import RNS import os import time import urwid import nomadnet import subprocess import threading from .MicronParser import markup_to_attrmaps from nomadnet.vendor.Scrollable import * class BrowserFrame(urwid.Frame): def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "ctrl w": self.delegate.disconnect() elif key == "ctrl d": self.delegate.back() elif key == "ctrl f": self.delegate.forward() elif key == "ctrl r": self.delegate.reload() elif key == "ctrl u": self.delegate.url_dialog() elif self.get_focus() == "body": return super(BrowserFrame, self).keypress(size, key) # if key == "up" and self.delegate.messagelist.top_is_visible: # nomadnet.NomadNetworkApp.get_shared_instance().ui.main_display.frame.set_focus("header") # elif key == "down" and self.delegate.messagelist.bottom_is_visible: # self.set_focus("footer") # else: # return super(ConversationFrame, self).keypress(size, key) else: return super(BrowserFrame, self).keypress(size, key) class Browser: DEFAULT_PATH = "/page/" DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME = 12*60*60 NO_PATH = 0x00 PATH_REQUESTED = 0x01 ESTABLISHING_LINK = 0x02 LINK_TIMEOUT = 0x03 LINK_ESTABLISHED = 0x04 REQUESTING = 0x05 REQUEST_SENT = 0x06 REQUEST_FAILED = 0x07 REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 0x08 RECEIVING_RESPONSE = 0x09 DISCONECTED = 0xFE DONE = 0xFF def __init__(self, app, app_name, aspects, destination_hash = None, path = None, auth_identity = None, delegate = None): = app self.g = self.delegate = delegate self.app_name = app_name self.aspects = aspects self.destination_hash = destination_hash self.path = path self.timeout = Browser.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self.last_keypress = None = None self.loopback = None self.status = Browser.DISCONECTED self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.saved_file_name = None self.page_data = None self.displayed_page_data = None self.auth_identity = auth_identity self.display_widget = None self.link_status_showing = False self.link_target = None self.frame = None self.attr_maps = [] self.build_display() self.history = [] self.history_ptr = 0 self.history_inc = False self.history_dec = False self.reloading = False self.loaded_from_cache = False if self.path == None: self.path = Browser.DEFAULT_PATH if self.destination_hash != None: self.load_page() def current_url(self): if self.destination_hash == None: return "" else: if self.path == None: path = "" else: path = self.path return RNS.hexrep(self.destination_hash, delimit=False)+":"+path def url_hash(self, url): if url == None: return None else: url = url.encode("utf-8") return RNS.hexrep(RNS.Identity.full_hash(url), delimit=False) def marked_link(self, link_target): if self.status == Browser.DONE: self.link_target = link_target, self.marked_link_job) def marked_link_job(self, sender, event): link_target = self.link_target if link_target == None: if self.link_status_showing: self.browser_footer = self.make_status_widget() self.frame.contents["footer"] = (self.browser_footer, self.frame.options()) self.link_status_showing = False else: self.link_status_showing = True self.browser_footer = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Pile([urwid.Divider(self.g["divider1"]), urwid.Text("Link to: "+str(link_target))]), "browser_controls") self.frame.contents["footer"] = (self.browser_footer, self.frame.options()) def handle_link(self, link_target): if self.status >= Browser.DISCONECTED: RNS.log("Browser handling link to: "+str(link_target), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) try: self.retrieve_url(link_target) except Exception as e: self.browser_footer = urwid.Text("Could not open link: "+str(e)) self.frame.contents["footer"] = (self.browser_footer, self.frame.options()) else: RNS.log("Browser aleady hadling link, cannot handle link to: "+str(link_target), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) def micron_released_focus(self): if self.delegate != None: self.delegate.focus_lists() def build_display(self): self.browser_header = urwid.Text("") self.browser_footer = urwid.Text("") self.browser_body = urwid.Filler(urwid.Text("Disconnected\n"+self.g["arrow_l"]+" "+self.g["arrow_r"], align="center"), "middle") self.frame = BrowserFrame(self.browser_body, header=self.browser_header, footer=self.browser_footer) self.frame.delegate = self self.linebox = urwid.LineBox(self.frame, title="Remote Node") self.display_widget = urwid.AttrMap(self.linebox, "inactive_text") def make_status_widget(self): if self.response_progress > 0: pb = ResponseProgressBar("progress_empty" , "progress_full", current=self.response_progress, done=1.0, satt=None) widget = urwid.Pile([urwid.Divider(self.g["divider1"]), pb]) else: widget = urwid.Pile([urwid.Divider(self.g["divider1"]), urwid.Text(self.status_text())]) return urwid.AttrMap(widget, "browser_controls") def make_control_widget(self): return urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Pile([urwid.Text(self.g["node"]+" "+self.current_url()), urwid.Divider(self.g["divider1"])]), "browser_controls") def make_request_failed_widget(self): def back_action(sender): self.status = Browser.DONE self.destination_hash = self.previous_destination_hash self.path = self.previous_path self.update_display() columns = urwid.Columns([ ("weight", 0.5, urwid.Text(" ")), (8, urwid.Button("Back", on_press=back_action)), ("weight", 0.5, urwid.Text(" ")) ]) if len(self.attr_maps) > 0: pile = urwid.Pile([ urwid.Text("!