import os import io import sys import time import atexit import threading import traceback import contextlib import RNS import LXMF import nomadnet from nomadnet.Directory import DirectoryEntry import RNS.vendor.umsgpack as msgpack from ._version import __version__ from .vendor.configobj import ConfigObj class NomadNetworkApp: time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" _shared_instance = None configdir = os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.nomadnetwork" START_ANNOUNCE_DELAY = 3 def exit_handler(self): RNS.log("Nomad Network Client exit handler executing...", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) self.should_run_jobs = False RNS.log("Saving directory...", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) RNS.log("Nomad Network Client exiting now", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) def exception_handler(self, e_type, e_value, e_traceback): RNS.log("An unhandled exception occurred, the details of which will be dumped below", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("Type : "+str(e_type), RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("Value : "+str(e_value), RNS.LOG_ERROR) t_string = "" for line in traceback.format_tb(e_traceback): t_string += line RNS.log("Trace : \n"+t_string, RNS.LOG_ERROR) if issubclass(e_type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(e_type, e_value, e_traceback) def __init__(self, configdir = None, rnsconfigdir = None, daemon = False, force_console = False): self.version = __version__ self.enable_client = False self.enable_node = False self.identity = None self.uimode = None if configdir == None: self.configdir = NomadNetworkApp.configdir else: self.configdir = configdir if force_console: self.force_console_log = True else: self.force_console_log = False if NomadNetworkApp._shared_instance == None: NomadNetworkApp._shared_instance = self self.rns = RNS.Reticulum(configdir = rnsconfigdir) self.configpath = self.configdir+"/config" self.ignoredpath = self.configdir+"/ignored" self.logfilepath = self.configdir+"/logfile" self.errorfilepath = self.configdir+"/errors" self.storagepath = self.configdir+"/storage" self.identitypath = self.configdir+"/storage/identity" self.cachepath = self.configdir+"/storage/cache" self.resourcepath = self.configdir+"/storage/resources" self.conversationpath = self.configdir+"/storage/conversations" self.directorypath = self.configdir+"/storage/directory" self.peersettingspath = self.configdir+"/storage/peersettings" self.pagespath = self.configdir+"/storage/pages" self.filespath = self.configdir+"/storage/files" self.cachepath = self.configdir+"/storage/cache" self.downloads_path = os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads") self.firstrun = False self.should_run_jobs = True self.job_interval = 5 self.defer_jobs = 90 self.peer_announce_at_start = True self.try_propagation_on_fail = True self.periodic_lxmf_sync = True self.lxmf_sync_interval = 360*60 self.lxmf_sync_limit = 8 if not os.path.isdir(self.storagepath): os.makedirs(self.storagepath) if not os.path.isdir(self.cachepath): os.makedirs(self.cachepath) if not os.path.isdir(self.resourcepath): os.makedirs(self.resourcepath) if not os.path.isdir(self.conversationpath): os.makedirs(self.conversationpath) if not os.path.isdir(self.pagespath): os.makedirs(self.pagespath) if not os.path.isdir(self.filespath): os.makedirs(self.filespath) if not os.path.isdir(self.cachepath): os.makedirs(self.cachepath) if os.path.isfile(self.configpath): try: self.config = ConfigObj(self.configpath) try: self.applyConfig() except Exception as e: RNS.log("The configuration file is invalid. The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() RNS.log("Configuration loaded from "+self.configpath) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not parse the configuration at "+self.configpath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("Check your configuration file for errors!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() else: RNS.log("Could not load config file, creating default configuration file...") self.createDefaultConfig() self.firstrun = True if os.path.isfile(self.identitypath): try: self.identity = RNS.Identity.from_file(self.identitypath) if self.identity != None: RNS.log("Loaded Primary Identity %s from %s" % (str(self.identity), self.identitypath)) else: RNS.log("Could not load the Primary Identity from "+self.identitypath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not load the Primary Identity from "+self.identitypath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() else: try: RNS.log("No Primary Identity file found, creating new...") self.identity = RNS.Identity() self.identity.to_file(self.identitypath) RNS.log("Created new Primary Identity %s" % (str(self.identity))) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not create