#!/usr/bin/env python3 ############################################################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2022 Sebastian Obele / obele.eu # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # This software uses the following software-parts: # Reticulum, LXMF, NomadNet / Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Mark Qvist / unsigned.io / MIT License # ############################################################################################################## ############################################################################################################## # Include #### System #### import sys import os import time import datetime import argparse #### Config #### import configparser #### JSON #### import json import pickle #### String #### import string #### Process #### import signal import threading #### Reticulum, LXMF #### # Install: pip3 install rns lxmf # Source: https://markqvist.github.io import RNS import LXMF import RNS.vendor.umsgpack as umsgpack #### MQTT #### # Install: pip3 install paho-mqtt # Source: https://pypi.org/project/paho-mqtt/ import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import paho.mqtt.publish as publish ############################################################################################################## # Globals #### Global Variables - Configuration #### NAME = "LXMF Bridge MQTT" DESCRIPTION = "" VERSION = "0.0.1 (2022-10-21)" COPYRIGHT = "(c) 2022 Sebastian Obele / obele.eu" PATH = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/." + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] PATH_RNS = None #### Global Variables - System (Not changeable) #### CONFIG = None RNS_CONNECTION = None LXMF_CONNECTION = None MQTT_CONNECTION = None ############################################################################################################## # LXMF Class class lxmf_connection: message_received_callback = None message_notification_callback = None message_notification_success_callback = None message_notification_failed_callback = None def __init__(self, storage_path=None, identity_file="identity", identity=None, destination_name="lxmf", destination_type="delivery", display_name="", send_delay=0, desired_method="direct", propagation_node=None, try_propagation_on_fail=False, announce_startup=False, announce_startup_delay=0, announce_periodic=False, announce_periodic_interval=360, sync_startup=False, sync_startup_delay=0, sync_limit=8, sync_periodic=False, sync_periodic_interval=360): self.storage_path = storage_path self.identity_file = identity_file self.identity = identity self.destination_name = destination_name self.destination_type = destination_type self.aspect_filter = self.destination_name + "." + self.destination_type self.display_name = display_name self.send_delay = int(send_delay) if desired_method == "propagated" or desired_method == "PROPAGATED": self.desired_method_direct = False else: self.desired_method_direct = True self.propagation_node = propagation_node self.try_propagation_on_fail = try_propagation_on_fail self.announce_startup = announce_startup self.announce_startup_delay = int(announce_startup_delay) self.announce_periodic = announce_periodic self.announce_periodic_interval = int(announce_periodic_interval) self.sync_startup = sync_startup self.sync_startup_delay = int(sync_startup_delay) self.sync_limit = int(sync_limit) self.sync_periodic = sync_periodic self.sync_periodic_interval = int(sync_periodic_interval) if not os.path.isdir(self.storage_path): os.makedirs(self.storage_path) log("LXMF - Storage path was created", LOG_NOTICE) log("LXMF - Storage path: " + self.storage_path, LOG_INFO) if self.identity: log("LXMF - Using existing Primary Identity %s" % (str(self.identity))) else: if not self.identity_file: self.identity_file = "identity" self.identity_path = self.storage_path + "/" + self.identity_file if os.path.isfile(self.identity_path): try: self.identity = RNS.Identity.from_file(self.identity_path) if self.identity != None: log("LXMF - Loaded Primary Identity %s from %s" % (str(self.identity), self.identity_path)) else: log("LXMF - Could not load the Primary Identity from "+self.identity_path, LOG_ERROR) except Exception as e: log("LXMF - Could not load the Primary Identity from "+self.identity_path, LOG_ERROR) log("LXMF - The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), LOG_ERROR) else: try: log("LXMF - No Primary Identity file found, creating new...") self.identity = RNS.Identity() self.identity.to_file(self.identity_path) log("LXMF - Created new Primary Identity %s" % (str(self.identity))) except Exception as e: log("LXMF - Could not create and save a new Primary Identity", LOG_ERROR) log("LXMF - The contained exception was: %s" % (str(e)), LOG_ERROR) self.message_router = LXMF.LXMRouter(identity=self.identity, storagepath=self.storage_path) self.destination = self.message_router.register_delivery_identity(self.identity, display_name=self.display_name) self.message_router.register_delivery_callback(self.process_lxmf_message_propagated) if self.display_name == "": self.display_name = RNS.prettyhexrep(self.destination_hash()) self.destination.set_default_app_data(self.display_name.encode("utf-8")) self.destination.set_proof_strategy(RNS.Destination.PROVE_ALL) RNS.Identity.remember(packet_hash=None, destination_hash=self.destination.hash, public_key=self.identity.get_public_key(), app_data=None) log("LXMF - Identity: " + str(self.identity), LOG_INFO) log("LXMF - Destination: " + str(self.destination), LOG_INFO) log("LXMF - Hash: " + RNS.prettyhexrep(self.destination_hash()), LOG_INFO) self.destination.set_link_established_callback(self.client_connected) self.autoselect_propagation_node() if self.announce_startup or self.announce_periodic: self.announce(True) if self.sync_startup or self.sync_periodic: self.sync(True) def register_announce_callback(self, handler_function): self.announce_callback = handler_function(self.aspect_filter) RNS.Transport.register_announce_handler(self.announce_callback) def register_message_received_callback(self, handler_function): self.message_received_callback = handler_function def register_message_notification_callback(self, handler_function): self.message_notification_callback = handler_function def register_message_notification_success_callback(self, handler_function): self.message_notification_success_callback = handler_function def register_message_notification_failed_callback(self, handler_function): self.message_notification_failed_callback = handler_function def destination_hash(self): return self.destination.hash def destination_hash_str(self): return RNS.hexrep(self.destination.hash, False) def destination_check(self, destination): if type(destination) is not bytes: if len(destination) == ((RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8)*2)+2: destination = destination[1:-1] if len(destination) != ((RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8)*2): log("LXMF - Destination length is invalid", LOG_ERROR) return False try: destination = bytes.fromhex(destination) except Exception as e: log("LXMF - Destination is invalid", LOG_ERROR) return False return True def destination_correct(self, destination): if type(destination) is not bytes: if len(destination) == ((RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8)*2)+2: destination = destination[1:-1] if len(destination) != ((RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8)*2): return "" try: destination_bytes = bytes.fromhex(destination) return destination except Exception as e: return "" return "" def send(self, destination, content="", title=None, fields=None, timestamp=None, app_data=""): if type(destination) is not bytes: if len(destination) == ((RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8)*2)+2: destination = destination[1:-1] if len(destination) != ((RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8)*2): log("LXMF - Destination length is invalid", LOG_ERROR) return try: destination = bytes.fromhex(destination) except Exception as e: log("LXMF - Destination is invalid", LOG_ERROR) return destination_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(destination) destination = RNS.Destination(destination_identity, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.SINGLE, self.destination_name, self.destination_type) self.send_message(destination, self.destination, content, title, fields, timestamp, app_data) def send_message(self, destination, source, content="", title=None, fields=None, timestamp=None, app_data=""): if self.desired_method_direct: desired_method = LXMF.LXMessage.DIRECT else: desired_method = LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED message = LXMF.LXMessage(destination, source, content, title=title, desired_method=desired_method) if fields is not None: message.fields = fields if timestamp is not None: message.timestamp = timestamp message.app_data = app_data self.message_method(message) self.log_message(message, "LXMF - Message send") message.register_delivery_callback(self.message_notification) message.register_failed_callback(self.message_notification) if self.message_router.get_outbound_propagation_node() != None: message.try_propagation_on_fail = self.try_propagation_on_fail try: self.message_router.handle_outbound(message) time.sleep(self.send_delay) except