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2014-04-03 22:21:37 +02:00
* \file
* <!--
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* -->
* \brief FatFs test.
* \author Luca Ottaviano <>
* $test$: cp bertos/cfg/cfg_fat.h $cfgdir/
* $test$: echo "#undef CONFIG_FAT_USE_MKFS" >> $cfgdir/cfg_fat.h
* $test$: echo "#define CONFIG_FAT_USE_MKFS 1" >> $cfgdir/cfg_fat.h
#include "fat.h"
#include "fatfs/ff.h"
#include "fatfs/diskio.h"
#include <cfg/test.h>
/* avoid compiler warnings... */
int fatfile_testSetup(void);
int fatfile_testTearDown(void);
int fatfile_testRun(void);
static FATFS file_system;
int fatfile_testSetup(void)
err = f_mount(0, &file_system);
ASSERT(err == FR_OK);
err = f_mkfs(0, 0, 512);
ASSERT(err == FR_OK);
return 0;
int fatfile_testTearDown(void)
err = f_mount(0, 0);
ASSERT(err == FR_OK);
return 0;
int fatfile_testRun(void)
FRESULT fat_err;
FatFile file_handler;
const int SIZE = 10;
int write[SIZE], read[SIZE];
fat_err = fatfile_open(&file_handler, "foo.txt", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
ASSERT(fat_err == FR_OK);
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
write[i] = i;
size_t count = kfile_write(&file_handler.fd, &i, sizeof(int));
ASSERT(count == sizeof(int));
/* test error function */
int tmp;
if (kfile_read(&file_handler.fd, &tmp, sizeof(int)) < sizeof(int))
ASSERT(kfile_error(&file_handler.fd) == FR_DENIED);
ASSERT(file_handler.error_code == FR_OK);
int err = 0;
err = kfile_close(&file_handler.fd);
ASSERT(err == 0);
fat_err = fatfile_open(&file_handler, "foo.txt", FA_READ);
ASSERT(fat_err == FR_OK);
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++ i)
size_t count = kfile_read(&file_handler.fd, &read[i], sizeof(int));
ASSERT(count == sizeof(int));
/* check for correctness */
ASSERT(read[i] == write[i]);
/* test kfile_seek() */
ASSERT(kfile_seek(&file_handler.fd, -(sizeof(int) * SIZE * 2), KSM_SEEK_CUR) == 0);
ASSERT(kfile_seek(&file_handler.fd, sizeof(int), KSM_SEEK_END) == EOF);
ASSERT(kfile_close(&file_handler.fd) == 0);
fatfile_open(&file_handler, "foo.txt", FA_READ | FA_WRITE);
ASSERT((size_t)kfile_seek(&file_handler.fd, sizeof(int), KSM_SEEK_END) == sizeof(int) * (SIZE + 1));
ASSERT(kfile_seek(&file_handler.fd, -SIZE, KSM_SEEK_SET) == 0);
return 0;