and save a new Primary Identity", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() if os.path.isfile(self.peersettingspath): try: file = open(self.peersettingspath, "rb") self.peer_settings = msgpack.unpackb( file.close() if not "node_last_announce" in self.peer_settings: self.peer_settings["node_last_announce"] = None if not "propagation_node" in self.peer_settings: self.peer_settings["propagation_node"] = None if not "last_lxmf_sync" in self.peer_settings: self.peer_settings["last_lxmf_sync"] = 0 if not "node_connects" in self.peer_settings: self.peer_settings["node_connects"] = 0 if not "served_page_requests" in self.peer_settings: self.peer_settings["served_page_requests"] = 0 if not "served_file_requests" in self.peer_settings: self.peer_settings["served_file_requests"] = 0 except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not load local peer settings from "+self.peersettingspath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() else: try: RNS.log("No peer settings file found, creating new...") self.peer_settings = { "display_name": "Anonymous Peer", "announce_interval": None, "last_announce": None, "node_last_announce": None, "propagation_node": None, "last_lxmf_sync": 0, } self.save_peer_settings() RNS.log("Created new peer settings file") except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not create and save a new peer settings file", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() self.ignored_list = [] if os.path.isfile(self.ignoredpath): try: fh = open(self.ignoredpath, "rb") ignored_input = fh.close() ignored_hash_strs = ignored_input.splitlines() for hash_str in ignored_hash_strs: if len(hash_str) == RNS.Identity.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8*2: try: ignored_hash = bytes.fromhex(hash_str.decode("utf-8")) self.ignored_list.append(ignored_hash) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not decode RNS Identity hash from: "+str(hash_str), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while fetching loading list of ignored destinations: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) = nomadnet.Directory(self) self.message_router = LXMF.LXMRouter(identity = self.identity, storagepath = self.storagepath, autopeer = True) self.message_router.register_delivery_callback(self.lxmf_delivery) for destination_hash in self.ignored_list: self.message_router.ignore_destination(destination_hash) self.lxmf_destination = self.message_router.register_delivery_identity(self.identity, display_name=self.peer_settings["display_name"]) self.lxmf_destination.set_default_app_data(self.get_display_name_bytes) RNS.Identity.remember( packet_hash=None, destination_hash=self.lxmf_destination.hash, public_key=self.identity.get_public_key(), app_data=None ) RNS.log("LXMF Router ready to receive on: "+RNS.prettyhexrep(self.lxmf_destination.hash)) if self.enable_node: self.message_router.enable_propagation() RNS.log("LXMF Propagation Node started on: "+RNS.prettyhexrep(self.message_router.propagation_destination.hash)) self.node = nomadnet.Node(self) else: self.node = None RNS.Transport.register_announce_handler(nomadnet.Conversation) RNS.Transport.register_announce_handler(nomadnet.Directory) self.autoselect_propagation_node() if self.peer_announce_at_start: def delayed_announce(): time.sleep(NomadNetworkApp.START_ANNOUNCE_DELAY) self.announce_now() da_thread = threading.Thread(target=delayed_announce) da_thread.setDaemon(True) da_thread.start() atexit.register(self.exit_handler) sys.excepthook = self.exception_handler job_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__jobs) job_thread.setDaemon(True) job_thread.start() # Override UI choice from config on --daemon switch if daemon: self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_NONE # This stderr redirect is needed to stop urwid # from spewing KeyErrors to the console and thus, # messing up the UI. A pull request to fix the # bug in urwid was submitted, but until it is # merged, this hack will mitigate it. strio = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stderr(strio): nomadnet.ui.spawn(self.uimode) if strio.tell() > 0: try: err_file = open(self.errorfilepath, "w") err_file.write( err_file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not write stderr output to error log file at "+str(self.errorfilepath)+".", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) def __jobs(self): RNS.log("Deferring scheduled jobs for "+str(self.defer_jobs)+" seconds...", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) time.sleep(self.defer_jobs) RNS.log("Starting job scheduler now", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) while self.should_run_jobs: now = time.time() if now > self.peer_settings["last_lxmf_sync"] + self.lxmf_sync_interval: RNS.log("Initiating automatic LXMF