Exception as e: log("LXMF - Could not send message " + str(message), LOG_ERROR) log("LXMF - The contained exception was: " + str(e), LOG_ERROR) return def message_notification(self, message): self.message_method(message) if self.message_notification_callback is not None: self.message_notification_callback(message) if message.state == LXMF.LXMessage.FAILED and hasattr(message, "try_propagation_on_fail") and message.try_propagation_on_fail: self.log_message(message, "LXMF - Delivery receipt (failed) Retrying as propagated message") message.try_propagation_on_fail = None message.delivery_attempts = 0 del message.next_delivery_attempt message.packed = None message.desired_method = LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED self.message_router.handle_outbound(message) elif message.state == LXMF.LXMessage.FAILED: self.log_message(message, "LXMF - Delivery receipt (failed)") if self.message_notification_failed_callback is not None: self.message_notification_failed_callback(message) else: self.log_message(message, "LXMF - Delivery receipt (success)") if self.message_notification_success_callback is not None: self.message_notification_success_callback(message) def message_method(self, message): if message.desired_method == LXMF.LXMessage.DIRECT: message.desired_method_str = "direct" elif message.desired_method == LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED: message.desired_method_str = "propagated" def announce(self, initial=False): announce_timer = None if self.announce_periodic and self.announce_periodic_interval > 0: announce_timer = threading.Timer(self.announce_periodic_interval*60, self.announce) announce_timer.daemon = True announce_timer.start() if initial: if self.announce_startup: if self.announce_startup_delay > 0: if announce_timer is not None: announce_timer.cancel() announce_timer = threading.Timer(self.announce_startup_delay, self.announce) announce_timer.daemon = True announce_timer.start() else: self.announce_now() return self.announce_now() def announce_now(self, app_data=None): if app_data: self.destination.announce(app_data.encode("utf-8")) log("LXMF - Announced: " + RNS.prettyhexrep(self.destination_hash()) + ":" + app_data, LOG_DEBUG) else: self.destination.announce() log("LXMF - Announced: " + RNS.prettyhexrep(self.destination_hash()) + ": " + self.display_name, LOG_DEBUG) def sync(self, initial=False): sync_timer = None if self.sync_periodic and self.sync_periodic_interval > 0: sync_timer = threading.Timer(self.sync_periodic_interval*60, self.sync) sync_timer.daemon = True sync_timer.start() if initial: if self.sync_startup: if self.sync_startup_delay > 0: if sync_timer is not None: sync_timer.cancel() sync_timer = threading.Timer(self.sync_startup_delay, self.sync) sync_timer.daemon = True sync_timer.start() else: self.sync_now(self.sync_limit) return self.sync_now(self.sync_limit) def sync_now(self, limit=None): if self.message_router.get_outbound_propagation_node() is not None: if self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_IDLE or self.message_router.propagation_transfer_state == LXMF.LXMRouter.PR_COMPLETE: log("LXMF - Message sync requested from propagation node " + RNS.prettyhexrep(self.message_router.get_outbound_propagation_node()) + " for " + str(self.identity)) self.message_router.request_messages_from_propagation_node(self.identity, max_messages = limit) return True else: return False else: return False def autoselect_propagation_node(self): if self.propagation_node is not None: if len(self.propagation_node) != ((RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8)*2): log("LXMF - Propagation node length is invalid", LOG_ERROR) else: try: propagation_hash = bytes.fromhex(self.propagation_node) except Exception as e: log("LXMF - Propagation node is invalid", LOG_ERROR) return node_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(propagation_hash) if node_identity != None: log("LXMF - Propagation node: " + RNS.prettyhexrep(propagation_hash), LOG_INFO) propagation_hash = RNS.Destination.hash_from_name_and_identity("lxmf.propagation", node_identity) self.message_router.set_outbound_propagation_node(propagation_hash) else: log("LXMF - Propagation node identity not known", LOG_ERROR) def client_connected(self, link): log("LXMF - Client connected " + str(link), LOG_EXTREME) link.set_resource_strategy(RNS.Link.ACCEPT_ALL) link.set_resource_concluded_callback(self.resource_concluded) link.set_packet_callback(self.packet_received) def packet_received(self, lxmf_bytes, packet): log("LXMF - Single packet delivered " + str(packet), LOG_EXTREME) self.process_lxmf_message_bytes(lxmf_bytes) def