
862 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
#include "device.h"
#define ENABLE_HELP true
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "hardware/Serial.h"
#include "SimpleSerial.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#define countof(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])
bool PRINT_SRC = true;
bool PRINT_DST = true;
bool PRINT_PATH = true;
bool PRINT_DATA = true;
bool PRINT_INFO = true;
bool VERBOSE = true;
bool SILENT = false;
bool SS_INIT = false;
bool SS_DEFAULT_CONF = false;
AX25Call src;
AX25Call dst;
AX25Call path1;
AX25Call path2;
int CALL_SSID = 0;
int DST_SSID = 0;
char PATH1[6] = "WIDE1";
int PATH1_SSID = 1;
char PATH2[6] = "WIDE2";
int PATH2_SSID = 2;
AX25Call path[4];
AX25Ctx *ax25ctx;
#define NV_MAGIC_BYTE 0x69
uint8_t EEMEM nvMagicByte;
uint8_t EEMEM nvCALL[6];
uint8_t EEMEM nvDST[6];
uint8_t EEMEM nvPATH1[6];
uint8_t EEMEM nvPATH2[6];
uint8_t EEMEM nvCALL_SSID;
uint8_t EEMEM nvDST_SSID;
uint8_t EEMEM nvPATH1_SSID;
uint8_t EEMEM nvPATH2_SSID;
uint8_t EEMEM nvPOWER;
uint8_t EEMEM nvHEIGHT;
uint8_t EEMEM nvGAIN;
uint8_t EEMEM nvSYMBOL;
uint8_t EEMEM nvAUTOACK;
// Location packet assembly fields
char latitude[8];
char longtitude[9];
char symbolTable = '/';
char symbol = 'n';
uint8_t power = 10;
uint8_t height = 10;
uint8_t gain = 10;
uint8_t directivity = 10;
// Message packet assembly fields
char message_recip[6];
int message_recip_ssid = -1;
int message_seq = 0;
char lastMessage[67];
size_t lastMessageLen;
bool message_autoAck = false;
extern unsigned long custom_preamble;
extern unsigned long custom_tail;
void ss_init(AX25Ctx *ax25) {
ax25ctx = ax25;
SS_INIT = true;
if (VERBOSE) {
printf_P(PSTR("MicroAPRS v1.0b\n"));
if (SS_DEFAULT_CONF) printf_P(PSTR("Default configuration loaded!\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("Modem ready\n"));
void ss_clearSettings(void) {
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvMagicByte, 0xFF);
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Configuration cleared. Restart to load defaults.\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
void ss_loadSettings(void) {
uint8_t verification = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvMagicByte);
if (verification == NV_MAGIC_BYTE) {
eeprom_read_block((void*)CALL, (void*)nvCALL, 6);
eeprom_read_block((void*)DST, (void*)nvDST, 6);
eeprom_read_block((void*)PATH1, (void*)nvPATH1, 6);
eeprom_read_block((void*)PATH2, (void*)nvPATH2, 6);
CALL_SSID = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvCALL_SSID);
DST_SSID = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvDST_SSID);
PATH1_SSID = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvPATH1_SSID);
PATH2_SSID = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvPATH2_SSID);
PRINT_SRC = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_SRC);
PRINT_DST = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_DST);
PRINT_PATH = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_PATH);
PRINT_DATA = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_DATA);
PRINT_INFO = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_INFO);
VERBOSE = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvVERBOSE);
SILENT = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvSILENT);
power = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvPOWER);
height = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvHEIGHT);
gain = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvGAIN);
directivity = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvDIRECTIVITY);
symbolTable = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvSYMBOL_TABLE);
symbol = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvSYMBOL);
message_autoAck = eeprom_read_byte((void*)&nvAUTOACK);
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
custom_preamble = eeprom_read_word((void*)&nvPREAMBLE);
custom_tail = eeprom_read_word((void*)&nvTAIL);
if (VERBOSE && SS_INIT) printf_P(PSTR("Configuration loaded\n"));
} else {
if (SS_INIT && !SILENT && VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Error: No stored configuration to load!\n"));
if (SS_INIT && !SILENT && !VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("0\n"));
void ss_saveSettings(void) {
eeprom_update_block((void*)CALL, (void*)nvCALL, 6);