sync", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) self.request_lxmf_sync(limit=self.lxmf_sync_limit) time.sleep(self.job_interval) def set_display_name(self, display_name): self.peer_settings["display_name"] = display_name self.lxmf_destination.display_name = display_name self.save_peer_settings() def get_display_name(self): return self.peer_settings["display_name"] def get_display_name_bytes(self): return self.peer_settings["display_name"].encode("utf-8") def get_sync_status(self): if self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_IDLE: return "Idle" elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_PATH_REQUESTED: return "Path requested" elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_LINK_ESTABLISHING: return "Establishing link" elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_LINK_ESTABLISHED: return "Link established" elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_REQUEST_SENT: return "Sync request sent" elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_RECEIVING: return "Receiving messages" elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: return "Messages received" elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_COMPLETE: new_msgs = self.message_router.propagation_transfer_last_result if new_msgs == 0: return "Done, no new messages" else: return "Downloaded "+str(new_msgs)+" new messages" else: return "Unknown" def sync_status_show_percent(self): if self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_IDLE: return False elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_PATH_REQUESTED: return True elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_LINK_ESTABLISHING: return True elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_LINK_ESTABLISHED: return True elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_REQUEST_SENT: return True elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_RECEIVING: return True elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: return True elif self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_COMPLETE: return False else: return False def get_sync_progress(self): return self.message_router.propagation_transfer_progress def request_lxmf_sync(self, limit = None): if self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_IDLE or self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_COMPLETE: self.peer_settings["last_lxmf_sync"] = time.time() self.save_peer_settings() self.message_router.request_messages_from_propagation_node(self.identity, max_messages = limit) def cancel_lxmf_sync(self): if self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state != LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_IDLE: self.message_router.cancel_propagation_node_requests() def announce_now(self): self.lxmf_destination.announce() self.peer_settings["last_announce"] = time.time() self.save_peer_settings() def autoselect_propagation_node(self): selected_node = None if "propagation_node" in self.peer_settings and["propagation_node"]): selected_node =["propagation_node"]) else: nodes = trusted_nodes = [] best_hops = RNS.Transport.PATHFINDER_M+1 for node in nodes: if node.trust_level == DirectoryEntry.TRUSTED: hops = RNS.Transport.hops_to(node.source_hash) if hops < best_hops: best_hops = hops selected_node = node if selected_node == None: RNS.log("Could not autoselect a propagation node! LXMF propagation will not be available until a trusted node announces on the network.", RNS.LOG_WARNING) else: node_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(selected_node.source_hash) if node_identity != None: propagation_hash = RNS.Destination.hash_from_name_and_identity("lxmf.propagation", node_identity) RNS.log("Selecting "+selected_node.display_name+" "+RNS.prettyhexrep(propagation_hash)+" as default LXMF propagation node", RNS.LOG_INFO) self.message_router.set_outbound_propagation_node(propagation_hash) else: RNS.log("Could not recall identity for autoselected LXMF propagation node "+RNS.prettyhexrep(selected_node.source_hash), RNS.LOG_WARNING) RNS.log("LXMF propagation will not be available until a trusted node announces on the network.", RNS.LOG_WARNING) def get_user_selected_propagation_node(self): if "propagation_node" in self.peer_settings: return self.peer_settings["propagation_node"] else: return None def set_user_selected_propagation_node(self, node_hash): self.peer_settings["propagation_node"] = node_hash self.save_peer_settings() self.autoselect_propagation_node() def get_default_propagation_node(self): return self.message_router.get_outbound_propagation_node() def save_peer_settings(self): file = open(self.peersettingspath, "wb") file.write(msgpack.packb(self.peer_settings)) file.close() def lxmf_delivery(self, message): time_string = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(message.timestamp)) signature_string = "Signature is invalid, reason undetermined" if message.signature_validated: