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* \file
* <!--
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* Copyright 2008 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
* -->
* \brief Configuration file Ramp algorithm module.
* \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>
#ifndef CFG_RAMP_H
#define CFG_RAMP_H
* Define whether the ramp will use floating point calculation within ramp_evaluate().
* Otherwise, a less precise fixed point version will be used, which is faster on
* platforms which do no support floating point operations.
* \note Floating point operations will be always done within ramp_compute() to
* precalculate values, so there has to be at least a floating point emulation support.
* $WIZ$ type = "boolean"
* Number of least-significant bits which are stripped away during ramp evaluation.
* This setting allows to specify larger ramps at the price of less precision.
* The maximum ramp size allowed is 2^(24 + RAMP_CLOCK_SHIFT_PRECISION), in clocks.
* For instance, using RAMP_CLOCK_SHIFT_PRECISION 1, and a 8x prescaler, the maximum
* length of a ramp is about 6.7 secs. Raising RAMP_CLOCK_SHIFT_PRECISION to 2
* brings the maximum length to 13.4 secs, at the price of less precision.
* ramp_compute() will check that the length is below the maximum allowed through
* a runtime assertion.
* \note This macro is used only for the fixed-point version of the ramp.
* $WIZ$ type = "int"
* $WIZ$ min = 0
* $WIZ$ max = 32
* Negative pulse width for ramp.
* $WIZ$ type = "int"
* $WIZ$ min = 1
* Default ramp time (microsecs).
* $WIZ$ type = "int"
* $WIZ$ min = 1000
#define RAMP_DEF_TIME 6000000UL
* Default ramp maxfreq (Hz).
* $WIZ$ type = "int"
* $WIZ$ min = 1
#define RAMP_DEF_MAXFREQ 5000
* Default ramp minfreq (Hz).
* $WIZ$ type = "int"
* $WIZ$ min = 1
#define RAMP_DEF_MINFREQ 200
* Default ramp powerrun (deciampere).
* $WIZ$ type = "int"
* $WIZ$ min = 0
* Default ramp poweridle (Hz).
* $WIZ$ type = "int"
* $WIZ$ min = 0
#endif /* CFG_RAMP_H */