\n\n"+self.status_text()+"\n", align="center"), columns ]) else: pile = urwid.Pile([ urwid.Text("!\n\n"+self.status_text(), align="center") ]) return urwid.Filler(pile, "middle") def update_display(self): if self.status == Browser.DISCONECTED: self.display_widget.set_attr_map({None: "inactive_text"}) self.browser_body = urwid.Filler(urwid.Text("Disconnected\n"+self.g["arrow_l"]+" "+self.g["arrow_r"], align="center"), "middle") self.browser_footer = urwid.Text("") self.browser_header = urwid.Text("") self.linebox.set_title("Remote Node") else: self.display_widget.set_attr_map({None: "body_text"}) self.browser_header = self.make_control_widget() remote_display_string = if self.loopback != None and remote_display_string == RNS.prettyhexrep(self.loopback): remote_display_string = self.linebox.set_title(remote_display_string) if self.status == Browser.DONE: self.browser_footer = self.make_status_widget() self.update_page_display() elif self.status == Browser.LINK_TIMEOUT: self.browser_body = self.make_request_failed_widget() self.browser_footer = urwid.Text("") elif self.status <= Browser.REQUEST_SENT: if len(self.attr_maps) == 0: self.browser_body = urwid.Filler(urwid.Text("Retrieving\n["+self.current_url()+"]", align="center"), "middle") self.browser_footer = self.make_status_widget() elif self.status == Browser.REQUEST_FAILED: self.browser_body = self.make_request_failed_widget() self.browser_footer = urwid.Text("") elif self.status == Browser.REQUEST_TIMEOUT: self.browser_body = self.make_request_failed_widget() self.browser_footer = urwid.Text("") else: pass self.frame.contents["body"] = (self.browser_body, self.frame.options()) self.frame.contents["header"] = (self.browser_header, self.frame.options()) self.frame.contents["footer"] = (self.browser_footer, self.frame.options()) def update_page_display(self): pile = urwid.Pile(self.attr_maps) self.browser_body = urwid.AttrMap(ScrollBar(Scrollable(pile, force_forward_keypress=True), thumb_char="\u2503", trough_char=" "), "scrollbar") def identify(self): if != None: if == RNS.Link.ACTIVE: def disconnect(self): if != None: self.attr_maps = [] self.status = Browser.DISCONECTED self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.history = [] self.history_ptr = 0 self.history_inc = False self.history_dec = False self.update_display() def retrieve_url(self, url): self.previous_destination_hash = self.destination_hash self.previous_path = self.path destination_hash = None path = None components = url.split(":") if len(components) == 1: if len(components[0]) == 20: try: destination_hash = bytes.fromhex(components[0]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Malformed URL") path = Browser.DEFAULT_PATH else: raise ValueError("Malformed URL") elif len(components) == 2: if len(components[0]) == 20: try: destination_hash = bytes.fromhex(components[0]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Malformed URL") path = components[1] if len(path) == 0: path = Browser.DEFAULT_PATH else: if len(components[0]) == 0: if self.destination_hash != None: destination_hash = self.destination_hash path = components[1] if len(path) == 0: path = Browser.DEFAULT_PATH else: raise ValueError("Malformed URL") else: raise ValueError("Malformed URL") else: raise ValueError("Malformed URL") if destination_hash != None and path != None: if path.startswith("/file/"): if destination_hash != self.loopback: if destination_hash == self.destination_hash: self.download_file(destination_hash, path) else: RNS.log("Cannot request file download from a node that is not currently connected.", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The requested URL was: "+str(url), RNS.LOG_ERROR) else: self.download_local_file(path) else: self.set_destination_hash(destination_hash) self.set_path(path) self.load_page() def set_destination_hash(self, destination_hash): if len(destination_hash) == RNS.Identity.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8: self.destination_hash = destination_hash return True else: return False def set_path(self, path): self.path = path def set_timeout(self, timeout): self.timeout = timeout def download_local_file(self, path): try: file_path ="/file", "", 1) if os.path.isfile(file_path): file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) file_destination ="/"+file_name counter = 0 while os.path.isfile(file_destination): counter += 1 file_destination ="/"+file_name+"."