signature_string = "Validated" else: if message.unverified_reason == LXMF.LXMessage.SIGNATURE_INVALID: signature_string = "Invalid signature" if message.unverified_reason == LXMF.LXMessage.SOURCE_UNKNOWN: signature_string = "Cannot verify, source is unknown" nomadnet.Conversation.ingest(message, self) def conversations(self): return nomadnet.Conversation.conversation_list(self) def has_unread_conversations(self): if len(nomadnet.Conversation.unread_conversations) > 0: return True else: return False def conversation_is_unread(self, source_hash): if bytes.fromhex(source_hash) in nomadnet.Conversation.unread_conversations: return True else: return False def mark_conversation_read(self, source_hash): if bytes.fromhex(source_hash) in nomadnet.Conversation.unread_conversations: nomadnet.Conversation.unread_conversations.pop(bytes.fromhex(source_hash)) if os.path.isfile(self.conversationpath + "/" + source_hash + "/unread"): os.unlink(self.conversationpath + "/" + source_hash + "/unread") def createDefaultConfig(self): self.config = ConfigObj(__default_nomadnet_config__) self.config.filename = self.configpath if not os.path.isdir(self.configdir): os.makedirs(self.configdir) self.config.write() self.applyConfig() def applyConfig(self): if "logging" in self.config: for option in self.config["logging"]: value = self.config["logging"][option] if option == "loglevel": RNS.loglevel = int(value) if RNS.loglevel < 0: RNS.loglevel = 0 if RNS.loglevel > 7: RNS.loglevel = 7 if option == "destination": if value.lower() == "file" and not self.force_console_log: RNS.logdest = RNS.LOG_FILE if "logfile" in self.config["logging"]: self.logfilepath = self.config["logging"]["logfile"] RNS.logfile = self.logfilepath else: RNS.logdest = RNS.LOG_STDOUT if "client" in self.config: for option in self.config["client"]: value = self.config["client"][option] if option == "enable_client": value = self.config["client"].as_bool(option) self.enable_client = value if option == "downloads_path": value = self.config["client"]["downloads_path"] self.downloads_path = os.path.expanduser(value) if option == "announce_at_start": value = self.config["client"].as_bool(option) self.peer_announce_at_start = value if option == "try_propagation_on_send_fail": value = self.config["client"].as_bool(option) self.try_propagation_on_fail = value if option == "periodic_lxmf_sync": value = self.config["client"].as_bool(option) self.periodic_lxmf_sync = value if option == "lxmf_sync_interval": value = self.config["client"].as_int(option)*60 if value >= 60: self.lxmf_sync_interval = value if option == "lxmf_sync_limit": value = self.config["client"].as_int(option) if value > 0: self.lxmf_sync_limit = value else: self.lxmf_sync_limit = None if option == "user_interface": value = value.lower() if value == "none": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_NONE if value == "menu": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_MENU if value == "text": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_TEXT if "textui" in self.config: if not "intro_time" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["intro_time"] = 1 else: self.config["textui"]["intro_time"] = self.config["textui"].as_int("intro_time") if not "intro_text" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["intro_text"] = "Nomad Network" if not "editor" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["editor"] = "editor" if not "glyphs" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["glyphs"] = "unicode" if not "mouse_enabled" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["mouse_enabled"] = True else: self.config["textui"]["mouse_enabled"] = self.config["textui"].as_bool("mouse_enabled") if not "hide_guide" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["hide_guide"] = False else: self.config["textui"]["hide_guide"] = self.config["textui"].as_bool("hide_guide") if not "animation_interval" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["animation_interval"] = 1 else: self.config["textui"]["animation_interval"] = self.config["textui"].as_int("animation_interval") if not "colormode" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.COLORMODE_16 else: if self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "monochrome": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_MONO elif self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "16": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_16 elif self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "88": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_88 elif self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "256": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_256 elif self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "24bit": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_TRUE else: raise ValueError("The selected Text UI color