 * \file
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 * -->
 * \brief Test suite for virtual KFile I/O interface.
 * This module implements a test for some generic I/O interfaces for kfile.
 * \author Francesco Sacchi <batt@develer.com>
 * \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>

#include "kfile.h"
#include <struct/kfile_mem.h>

#include "cfg/cfg_kfile.h"
#include <cfg/debug.h>
#include <cfg/test.h>
#include <cfg/module.h>

// Define logging setting (for cfg/log.h module).
#include <cfg/log.h>

#include <mware/formatwr.h>

#include <string.h>


// Size of the "virtual" disk that
// we want to test.
#define BUF_TEST_LEN     3209

// Buffer for test
uint8_t test_buf[BUF_TEST_LEN];
uint8_t test_buf_save[BUF_TEST_LEN];

uint8_t test_disk[BUF_TEST_LEN];
KFileMem mem;

 * Help function to init disk and the buffers.
static void init_testBuf(void)

	kprintf("Init fake buffer..\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < BUF_TEST_LEN; i++)
		test_disk[i] = i;
		kprintf("%d ", test_disk[i]);

	memset(test_buf, 0, sizeof(test_buf));
	memset(test_buf_save, 0, sizeof(test_buf_save));

 * KFile read/write subtest.
 * Try to write/read in the same \a f file location \a size bytes.
 * \return true if all is ok, false otherwise
 * \note Restore file position at exit (if no error)
 * \note Test buffer \a buf must be filled with
 * the following statement:
 * <pre>
 * buf[i] = i & 0xff
 * </pre>
static bool kfile_rwTest(KFile *f, uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
	 * Write test buffer
	if (kfile_write(f, buf, size) != size)
		LOG_ERR("error writing buf");
		return false;

	kfile_seek(f, -(kfile_off_t)size, KSM_SEEK_CUR);

	 * Reset test buffer
	memset(buf, 0, size);

	 * Read file in test buffer
	if (kfile_read(f, buf, size) != size)
		LOG_ERR("error reading buf");
		return false;

	kfile_seek(f, -(kfile_off_t)size, KSM_SEEK_CUR);

	 * Check test result
	for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
		if (buf[i] != (i & 0xff))
			LOG_ERR("error comparing at index [%d] read [%02x] expected [%02x]\n", i, buf[i], i);
			return false;

	return true;

 * KFile read/write test.
 * This function write and read \a test_buf long \a size
 * on \a fd handler.
 * \a save_buf can be NULL or a buffer where to save previous file content.
int kfile_testRunGeneric(KFile *fd, uint8_t *test_buf, uint8_t *save_buf, size_t size)

	 * Part of test buf size that you would write.
	 * This var is used in test 3 to check kfile_write
	 * when writing beyond filesize limit.
	kfile_off_t len = size / 2;

	/* Fill test buffer */
	for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
		test_buf[i] = (i & 0xff);

	 * If necessary, user can save content,
	 * for later restore.
	if (save_buf)
		LOG_INFO("Saved content..form [%ld] to [%ld]\n", fd->seek_pos, fd->seek_pos + size);
		kfile_read(fd, save_buf, size);

	/* TEST 1 BEGIN. */
	LOG_INFO("Test 1: write from pos 0 to [%ld]\n", (long)size);

	 * Seek to addr 0.
	if (kfile_seek(fd, 0, KSM_SEEK_SET) != 0)
		goto kfile_test_end;

	 * Test read/write to address 0..size
	if (!kfile_rwTest(fd, test_buf, size))
		goto kfile_test_end;

	LOG_INFO("Test 1: ok!\n");

	 * Restore previous read content.
	if (save_buf)
		kfile_seek(fd, 0, KSM_SEEK_SET);

		if (kfile_write(fd, save_buf, size) != size)
			goto kfile_test_end;

		LOG_INFO("Restore content..form [%ld] to [%ld]\n", fd->seek_pos, fd->seek_pos + size);
	/* TEST 1 END. */

	/* TEST 2 BEGIN. */
	LOG_INFO("Test 2: write from pos [%ld] to [%ld]\n", fd->size/2 , fd->size/2 + size);

	 * Go to half test size.
	kfile_seek(fd, (fd->size / 2), KSM_SEEK_SET);

	 * If necessary, user can save content
	 * for later restore.
	if (save_buf)
		kfile_read(fd, save_buf, size);
		kfile_seek(fd, -(kfile_off_t)size, KSM_SEEK_CUR);
		LOG_INFO("Saved content..form [%ld] to [%ld]\n", fd->seek_pos, fd->seek_pos + size);

	 * Test read/write to address filesize/2 ... filesize/2 + size
	if (!kfile_rwTest(fd, test_buf, size))
		goto kfile_test_end;

	LOG_INFO("Test 2: ok!\n");

	 * Restore previous content.
	if (save_buf)
		kfile_seek(fd, -(kfile_off_t)size, KSM_SEEK_CUR);

		if (kfile_write(fd, save_buf, size) != size)
			goto kfile_test_end;

		LOG_INFO("Restore content..form [%ld] to [%ld]\n", fd->seek_pos, fd->seek_pos + size);

	/* TEST 2 END. */

	/* TEST 3 BEGIN. */
	LOG_INFO("Test 3: write outside of fd->size limit [%ld]\n", fd->size);

	 * Go to the Flash end
	kfile_seek(fd, -len, KSM_SEEK_END);

	 * If necessary, user can save content,
	 * for later restore.
	if (save_buf)
		kfile_read(fd, save_buf, len);
		kfile_seek(fd, -len, KSM_SEEK_CUR);
		LOG_INFO("Saved content..form [%ld] to [%ld]\n", fd->seek_pos, fd->seek_pos + len);

	 * Test read/write to address (filesize - size) ... filesize
	if (kfile_rwTest(fd, test_buf, size))
		goto kfile_test_end;

	kprintf("Test 3: ok!\n");

	 * Restore previous read content
	if (save_buf)
		kfile_seek(fd, -len, KSM_SEEK_END);

		if ((kfile_off_t)kfile_write(fd, save_buf, len) != len)
			goto kfile_test_end;

		LOG_INFO("Restore content..form [%ld] to [%ld]\n", fd->seek_pos, fd->seek_pos + len);

	/* TEST 3 END. */

	return 0;

	LOG_ERR("One kfile_test failed!\n");
	return EOF;

 * Setup all needed for kfile test
int kfile_testSetup(void)
        LOG_INFO("Mod init..ok\n");

		// Init our backend and the buffers
		kfilemem_init(&mem, test_disk, BUF_TEST_LEN);

        return 0;

int kfile_testRun(void)
	return kfile_testRunGeneric(&mem.fd, test_buf, test_buf_save, BUF_TEST_LEN);

 * End a dataflash Test.
 * (Unused)
int kfile_testTearDown(void)
	return 0;