+str(counter) fs = open(file_path, "rb") fd = open(file_destination, "wb") fd.write( fd.close() fs.close() self.saved_file_name = file_destination.replace("/", "", 1) self.update_display() else: RNS.log("The requested local download file does not exist: "+str(file_path), RNS.LOG_ERROR) self.status = Browser.DONE self.response_progress = 0 except Exception as e: RNS.log("An error occurred while handling file response. The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) def download_file(self, destination_hash, path): if != None and == self.destination_hash: # Send the request self.status = Browser.REQUESTING self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.saved_file_name = None self.update_display() receipt = path, data = None, response_callback = self.file_received, failed_callback = self.request_failed, progress_callback = self.response_progressed ) if receipt: self.last_request_receipt = receipt self.last_request_id = receipt.request_id self.status = Browser.REQUEST_SENT self.update_display() else: def write_history(self): entry = [self.destination_hash, self.path] self.history.insert(self.history_ptr, entry) self.history_ptr += 1 if len(self.history) > self.history_ptr: self.history = self.history[:self.history_ptr] def back(self): target_ptr = self.history_ptr-1 if not self.history_inc and not self.history_dec: if target_ptr > 0: self.history_dec = True entry = self.history[target_ptr-1] url = RNS.hexrep(entry[0], delimit=False)+":"+entry[1] self.history_ptr = target_ptr self.retrieve_url(url) def forward(self): target_ptr = self.history_ptr+1 if not self.history_inc and not self.history_dec: if target_ptr <= len(self.history): self.history_dec = True entry = self.history[target_ptr-1] url = RNS.hexrep(entry[0], delimit=False)+":"+entry[1] self.history_ptr = target_ptr self.retrieve_url(url) def reload(self): if not self.reloading and self.status == Browser.DONE: self.reloading = True self.uncache_page(self.current_url()) self.load_page() def close_dialogs(self): options = self.delegate.columns.options("weight", self.delegate.right_area_width) self.delegate.columns.contents[1] = (self.display_widget, options) def url_dialog(self): e_url = UrlEdit(caption="URL : ", edit_text=self.current_url()) def dismiss_dialog(sender): self.close_dialogs() def confirmed(sender): self.retrieve_url(e_url.get_edit_text()) self.close_dialogs() dialog = UrlDialogLineBox( urwid.Pile([ e_url, urwid.Columns([("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Cancel", on_press=dismiss_dialog)), ("weight", 0.1, urwid.Text("")), ("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Go", on_press=confirmed))]) ]), title="Enter URL" ) e_url.confirmed = confirmed dialog.confirmed = confirmed dialog.delegate = self bottom = self.display_widget overlay = urwid.Overlay(dialog, bottom, align="center", width=("relative", 65), valign="middle", height="pack", left=2, right=2) options = self.delegate.columns.options("weight", self.delegate.right_area_width) self.delegate.columns.contents[1] = (overlay, options) self.delegate.columns.focus_position = 1 def load_page(self): cached = self.get_cached(self.current_url()) if cached: self.status = Browser.DONE self.page_data = cached self.markup = self.page_data.decode("utf-8") self.attr_maps = markup_to_attrmaps(self.markup, url_delegate=self) self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.saved_file_name = None self.loaded_from_cache = True self.update_display() if not self.history_inc and not self.history_dec and not self.reloading: self.write_history() else: self.history_dec = False self.history_inc = False self.reloading = False else: if self.destination_hash != self.loopback: load_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__load) load_thread.setDaemon(True) load_thread.start() else: RNS.log("Browser handling local page: "+str(self.path), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) page_path ="/page", "", 1) page_data = b"The requested local page did not exist in the file system" if os.path.isfile(page_path): if os.access(page_path, os.X_OK): generated =[page_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) page_data = generated.stdout else: file = open(page_path, "rb") page_data = file.close() self.status = Browser.DONE self.page_data = page_data self.markup = self.page_data.decode("utf-8") self.attr_maps = markup_to_attrmaps(self.markup, url_delegate=self) self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.saved_file_name = None self.loaded_from_cache = False self.update_display() if not self.history_inc