eeprom_update_block((void*)DST, (void*)nvDST, 6);
eeprom_update_block((void*)PATH1, (void*)nvPATH1, 6);
eeprom_update_block((void*)PATH2, (void*)nvPATH2, 6);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvCALL_SSID, CALL_SSID);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvDST_SSID, DST_SSID);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvPATH1_SSID, PATH1_SSID);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvPATH2_SSID, PATH2_SSID);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_SRC, PRINT_SRC);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_DST, PRINT_DST);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_PATH, PRINT_PATH);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_DATA, PRINT_DATA);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvPRINT_INFO, PRINT_INFO);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvVERBOSE, VERBOSE);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvSILENT, SILENT);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvPOWER, power);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvHEIGHT, height);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvGAIN, gain);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvDIRECTIVITY, directivity);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvSYMBOL_TABLE, symbolTable);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvSYMBOL, symbol);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvAUTOACK, message_autoAck);
eeprom_update_word((void*)&nvPREAMBLE, custom_preamble);
eeprom_update_word((void*)&nvTAIL, custom_tail);
eeprom_update_byte((void*)&nvMagicByte, NV_MAGIC_BYTE);
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Configuration saved\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
void ss_messageCallback(struct AX25Msg *msg) {
if (PRINT_SRC) {
if (PRINT_INFO) printf_P(PSTR("SRC: "));
printf_P(PSTR("[%.6s-%d] "), msg->, msg->src.ssid);
if (PRINT_DST) {
if (PRINT_INFO) printf_P(PSTR("DST: "));
printf_P(PSTR("[%.6s-%d] "), msg->, msg->dst.ssid);
if (PRINT_INFO) printf_P(PSTR("PATH: "));
for (int i = 0; i < msg->rpt_count; i++)
printf_P(PSTR("[%.6s-%d] "), msg->rpt_list[i].call, msg->rpt_list[i].ssid);
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
2014-12-19 00:50:14 +01:00
if (PRINT_INFO) printf_P(PSTR("DATA: "), msg->len);
for (int i = 0; i < msg->len; i++) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
if (message_autoAck && msg->len > 11) {
char mseq[6];
bool shouldAck = true;
int msl = 0;
int loc = msg->len - 1;
size_t i = 0;
while (i<7 && i < msg->len) {
if (msg->info[loc-i] == '{') {
size_t p;
for (p = 0; p <= i; p++) {
mseq[p] = msg->info[loc-i+p];
msl = i;
if (msl != 0) {
int pos = 1;
int ssidPos = 0;
while (pos < 7) {
if (msg->info[pos] != CALL[pos-1]) {
shouldAck = false;
pos = 7;
while (pos < 10) {
if (msg->info[pos] == '-') ssidPos = pos;
if (ssidPos != 0) {
if (msg->info[ssidPos+2] == ' ') {
if (msg->info[ssidPos+1]-48 != CALL_SSID) {
shouldAck = false;
} else {
int assid = 10+(msg->info[ssidPos+2]-48);
if (assid != CALL_SSID) {
shouldAck = false;
if (msl != 0 && shouldAck) {
int ii = 0;
char *ack = malloc(14+msl);
for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) {
ack[1+ii] = ' ';
int calllen = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++) {
if (msg->[ii] != 0) {
ack[1+ii] = msg->[ii];
if (msg->src.ssid != 0) {
ack[1+calllen] = '-';
if (msg->src.ssid < 10) {
ack[2+calllen] = msg->src.ssid+48;
} else {
ack[2+calllen] = 49;
ack[3+calllen] = msg->src.ssid-10+48;
ack[0] = ':';
ack[10] = ':';
ack[11] = 'a';
ack[12] = 'c';
ack[13] = 'k';
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
for (ii = 0; ii < msl; ii++) {
ack[14+ii] = mseq[ii+1];
ss_sendPkt(ack, 14+msl, ax25ctx);
void ss_serialCallback(void *_buffer, size_t length, AX25Ctx *ctx) {
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)_buffer;
if (length > 0) {
// ! as first char to send packet
if (buffer[0] == '!' && length > 1) {
buffer++; length--;
ss_sendPkt(buffer, length, ctx);
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Packet sent\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == '@') {
buffer++; length--;
ss_sendLoc(buffer, length, ctx);
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Location update sent\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == '#') {
