#include "GPS.h" #include "util/Config.h" #include "protocol/KISS.h" #include Serial *serial; bool gps_installed = false; bool gps_power = true; uint8_t nmea_read_length = 0; char nmea_input_buf[NMEA_MAX_LENGTH]; char nmea_parse_buf[NMEA_MAX_LENGTH]; bool gps_detect(void) { GPS_DDR &= ~_BV(GPS_EN_PIN); return (GPS_INPUT & _BV(GPS_EN_PIN)); } void gps_powerup(void) { GPS_PORT |= _BV(GPS_EN_PIN); } void gps_powerdown(void) { GPS_PORT &= ~_BV(GPS_EN_PIN); } bool gps_enabled(void) { return gps_power; } void gps_init(Serial *ser) { serial = ser; memset(nmea_input_buf, 0, sizeof(nmea_input_buf)); memset(nmea_parse_buf, 0, sizeof(nmea_parse_buf)); gps_speed_knots = 0; gps_speed_kmh = 0; gps_bearing = 0; gps_time_set = false; if (gps_detect()) { gps_installed = true; serial_setbaudrate_9600(1); delay_ms(100); gps_send_command(PMTK_SET_BAUD_57600); delay_ms(100); serial_setbaudrate_57600(1); delay_ms(100); gps_send_command(PMTK_API_SET_FIX_CTL_1HZ); gps_send_command(PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCGGA); GPS_DDR |= _BV(GPS_EN_PIN); if (gps_enabled()) { gps_powerup(); } else { gps_powerdown(); } } else { gps_installed = false; gps_power = false; } } void gps_update_rtc(void) { struct tm now; now.tm_year = (gps_t_year+2000) - 1900; now.tm_mon = gps_t_month-1; now.tm_mday = gps_t_day; now.tm_hour = gps_t_hour; now.tm_min = gps_t_minute; now.tm_sec = gps_t_second; now.tm_isdst = -1; time_t timestamp = mktime(&now); rtc_set_seconds(timestamp); gps_time_set = true; } void gps_jobs(void) { if (gps_enabled()) { gps_powerup(); } else { gps_powerdown(); } } void gps_send_command(const char *cmd) { fprintf_P(&serial->uart1, cmd); } void gps_nmea_parse(uint8_t sentence_length) { if (config_gps_nmea_output == CONFIG_GPS_NMEA_RAW) { printf("%s\n\r", nmea_parse_buf); } if (config_gps_nmea_output == CONFIG_GPS_NMEA_ENCAP) { kiss_output_nmea(nmea_parse_buf, sentence_length); } if (sentence_length > 4) { if (nmea_parse_buf[sentence_length-4] == '*') { uint16_t checksum = gps_nmea_parse_hex(nmea_parse_buf[sentence_length-3]); checksum *= 16; checksum += gps_nmea_parse_hex(nmea_parse_buf[sentence_length-2]); for (uint8_t i=1; i < sentence_length-4; i++) { checksum ^= nmea_parse_buf[i]; } if (checksum != 0) { return; } else { // Parse GGA sentence if (strstr(nmea_parse_buf, "$GPGGA")) { char *pointer = nmea_parse_buf; // Ignore UTC time pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; // Parse latitude pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; char nmea_lat_deg_str[3]; nmea_lat_deg_str[0] = pointer[0]; nmea_lat_deg_str[1] = pointer[1]; nmea_lat_deg_str[2] = '\0'; char nmea_lat_min_str[3]; nmea_lat_min_str[0] = pointer[2]; nmea_lat_min_str[1] = pointer[3]; nmea_lat_min_str[2] = '\0'; char nmea_lat_dec_str[5]; nmea_lat_dec_str[0] = pointer[5]; nmea_lat_dec_str[1] = pointer[6]; nmea_lat_dec_str[2] = pointer[7]; nmea_lat_dec_str[3] = pointer[8]; nmea_lat_dec_str[4] = '\0'; // Parse latitude sign pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; char nmea_lat_sign = pointer[0]; // Parse longtitude pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; char nmea_lon_deg_str[4]; nmea_lon_deg_str[0] = pointer[0]; nmea_lon_deg_str[1] = pointer[1]; nmea_lon_deg_str[2] = pointer[2]; nmea_lon_deg_str[3] = '\0'; char nmea_lon_min_str[3]; nmea_lon_min_str[0] = pointer[3]; nmea_lon_min_str[1] = pointer[4]; nmea_lon_min_str[2] = '\0'; char nmea_lon_dec_str[5]; nmea_lon_dec_str[0] = pointer[6]; nmea_lon_dec_str[1] = pointer[7]; nmea_lon_dec_str[2] = pointer[8]; nmea_lon_dec_str[3] = pointer[9]; nmea_lon_dec_str[4] = '\0'; // Parse longtitude sign pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; char nmea_lon_sign = pointer[0]; // Get fix quality pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; uint8_t nmea_fix = atoi(pointer); if (nmea_fix > 0 && nmea_fix < 7) { gps_fix = true; } else { gps_fix = false; } if (gps_fix) { // Set latitude and longtitude gps_lat_degrees = atoi(nmea_lat_deg_str); gps_lat_minutes = atoi(nmea_lat_min_str); gps_lat_seconds = (atoi(nmea_lat_dec_str)/10000.0)*60.0; gps_lon_degrees = atoi(nmea_lon_deg_str); gps_lon_minutes = atoi(nmea_lon_min_str); gps_lon_seconds = (atoi(nmea_lon_dec_str)/10000.0)*60.0; gps_lat = gps_lat_degrees + (gps_lat_minutes/60.0) + (gps_lat_seconds/3600.0); gps_lon = gps_lon_degrees + (gps_lon_minutes/60.0) + (gps_lon_seconds/3600.0); // Get satellites pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; gps_sats = atoi(pointer); // Get horizontal dilution of position pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; gps_hdop = atof(pointer); // Get altitude pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; gps_altitude = atof(pointer); // Ignore altitude unit reference pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; // Get geoid height pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; gps_geoid_height = atof(pointer); // TODO: Check this calculation gps_height_above_msl = gps_geoid_height + gps_altitude; // Ignore geoid height unit reference pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; gps_lat_sign = nmea_lat_sign; gps_lon_sign = nmea_lon_sign; gps_lat *= (gps_lat_sign == 'N' ? 1 : -1); gps_lon *= (gps_lon_sign == 'E' ? 1 : -1); } } // Parse RMC sentence if (strstr(nmea_parse_buf, "$GPRMC")) { if (gps_fix) { char *pointer = nmea_parse_buf; uint32_t nmea_date = 0; uint32_t nmea_time = 0; // Get UTC time pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; if (!gps_time_set) nmea_time = (float)atof(pointer); // Ignore navigation receiver warning pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; // Ignore latitude pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; // Ignore latitude sign pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; // Ignore longtitude pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; // Ignore longtitude sign pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; // Get ground speed pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; gps_speed_knots = atof(pointer); gps_speed_kmh = gps_speed_knots * 1.852; // Get bearing pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; gps_bearing = atof(pointer); // Get date pointer = strchr(pointer, ',')+1; if (!gps_time_set) nmea_date = (float)atof(pointer); // Set times if (!gps_time_set) { gps_t_hour = nmea_time / 10000; gps_t_minute = (nmea_time % 10000) / 100; gps_t_second = (nmea_time % 100); gps_t_day = nmea_date / 10000; gps_t_month = (nmea_date % 10000) / 100; gps_t_year = (nmea_date % 100); gps_update_rtc(); } // TODO: Remove this // printf("GPS fix\r\n"); // printf("GPS satellites: %d\r\n", gps_sats); // printf("GPS latitude: %d\" %d' %.2fs %c\r\n", gps_lat_degrees, gps_lat_minutes, gps_lat_seconds, gps_lat_sign); // printf("GPS longtitude: %d\" %d' %.2fs %c\r\n", gps_lon_degrees, gps_lon_minutes, gps_lon_seconds, gps_lon_sign); // printf("GPS coords: %.6f,%.6f\r\n", gps_lat, gps_lon); // printf("GPS speed %.2f Km/h\r\n", gps_speed_kmh); // printf("GPS speed %.2f knots\r\n", gps_speed_knots); // printf("GPS bearing %.2f\r\n", gps_bearing); // printf("GPS height above MSL: %.2f\r\n", gps_height_above_msl); // printf("GPS altitude: %.2f\r\n", gps_altitude); // printf("GPS geoid height: %.2f\r\n", gps_geoid_height); // printf("GPS HDOP: %.2f\r\n", gps_hdop); // printf("GPS time %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d UTC\r\n", gps_t_year, gps_t_month, gps_t_day, gps_t_hour, gps_t_minute, gps_t_second); } else { gps_speed_knots = 0; gps_speed_kmh = 0; } } } } } } void gps_serial_callback(char byte) { if (byte == '\n') { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NMEA_MAX_LENGTH; i++) nmea_parse_buf[i] = nmea_input_buf[i]; memset(nmea_input_buf, 0, sizeof(nmea_input_buf)); gps_nmea_parse(nmea_read_length); memset(nmea_parse_buf, 0, sizeof(nmea_parse_buf)); nmea_read_length = 0; } else { if (nmea_read_length < NMEA_MAX_LENGTH) { nmea_input_buf[nmea_read_length++] = byte; } } } void gps_poll(void) { while (!fifo_isempty_locked(&uart1FIFO)) { char sbyte = fifo_pop_locked(&uart1FIFO); gps_serial_callback(sbyte); } } uint8_t gps_nmea_parse_hex(char c) { if (c < '0') return 0; if (c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c < 'A') return 0; if (c <= 'F') return (c - 'A')+10; return 0; }