and not self.history_dec and not self.reloading: self.write_history() else: self.history_dec = False self.history_inc = False self.reloading = False def __load(self): # If an established link exists, but it doesn't match the target # destination, we close and clear it. if != None and != self.destination_hash: = None # If no link to the destination exists, we create one. if == None: if not RNS.Transport.has_path(self.destination_hash): self.status = Browser.NO_PATH self.update_display() RNS.Transport.request_path(self.destination_hash) self.status = Browser.PATH_REQUESTED self.update_display() pr_time = time.time() while not RNS.Transport.has_path(self.destination_hash): now = time.time() if now > pr_time+self.timeout: self.request_timeout() return time.sleep(0.25) self.status = Browser.ESTABLISHING_LINK self.update_display() identity = RNS.Identity.recall(self.destination_hash) destination = RNS.Destination( identity, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.SINGLE, self.app_name, self.aspects ) = RNS.Link(destination, established_callback = self.link_established, closed_callback = self.link_closed) while self.status == Browser.ESTABLISHING_LINK: time.sleep(0.1) if self.status != Browser.LINK_ESTABLISHED: return self.update_display() # Send the request self.status = Browser.REQUESTING self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.saved_file_name = None self.update_display() receipt = self.path, data = None, response_callback = self.response_received, failed_callback = self.request_failed, progress_callback = self.response_progressed ) if receipt: self.last_request_receipt = receipt self.last_request_id = receipt.request_id self.status = Browser.REQUEST_SENT self.update_display() else: def link_established(self, link): self.status = Browser.LINK_ESTABLISHED def link_closed(self, link): if self.status == Browser.DISCONECTED or self.status == Browser.DONE: = None elif self.status == Browser.ESTABLISHING_LINK: self.link_establishment_timeout() else: = None self.status = Browser.REQUEST_FAILED self.update_display() def link_establishment_timeout(self): self.status = Browser.LINK_TIMEOUT self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None = None self.update_display() def response_received(self, request_receipt): try: self.status = Browser.DONE self.page_data = request_receipt.response self.markup = self.page_data.decode("utf-8") self.attr_maps = markup_to_attrmaps(self.markup, url_delegate=self) self.response_progress = 0 self.loaded_from_cache = False # Simple header handling. Should be expanded when more # header tags are added. cache_time = Browser.DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME if self.markup[:4] == "#!c=": endpos = self.markup.find("\n") if endpos == -1: endpos = len(self.markup) cache_time = int(self.markup[4:endpos]) self.update_display() if not self.history_inc and not self.history_dec and not self.reloading: self.write_history() else: self.history_dec = False self.history_inc = False self.reloading = False if cache_time == 0: RNS.log("Received page "+str(self.current_url())+", not caching due to header.", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) else: RNS.log("Received page "+str(self.current_url())+", caching for %.3f hours." % (cache_time/60/60), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) self.cache_page(cache_time) except Exception as e: RNS.log("An error occurred while handling response. The contained exception was: "+str(e)) def uncache_page(self, url): url_hash = self.url_hash(url) files = os.listdir( for file in files: if file.startswith(url_hash): cachefile ="/"+file os.unlink(cachefile) RNS.log("Removed "+str(cachefile)+" from cache.", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) def get_cached(self, url): url_hash = self.url_hash(url) files = os.listdir( for file in files: cachepath ="/"+file try: components = file.split("_") if len(components) == 2 and len(components[0]) == 64 and len(components[1]) > 0: expires = float(components[1]) if time.time() > expires: RNS.log("Removing stale cache entry "+str(file), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) os.unlink(cachepath) else: if file.startswith(url_hash): RNS.log("Found "+str(file)+" in cache.", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) RNS.log("Returning cached page", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) file = open(cachepath, "rb") data = file.close() return data except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while parsing cache entry "+str(cachepath)+", removing it.", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) try: os.unlink(cachepath) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Additionally, an exception occurred while unlinking the entry: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("You