for _WIN64). */ typedef unsigned long size_t; #else #error Unknown CPU #endif #endif #if !(defined(ssize_t) || defined(_SSIZE_T) || defined(__ssize_t_defined)) #if CPU_X86 /* 32bit or 64bit (32bit for _WIN64). */ typedef long ssize_t; #elif CPU_ARM || CPU_CM3 typedef int ssize_t; #elif CPU_AVR || CPU_MSP430 /* 16bit (missing in avr-/msp430-libc's sys/types.h). */ typedef int ssize_t; #else #error Unknown CPU #endif #endif /*\}*/ /** * \name Types for hardware registers. * * Only use these types for registers whose contents can * be changed asynchronously by external hardware. * * \{ */ #if CPU_DSP56K /* Registers can be accessed only through 16-bit pointers */ typedef volatile uint16_t reg16_t; #else typedef volatile uint8_t reg8_t; typedef volatile uint16_t reg16_t; typedef volatile uint32_t reg32_t; #endif /*\}*/ /* Quasi-ANSI macros */ #ifndef offsetof /** * Return the byte offset of the member \a m in struct \a s. * * \note This macro should be defined in "stddef.h" and is sometimes * compiler-specific (g++ has a builtin for it). */ #define offsetof(s,m) (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m) #endif #ifndef countof /** * Count the number of elements in the static array \a a. * * \note This macro is non-standard, but implements a very common idiom */ #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__cplusplus) /* * Perform a compile time type checking: countof() can only * work with static arrays, so throw a compile time error if a * pointer is passed as argument. * * NOTE: the construct __builtin_types_compatible_p() is only * available for C. */ #define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a)) + \ STATIC_ASSERT_EXPR( \ !__builtin_types_compatible_p( \ typeof(a), typeof(&a[0])))) #else #define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) #endif #endif #ifndef alignof /** * Return the alignment in memory of a generic data type. * * \note We need to worry about alignment when allocating memory that * will be used later by unknown objects (e.g., malloc()) or, more * generally, whenever creating generic container types. */ #define alignof(type) offsetof(struct { char c; type member; }, member) #endif /** * Cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure. * * \param ptr the pointer to the member. * \param type the type of the container struct this is embedded in. * \param member the name of the member within the struct. */ #if COMPILER_TYPEOF && COMPILER_STATEMENT_EXPRESSIONS #define containerof(ptr, type, member) ({ \ typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *_mptr = (ptr); /* type check */ \ (type *)(void *)((char *)_mptr - offsetof(type, member)); \ }) #else #define containerof(ptr, type, member) \ ( (type *)(void *)((char *)(ptr) - offsetof(type, member)) ) #endif /** Issue a compilation error if the \a condition is false */ #define STATIC_ASSERT(condition) \ UNUSED_VAR(extern char, STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILED__[(condition) ? 1 : -1]) /** * Issue a compilation error if \a __cond is false (this can be used inside an * expression). */ #define STATIC_ASSERT_EXPR(__cond) \ (sizeof(struct { int STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILED__:!!(__cond); }) * 0) #ifndef ASSERT_TYPE_EQUAL /** Ensure two variables have the same type. */ #define ASSERT_TYPE_EQUAL(var1, var2) \ do { (void)(&(var1) == &(var2)); } while(0) #endif #ifndef ASSERT_TYPE_IS /** Ensure variable is of specified type. */ #define ASSERT_TYPE_IS(var, type) \ do { (void)(&(var) == (type *)0); } while(0) #endif /** * Prevent the compiler from optimizing access to the variable \a x, enforcing * a refetch from memory. This also forbid from reordering successing instances * of ACCESS_SAFE(). */ #ifdef __ICCARM__ #define ACCESS_SAFE(x) x #else #define ACCESS_SAFE(x) (*(volatile typeof(x) *)&(x)) #endif #endif /* BERTOS_COMPILER_H */