import RNS import urwid import time import os import platform import nomadnet from nomadnet.ui.textui import * from nomadnet import NomadNetworkApp COLORMODE_MONO = 1 COLORMODE_16 = 16 COLORMODE_88 = 88 COLORMODE_256 = 256 COLORMODE_TRUE = 2**24 THEME_DARK = 0x01 THEME_LIGHT = 0x02 THEMES = { THEME_DARK: { "urwid_theme": [ # Style name # 16-color style # Monochrome style # 88, 256 and true-color style ("heading", "light gray,underline", "default", "underline", "g93,underline", "default"), ("menubar", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#111", "#bbb"), ("scrollbar", "light gray", "default", "default", "#444", "default"), ("shortcutbar", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#111", "#bbb"), ("body_text", "light gray", "default", "default", "#ddd", "default"), ("error_text", "dark red", "default", "default", "dark red", "default"), ("warning_text", "yellow", "default", "default", "#ba4", "default"), ("inactive_text", "dark gray", "default", "default", "dark gray", "default"), ("buttons", "light green,bold", "default", "default", "#00a533", "default"), ("msg_editor", "black", "light cyan", "standout", "#111", "#0bb"), ("msg_header_ok", "black", "light green", "standout", "#111", "#6b2"), ("msg_header_caution", "black", "yellow", "standout", "#111", "#fd3"), ("msg_header_sent", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#111", "#ddd"), ("msg_header_propagated", "black", "light blue", "standout", "#111", "#28b"), ("msg_header_delivered", "black", "light blue", "standout", "#111", "#28b"), ("msg_header_failed", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#000", "#777"), ("msg_warning_untrusted", "black", "dark red", "standout", "#111", "dark red"), ("list_focus", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#111", "#aaa"), ("list_off_focus", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#111", "#777"), ("list_trusted", "dark green", "default", "default", "#6b2", "default"), ("list_focus_trusted", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#150", "#aaa"), ("list_unknown", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#bbb", "default"), ("list_normal", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#bbb", "default"), ("list_untrusted", "dark red", "default", "default", "#a22", "default"), ("list_focus_untrusted", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#810", "#aaa"), ("list_unresponsive", "yellow", "default", "default", "#b92", "default"), ("list_focus_unresponsive", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#530", "#aaa"), ("topic_list_normal", "light gray", "default", "default", "#ddd", "default"), ("browser_controls", "light gray", "default", "default", "#bbb", "default"), ("progress_full", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#111", "#bbb"), ("progress_empty", "light gray", "default", "default", "#ddd", "default"), ], }, THEME_LIGHT: { "urwid_theme": [ # Style name # 16-color style # Monochrome style # 88, 256 and true-color style ("heading", "dark gray,underline", "default", "underline", "g93,underline", "default"), ("menubar", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#111", "#bbb"), ("scrollbar", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#444", "default"), ("shortcutbar", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#111", "#bbb"), ("body_text", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#222", "default"), ("error_text", "dark red", "default", "default", "dark red", "default"), ("warning_text", "yellow", "default", "default", "#ba4", "default"), ("inactive_text", "light gray", "default", "default", "dark gray", "default"), ("buttons", "light green,bold", "default", "default", "#00a533", "default"), ("msg_editor", "black", "dark cyan", "standout", "#111", "#0bb"), ("msg_header_ok", "black", "dark green", "standout", "#111", "#6b2"), ("msg_header_caution", "black", "yellow", "standout", "#111", "#fd3"), ("msg_header_sent", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#111", "#ddd"), ("msg_header_delivered", "black", "light blue", "standout", "#111", "#28b"), ("msg_header_failed", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#000", "#777"), ("msg_warning_untrusted", "black", "dark red", "standout", "#111", "dark red"), ("list_focus", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#111", "#aaa"), ("list_off_focus", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#111", "#777"), ("list_trusted", "dark