import RNS import urwid import nomadnet import time from datetime import datetime from nomadnet.Directory import DirectoryEntry from nomadnet.vendor.additional_urwid_widgets import IndicativeListBox, MODIFIER_KEY from .Browser import Browser class NetworkDisplayShortcuts(): def __init__(self, app): = app g = app.ui.glyphs self.widget = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text("[C-l] Toggle Nodes/Announces view [C-x] Remove entry [C-w] Disconnect remote"), "shortcutbar") # "[C-"+g["arrow_u"]+g["arrow_d"]+"] Navigate Lists" class DialogLineBox(urwid.LineBox): def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "esc": self.delegate.update_conversation_list() else: return super(DialogLineBox, self).keypress(size, key) class ListEntry(urwid.Text): _selectable = True signals = ["click"] def keypress(self, size, key): """ Send 'click' signal on 'activate' command. """ if self._command_map[key] != urwid.ACTIVATE: return key self._emit('click') def mouse_event(self, size, event, button, x, y, focus): """ Send 'click' signal on button 1 press. """ if button != 1 or not urwid.util.is_mouse_press(event): return False self._emit('click') return True class AnnounceInfo(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, announce, parent, app): = nomadnet.NomadNetworkApp.get_shared_instance() self.parent = g = source_hash = announce[1] time_format = app.time_format dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(announce[0]) ts_string = dt.strftime(time_format) trust_level = trust_str = "" display_str = addr_str = "<"+RNS.hexrep(source_hash, delimit=False)+">" is_node = announce[3] if is_node: type_string = g["node"] + " Node" else: type_string = g["peer"] + " Peer" try: data_str = announce[2].decode("utf-8") data_style = "" if trust_level != DirectoryEntry.TRUSTED and len(data_str) > 32: data_str = data_str[:32]+" [...]" except Exception as e: data_str = "Decode failed" data_style = "list_untrusted" if trust_level == DirectoryEntry.UNTRUSTED: trust_str = "Untrusted" symbol = g["cross"] style = "list_untrusted" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.UNKNOWN: trust_str = "Unknown" symbol = g["unknown"] style = "list_unknown" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.TRUSTED: trust_str = "Trusted" symbol = g["check"] style = "list_trusted" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.WARNING: trust_str = "Warning" symbol = g["warning"] style = "list_warning" else: trust_str = "Warning" symbol = g["warning"] style = "list_untrusted" def show_announce_stream(sender): options = self.parent.left_pile.options(height_type="weight", height_amount=1) self.parent.left_pile.contents[0] = (self.parent.announce_stream_display, options) def connect(sender): show_announce_stream(None) def converse(sender): show_announce_stream(None) try: existing_conversations = nomadnet.Conversation.conversation_list( source_hash_text = RNS.hexrep(source_hash, delimit=False) display_name = data_str if not source_hash_text in [c[0] for c in existing_conversations]: entry = DirectoryEntry(source_hash, display_name, trust_level) new_conversation = nomadnet.Conversation(source_hash_text, nomadnet.NomadNetworkApp.get_shared_instance(), initiator=True), source_hash_text) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while starting conversation from announce. The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) if is_node: type_button = ("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Connect", on_press=connect)) else: type_button = ("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Converse", on_press=converse)) pile_widgets = [ urwid.Text("Time : "+ts_string, align="left"), urwid.Text("Addr : "+addr_str, align="left"), urwid.Text("Type : "+type_string, align="left"), urwid.Text("Name : "+display_str, align="left"), urwid.Text(["Trust : ", (style, trust_str)], align="left"), urwid.Divider(g["divider1"]), urwid.Text(["Announce Data: \n", (data_style, data_str)], align="left"), urwid.Divider(g["divider1"]), urwid.Columns([("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Back", on_press=show_announce_stream)), ("weight", 0.1, urwid.Text("")), type_button]) ] if is_node: node_ident = RNS.Identity.recall(source_hash) op_hash = RNS.Destination.hash_from_name_and_identity("", node_ident) op_str = operator_entry = urwid.Text("Oprtr : "+op_str, align="left") pile_widgets.insert(4, operator_entry) pile = urwid.Pile(pile_widgets) self.display_widget = urwid.Filler(pile, valign="top", height="pack") urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, urwid.LineBox(self.display_widget, title="Announce