buffer++; length--;
ss_sendMsg(buffer, length, ctx);
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Message sent\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
else if (buffer[0] == 'h') {
else if (buffer[0] == 'H') {
} else if (buffer[0] == 'S') {
} else if (buffer[0] == 'C') {
} else if (buffer[0] == 'L') {
} else if (buffer[0] == 'c' && length > 3) {
buffer++; length--;
int count = 0;
while (length-- && count < 6) {
char c = buffer[count];
if (c != 0 && c != 10 && c != 13) {
CALL[count] = c;
} else {
CALL[count] = 0x00;
while (count < 6) {
CALL[count] = 0x00;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Callsign: %.6s-%d\n"), CALL, CALL_SSID);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'd' && length > 3) {
buffer++; length--;
int count = 0;
while (length-- && count < 6) {
char c = buffer[count];
if (c != 0 && c != 10 && c != 13) {
DST[count] = c;
} else {
DST[count] = 0;
while (count < 6) {
DST[count] = 0x00;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Destination: %.6s-%d\n"), DST, DST_SSID);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == '1' && length > 1) {
buffer++; length--;
int count = 0;
while (length-- && count < 6) {
char c = buffer[count];
if (c != 0 && c != 10 && c != 13) {
PATH1[count] = c;
} else {
PATH1[count] = 0;
while (count < 6) {
PATH1[count] = 0x00;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Path1: %.6s-%d\n"), PATH1, PATH1_SSID);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == '2' && length > 1) {
buffer++; length--;
int count = 0;
while (length-- && count < 6) {
char c = buffer[count];
if (c != 0 && c != 10 && c != 13) {
PATH2[count] = c;
} else {
PATH2[count] = 0;
while (count < 6) {
PATH2[count] = 0x00;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Path2: %.6s-%d\n"), PATH2, PATH2_SSID);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 's' && length > 2) {
buffer++; length--;
if (buffer[0] == 'c') {
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
if (length > 2 && buffer[2] > 48 && buffer[2] < 58 && buffer[1] > 48) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
CALL_SSID = 10+buffer[2]-48;
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
} else
if ( buffer[1] > 48 && buffer[1] < 58) {
CALL_SSID = buffer[1]-48;
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Callsign: %.6s-%d\n"), CALL, CALL_SSID);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
if (buffer[0] == 'd') {
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
if (length > 2 && buffer[2] > 48 && buffer[2] < 58 && buffer[1] > 48) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
DST_SSID = 10+buffer[2]-48;
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
} else
if ( buffer[1] > 48 && buffer[1] < 58) {
DST_SSID = buffer[1]-48;
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Destination: %.6s-%d\n"), DST, DST_SSID);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
if (buffer[0] == '1' ) {
if (length > 2 && buffer[2] > 48 && buffer[2] < 58 && buffer[1] > 48) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
PATH1_SSID = 10+buffer[2]-48;
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
} else
if ( buffer[1] > 48 && buffer[1] < 58) {
PATH1_SSID = buffer[1]-48;
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Path1: %.6s-%d\n"), PATH1, PATH1_SSID);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
if (buffer[0] == '2' ) {
if (length > 2 && buffer[2] > 48 && buffer[2] < 58 && buffer[1] > 48) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
PATH2_SSID = 10+buffer[2]-48;
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
} else
if (buffer[2] > 48 && buffer[2] < 58) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
PATH2_SSID = buffer[1]-48;
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Path2: %.6s-%d\n"), PATH2, PATH2_SSID);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
} else if (buffer[0] == 'p' && length > 2) {
buffer++; length--;
if (buffer[0] == 's') {
if (buffer[1] == 49) {
PRINT_SRC = true;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print SRC enabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else {
PRINT_SRC = false;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print SRC disabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