resource_concluded(self, resource): log("LXMF - Resource data transfer (multi packet) delivered " + str(resource.file), LOG_EXTREME) if resource.status == RNS.Resource.COMPLETE: lxmf_bytes = resource.data.read() self.process_lxmf_message_bytes(lxmf_bytes) else: log("LXMF - Received resource message is not complete", LOG_EXTREME) def process_lxmf_message_bytes(self, lxmf_bytes): try: message = LXMF.LXMessage.unpack_from_bytes(lxmf_bytes) except Exception as e: log("LXMF - Could not assemble LXMF message from received data", LOG_ERROR) log("LXMF - The contained exception was: " + str(e), LOG_ERROR) return message.desired_method = LXMF.LXMessage.DIRECT self.message_method(message) self.log_message(message, "LXMF - Message received") if self.message_received_callback is not None: log("LXMF - Call to registered message received callback", LOG_DEBUG) self.message_received_callback(message) else: log("LXMF - No message received callback registered", LOG_DEBUG) def process_lxmf_message_propagated(self, message): message.desired_method = LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED self.message_method(message) self.log_message(message, "LXMF - Message received") if self.message_received_callback is not None: log("LXMF - Call to registered message received callback", LOG_DEBUG) self.message_received_callback(message) else: log("LXMF - No message received callback registered", LOG_DEBUG) def log_message(self, message, message_tag="LXMF - Message log"): if message.signature_validated: signature_string = "Validated" else: if message.unverified_reason == LXMF.LXMessage.SIGNATURE_INVALID: signature_string = "Invalid signature" elif message.unverified_reason == LXMF.LXMessage.SOURCE_UNKNOWN: signature_string = "Cannot verify, source is unknown" else: signature_string = "Signature is invalid, reason undetermined" title = message.title.decode('utf-8') content = message.content.decode('utf-8') fields = message.fields log(message_tag + ":", LOG_DEBUG) log("- Date/Time: " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(message.timestamp)), LOG_DEBUG) log("- Title: " + title, LOG_DEBUG) log("- Content: " + content, LOG_DEBUG) log("- Fields: " + str(fields), LOG_DEBUG) log("- Size: " + str(len(title) + len(content) + len(title) + len(pickle.dumps(fields))) + " bytes", LOG_DEBUG) log("- Source: " + RNS.prettyhexrep(message.source_hash), LOG_DEBUG) log("- Destination: " + RNS.prettyhexrep(message.destination_hash), LOG_DEBUG) log("- Signature: " + signature_string, LOG_DEBUG) log("- Attempts: " + str(message.delivery_attempts), LOG_DEBUG) if hasattr(message, "desired_method_str"): log("- Method: " + message.desired_method_str + " (" + str(message.desired_method) + ")", LOG_DEBUG) else: log("- Method: " + str(message.desired_method), LOG_DEBUG) if hasattr(message, "app_data"): log("- App Data: " + message.app_data, LOG_DEBUG) ############################################################################################################## # LXMF Functions #### LXMF - Announce #### class lxmf_announce_callback: def __init__(self, aspect_filter=None): self.aspect_filter = aspect_filter @staticmethod def received_announce(destination_hash, announced_identity, app_data): if app_data != None: log("LXMF - Received an announce from " + RNS.prettyhexrep(destination_hash) + ": " + app_data.decode("utf-8"), LOG_INFO) if not CONFIG["main"].getboolean("power") or not CONFIG["router"].getboolean("lxmf_announce_to_mqtt"): log("LXMF - Routing disabled", LOG_DEBUG) return if CONFIG.has_option("allowed", "any") or CONFIG.has_option("allowed", "all") or CONFIG.has_option("allowed", "anybody") or CONFIG.has_option("allowed", RNS.hexrep(destination_hash, False)) or CONFIG.has_option("allowed", RNS.prettyhexrep(destination_hash)): message_out = json.dumps({ "source": RNS.hexrep(destination_hash, False), "data": app_data.decode("utf-8") }) MQTT_CONNECTION.publish(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_announce"], message_out) else: log("LXMF - Source " + RNS.prettyhexrep(message.source_hash) + " not allowed", LOG_DEBUG) return #### LXMF - Message #### def lxmf_message_received_callback(message): if not CONFIG["main"].getboolean("power") or not CONFIG["router"].getboolean("lxmf_to_mqtt"): log("LXMF - Routing disabled", LOG_DEBUG) return if CONFIG["lxmf"].getboolean("signature_validated") and not message.signature_validated: log("LXMF - Source " + RNS.prettyhexrep(message.source_hash) + " have no valid signature", LOG_DEBUG) return if CONFIG.has_option("allowed", "any") or CONFIG.has_option("allowed", "all") or CONFIG.has_option("allowed", "anybody") or CONFIG.has_option("allowed", RNS.hexrep(message.source_hash, False)) or