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* \file
* <!--
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* Copyright 2010 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* -->
* \brief TFTP protocol implementation
* \author Luca Ottaviano <lottaviano@develer.com>
* notest:all
#include "tftp.h"
#include "cfg/cfg_tftp.h"
#include <cfg/log.h>
//#include <lwip/in.h>
#include <lwip/inet.h>
#include <lwip/sockets.h>
#include <string.h> //memset
#define TFTP_PACKET_SIZE 516
#define DECLARE_TIMEOUT(name, timeout) \
struct timeval name; \
name.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; \
name.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
#define KFT_TFTPSESSION MAKE_ID('T', 'F', 'T', 'P')
INLINE TftpSession *TFTP_CAST(KFile *fd)
return (TftpSession *)containerof(fd, TftpSession, kfile_request);
* Check if received data is correct and send ACK if ok.
static int checkPacket(TftpSession *ctx, const Tftpframe *frame)
LOG_INFO("Checking block %hd\n", ctx->block);
if (ntohs(frame->hdr.opcode) != TFTP_DATA)
LOG_INFO("Opcode != TFTP_DATA (%hd != %d)\n", ntohs(frame->hdr.opcode), TFTP_DATA);
return -1;
if (ntohs(frame->hdr.th_u.block) != ctx->block + 1)
return -1;
// if everything was ok, send ACK
// ACK is already in network order
struct ackframe ack;
ack.opcode = TFTP_ACK;
ack.block_num = htons(ctx->block);
ssize_t rc = lwip_sendto(ctx->sock, &ack, 4, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&ctx->addr, ctx->addr_len);
if (rc == 4)
return rc;
return -1;
* Return >0 if there's something to read in ctx, 0 on timeout, -1 on errors
static int tftp_waitEvent(TftpSession *ctx, struct timeval *timeout)
fd_set inset;
FD_SET(ctx->sock, &inset);
struct timeval tmp = *timeout;
return lwip_select(ctx->sock + 1, &inset, NULL, NULL, &tmp);
* Read a block from TFTP.
* \param size Must be exactly 516 bytes
* \param timeout Time to wait the network connection, may be NULL to wait forever
* \return Number of bytes read if success, TFTP_ERR_TIMEOUT on timeout, TFTP_ERR otherwise
static ssize_t tftp_readPacket(TftpSession *ctx, Tftpframe *frame, mtime_t timeout)
DECLARE_TIMEOUT(wait_tm, timeout);
int res = tftp_waitEvent(ctx, &wait_tm);
if (res == 0)
if (res == -1)
return TFTP_ERR;
ssize_t rlen = lwip_recvfrom(ctx->sock, frame, sizeof(Tftpframe), 0, NULL, NULL);
LOG_INFO("Received %zd bytes\n", rlen);
if (rlen > 0 && (checkPacket(ctx, frame) > 0))
return rlen;
return TFTP_ERR;
static size_t tftp_read(struct KFile *fd, void *buf, size_t size)
TftpSession *fds = TFTP_CAST(fd);
uint8_t *_buf = (uint8_t *) buf;
size_t read_bytes = 0;
size_t offset = fds->valid_data - fds->bytes_available;
if (fds->pending_ack)
ASSERT(fds->block == 0);
struct ackframe ack;
ack.opcode = TFTP_ACK;
ack.block_num = fds->block;
lwip_sendto(fds->sock, &ack, 4, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&fds->addr, fds->addr_len);
fds->pending_ack = false;
if (fds->bytes_available < size)
/* check if we were called again after an error */
if (fds->bytes_available > 0)
memcpy(_buf, fds->frame.data + offset, fds->bytes_available);
LOG_INFO("ba < size. Copied %zd bytes from offset %zd\n", fds->bytes_available, offset);
/* adjust buf and size */
_buf += fds->bytes_available;
size -= fds->bytes_available;
read_bytes += fds->bytes_available;
if (!fds->is_xfer_end)
LOG_INFO("Waiting for new TFTP packet\n");
/* get more data, we can wait since the function is blocking */
ssize_t rd = tftp_readPacket(fds, &fds->frame, fds->timeout);
if (rd < 0)
fds->bytes_available = 0;