if (buffer[0] == 'd') {
if (buffer[1] == 49) {
PRINT_DST = true;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print DST enabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else {
PRINT_DST = false;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print DST disabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
if (buffer[0] == 'p') {
if (buffer[1] == 49) {
PRINT_PATH = true;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print PATH enabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else {
PRINT_PATH = false;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print PATH disabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
if (buffer[0] == 'm') {
if (buffer[1] == 49) {
PRINT_DATA = true;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print DATA enabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else {
PRINT_DATA = false;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print DATA disabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
if (buffer[0] == 'i') {
if (buffer[1] == 49) {
PRINT_INFO = true;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print INFO enabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else {
PRINT_INFO = false;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Print INFO disabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'v') {
if (buffer[1] == 49) {
VERBOSE = true;
printf_P(PSTR("Verbose mode enabled\n"));
} else {
VERBOSE = false;
printf_P(PSTR("Verbose mode disabled\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'V') {
if (buffer[1] == 49) {
SILENT = true;
VERBOSE = false;
printf_P(PSTR("Silent mode enabled\n"));
} else {
SILENT = false;
printf_P(PSTR("Silent mode disabled\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'l' && length > 2) {
buffer++; length--;
if (buffer[0] == 'l' && buffer[1] == 'a' && length >= 10) {
buffer += 2;
memcpy(latitude, (void *)buffer, 8);
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Latitude set to %.8s\n"), latitude);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'l' && buffer[1] == 'o' && length >= 11) {
buffer += 2;
memcpy(longtitude, (void *)buffer, 9);
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Longtitude set to %.9s\n"), longtitude);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'p' && length >= 2 && buffer[1] >= 48 && buffer[1] <= 57) {
power = buffer[1] - 48;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Power set to %dw\n"), power*power);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'h' && length >= 2 && buffer[1] >= 48 && buffer[1] <= 57) {
height = buffer[1] - 48;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Antenna height set to %ldm AAT\n"), (long)(_BV(height)*1000L)/328L);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'g' && length >= 2 && buffer[1] >= 48 && buffer[1] <= 57) {
gain = buffer[1] - 48;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Gain set to %ddB\n"), gain);
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'd' && length >= 2 && buffer[1] >= 48 && buffer[1] <= 57) {
directivity = buffer[1] - 48;
if (directivity == 9) directivity = 8;
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
if (VERBOSE) {
if (directivity == 0) printf_P(PSTR("Directivity set to omni\n"));
if (directivity != 0) printf_P(PSTR("Directivity set to %ddeg\n"), directivity*45);
} else if (buffer[0] == 's' && length >= 2) {
symbol = buffer[1];
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Symbol set to %c\n"), symbol);
} else if (buffer[0] == 't' && length >= 2) {
if (buffer[1] == 'a') {
symbolTable = '\\';
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Selected alternate symbol table\n"));
} else {
symbolTable = '/';
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Selected standard symbol table\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'm' && length > 1) {
buffer++; length--;
if (buffer[0] == 'c' && length > 1) {
buffer++; length--;
int count = 0;
while (length-- && count < 6) {
char c = buffer[count];
if (c != 0 && c != 10 && c != 13) {
message_recip[count] = c;
} else {
message_recip[count] = 0x00;
while (count < 6) {
message_recip[count] = 0x00;
if (VERBOSE) {
printf_P(PSTR("Message recipient: %.6s"), message_recip);
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