CONFIG.has_option("allowed", RNS.prettyhexrep(message.source_hash)): content = message.content.decode('utf-8').strip() length = config_getint(CONFIG, "message", "lxmf_to_mqtt_length_min", 0) if length> 0: if len(content) < length: return length = config_getint(CONFIG, "message", "lxmf_to_mqtt_length_max", 0) if length > 0: if len(content) > length: return content_prefix = config_get(CONFIG, "message", "lxmf_to_mqtt_prefix") content_suffix = config_get(CONFIG, "message", "lxmf_to_mqtt_suffix") search = config_get(CONFIG, "message", "lxmf_to_mqtt_search") if search != "": content = content.replace(search, config_get(CONFIG, "message", "lxmf_to_mqtt_replace")) search = config_get(CONFIG, "message", "lxmf_to_mqtt_regex_search") if search != "": content = re.sub(search, config_get(CONFIG, "message", "lxmf_to_mqtt_regex_replace"), content) content = content_prefix + content + content_suffix if message.signature_validated: signature_string = "Validated" signature_valid = 1 else: signature_valid = 0 if message.unverified_reason == LXMF.LXMessage.SIGNATURE_INVALID: signature_string = "Invalid signature" elif message.unverified_reason == LXMF.LXMessage.SOURCE_UNKNOWN: signature_string = "Cannot verify, source is unknown" else: signature_string = "Signature is invalid, reason undetermined" message_out = json.dumps({ "source": RNS.hexrep(message.source_hash, False), "destination": RNS.hexrep(message.destination_hash, False), "title": message.title.decode('utf-8').strip(), "content": content, "fields": str(message.fields), "date_time": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(message.timestamp)), "timestamp": message.timestamp, "signature_valid": signature_valid, "signature_string": signature_string }) MQTT_CONNECTION.publish(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_receive"], message_out) else: log("LXMF - Source " + RNS.prettyhexrep(message.source_hash) + " not allowed", LOG_DEBUG) return ############################################################################################################## # MQTT Functions #### MQTT - Log #### def mqtt_log_message(message, message_tag="MQTT - Message log"): log(message_tag + ":", LOG_DEBUG) log("- Topic: " + str(message.topic), LOG_DEBUG) log("- Payload: " + str(message.payload.decode('utf-8')), LOG_DEBUG) log("- QOS: " + str(message.qos), LOG_DEBUG) #### MQTT - State #### def mqtt_state(): t = threading.Timer(int(CONFIG["mqtt"]["state_interval"])*60, mqtt_state_now) t.daemon = True t.start() #### MQTT - State #### def mqtt_state_now(): if not CONFIG["router"].getboolean("state_to_mqtt"): log("MQTT - Routing disabled", LOG_DEBUG) return if CONFIG["main"].getboolean("power"): power = "on" else: power = "off" MQTT_CONNECTION.publish(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_rm_power"], power) interfaces = None try: interfaces = RNS_CONNECTION.get_interface_stats() except Exception: pass message_out = json.dumps({ "power": power, "identity": str(LXMF_CONNECTION.identity), "destination": str(LXMF_CONNECTION.destination), "hash": RNS.hexrep(LXMF_CONNECTION.destination_hash(), False), #"interfaces": interfaces, "file_info": __file__, "path_info": PATH, "version_info": VERSION, "host_info": os.uname(), }) MQTT_CONNECTION.publish(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_rm_state"], message_out) #### MQTT - Connected #### def mqtt_connected_callback(client, userdata, flags, rc): MQTT_CONNECTION.subscribe(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_power"]) MQTT_CONNECTION.subscribe(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_state"]) MQTT_CONNECTION.subscribe(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_send"]) if CONFIG["mqtt"].getboolean("state_startup"): mqtt_state_now() if CONFIG["mqtt"].getboolean("state_periodic"): mqtt_state() log("MQTT - Connected", LOG_DEBUG) #### MQTT - Message #### def mqtt_message_received_callback_power(client, userdata, message): global CONFIG mqtt_log_message(message) if message.payload.decode('utf-8') == "on" or message.payload.decode('utf-8') == "1": CONFIG["main"]["power"] = True MQTT_CONNECTION.publish(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_rm_power"], "on") else: CONFIG["main"]["power"] = False MQTT_CONNECTION.publish(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_rm_power"], "off") #### MQTT - Message #### def mqtt_message_received_callback_state(client, userdata, message): global CONFIG mqtt_log_message(message) mqtt_state_now() #### MQTT - Message #### def mqtt_message_received_callback_send(client, userdata, message): mqtt_log_message(message) if not CONFIG["main"].getboolean("power") or not