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* \file
* <!--
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* Copyright 2009 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
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* \brief MPXX6115A Pressure Sensor convert formula.
* This module convert read voltage value from MPXX6115A
* pressure sensor into hPascal value unit.
* \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>
* $WIZ$ module_name = "mpxx6115a"
* $WIZ$ module_depends = "adc"
* $WIZ$ module_configuration = ""
* $WIZ$ module_hw = ""
#ifndef DRV_MPXX6115A_H
#define DRV_MPXX6115A_H
#include <drv/adc.h>
#define MPXX6115A_DIV_CONST 0.009f
#define MPXX6115A_ADD_CONST 0.095f
* Convert read voltage from MPXX6115A Pressure Sensor in hPascal value.
* The conversion formula may be consulted on constructor datasheet
* (see Freescale Semiconductor MP3H6115A, MPXAZ6115A).
* \param vout output voltage read from pin sensor.
* \param vref reference voltage that supplies the MPXX6115A sensor.
* \return integer value that represent measured pressure in hPascal.
* \note: To compute the pressure we use the Vout/Vref ratio, so
* these two values can be expressed in any unit, even ADC levels.
INLINE int16_t mpxx6115a_press(adcread_t vout, adcread_t vref)
float tmp;
tmp = (float)vout/(float)vref + MPXX6115A_ADD_CONST;
// To return hpascal we should multiply by 10 because the ratio is in kpascal
return (int16_t)(tmp / MPXX6115A_DIV_CONST * 10);
#endif /* DRV_MPXX6115A_H */