mode is invalid") if not "theme" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["theme"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.THEME_DARK else: if self.config["textui"]["theme"].lower() == "dark": self.config["textui"]["theme"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.THEME_DARK elif self.config["textui"]["theme"].lower() == "light": self.config["textui"]["theme"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.THEME_LIGHT else: raise ValueError("The selected Text UI theme is invalid") else: raise KeyError("Text UI selected in configuration file, but no [textui] section found") if value == "graphical": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_GRAPHICAL if value == "web": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_WEB if "node" in self.config: if not "enable_node" in self.config["node"]: self.enable_node = False else: self.enable_node = self.config["node"].as_bool("enable_node") if not "node_name" in self.config["node"]: self.node_name = None else: value = self.config["node"]["node_name"] if value.lower() == "none": self.node_name = None else: self.node_name = self.config["node"]["node_name"] if not "announce_at_start" in self.config["node"]: self.node_announce_at_start = False else: value = self.config["node"].as_bool("announce_at_start") self.node_announce_at_start = value if not "announce_interval" in self.config["node"]: self.node_announce_interval = 720 else: value = self.config["node"].as_int("announce_interval") if value < 1: value = 1 self.node_announce_interval = value if "pages_path" in self.config["node"]: self.pagespath = self.config["node"]["pages_path"] if "files_path" in self.config["node"]: self.filespath = self.config["node"]["files_path"] @staticmethod def get_shared_instance(): if NomadNetworkApp._shared_instance != None: return NomadNetworkApp._shared_instance else: raise UnboundLocalError("No Nomad Network applications have been instantiated yet") def quit(self): RNS.log("Nomad Network Client shutting down...") os._exit(0) # Default configuration file: __default_nomadnet_config__ = '''# This is the default Nomad Network config file. # You should probably edit it to suit your needs and use-case, [logging] # Valid log levels are 0 through 7: # 0: Log only critical information # 1: Log errors and lower log levels # 2: Log warnings and lower log levels # 3: Log notices and lower log levels # 4: Log info and lower (this is the default) # 5: Verbose logging # 6: Debug logging # 7: Extreme logging loglevel = 4 destination = file [client] enable_client = yes user_interface = text downloads_path = ~/Downloads # By default, the peer is announced at startup # to let other peers reach it immediately. announce_at_start = yes # By default, the client will try to deliver a # message via the LXMF propagation network, if # a direct delivery to the recipient is not # possible. try_propagation_on_send_fail = yes # Nomadnet will periodically sync messages from # LXMF propagation nodes by default, if any are # present. You can disable this if you want to # only sync when manually initiated. periodic_lxmf_sync = yes # The sync interval in minutes. This value is # equal to 6 hours (360 minutes) by default. lxmf_sync_interval = 360 # By default, automatic LXMF syncs will only # download 8 messages at a time. You can change # this number, or set the option to 0 to disable # the limit, and download everything every time. lxmf_sync_limit = 8 [textui] # Amount of time to show intro screen intro_time = 1 # You can specify the display theme. # theme = light theme = dark # Specify the number of colors to use # valid colormodes are: # monochrome, 16, 88, 256 and 24bit # # The default is a conservative 256 colors. # If your terminal does not support this, # you can lower it. Some terminals support # 24 bit color. # colormode = monochrome # colormode = 16 # colormode = 88 colormode = 256 # colormode = 24bit # By default, unicode glyphs are used. If # you have a Nerd Font installed, you can # enable this for a better user interface. # You can also enable plain text glyphs if # your terminal doesn't support unicode. # glyphs = plain glyphs = unicode # glyphs = nerdfont # You can specify whether mouse events # should be considered as input to the # application. On by default. mouse_enabled = True # What editor to use for editing text. By # default the operating systems "editor" # alias will be used. editor = editor # If you don't want the Guide section to # show up in the menu, you can disable it. hide_guide = no [node] # Whether to enable node hosting enable_node = no # The node name will be visible to other # peers on the network, and included in # announces. node_name = None # Automatic announce interval in minutes. # 6 hours by default. announce_interval = 360 # Whether to announce when the node starts announce_at_start = Yes '''.splitlines()