if (message_recip_ssid != -1) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
printf_P(PSTR("-%d\n"), message_recip_ssid);
} else {
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 's' && length > 1) {
if (length > 3) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
message_recip_ssid = 10+buffer[2]-48;
} else {
message_recip_ssid = buffer[1]-48;
if (message_recip_ssid < 0 || message_recip_ssid > 15) message_recip_ssid = -1;
if (VERBOSE) {
printf_P(PSTR("Message recipient: %.6s"), message_recip);
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
if (message_recip_ssid != -1) {
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
printf_P(PSTR("-%d\n"), message_recip_ssid);
} else {
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'r') {
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Retried last message\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'a') {
if (buffer[1] == 49) {
message_autoAck = true;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Message auto-ack enabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else {
message_autoAck = false;
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Message auto-ack disabled\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("1\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'w' && length >= 2) {
char str[4]; buffer++;
memcpy(str, buffer, length-1);
int preamble = atoi(str);
if (preamble >= 0 && preamble <= 9999) {
custom_preamble = preamble;
printf_P(PSTR("Preamble set to %lums\n"), custom_preamble);
} else {
printf_P(PSTR("Error: Invalid value for preamble\n"));
} else if (buffer[0] == 'W' && length >= 2) {
char str[4]; buffer++;
memcpy(str, buffer, length-1);
int tail = atoi(str);
if (tail >= 0 && tail <= 9999) {
custom_tail = tail;
printf_P(PSTR("TX Tail set to %lums\n"), custom_tail);
} else {
printf_P(PSTR("Error: Invalid value for TX tail\n"));
} else {
if (VERBOSE) printf_P(PSTR("Error: Invalid command\n"));
if (!VERBOSE && !SILENT) printf_P(PSTR("0\n"));
void ss_sendPkt(void *_buffer, size_t length, AX25Ctx *ax25) {
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)_buffer;
memcpy(, DST, 6);
dst.ssid = DST_SSID;
memcpy(, CALL, 6);
src.ssid = CALL_SSID;
memcpy(, PATH1, 6);
path1.ssid = PATH1_SSID;
memcpy(, PATH2, 6);
path2.ssid = PATH2_SSID;
path[0] = dst;
path[1] = src;
path[2] = path1;
path[3] = path2;
ax25_sendVia(ax25, path, countof(path), buffer, length);
void ss_sendLoc(void *_buffer, size_t length, AX25Ctx *ax25) {
size_t payloadLength = 20+length;
bool usePHG = false;
if (power < 10 && height < 10 && gain < 10 && directivity < 9) {
usePHG = true;
payloadLength += 7;
uint8_t *packet = malloc(payloadLength);
uint8_t *ptr = packet;
packet[0] = '=';
packet[9] = symbolTable;
packet[19] = symbol;
memcpy(ptr, latitude, 8);
ptr += 9;
memcpy(ptr, longtitude, 9);
ptr += 10;
if (usePHG) {
packet[20] = 'P';
packet[21] = 'H';
packet[22] = 'G';
packet[23] = power+48;
packet[24] = height+48;
packet[25] = gain+48;
packet[26] = directivity+48;
if (length > 0) {
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)_buffer;
memcpy(ptr, buffer, length);
//printf_P(PSTR("Assembled packet:\n%.*s\n", payloadLength, packet);
ss_sendPkt(packet, payloadLength, ax25);
void ss_sendMsg(void *_buffer, size_t length, AX25Ctx *ax25) {
if (length > 67) length = 67;
size_t payloadLength = 11+length+4;
uint8_t *packet = malloc(payloadLength);
uint8_t *ptr = packet;
packet[0] = ':';
int callSize = 6;
int count = 0;
while (callSize--) {
if (message_recip[count] != 0) {
packet[1+count] = message_recip[count];
if (message_recip_ssid != -1) {
packet[1+count] = '-'; count++;
if (message_recip_ssid < 10) {
packet[1+count] = message_recip_ssid+48; count++;
} else {
packet[1+count] = 49; count++;
packet[1+count] = message_recip_ssid-10+48; count++;
while (count < 9) {
packet[1+count] = ' '; count++;
packet[1+count] = ':';
ptr += 11;
if (length > 0) {
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)_buffer;
memcpy(ptr, buffer, length);
memcpy(lastMessage, buffer, length);
lastMessageLen = length;
if (message_seq > 999) message_seq = 0;
packet[11+length] = '{';
int n = message_seq % 10;
int d = ((message_seq % 100) - n)/10;
int h = (message_seq - d - n) / 100;
packet[12+length] = h+48;
packet[13+length] = d+48;
packet[14+length] = n+48;
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00