fds->error = rd;
return 0;
fds->is_xfer_end = true;
LOG_INFO("Received the last packet\n");
fds->bytes_available = (size_t)rd - sizeof(struct TftpHeader);
fds->valid_data = fds->bytes_available;
offset = 0;
LOG_INFO("Transfer finished\n");
fds->bytes_available -= fds->bytes_available;
fds->valid_data = 0;
return read_bytes;
/* check how many bytes we need to copy */
size_t res = MIN(fds->bytes_available, size);
LOG_INFO("Copying %zd bytes from offset %zd\n", res, offset);
memcpy(_buf, fds->frame.data + offset, res);
fds->bytes_available -= res;
read_bytes += res;
return read_bytes;
static int tftp_error(struct KFile *fd)
TftpSession *fds = TFTP_CAST(fd);
return fds->error;
static void tftp_clearerr(struct KFile *fd)
TftpSession *fds = TFTP_CAST(fd);
fds->error = 0;
static int tftp_close(struct KFile *fd)
TftpSession *fds = TFTP_CAST(fd);
struct errframe err;
if (fds->pending_ack)
err.opcode = TFTP_PROTOERR;
err.str = '\0';
lwip_sendto(fds->sock, &err, 5, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&fds->addr, fds->addr_len);
LOG_INFO("Closed connection upon user request\n");
return 0;
static void resetTftpState(TftpSession *ctx)
ctx->block = 0;
ctx->error = 0;
ctx->bytes_available = 0;
ctx->valid_data = 0;
ctx->is_xfer_end = false;
ctx->pending_ack = false;
* Listen for incoming tftp sessions.
* \note Only write requests are accepted.
* \param ctx Initialized TftpChannel
* \param filename String to be filled with file name to be written
* \param len Length of the filename
* \param mode Open mode for the returned KFile
* \return KFile pointer to read from
KFile *tftp_listen(TftpSession *ctx, char *filename, size_t len, TftpOpenMode *mode)
DECLARE_TIMEOUT(wait_tm, ctx->timeout);
int res = tftp_waitEvent(ctx, &wait_tm);
if (res == 0)
ctx->error = TFTP_ERR_TIMEOUT;
return NULL;
if (res == -1)
ctx->error = TFTP_ERR;
return NULL;
// listen onto TFTP port
ctx->addr_len = sizeof(ctx->addr);
ssize_t rd = 0;
if ((rd = lwip_recvfrom(ctx->sock, &ctx->frame, sizeof(Tftpframe), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&ctx->addr, &ctx->addr_len)) > 0)
// check if the packet is WRQ, otherwise discard the packet
if (ctx->frame.hdr.opcode == TFTP_WRQ)
*mode = TFTP_WRITE;
ctx->pending_ack = true;
strncpy(filename, (char *)&ctx->frame.hdr.th_u, len);
filename[len - 1] = '\0';
ctx->error = 0;
return &ctx->kfile_request;
*mode = TFTP_READ;
ctx->error = TFTP_ERR;
return NULL;
* Init a server session
* Create a IPv4 session on all addresses and port \a port.
* \param ctx Context to be initialized as server
* \param port Port to listen incoming connections
* \param timeout Timeout to be used for tftp connections
* \return 0 if successful, -1 otherwise
int tftp_init(TftpSession *ctx, unsigned short port, mtime_t timeout)
DB(ctx->kfile_request._type = KFT_TFTPSESSION);
ctx->kfile_request.read = tftp_read;
ctx->kfile_request.error = tftp_error;
ctx->kfile_request.clearerr = tftp_clearerr;
ctx->kfile_request.close = tftp_close;
/* Unused kfile methods */
ctx->kfile_request.seek = NULL;
ctx->kfile_request.write = NULL;
ctx->kfile_request.flush = NULL;
ctx->kfile_request.reopen = NULL;
struct sockaddr_in sa;
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
sa.sin_port = htons(port);
ctx->timeout = timeout;
ctx->sock = lwip_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (ctx->sock == -1)
LOG_INFO("TFTP socket error\n");
return -1;
if(lwip_bind(ctx->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)))
LOG_INFO("Error binding socket\n");
return -1;
return 0;