Info")) class AnnounceStreamEntry(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app, announce): full_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" date_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d" time_time_format = "%H:%M:%S" short_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" timestamp = announce[0] source_hash = announce[1] is_node = announce[3] = app self.timestamp = timestamp time_format = app.time_format dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp) dtn = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) g = if dt.strftime(date_time_format) == dtn.strftime(date_time_format): ts_string = dt.strftime(time_time_format) else: ts_string = dt.strftime(short_time_format) trust_level = display_str = if trust_level == DirectoryEntry.UNTRUSTED: symbol = g["cross"] style = "list_untrusted" focus_style = "list_focus_untrusted" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.UNKNOWN: symbol = g["unknown"] style = "list_unknown" focus_style = "list_focus" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.TRUSTED: symbol = g["check"] style = "list_trusted" focus_style = "list_focus_trusted" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.WARNING: symbol = g["warning"] style = "list_warning" focus_style = "list_focus" else: symbol = g["warning"] style = "list_untrusted" focus_style = "list_focus_untrusted" if is_node: type_symbol = g["node"] else: type_symbol = g["peer"] widget = ListEntry(ts_string+" "+type_symbol+" "+display_str) urwid.connect_signal(widget, "click", self.display_announce, announce) self.display_widget = urwid.AttrMap(widget, style, focus_style) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.display_widget) def display_announce(self, event, announce): parent = info_widget = AnnounceInfo(announce, parent, options = parent.left_pile.options(height_type="weight", height_amount=1) parent.left_pile.contents[0] = (info_widget, options) def timestamp(self): return self.timestamp class AnnounceStream(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app, parent): = app self.parent = parent self.started = False self.timeout =["textui"]["animation_interval"]*2 self.ilb = None self.no_content = True self.added_entries = [] self.widget_list = [] self.update_widget_list() self.ilb = IndicativeListBox( self.widget_list, on_selection_change=self.list_selection, initialization_is_selection_change=False, #modifier_key=MODIFIER_KEY.CTRL, #highlight_offFocus="list_off_focus" ) self.display_widget = self.ilb urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, urwid.LineBox(self.display_widget, title="Announce Stream")) def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "up" and (self.no_content or self.ilb.first_item_is_selected()): nomadnet.NomadNetworkApp.get_shared_instance().ui.main_display.frame.set_focus("header") elif key == "ctrl x": self.delete_selected_entry() return super(AnnounceStream, self).keypress(size, key) def delete_selected_entry(self): if self.ilb.get_selected_item() != None: self.rebuild_widget_list() def rebuild_widget_list(self): self.no_content = True self.added_entries = [] self.widget_list = [] self.update_widget_list() def update_widget_list(self): new_entries = [] for e in if not e[0] in self.added_entries: self.added_entries.insert(0, e[0]) new_entries.insert(0, e) for e in new_entries: nw = AnnounceStreamEntry(, e) nw.timestamp = e[0] self.widget_list.insert(0, nw) if len(new_entries) > 0: self.no_content = False if self.ilb != None: self.ilb.set_body(self.widget_list) else: if len(self.widget_list) == 0: self.no_content = True if self.ilb != None: self.ilb.set_body(self.widget_list) def list_selection(self, arg1, arg2): pass def update(self): self.update_widget_list() def update_callback(self, loop=None, user_data=None): self.update() if self.started:, self.update_callback) def start(self): was_started = self.started self.started = True if not was_started: self.update_callback() def stop(self): self.started = False class SelectText(urwid.Text): _selectable = True signals = ["click"] def keypress(self, size, key): """ Send 'click' signal on 'activate' command. """ if self._command_map[key] != urwid.ACTIVATE: return key self._emit('click') def mouse_event(self, size, event, button, x, y, focus): """ Send 'click' signal on button 1 press. """ if button != 1 or not urwid.util.is_mouse_press(event): return False self._emit('click') return True class ListDialogLineBox(urwid.LineBox): def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "esc": self.delegate.close_list_dialogs() else: return super(ListDialogLineBox, self).keypress(size, key) class