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synced 2025-03-01 10:41:08 -05:00
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@ -15,40 +15,115 @@ void hw_afsk_adcInit(int ch, Afsk *_context)
context = _context;
ASSERT(ch <= 5);
// Timer/Counter Control Register 1 (Timer1 settings, for short)
// Set prescaler to clk/8 (2 MHz), CTC, top = ICR1
TCCR1A = 0;
// We need to do some configuration on the Timer/Counter Control
// Register 1, aka Timer1
// The following bits are set:
// CS11: ClockSource 11, sets the prescaler to 8, ie 2MHz
// WGM13 and WGM12 together enables Timer Mode 12, which
// is Clear Timer on Compare, compare set to TOP, and the
// source for the TOP value is ICR1 (Input Capture Register1).
TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = BV(CS11) | BV(WGM13) | BV(WGM12);
// Configure ICR1 to get 9.6KHz sampling rate
ICR1 = ((CPU_FREQ / 8) / 9600) - 1; // Input capture register
// Then we set the ICR1 register to what count value we want to
// reset (and thus trigger the interrupt) at.
// Since the prescaler is set to 2MHz, the counter will be
// incremented two million times each second, and we want the
// interrupt to trigger 9600 time each second. The formula for
// calculating the value of ICR1 (the TOP value) is:
// (CPUClock / Prescaler) / desired frequency - 1
// So that's what well put in this register to set up our
// 9.6KHz sampling rate.
ICR1 = ((CPU_FREQ / 8) / 9600) - 1;
// Set reference to AVCC (5V), select pin
// Set the ADMUX register. The first part (BV(REFS0)) sets
// the reference voltage to VCC (5V), and the next selects
// the ADC channel (basically what pin we are capturing on)
ADMUX = BV(REFS0) | ch;
DDRC &= ~BV(ch);
PORTC &= ~BV(ch);
DIDR0 |= BV(ch);
DDRC &= ~BV(ch); // Set the selected channel (pin) to input
PORTC &= ~BV(ch); // Initialize the selected pin to LOW
DIDR0 |= BV(ch); // Disable the Digital Input Buffer on selected pin
// Set autotrigger on Timer1 Input capture flag
ADCSRB = BV(ADTS2) | // Setting these three on (1-1-1) sets the ADC to
BV(ADTS1) | // "Timer1 capture event"
BV(ADTS0); //
// Now a little more configuration to get the ADC working
// the way we want
ADCSRB = BV(ADTS2) | // Setting these three on (1-1-1) sets the ADC to
BV(ADTS1) | // "Timer1 capture event". That means we can declare
BV(ADTS0); // an ISR in the ADC Vector, that will then get called
// everytime the ADC has a sample ready, which will
// happen at the 9.6Khz sampling rate we set up earlier
ADCSRA = BV(ADEN) | // ADC Enable
BV(ADSC) | // ADC Start converting
BV(ADATE) | // Enable autotriggering
BV(ADIE) | // ADC Interrupt enable
ADCSRA = BV(ADEN) | // ADC Enable - Yes, we need to turn it on :)
BV(ADSC) | // ADC Start Converting - Tell it to start doing conversions
BV(ADATE) | // Enable autotriggering - Enables the autotrigger on complete
BV(ADIE) | // ADC Interrupt enable - Enables an interrupt to be called
BV(ADPS2); // Enable prescaler flag 2 (1-0-0 = division by 16 = 1MHz)
// This sets the ADC to run at 1MHz. This is out of spec,
// Since it's normal operating range is only up to 200KHz.
// But don't worry, it's not dangerous! I promise it wont
// blow up :) There is a downside to running at this speed
// though, hence the "out of spec", which is that we get
// a much lower resolution on the output. In this case,
// it's not a problem though, since we don't need the full
// 10-bit resolution, so we'll take fast and less precise!
// Declare ADC ISR
// This declares the Interrupt Service routine that will
// get called everytime the ADC finishes taking a sample.
// What actually happens here is that we take a piece of
// code, store it somewhere in memory, and then put the
// address of that "somewhere" into the Interrupt Vector
// Table of the processor, in this case the position
// "ADC_vect". This lets the processor know what to do
// when all the timing and configuration we just set up
// finally* ends up triggering the interrupt.
bool hw_afsk_dac_isr;
// Call the routine for analysing the captured sample
// Notice that we read the ADC sample, and then bitshift
// by two places to the right, effectively eliminating
// two bits of precision. But we didn't have those
// anyway, because the ADC is running at high speed.
// We then subtract 128 from the value, to get the
// representation to match an AC waveform. We need to
// do this because the AC waveform (from the audio input)
// is biased by +2.5V, which is nessecary, since the ADC
// can't read negative voltages. By doing this simple
// math, we bring it back to an AC representation
// we can do further calculations on.
afsk_adc_isr(context, ((int16_t)((ADC) >> 2) - 128));
// We also need to check if we're supposed to spit
// out some modulated data to the DAC.
if (hw_afsk_dac_isr)
// If there is, it's easy to actually do so. We
// calculate what the sample should be in the
// DAC ISR, and apply the bitmask 11110000. This
// simoultaneously spits out our 4-bit digital
// sample to the four pins connected to our DAC
// circuit, which then converts it to an analog
// waveform. The reason for the " | BV(3)" is that
// we also need to trigger another pin controlled
// by the PORTD register. This is the PTT pin
// which tells the radio to open it transmitter.
PORTD = (afsk_dac_isr(context) & 0xF0) | BV(3);
// If we're not supposed to transmit anything, we
// keep quiet by continously sending 128, which
// when converted to an AC waveform by the DAC,
// equates to a steady, unchanging 0 volts.
PORTD = 128;
// * "finally" is probably the wrong description here.
// "All the f'ing time" is probably more accurate :)
// but it felt like it was a long way down here,
// writing all the explanations. I think this is a
// nice testament to how efficient and smart these
// processors are. The actual code to set up what
// took a long time to explain, is really very short.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void hw_afsk_dacInit(int ch, struct Afsk *_ctx);
// ADC initialization
#define AFSK_ADC_INIT(ch, ctx) hw_afsk_adcInit(ch, ctx)
// LED TX/RX on/off (pin 9/10)
// Here's some macros for controlling the RX/TX LEDs
#define LED_TX_INIT() do { DDRB |= BV(1); } while (0)
#define LED_TX_ON() do { PORTB |= BV(1); } while (0)
#define LED_TX_OFF() do { PORTB &= ~BV(1); } while (0)
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ void hw_afsk_dacInit(int ch, struct Afsk *_ctx);
#define LED_RX_ON() do { PORTB |= BV(2); } while (0)
#define LED_RX_OFF() do { PORTB &= ~BV(2); } while (0)
// FIXME: remove these, they're in the DAC writes now
#define PTT_INIT() do { DDRD |= BV(3); } while (0)
#define PTT_ON() do { PORTD |= BV(3); } while (0)
#define PTT_OFF() do { PORTD &= ~BV(3); } while (0)
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
#define VERS_BUILD 357
#define VERS_BUILD 359
#define VERS_HOST "vixen"
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