will probably need to remove this entry manually by deleting the file: "+str(cachepath), RNS.LOG_ERROR) return None def cache_page(self, cache_time): url_hash = self.url_hash(self.current_url()) if url_hash == None: RNS.log("Could not cache page "+str(self.current_url()), RNS.LOG_ERROR) else: try: self.uncache_page(self.current_url()) cache_expires = time.time()+cache_time filename = url_hash+"_"+str(cache_expires) cachefile ="/"+filename file = open(cachefile, "wb") file.write(self.page_data) file.close() RNS.log("Cached page "+str(self.current_url())+" to "+str(cachefile), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not write cache file for page "+str(self.current_url()), RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) def file_received(self, request_receipt): try: file_name = request_receipt.response[0] file_data = request_receipt.response[1] file_destination ="/"+file_name counter = 0 while os.path.isfile(file_destination): counter += 1 file_destination ="/"+file_name+"."+str(counter) fh = open(file_destination, "wb") fh.write(file_data) fh.close() self.saved_file_name = file_destination.replace("/", "", 1) self.status = Browser.DONE self.response_progress = 0 self.update_display() except Exception as e: RNS.log("An error occurred while handling file response. The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) def request_failed(self, request_receipt=None): if request_receipt != None: if request_receipt.request_id == self.last_request_id: self.status = Browser.REQUEST_FAILED self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.update_display() else: self.status = Browser.REQUEST_FAILED self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.update_display() def request_timeout(self, request_receipt=None): self.status = Browser.REQUEST_TIMEOUT self.response_progress = 0 self.response_size = None self.response_transfer_size = None self.update_display() def response_progressed(self, request_receipt): self.response_progress = request_receipt.progress self.response_time = request_receipt.get_response_time() self.response_size = request_receipt.response_size self.response_transfer_size = request_receipt.response_transfer_size self.update_display() def status_text(self): if self.status == Browser.DONE and self.response_transfer_size != None: if self.response_time != None: response_time_str = "{:.2f}".format(self.response_time) else: response_time_str = "None" stats_string = " "+self.g["page"]+size_str(self.response_size) stats_string += " "+self.g["arrow_d"]+size_str(self.response_transfer_size)+" in "+response_time_str stats_string += "s "+self.g["speed"]+size_str(self.response_transfer_size/self.response_time, suffix="b")+"/s" elif self.loaded_from_cache: stats_string = " (cached)" else: stats_string = "" if self.status == Browser.NO_PATH: return "No path to destination known" elif self.status == Browser.PATH_REQUESTED: return "Path requested, waiting for path..." elif self.status == Browser.ESTABLISHING_LINK: return "Establishing link..." elif self.status == Browser.LINK_TIMEOUT: return "Link establishment timed out" elif self.status == Browser.LINK_ESTABLISHED: return "Link established" elif self.status == Browser.REQUESTING: return "Sending request..." elif self.status == Browser.REQUEST_SENT: return "Request sent, awaiting response..." elif self.status == Browser.REQUEST_FAILED: return "Request failed" elif self.status == Browser.REQUEST_TIMEOUT: return "Request timed out" elif self.status == Browser.RECEIVING_RESPONSE: return "Receiving response..." elif self.status == Browser.DONE: if self.saved_file_name == None: return "Done"+stats_string else: return "Saved "+str(self.saved_file_name)+stats_string elif self.status == Browser.DISCONECTED: return "Disconnected" else: return "Browser Status Unknown" class ResponseProgressBar(urwid.ProgressBar): def get_text(self): return "Receiving response "+super().get_text() # A convenience function for printing a human- # readable file size def size_str(num, suffix='B'): units = ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z'] last_unit = 'Y' if suffix == 'b': num *= 8 units = ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z'] last_unit = 'Y' for unit in units: if abs(num) < 1000.0: if unit == "": return "%.0f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) else: return "%.2f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1000.0 return "%.2f%s%s" % (num, last_unit, suffix) class UrlDialogLineBox(urwid.LineBox): def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "esc": self.delegate.close_dialogs() else: return super(UrlDialogLineBox, self).keypress(size, key) class UrlEdit(urwid.Edit): def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "enter": self.confirmed(self) else: return super(UrlEdit, self).keypress(size, key)