KnownNodes(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app): = app self.node_list = g = self.widget_list = self.make_node_widgets() self.ilb = IndicativeListBox( self.widget_list, on_selection_change=self.node_list_selection, initialization_is_selection_change=False, highlight_offFocus="list_off_focus" ) if len(self.node_list) > 0: self.display_widget = self.ilb widget_style = None self.no_content = False else: self.no_content = True widget_style = "inactive_text" self.pile = urwid.Pile([urwid.Text(("warning_text", g["info"]+"\n"), align="center"), SelectText(("warning_text", "Currently, no nodes are known\n\n"), align="center")]) self.display_widget = urwid.Filler(self.pile, valign="top", height="pack") urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, urwid.AttrMap(urwid.LineBox(self.display_widget, title="Known Nodes"), widget_style)) def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "up" and (self.no_content or self.ilb.first_item_is_selected()): nomadnet.NomadNetworkApp.get_shared_instance().ui.main_display.frame.set_focus("header") elif key == "ctrl x": self.delete_selected_entry() return super(KnownNodes, self).keypress(size, key) def node_list_selection(self, arg1, arg2): pass def connect_node(self, event, node): source_hash = node.source_hash trust_level = node.trust_level trust_level = display_str = def dismiss_dialog(sender): self.delegate.close_list_dialogs() def confirmed(sender): self.delegate.browser.retrieve_url(RNS.hexrep(source_hash, delimit=False)) self.delegate.close_list_dialogs() dialog = ListDialogLineBox( urwid.Pile([ urwid.Text("Connect to node\n""\n", align="center"), urwid.Columns([("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Yes", on_press=confirmed)), ("weight", 0.1, urwid.Text("")), ("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("No", on_press=dismiss_dialog))]) ]), title="?" ) dialog.delegate = self.delegate bottom = self overlay = urwid.Overlay(dialog, bottom, align="center", width=("relative", 100), valign="middle", height="pack", left=2, right=2) options = self.delegate.left_pile.options("weight", 1) self.delegate.left_pile.contents[0] = (overlay, options) def delete_selected_entry(self): source_hash = self.ilb.get_selected_item().original_widget.source_hash def dismiss_dialog(sender): self.delegate.close_list_dialogs() def confirmed(sender): self.rebuild_widget_list() self.delegate.close_list_dialogs() dialog = ListDialogLineBox( urwid.Pile([ urwid.Text("Delete Node\n""\n", align="center"), urwid.Columns([("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Yes", on_press=confirmed)), ("weight", 0.1, urwid.Text("")), ("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("No", on_press=dismiss_dialog))]) ]), title="?" ) dialog.delegate = self.delegate bottom = self overlay = urwid.Overlay(dialog, bottom, align="center", width=("relative", 100), valign="middle", height="pack", left=2, right=2) options = self.delegate.left_pile.options("weight", 1) self.delegate.left_pile.contents[0] = (overlay, options) def rebuild_widget_list(self): self.node_list = self.widget_list = self.make_node_widgets() self.ilb.set_body(self.widget_list) if len(self.widget_list) > 0: self.no_content = False else: self.no_content = True self.delegate.reinit_known_nodes() def make_node_widgets(self): widget_list = [] for node_entry in self.node_list: # TODO: Implement this ne = NodeEntry(, node_entry, self) ne.source_hash = node_entry.source_hash widget_list.append(ne) # TODO: Sort list return widget_list class NodeEntry(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app, node, delegate): source_hash = node.source_hash trust_level = node.trust_level = app g = trust_level = display_str = if trust_level == DirectoryEntry.UNTRUSTED: symbol = g["cross"] style = "list_untrusted" focus_style = "list_focus_untrusted" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.UNKNOWN: symbol = g["unknown"] style = "list_unknown" focus_style = "list_focus" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.TRUSTED: symbol = g["check"] style = "list_trusted" focus_style = "list_focus_trusted" elif trust_level == DirectoryEntry.WARNING: symbol = g["warning"] style = "list_warning" focus_style = "list_focus" else: symbol = g["warning"] style = "list_untrusted" focus_style = "list_focus_untrusted" type_symbol = g["node"] widget = ListEntry(type_symbol+" "+display_str) urwid.connect_signal(widget, "click", delegate.connect_node, node) self.display_widget = urwid.AttrMap(widget, style, focus_style) self.display_widget.source_hash = source_hash urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.display_widget) class