/** * \file * <!-- * This file is part of BeRTOS. * * Bertos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software * library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by * the GNU General Public License. * * Copyright 2004, 2008 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/) * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org> * --> * * \brief Message test. * * * \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com> * * $test$: cp bertos/cfg/cfg_proc.h $cfgdir/ * $test$: echo "#undef CONFIG_KERN" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h * $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_KERN 1" >> $cfgdir/cfg_proc.h * $test$: cp bertos/cfg/cfg_signal.h $cfgdir/ * $test$: echo "#undef CONFIG_KERN_SIGNALS" >> $cfgdir/cfg_signal.h * $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_KERN_SIGNALS 1" >> $cfgdir/cfg_signal.h */ #include "cfg/cfg_timer.h" #include <cfg/debug.h> #include <cfg/test.h> #include <cfg/compiler.h> #include <kern/msg.h> #include <kern/proc.h> #include <kern/signal.h> #include <mware/event.h> #include <drv/timer.h> /* * In the nightly build test, signals are disables, so this * code won't compile. * Since this code is used when we run "make check" it will be * compiled and therefor tested there. */ #if CONFIG_KERN_SIGNALS // Global settings for the test. #define MAX_GLOBAL_COUNT 11040 #define TEST_TIME_OUT_MS 5000 #define DELAY 5 // Settings for the test message. //Process 0 #define INC_PROC_T0 1 #define DELAY_PROC_T0 INC_PROC_T0*DELAY //Process 1 #define INC_PROC_T1 3 #define DELAY_PROC_T1 INC_PROC_T1*DELAY //Process 2 #define INC_PROC_T2 5 #define DELAY_PROC_T2 INC_PROC_T2*DELAY //Process 3 #define INC_PROC_T3 7 #define DELAY_PROC_T3 INC_PROC_T3*DELAY //Process 4 #define INC_PROC_T4 11 #define DELAY_PROC_T4 INC_PROC_T4*DELAY //Process 5 #define INC_PROC_T5 13 #define DELAY_PROC_T5 INC_PROC_T5*DELAY /* * These macros generate the code needed to create the test process functions. */ #define RECV_PROC(num, sig) \ static NORETURN void receiver_proc##num(void) \ { \ TestMsg *rec_msg; \ for(;;) \ { \ sig_wait(sig); \ kprintf("Proc[%d]..get message\n", num); \ rec_msg = containerof(msg_get(&test_port##num), TestMsg, msg); \ timer_delay(rec_msg->delay); \ rec_msg->result += rec_msg->val; \ kprintf("Proc[%d]..process message val[%d],delay[%d],res[%d]\n", num, rec_msg->val, rec_msg->delay, rec_msg->result); \ msg_reply(&rec_msg->msg); \ process_num++; \ kprintf("Proc[%d] reply\n", num); \ } \ } #define SEND_MSG(num) \ do { \ kprintf("Main send message to proc[%d]\n", num); \ msg##num.msg.replyPort = &test_portMain; \ msg_put(&test_port##num, &msg##num.msg); \ } while(0) #define RECV_STACK(num) PROC_DEFINE_STACK(receiver_stack##num, KERN_MINSTACKSIZE * 2) #define RECV_INIT_PROC(num) proc_new(receiver_proc##num, NULL, sizeof(receiver_stack##num), receiver_stack##num) #define RECV_INIT_MSG(num, proc, sig) msg_initPort(&test_port##num, event_createSignal(proc, sig)) // A test message with the parameters and a result. typedef struct { Msg msg; int val; int delay; int result; } TestMsg; // Global count to check if the test is going ok. static int count = 0; static int process_num; // Our message port. static MsgPort test_port0; static MsgPort test_port1; static MsgPort test_port2; static MsgPort test_port3; static MsgPort test_port4; static MsgPort test_port5; /* * Generate the process to test message. */ RECV_PROC(0, SIG_USER0) RECV_PROC(1, SIG_USER1) RECV_PROC(2, SIG_USER2) RECV_PROC(3, SIG_USER3) RECV_PROC(4, SIG_SYSTEM5) RECV_PROC(5, SIG_SYSTEM6) /* * These signal are already use from * main process and the sig_waitWithTimeout functions, so we don't * use it. * * RECV_PROC(6, SIG_SINGLE) * RECV_PROC(7, SIG_TIMEOUT) */ RECV_STACK(0); RECV_STACK(1); RECV_STACK(2); RECV_STACK(3); RECV_STACK(4); RECV_STACK(5); /* * Help function to fill the message to send */ static void fill_msg(TestMsg *msg, int val, int delay, int res) { msg->val = val; msg->delay = delay; msg->result = res; } /** * Run signal test */ int msg_testRun(void) { MsgPort test_portMain; TestMsg msg0; TestMsg msg1; TestMsg msg2; TestMsg msg3; TestMsg msg4; TestMsg msg5; TestMsg *reply; // Allocate and start the test process struct Process *recv0 = RECV_INIT_PROC(0); struct Process *recv1 = RECV_INIT_PROC(1); struct Process *recv2 = RECV_INIT_PROC(2); struct Process *recv3 = RECV_INIT_PROC(3); struct Process *recv4 = RECV_INIT_PROC(4); struct Process *recv5 = RECV_INIT_PROC(5); kprintf("Run Message test..\n"); // Init port and message RECV_INIT_MSG(Main, proc_current(), SIG_SINGLE); RECV_INIT_MSG(0, recv0, SIG_USER0); RECV_INIT_MSG(1, recv1, SIG_USER1); RECV_INIT_MSG(2, recv2, SIG_USER2); RECV_INIT_MSG(3, recv3, SIG_USER3); RECV_INIT_MSG(4, recv4, SIG_SYSTEM5); RECV_INIT_MSG(5, recv5, SIG_SYSTEM6); // Fill-in first message and send it out. fill_msg(&msg0, INC_PROC_T0, DELAY_PROC_T0, 0); fill_msg(&msg1, INC_PROC_T1, DELAY_PROC_T1, 0); fill_msg(&msg2, INC_PROC_T2, DELAY_PROC_T2, 0); fill_msg(&msg3, INC_PROC_T3, DELAY_PROC_T3, 0); fill_msg(&msg4, INC_PROC_T4, DELAY_PROC_T4, 0); fill_msg(&msg5, INC_PROC_T5, DELAY_PROC_T5, 0); // Send and wait the message for (int i = 0; i < 23; ++i) { process_num = 0; SEND_MSG(0); SEND_MSG(1); SEND_MSG(2); SEND_MSG(3); SEND_MSG(4); SEND_MSG(5); while(1) { sigmask_t sigs = sig_waitTimeout(SIG_SINGLE, ms_to_ticks(TEST_TIME_OUT_MS)); if (sigs & SIG_SINGLE) { // Wait for a reply... while ((reply = (TestMsg *)msg_get(&test_portMain))) { count += reply->result; kprintf("Main recv[%d] count[%d]\n", reply->result, count); } } if (process_num == 6) break; if (sigs & SIG_TIMEOUT) { kputs("Main: sig timeout\n"); goto error; } } } if(count == MAX_GLOBAL_COUNT) { kprintf("Message test finished..ok!\n"); return 0; } error: kprintf("Message test finished..fail!\n"); return -1; } int msg_testSetup(void) { kdbg_init(); kprintf("Init Timer.."); timer_init(); kprintf("Done.\n"); kprintf("Init Process.."); proc_init(); kprintf("Done.\n"); return 0; } int msg_testTearDown(void) { kputs("TearDown Message test.\n"); return 0; } TEST_MAIN(msg); #endif /* CONFIG_KERN_SIGNALS */