2024-01-03 06:45:18 -05:00
import LXMF
import RNS
import time
import random
random_names = [ " Tom " , " Delilah " , " Nancey " , " Williams " , " Neomi " , " Curtis " , " Alexa " , " Theodora " , " Ted " , " Dinorah " , " Nicol " , " Drusilla " , " Annalisa " , " Verlene " , " Latesha " , " Tina " , " Mia " , " Brock " , " Timothy " , " Philip " , " Willian " , " Reyna " , " Simona " , " Mimi " , " Stanford " , " Ferne " , " Catalina " , " Lucie " , " Jaye " , " Natasha " , " Willetta " , " Isabel " , " Esperanza " , " Ciara " , " Eusebio " , " William " , " Elma " , " Angelica " , " Coreen " , " Melani " , " Jonathan " , " Maryland " , " Caroline " , " Gregg " , " Ora " , " Jacqui " , " Letty " , " Roselle " , " Oralee " , " Angla " ]
2024-09-04 12:57:51 -04:00
random_titles = [ " Long time " , " Hi again " , " Hi there " , " Test message " , " " , " " , " Something different " ]
2024-01-03 06:45:18 -05:00
random_msgs = [ " If wishes were horses then beggars might fly. Stuff like that. It ' s enough to drive you crazy. " , " ' My ident cards were stolen, ' Jason said. ' That fivehundred-dollar bill is yours if you can get me to someone who can replace them. If you ' re going to do it, do it right now; I ' m not going to wait. ' Wait to be picked up by a pol or a nat, he thought. Caught here in this rundown dingy hotel. " , " A six, no matter what the external circumstances, will always prevail. Because that ' s the way they genetically defined us. " , " ' Should be there in an hour, ' he called back over his shoulder to Chuck. Then he added, in an afterthought, ' Wonder if the computer’ s finished its run. It was due about now. ' . Chuck didn’ t reply, so George swung round in his saddle. He could just see Chuck’ s face, a white oval turned toward the sky. " ]
def delivery_callback ( message ) :
r = RNS . Reticulum ( )
router = LXMF . LXMRouter ( storagepath = " ./tmp2 " )
router . register_delivery_callback ( delivery_callback )
ident = RNS . Identity ( )
source = router . register_delivery_identity ( ident , display_name = random_names [ random . randint ( 0 , len ( random_names ) - 1 ) ] )
router . announce ( source . hash )
RNS . log ( " Source announced " )
print ( " Recipient: " , end = " " )
recipient_hexhash = input ( )
recipient_hash = bytes . fromhex ( recipient_hexhash )
if not RNS . Transport . has_path ( recipient_hash ) :
RNS . log ( " Destination is not yet known. Requesting path and waiting for announce to arrive... " )
RNS . Transport . request_path ( recipient_hash )
while not RNS . Transport . has_path ( recipient_hash ) :
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
# Recall the server identity
recipient_identity = RNS . Identity . recall ( recipient_hash )
dest = RNS . Destination ( recipient_identity , RNS . Destination . OUT , RNS . Destination . SINGLE , " lxmf " , " delivery " )
2024-09-04 12:57:51 -04:00
# This loop allows you to execute various actions for testing
# and experimenting with the example scripts.
2024-01-03 06:45:18 -05:00
while True :
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# Create a message that will be sent directly to the
# destination over a Reticulum link:
lxm = LXMF . LXMessage ( dest , source , random_msgs [ random . randint ( 0 , len ( random_msgs ) - 1 ) ] ,
random_titles [ random . randint ( 0 , len ( random_titles ) - 1 ) ] ,
desired_method = LXMF . LXMessage . DIRECT )
# Or, create an oppertunistic, single-packet message
# for sending without first establishing a link:
# lxm = LXMF.LXMessage(dest, source, "This is a test",
# random_titles[random.randint(0,len(random_titles)-1)],
# desired_method=LXMF.LXMessage.OPPORTUNISTIC)
# Or, try sending the message via a propagation node:
# router.set_outbound_propagation_node(bytes.fromhex("e75d9b6a69f82b48b6077cf2242d7499"))
# lxm = LXMF.LXMessage(dest, source, random_msgs[random.randint(0,len(random_msgs)-1)],
# random_titles[random.randint(0,len(random_titles)-1)],
# desired_method=LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED)
# Finally dispatch the message to the LXMF message
# router, which will handle the delivery according
# to the specified message parameters and options:
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router . handle_outbound ( lxm )
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# Wait for user input before starting over
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input ( )