import os import time import atexit import RNS import LXMF import nomadnet import RNS.vendor.umsgpack as msgpack from ._version import __version__ from .vendor.configobj import ConfigObj class NomadNetworkApp: time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" _shared_instance = None configdir = os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.nomadnetwork" def exit_handler(self): RNS.log("Nomad Network Client exit handler executing...", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) RNS.log("Saving directory...", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) RNS.log("Nomad Network Client exiting now", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) def __init__(self, configdir = None, rnsconfigdir = None): self.version = __version__ self.enable_client = False self.enable_node = False self.identity = None self.uimode = None if configdir == None: self.configdir = NomadNetworkApp.configdir else: self.configdir = configdir if NomadNetworkApp._shared_instance == None: NomadNetworkApp._shared_instance = self self.rns = RNS.Reticulum(configdir = rnsconfigdir) self.configpath = self.configdir+"/config" self.logfilepath = self.configdir+"/logfile" self.storagepath = self.configdir+"/storage" self.identitypath = self.configdir+"/storage/identity" self.cachepath = self.configdir+"/storage/cache" self.resourcepath = self.configdir+"/storage/resources" self.conversationpath = self.configdir+"/storage/conversations" self.directorypath = self.configdir+"/storage/directory" self.peersettingspath = self.configdir+"/storage/peersettings" self.pagespath = self.configdir+"/storage/pages" self.filespath = self.configdir+"/storage/files" self.cachepath = self.configdir+"/storage/cache" self.downloads_path = os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads") self.firstrun = False self.peer_announce_at_start = True if not os.path.isdir(self.storagepath): os.makedirs(self.storagepath) if not os.path.isdir(self.cachepath): os.makedirs(self.cachepath) if not os.path.isdir(self.resourcepath): os.makedirs(self.resourcepath) if not os.path.isdir(self.conversationpath): os.makedirs(self.conversationpath) if not os.path.isdir(self.pagespath): os.makedirs(self.pagespath) if not os.path.isdir(self.filespath): os.makedirs(self.filespath) if not os.path.isdir(self.cachepath): os.makedirs(self.cachepath) if os.path.isfile(self.configpath): try: self.config = ConfigObj(self.configpath) try: self.applyConfig() except Exception as e: RNS.log("The configuration file is invalid. The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() RNS.log("Configuration loaded from "+self.configpath) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not parse the configuration at "+self.configpath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("Check your configuration file for errors!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() else: RNS.log("Could not load config file, creating default configuration file...") self.createDefaultConfig() self.firstrun = True if os.path.isfile(self.identitypath): try: self.identity = RNS.Identity.from_file(self.identitypath) if self.identity != None: RNS.log("Loaded Primary Identity %s from %s" % (str(self.identity), self.identitypath)) else: RNS.log("Could not load the Primary Identity from "+self.identitypath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not load the Primary Identity from "+self.identitypath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() else: try: RNS.log("No Primary Identity file found, creating new...") self.identity = RNS.Identity() self.identity.to_file(self.identitypath) RNS.log("Created new Primary Identity %s" % (str(self.identity))) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not create and save a new Primary Identity", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() if os.path.isfile(self.peersettingspath): try: file = open(self.peersettingspath, "rb") self.peer_settings = msgpack.unpackb( file.close() if not "node_last_announce" in self.peer_settings: self.peer_settings["node_last_announce"] = None except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not load local peer settings from "+self.peersettingspath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() else: try: RNS.log("No peer settings file found, creating new...") self.peer_settings = { "display_name": "Anonymous Peer", "announce_interval": None, "last_announce": None, "node_last_announce": None, } self.save_peer_settings() RNS.log("Created new peer settings file") except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not create and save a new peer settings file", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), RNS.LOG_ERROR) nomadnet.panic() atexit.register(self.exit_handler) self.message_router = LXMF.LXMRouter() self.message_router.register_delivery_callback(self.lxmf_delivery) self.lxmf_destination = self.message_router.register_delivery_identity(self.identity, display_name=self.peer_settings["display_name"]) self.lxmf_destination.set_default_app_data(self.get_display_name_bytes) RNS.Identity.remember( packet_hash=None, destination_hash=self.lxmf_destination.hash, public_key=self.identity.get_public_key(), app_data=None ) RNS.log("LXMF Router ready to receive on: "+RNS.prettyhexrep(self.lxmf_destination.hash)) = nomadnet.Directory(self) if self.enable_node: self.node = nomadnet.Node(self) else: self.node = None RNS.Transport.register_announce_handler(nomadnet.Conversation) RNS.Transport.register_announce_handler(nomadnet.Directory) if self.peer_announce_at_start: self.announce_now() nomadnet.ui.spawn(self.uimode) def set_display_name(self, display_name): self.peer_settings["display_name"] = display_name self.lxmf_destination.display_name = display_name self.save_peer_settings() def get_display_name(self): return self.peer_settings["display_name"] def get_display_name_bytes(self): return self.peer_settings["display_name"].encode("utf-8") def announce_now(self): self.lxmf_destination.announce() self.peer_settings["last_announce"] = time.time() self.save_peer_settings() def save_peer_settings(self): file = open(self.peersettingspath, "wb") file.write(msgpack.packb(self.peer_settings)) file.close() def lxmf_delivery(self, message): time_string = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(message.timestamp)) signature_string = "Signature is invalid, reason undetermined" if message.signature_validated: signature_string = "Validated" else: if message.unverified_reason == LXMF.LXMessage.SIGNATURE_INVALID: signature_string = "Invalid signature" if message.unverified_reason == LXMF.LXMessage.SOURCE_UNKNOWN: signature_string = "Cannot verify, source is unknown" nomadnet.Conversation.ingest(message, self) def conversations(self): return nomadnet.Conversation.conversation_list(self) def conversation_is_unread(self, source_hash): if bytes.fromhex(source_hash) in nomadnet.Conversation.unread_conversations: return True else: return False def mark_conversation_read(self, source_hash): if bytes.fromhex(source_hash) in nomadnet.Conversation.unread_conversations: nomadnet.Conversation.unread_conversations.pop(bytes.fromhex(source_hash)) if os.path.isfile(self.conversationpath + "/" + source_hash + "/unread"): os.unlink(self.conversationpath + "/" + source_hash + "/unread") def createDefaultConfig(self): self.config = ConfigObj(__default_nomadnet_config__) self.config.filename = self.configpath if not os.path.isdir(self.configdir): os.makedirs(self.configdir) self.config.write() self.applyConfig() def applyConfig(self): if "logging" in self.config: for option in self.config["logging"]: value = self.config["logging"][option] if option == "loglevel": RNS.loglevel = int(value) if RNS.loglevel < 0: RNS.loglevel = 0 if RNS.loglevel > 7: RNS.loglevel = 7 if option == "destination": if value.lower() == "file": RNS.logdest = RNS.LOG_FILE if "logfile" in self.config["logging"]: self.logfilepath = self.config["logging"]["logfile"] RNS.logfile = self.logfilepath else: RNS.logdest = RNS.LOG_STDOUT if "client" in self.config: for option in self.config["client"]: value = self.config["client"][option] if option == "enable_client": value = self.config["client"].as_bool(option) self.enable_client = value if option == "downloads_path": value = self.config["client"]["downloads_path"] self.downloads_path = os.path.expanduser(value) if option == "announce_at_start": value = self.config["client"].as_bool(option) self.peer_announce_at_start = value if option == "user_interface": value = value.lower() if value == "none": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_NONE if value == "menu": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_MENU if value == "text": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_TEXT if "textui" in self.config: if not "intro_time" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["intro_time"] = 1 else: self.config["textui"]["intro_time"] = self.config["textui"].as_int("intro_time") if not "editor" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["editor"] = "editor" if not "glyphs" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["glyphs"] = "unicode" if not "mouse_enabled" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["mouse_enabled"] = True else: self.config["textui"]["mouse_enabled"] = self.config["textui"].as_bool("mouse_enabled") if not "hide_guide" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["hide_guide"] = False else: self.config["textui"]["hide_guide"] = self.config["textui"].as_bool("hide_guide") if not "animation_interval" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["animation_interval"] = 1 else: self.config["textui"]["animation_interval"] = self.config["textui"].as_int("animation_interval") if not "colormode" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.COLORMODE_16 else: if self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "monochrome": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_MONO elif self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "16": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_16 elif self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "88": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_88 elif self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "256": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_256 elif self.config["textui"]["colormode"].lower() == "24bit": self.config["textui"]["colormode"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.COLORMODE_TRUE else: raise ValueError("The selected Text UI color mode is invalid") if not "theme" in self.config["textui"]: self.config["textui"]["theme"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.THEME_DARK else: if self.config["textui"]["theme"].lower() == "dark": self.config["textui"]["theme"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.THEME_DARK elif self.config["textui"]["theme"].lower() == "light": self.config["textui"]["theme"] = nomadnet.ui.TextUI.THEME_LIGHT else: raise ValueError("The selected Text UI theme is invalid") else: raise KeyError("Text UI selected in configuration file, but no [textui] section found") if value == "graphical": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_GRAPHICAL if value == "web": self.uimode = nomadnet.ui.UI_WEB if "node" in self.config: if not "enable_node" in self.config["node"]: self.enable_node = False else: self.enable_node = self.config["node"].as_bool("enable_node") if not "node_name" in self.config["node"]: self.node_name = None else: value = self.config["node"]["node_name"] if value.lower() == "none": self.node_name = None else: self.node_name = self.config["node"]["node_name"] if not "announce_at_start" in self.config["node"]: self.node_announce_at_start = False else: value = self.config["node"].as_bool("announce_at_start") self.node_announce_at_start = value if not "announce_interval" in self.config["node"]: self.node_announce_interval = 720 else: value = self.config["node"].as_int("announce_interval") if value < 1: value = 1 self.node_announce_interval = value if "pages_path" in self.config["node"]: self.pagespath = self.config["node"]["pages_path"] if "files_path" in self.config["node"]: self.filespath = self.config["node"]["files_path"] @staticmethod def get_shared_instance(): if NomadNetworkApp._shared_instance != None: return NomadNetworkApp._shared_instance else: raise UnboundLocalError("No Nomad Network applications have been instantiated yet") def quit(self): RNS.log("Nomad Network Client shutting down...") os._exit(0) # Default configuration file: __default_nomadnet_config__ = '''# This is the default Nomad Network config file. # You should probably edit it to suit your needs and use-case, [logging] # Valid log levels are 0 through 7: # 0: Log only critical information # 1: Log errors and lower log levels # 2: Log warnings and lower log levels # 3: Log notices and lower log levels # 4: Log info and lower (this is the default) # 5: Verbose logging # 6: Debug logging # 7: Extreme logging loglevel = 4 destination = file [client] enable_client = yes user_interface = text downloads_path = ~/Downloads # By default, the peer is announced at startup # to let other peers reach it immediately. announce_at_start = yes [textui] # Amount of time to show intro screen intro_time = 1 # You can specify the display theme. # theme = dark theme = light # Specify the number of colors to use # valid colormodes are: # monochrome, 16, 88, 256 and 24bit # # The default is a conservative 256 colors. # If your terminal does not support this, # you can lower it. Some terminals support # 24 bit color. # colormode = monochrome # colormode = 16 # colormode = 88 colormode = 256 # colormode = 24bit # By default, unicode glyphs are used. If # you have a Nerd Font installed, you can # enable this for a better user interface. # You can also enable plain text glyphs if # your terminal doesn't support unicode. # glyphs = plain glyphs = unicode # glyphs = nerdfont # You can specify whether mouse events # should be considered as input to the # application. On by default. mouse_enabled = True # What editor to use for editing text. By # default the operating systems "editor" # alias will be used. editor = editor # If you don't want the Guide section to # show up in the menu, you can disable it. hide_guide = no [node] # Whether to enable node hosting enable_node = no # The node name will be visible to other # peers on the network, and included in # announces. node_name = None # Automatic announce interval in minutes. # 12 hours by default. announce_interval = 720 # Whether to announce when the node starts announce_at_start = No '''.splitlines()