green", "default", "default", "#4a0", "default"), ("list_focus_trusted", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#150", "#aaa"), ("list_unknown", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#444", "default"), ("list_normal", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#444", "default"), ("list_untrusted", "dark red", "default", "default", "#a22", "default"), ("list_focus_untrusted", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#810", "#aaa"), ("list_unresponsive", "yellow", "default", "default", "#b92", "default"), ("list_focus_unresponsive", "black", "light gray", "standout", "#530", "#aaa"), ("topic_list_normal", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#222", "default"), ("browser_controls", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#444", "default"), ("progress_full", "black", "dark gray", "standout", "#111", "#bbb"), ("progress_empty", "dark gray", "default", "default", "#ddd", "default"), ], } } GLYPHSETS = { "plain": 1, "unicode": 2, "nerdfont": 3 } if platform.system() == "Darwin": urm_char = " \uf0e0" ur_char = "\uf0e0 " else: urm_char = " \uf003" ur_char = "\uf003 " GLYPHS = { # Glyph name # Plain # Unicode # Nerd Font ("check", "=", "\u2713", "\u2713"), ("cross", "X", "\u2715", "\u2715"), ("unknown", "?", "?", "?"), ("encrypted", "", "\u26BF", "\uf023"), ("plaintext", "!", "!", "\uf06e "), ("arrow_r", "->", "\u2192", "\u2192"), ("arrow_l", "<-", "\u2190", "\u2190"), ("arrow_u", "/\\", "\u2191", "\u2191"), ("arrow_d", "\\/", "\u2193", "\u2193"), ("warning", "!", "\u26a0", "\uf12a"), ("info", "i", "\u2139", "\U000f064e"), ("unread", "[!]", "\u2709", ur_char), ("divider1", "-", "\u2504", "\u2504"), ("peer", "[P]", "\u24c5 ", "\uf415"), ("node", "[N]", "\u24c3 ", "\U000f0002"), ("page", "", "\u25a4 ", "\uf719 "), ("speed", "", "\u25F7 ", "\U000f04c5 "), ("decoration_menu", " +", " +", " \U000f043b"), ("unread_menu", " !", " \u2709", urm_char), ("globe", "", "", "\uf484"), ("sent", "/\\", "\u2191", "\U000f0cd8"), ("papermsg", "P", "\u25a4", "\uf719"), ("qrcode", "QR", "\u25a4", "\uf029"), } class TextUI: def __init__(self): self.restore_ixon = False try: rval = os.system("stty -a | grep \"\\-ixon\"") if rval == 0: pass else: os.system("stty -ixon") self.restore_ixon = True except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not configure terminal flow control sequences, some keybindings may not work.", RNS.LOG_WARNING) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e)) = NomadNetworkApp.get_shared_instance() = self self.loop = None urwid.set_encoding("UTF-8") intro_timeout =["textui"]["intro_time"] colormode =["textui"]["colormode"] theme =["textui"]["theme"] mouse_enabled =["textui"]["mouse_enabled"] self.palette = THEMES[theme]["urwid_theme"] if["textui"]["glyphs"] == "plain": glyphset = "plain" elif["textui"]["glyphs"] == "unicoode": glyphset = "unicode" elif["textui"]["glyphs"] == "nerdfont": glyphset = "nerdfont" else: glyphset = "unicode" self.glyphs = {} for glyph in GLYPHS: self.glyphs[glyph[0]] = glyph[GLYPHSETS[glyphset]] self.screen = urwid.raw_display.Screen() self.screen.register_palette(self.palette) self.main_display = Main.MainDisplay(self, if intro_timeout > 0: self.intro_display = Extras.IntroDisplay( initial_widget = self.intro_display.widget else: initial_widget = self.main_display.widget self.loop = urwid.MainLoop(initial_widget, unhandled_input=self.unhandled_input, screen=self.screen, handle_mouse=mouse_enabled) if intro_timeout > 0: self.loop.set_alarm_in(intro_timeout, self.display_main) if "KONSOLE_VERSION" in os.environ: if colormode > 16: RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("You are using the terminal emulator Konsole.", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("If you are not seeing the user interface, it is due to a bug in Konsole/urwid.", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("To circumvent this, use another terminal emulator, or launch nomadnet within a", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("screen session, using a command like the following:", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("screen nomadnet", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) RNS.log("Press ctrl-c to exit now and try again.", RNS.LOG_WARNING, _override_destination = True) self.set_colormode(colormode) self.main_display.start() def set_colormode(self, colormode): self.colormode = colormode self.screen.set_terminal_properties(colormode) if self.colormode < 256: self.screen.reset_default_terminal_palette() self.restore_palette = True def unhandled_input(self, key): if key == "ctrl q": raise urwid.ExitMainLoop elif key == "ctrl e": pass def display_main(self, loop, user_data): self.loop.widget = self.main_display.widget