AnnounceTime(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app): self.started = False = app self.timeout =["textui"]["animation_interval"] self.display_widget = urwid.Text("") self.update_time() urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.display_widget) def update_time(self): self.last_announce_string = "Never" if["last_announce"] != None: self.last_announce_string = pretty_date(int(["last_announce"])) self.display_widget.set_text("Last Announce : "+self.last_announce_string) def update_time_callback(self, loop=None, user_data=None): self.update_time() if self.started:, self.update_time_callback) def start(self): was_started = self.started self.started = True if not was_started: self.update_time_callback() def stop(self): self.started = False class LocalPeer(urwid.WidgetWrap): announce_timer = None def __init__(self, app, parent): = app self.parent = parent g = self.dialog_open = False display_name = if display_name == None: display_name = "" t_id = urwid.Text("Addr : "+RNS.hexrep(, delimit=False)) e_name = urwid.Edit(caption="Name : ", edit_text=display_name) def save_query(sender): def dismiss_dialog(sender): self.dialog_open = False self.parent.left_pile.contents[2] = (LocalPeer(, self.parent), options) dialog = DialogLineBox( urwid.Pile([ urwid.Text("\n\n\nSaved\n\n", align="center"), urwid.Button("OK", on_press=dismiss_dialog) ]), title=g["info"] ) dialog.delegate = self bottom = self #overlay = urwid.Overlay(dialog, bottom, align="center", width=("relative", 100), valign="middle", height="pack", left=4, right=4) overlay = dialog options = self.parent.left_pile.options(height_type="pack", height_amount=None) self.dialog_open = True self.parent.left_pile.contents[2] = (overlay, options) def announce_query(sender): def dismiss_dialog(sender): self.dialog_open = False options = self.parent.left_pile.options(height_type="pack", height_amount=None) self.parent.left_pile.contents[2] = (LocalPeer(, self.parent), options) dialog = DialogLineBox( urwid.Pile([ urwid.Text("\n\n\nAnnounce Sent\n\n", align="center"), urwid.Button("OK", on_press=dismiss_dialog) ]), title=g["info"] ) dialog.delegate = self bottom = self #overlay = urwid.Overlay(dialog, bottom, align="center", width=("relative", 100), valign="middle", height="pack", left=4, right=4) overlay = dialog self.dialog_open = True options = self.parent.left_pile.options(height_type="pack", height_amount=None) self.parent.left_pile.contents[2] = (overlay, options) def node_settings_query(sender): options = self.parent.left_pile.options(height_type="pack", height_amount=None) self.parent.left_pile.contents[2] = (self.parent.node_settings_display, options) if LocalPeer.announce_timer == None: self.t_last_announce = AnnounceTime( LocalPeer.announce_timer = self.t_last_announce else: self.t_last_announce = LocalPeer.announce_timer self.t_last_announce.update_time() announce_button = urwid.Button("Announce Now", on_press=announce_query) self.display_widget = urwid.Pile( [ t_id, e_name, urwid.Divider(g["divider1"]), self.t_last_announce, announce_button, urwid.Divider(g["divider1"]), urwid.Columns([("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Save", on_press=save_query)), ("weight", 0.1, urwid.Text("")), ("weight", 0.45, urwid.Button("Node Cfg", on_press=node_settings_query))]) ] ) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, urwid.LineBox(self.display_widget, title="Local Peer Info")) def start(self): self.t_last_announce.start() class NodeSettings(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app, parent): = app self.parent = parent g = def show_peer_info(sender): options = self.parent.left_pile.options(height_type="pack", height_amount=None) self.parent.left_pile.contents[2] = (LocalPeer(, self.parent), options) widget_style = "inactive_text" pile = urwid.Pile([ urwid.Text("\n"+g["info"], align="center"), urwid.Text("\nNode Hosting currently unavailable\n\n", align="center"), urwid.Padding(urwid.Button("Back", on_press=show_peer_info), "center", "pack") ]) self.display_widget = pile urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, urwid.AttrMap(urwid.LineBox(self.display_widget, title="Node Settings"), widget_style)) class UpdatingText(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app, title, value_method, append_text=""): self.started = False = app self.timeout =["textui"]["animation_interval"]*5 self.display_widget = urwid.Text("") self.value = None self.value_method = value_method self.title = title self.append_text = append_text self.update() urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.display_widget) def