CONFIG["router"].getboolean("mqtt_to_lxmf"): log("MQTT - Routing disabled", LOG_DEBUG) return message_data = json.loads(message.payload.decode('utf-8')) if "destination" not in message_data or "content" not in message_data: return content = message_data["content"].strip() length = config_getint(CONFIG, "message", "mqtt_to_lxmf_length_min", 0) if length> 0: if len(content) < length: return length = config_getint(CONFIG, "message", "mqtt_to_lxmf_length_max", 0) if length > 0: if len(content) > length: return content_prefix = config_get(CONFIG, "message", "mqtt_to_lxmf_prefix") content_suffix = config_get(CONFIG, "message", "mqtt_to_lxmf_suffix") search = config_get(CONFIG, "message", "mqtt_to_lxmf_search") if search != "": content = content.replace(search, config_get(CONFIG, "message", "mqtt_to_lxmf_replace")) search = config_get(CONFIG, "message", "mqtt_to_lxmf_regex_search") if search != "": content = re.sub(search, config_get(CONFIG, "message", "mqtt_to_lxmf_regex_replace"), content) content = content_prefix + content + content_suffix if "title" not in message_data: message_data["title"] = "" timestamp = None if "timestamp" in message_data and timestamp is None: message_data["timestamp"] = message_data["timestamp"].strip() if message_data["timestamp"] != "": timestamp = float(message_data["timestamp"]) if "date_time" in message_data and timestamp is None: message_data["date_time"] = message_data["date_time"].strip() if message_data["date_time"] != "": timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(message_data["date_time"], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) LXMF_CONNECTION.send(message_data["destination"].strip(), content, message_data["title"].strip(), timestamp) ############################################################################################################## # Config #### Config - Get ##### def config_get(config, section, key, default="", lng_key=""): if not config or section == "" or key == "": return default if not config.has_section(section): return default if config.has_option(section, key+lng_key): return config[section][key+lng_key] elif config.has_option(section, key): return config[section][key] return default def config_getint(config, section, key, default=0, lng_key=""): if not config or section == "" or key == "": return default if not config.has_section(section): return default if config.has_option(section, key+lng_key): return config.getint(section, key+lng_key) elif config.has_option(section, key): return config.getint(section, key) return default def config_getboolean(config, section, key, default=False, lng_key=""): if not config or section == "" or key == "": return default if not config.has_section(section): return default if config.has_option(section, key+lng_key): return config[section].getboolean(key+lng_key) elif config.has_option(section, key): return config[section].getboolean(key) return default def config_getsection(config, section, default="", lng_key=""): if not config or section == "": return default if not config.has_section(section): return default if config.has_section(section+lng_key): return key+lng_key elif config.has_section(section): return key return default def config_getoption(config, section, key, default=False, lng_key=""): if not config or section == "" or key == "": return default if not config.has_section(section): return default if config.has_option(section, key+lng_key): return key+lng_key elif config.has_option(section, key): return key return default #### Config - Read ##### def config_read(file=None, file_override=None): global CONFIG if file is None: return False else: CONFIG = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True, inline_comment_prefixes="#") CONFIG.sections() if os.path.isfile(file): try: if file_override is None: CONFIG.read(file, encoding='utf-8') elif os.path.isfile(file_override): CONFIG.read([file, file_override], encoding='utf-8') else: CONFIG.read(file, encoding='utf-8') except Exception as e: return False else: if not config_default(file=file, file_override=file_override): return False return True #### Config - Save ##### def config_save(file=None): global CONFIG if file is None: return False else: if os.path.isfile(file): try: with open(file,"w") as file: CONFIG.write(file) except Exception as e: return False else: return False return True #### Config - Default ##### def config_default(file=None, file_override=None): global CONFIG if file is None: return False elif DEFAULT_CONFIG != "": if file_override and DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE != "": if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_override)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_override)) except