2014-12-18 23:45:36 +01:00
//printf_P(PSTR("Assembled packet:\n%.*s\n", payloadLength, packet);
ss_sendPkt(packet, payloadLength, ax25);
void ss_msgRetry(AX25Ctx *ax25) {
ss_sendMsg(lastMessage, lastMessageLen, ax25);
void ss_printSettings(void) {
printf_P(PSTR("Callsign: %.6s-%d\n"), CALL, CALL_SSID);
printf_P(PSTR("Destination: %.6s-%d\n"), DST, DST_SSID);
printf_P(PSTR("Path1: %.6s-%d\n"), PATH1, PATH1_SSID);
printf_P(PSTR("Path2: %.6s-%d\n"), PATH2, PATH2_SSID);
if (message_autoAck) {
printf_P(PSTR("Auto-ack messages: On\n"));
} else {
printf_P(PSTR("Auto-ack messages: Off\n"));
if (power != 10) printf_P(PSTR("Power: %d\n"), power);
if (height != 10) printf_P(PSTR("Height: %d\n"), height);
if (gain != 10) printf_P(PSTR("Gain: %d\n"), gain);
if (directivity != 10) printf_P(PSTR("Directivity: %d\n"), directivity);
if (symbolTable == '\\') printf_P(PSTR("Symbol table: alternate\n"));
if (symbolTable == '/') printf_P(PSTR("Symbol table: standard\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("Symbol: %c\n"), symbol);
printf_P(PSTR("TX Preamble: %lu\n"), custom_preamble);
printf_P(PSTR("TX Tail: %lu\n"), custom_tail);
void ss_printHelp(void) {
printf_P(PSTR("Serial commands:\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("!<data> Send raw packet\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("@<cmt> Send location update (cmt = optional comment)\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("#<msg> Send APRS message\n\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("c<call> Set your callsign\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("d<call> Set destination callsign\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("1<call> Set PATH1 callsign\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("2<call> Set PATH2 callsign\n\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("sc<ssid> Set your SSID\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("sd<ssid> Set destination SSID\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("s1<ssid> Set PATH1 SSID\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("s2<ssid> Set PATH2 SSID\n\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("lla<LAT> Set latitude (NMEA-format, eg 4903.50N)\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("llo<LON> Set latitude (NMEA-format, eg 07201.75W)\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("lp<0-9> Set TX power info\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("lh<0-9> Set antenna height info\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("lg<0-9> Set antenna gain info\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("ld<0-9> Set antenna directivity info\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("ls<sym> Select symbol\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("lt<s/a> Select symbol table (standard/alternate)\n\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("mc<call> Set message recipient callsign\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("ms<ssid> Set message recipient SSID\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("mr<ssid> Retry last message\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("ma<1/0> Automatic message ACK on/off\n\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("ps<1/0> Print SRC on/off\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("pd<1/0> Print DST on/off\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("pp<1/0> Print PATH on/off\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("pm<1/0> Print DATA on/off\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("pi<1/0> Print INFO on/off\n\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("v<1/0> Verbose mode on/off\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("V<1/0> Silent mode on/off\n\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("w<XXX> Set preamble time in ms\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("W<XXX> Set transmission tail time in ms\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("S Save configuration\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("L Load configuration\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("C Clear configuration\n"));
printf_P(PSTR("H Print configuration\n"));
2015-08-22 15:59:15 -06:00