update(self): self.value = self.value_method() self.display_widget.set_text(self.title+str(self.value)+str(self.append_text)) def update_callback(self, loop=None, user_data=None): self.update() if self.started:, self.update_callback) def start(self): was_started = self.started self.started = True if not was_started: self.update_callback() def stop(self): self.started = False class NetworkStats(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app, parent): = app self.parent = parent def get_num_peers(): return*60) def get_num_nodes(): return self.w_heard_peers = UpdatingText(, "Heard Peers: ", get_num_peers, append_text=" (last 30m)") self.w_known_nodes = UpdatingText(, "Known Nodes: ", get_num_nodes) pile = urwid.Pile([ self.w_heard_peers, self.w_known_nodes, ]) self.display_widget = urwid.LineBox(pile, title="Network Stats") urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.display_widget) def start(self): self.w_heard_peers.start() self.w_known_nodes.start() class NetworkLeftPile(urwid.Pile): def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "ctrl l": self.parent.toggle_list() elif key == "ctrl w": self.parent.browser.disconnect() else: return super(NetworkLeftPile, self).keypress(size, key) class NetworkDisplay(): list_width = 0.33 def __init__(self, app): = app g = self.browser = Browser(, "nomadnetwork", "node", auth_identity =, delegate = self) self.known_nodes_display = KnownNodes( self.network_stats_display = NetworkStats(, self) self.announce_stream_display = AnnounceStream(, self) self.local_peer_display = LocalPeer(, self) self.node_settings_display = NodeSettings(, self) self.known_nodes_display.delegate = self self.list_display = 1 self.left_pile = NetworkLeftPile([ ("weight", 1, self.known_nodes_display), ("pack", self.network_stats_display), ("pack", self.local_peer_display), ]) self.left_pile.parent = self self.left_area = self.left_pile self.right_area = self.browser.display_widget self.columns = urwid.Columns( [ ("weight", NetworkDisplay.list_width, self.left_area), ("weight", 1-NetworkDisplay.list_width, self.right_area) ], dividechars=0, focus_column=0 ) self.shortcuts_display = NetworkDisplayShortcuts( self.widget = self.columns def toggle_list(self): if self.list_display != 0: options = self.left_pile.options(height_type="weight", height_amount=1) self.left_pile.contents[0] = (self.announce_stream_display, options) self.list_display = 0 else: options = self.left_pile.options(height_type="weight", height_amount=1) self.left_pile.contents[0] = (self.known_nodes_display, options) self.list_display = 1 def focus_lists(self): self.columns.focus_position = 0 def reinit_known_nodes(self): self.known_nodes_display = KnownNodes( self.known_nodes_display.delegate = self self.close_list_dialogs() self.announce_stream_display.rebuild_widget_list() def close_list_dialogs(self): if self.list_display == 0: options = self.left_pile.options(height_type="weight", height_amount=1) self.left_pile.contents[0] = (self.announce_stream_display, options) else: options = self.left_pile.options(height_type="weight", height_amount=1) self.left_pile.contents[0] = (self.known_nodes_display, options) def start(self): self.local_peer_display.start() self.network_stats_display.start() self.announce_stream_display.start() def shortcuts(self): return self.shortcuts_display def directory_change_callback(self): self.announce_stream_display.rebuild_widget_list() if self.known_nodes_display.no_content: self.reinit_known_nodes() else: self.known_nodes_display.rebuild_widget_list() def pretty_date(time=False): """ Get a datetime object or a int() Epoch timestamp and return a pretty string like 'an hour ago', 'Yesterday', '3 months ago', 'just now', etc """ from datetime import datetime now = if type(time) is int: diff = now - datetime.fromtimestamp(time) elif isinstance(time,datetime): diff = now - time elif not time: diff = now - now second_diff = diff.seconds day_diff = diff.days if day_diff < 0: return '' if day_diff == 0: if second_diff < 10: return "just now" if second_diff < 60: return str(second_diff) + " seconds ago" if second_diff < 120: return "a minute ago" if second_diff < 3600: return str(int(second_diff / 60)) + " minutes ago" if second_diff < 7200: return "an hour ago" if second_diff < 86400: return str(int(second_diff / 3600)) + " hours ago" if day_diff == 1: return "Yesterday" if day_diff < 7: return str(day_diff) + " days ago" if day_diff < 31: return str(int(day_diff / 7)) + " weeks ago" if day_diff < 365: return str(int(day_diff / 30)) + " months ago" return str(int(day_diff / 365)) + " years ago"