/** * \file * * * \brief Monitor to check for stack overflows * * \author Giovanni Bajo */ #include "monitor.h" #if CONFIG_KERN_MONITOR #include "proc_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* CPU_STACK_GROWS_UPWARD */ /* Access to this list must be protected against the scheduler */ static List MonitorProcs; void monitor_init(void) { LIST_INIT(&MonitorProcs); } void monitor_add(Process *proc, const char *name) { proc->monitor.name = name; PROC_ATOMIC(ADDTAIL(&MonitorProcs, &proc->monitor.link)); } void monitor_remove(Process *proc) { PROC_ATOMIC(REMOVE(&proc->monitor.link)); } void monitor_rename(Process *proc, const char *name) { proc->monitor.name = name; } size_t monitor_checkStack(cpu_stack_t *stack_base, size_t stack_size) { cpu_stack_t *beg; cpu_stack_t *cur; cpu_stack_t *end; int inc; size_t sp_free; beg = stack_base; end = stack_base + stack_size / sizeof(cpu_stack_t); inc = +1; if (CPU_STACK_GROWS_UPWARD) { SWAP(beg, end); inc = -1; } cur = beg; while (cur != end) { if (*cur != CONFIG_KERN_STACKFILLCODE) break; cur += inc; } sp_free = ABS(cur - beg) * sizeof(cpu_stack_t); return sp_free; } void monitor_report(void) { Node *node; int i; proc_forbid(); kprintf("%-9s%-9s%-9s%-9s%s\n", "TCB", "SPbase", "SPsize", "SPfree", "Name"); for (i = 0; i < 56; i++) kputchar('-'); kputchar('\n'); FOREACH_NODE(node, &MonitorProcs) { Process *p = containerof(node, Process, monitor.link); size_t free = monitor_checkStack(p->stack_base, p->stack_size); kprintf("%-9p%-9p%-9zu%-9zu%s\n", p, p->stack_base, p->stack_size, free, p->monitor.name); } proc_permit(); } static void NORETURN monitor(void) { Node *node; for (;;) { proc_forbid(); FOREACH_NODE(node, &MonitorProcs) { Process *p = containerof(node, Process, monitor.link); size_t free = monitor_checkStack(p->stack_base, p->stack_size); if (p->stack_base && free < 0x20) kprintf("MONITOR: Free stack of process '%s' is only %u chars\n", p->monitor.name, (unsigned int)free); } proc_permit(); /* Give some rest to the system */ timer_delay(500); } } void monitor_start(size_t stacksize, cpu_stack_t *stack) { struct Process *p = proc_new(monitor, NULL, stacksize, stack); proc_setPri(p, -10); } #endif /* CONFIG_KERN_MONITOR */