Exception: return False if not os.path.exists(file_override): try: config_file = open(file_override, "w") config_file.write(DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE) config_file.close() except: return False if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file)) except Exception: return False try: config_file = open(file, "w") config_file.write(DEFAULT_CONFIG) config_file.close() if not config_read(file=file, file_override=file_override): return False except: return False else: return False if not CONFIG.has_section("main"): CONFIG.add_section("main") CONFIG["main"]["default_config"] = "True" return True ############################################################################################################## # Value convert def val_to_bool(val): if val == "on" or val == "On" or val == "true" or val == "True" or val == "yes" or val == "Yes" or val == "1" or val == "open" or val == "opened" or val == "up": return True elif val == "off" or val == "Off" or val == "false" or val == "False" or val == "no" or val == "No" or val == "0" or val == "close" or val == "closed" or val == "down": return False elif val != "": return True else: return False ############################################################################################################## # Log LOG_FORCE = -1 LOG_CRITICAL = 0 LOG_ERROR = 1 LOG_WARNING = 2 LOG_NOTICE = 3 LOG_INFO = 4 LOG_VERBOSE = 5 LOG_DEBUG = 6 LOG_EXTREME = 7 LOG_LEVEL = LOG_NOTICE LOG_LEVEL_SERVICE = LOG_NOTICE LOG_TIMEFMT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" LOG_MAXSIZE = 5*1024*1024 LOG_PREFIX = "" LOG_SUFFIX = "" LOG_FILE = "" def log(text, level=3, file=None): if not LOG_LEVEL: return if LOG_LEVEL >= level: name = "Unknown" if (level == LOG_FORCE): name = "" if (level == LOG_CRITICAL): name = "Critical" if (level == LOG_ERROR): name = "Error" if (level == LOG_WARNING): name = "Warning" if (level == LOG_NOTICE): name = "Notice" if (level == LOG_INFO): name = "Info" if (level == LOG_VERBOSE): name = "Verbose" if (level == LOG_DEBUG): name = "Debug" if (level == LOG_EXTREME): name = "Extra" if not isinstance(text, str): text = str(text) text = "[" + time.strftime(LOG_TIMEFMT, time.localtime(time.time())) +"] [" + name + "] " + LOG_PREFIX + text + LOG_SUFFIX if file == None and LOG_FILE != "": file = LOG_FILE if file == None: print(text) else: try: file_handle = open(file, "a") file_handle.write(text + "\n") file_handle.close() if os.path.getsize(file) > LOG_MAXSIZE: file_prev = file + ".1" if os.path.isfile(file_prev): os.unlink(file_prev) os.rename(file, file_prev) except: return ############################################################################################################## # System #### Panic ##### def panic(): sys.exit(255) #### Exit ##### def exit(): sys.exit(0) ############################################################################################################## # Setup/Start #### Setup ##### def setup(path=None, path_rns=None, path_log=None, loglevel=None, service=False): global PATH global PATH_RNS global LOG_LEVEL global LOG_FILE global RNS_CONNECTION global LXMF_CONNECTION global MQTT_CONNECTION if path is not None: if path.endswith("/"): path = path[:-1] PATH = path if path_rns is not None: if path_rns.endswith("/"): path_rns = path_rns[:-1] PATH_RNS = path_rns if loglevel is not None: LOG_LEVEL = loglevel rns_loglevel = loglevel else: rns_loglevel = None if service: LOG_LEVEL = LOG_LEVEL_SERVICE if path_log is not None: if path_log.endswith("/"): path_log = path_log[:-1] LOG_FILE = path_log else: LOG_FILE = PATH LOG_FILE = LOG_FILE + "/" + NAME + ".log" rns_loglevel = None if not config_read(PATH + "/config.cfg", PATH + "/config.cfg.owr"): print("Config - Error reading config file " + PATH + "/config.cfg") panic() if CONFIG["main"].getboolean("default_config"): print("Exit!") print("First start with the default config!") print("You should probably edit the config file \"" + PATH + "/config.cfg\" to suit your needs and use-case!") print("You should make all your changes at the user configuration file \"" + PATH + "/config.cfg.owr\" to override the default configuration file!") print("Then restart this program again!") exit() if not CONFIG["main"].getboolean("enabled"): print("Disabled in config file. Exit!") exit() RNS_CONNECTION = RNS.Reticulum(configdir=PATH_RNS, loglevel=rns_loglevel) log("...............................................................................", LOG_INFO) log(" Name: " + CONFIG["main"]["name"], LOG_INFO) log("Program File: " + __file__, LOG_INFO) log(" Config File: " + PATH + "/config", LOG_INFO) log(" Version: " + VERSION, LOG_INFO) log(" Copyright: " + COPYRIGHT, LOG_INFO) log("...............................................................................", LOG_INFO) log("LXMF - Connecting ...", LOG_DEBUG) if CONFIG.has_option("lxmf", "propagation_node"): config_propagation_node = CONFIG["lxmf"]["propagation_node"] else: config_propagation_node = None if path is None: path = PATH LXMF_CONNECTION = lxmf_connection( storage_path=path, destination_name=CONFIG["lxmf"]["destination_name"], destination_type=CONFIG["lxmf"]["destination_type"], display_name=CONFIG["lxmf"]["display_name"], send_delay=CONFIG["lxmf"]["send_delay"], desired_method=CONFIG["lxmf"]["desired_method"], propagation_node=config_propagation_node, try_propagation_on_fail=CONFIG["lxmf"].getboolean("try_propagation_on_fail"), announce_startup=CONFIG["lxmf"].getboolean("announce_startup"), announce_startup_delay=CONFIG["lxmf"]["announce_startup_delay"], announce_periodic=CONFIG["lxmf"].getboolean("announce_periodic"), announce_periodic_interval=CONFIG["lxmf"]["announce_periodic_interval"], sync_startup=CONFIG["lxmf"].getboolean("sync_startup"), sync_startup_delay=CONFIG["lxmf"]["sync_startup_delay"], sync_limit=CONFIG["lxmf"]["sync_limit"], sync_periodic=CONFIG["lxmf"].getboolean("sync_periodic"), sync_periodic_interval=CONFIG["lxmf"]["sync_periodic_interval"]) LXMF_CONNECTION.register_announce_callback(lxmf_announce_callback) LXMF_CONNECTION.register_message_received_callback(lxmf_message_received_callback) log("LXMF - Connected", LOG_DEBUG) log("...............................................................................", LOG_FORCE) log("LXMF - Address: " + RNS.prettyhexrep(LXMF_CONNECTION.destination_hash()), LOG_FORCE) log("...............................................................................", LOG_FORCE) log("MQTT - Connecting ...", LOG_DEBUG) MQTT_CONNECTION = mqtt.Client(CONFIG["mqtt"]["client_id"], False, userdata=None, transport=CONFIG["mqtt"]["transport"]) MQTT_CONNECTION.on_connect = mqtt_connected_callback MQTT_CONNECTION.message_callback_add(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_power"], mqtt_message_received_callback_power) MQTT_CONNECTION.message_callback_add(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_state"], mqtt_message_received_callback_state) MQTT_CONNECTION.message_callback_add(CONFIG["mqtt"]["topic_send"], mqtt_message_received_callback_send) if CONFIG.has_option("mqtt", "username") and CONFIG.has_option("mqtt", "password"): if CONFIG["mqtt"]["username"] != "" and CONFIG["mqtt"]["password"] != "": MQTT_CONNECTION.username_pw_set(CONFIG["mqtt"]["username"], CONFIG["mqtt"]["password"]) MQTT_CONNECTION.connect(CONFIG["mqtt"]["host"], int(CONFIG["mqtt"]["port"]), 60) MQTT_CONNECTION.loop_forever() while True: time.sleep(1) #### Start #### def main(): try: description = NAME + " - " + DESCRIPTION parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="Path to alternative config directory") parser.add_argument("-pr", "--path_rns", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="Path to alternative Reticulum config directory") parser.add_argument("-pl", "--path_log", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="Path to alternative log directory") parser.add_argument("-l", "--loglevel", action="store", type=int, default=LOG_LEVEL) parser.add_argument("-s", "--service", action="store_true", default=False, help="Running as a service and should log to file") parser.add_argument("--exampleconfig", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print verbose configuration example to stdout and exit") parser.add_argument("--exampleconfigoverride", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print verbose configuration example to stdout and exit") params = parser.parse_args() if params.exampleconfig: print("Config File: " + PATH + "/config.cfg") print("Content:") print(DEFAULT_CONFIG) exit() if params.exampleconfigoverride: print("Config Override File: " + PATH + "/config.cfg.owr") print("Content:") print(DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE) exit() setup(path=params.path, path_rns=params.path_rns, path_log=params.path_log, loglevel=params.loglevel, service=params.service) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Terminated by CTRL-C") exit() ############################################################################################################## # Files #### Default configuration override file #### DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE = '''# This is the user configuration file to override the default configuration file. # All settings made here have precedence. # This file can be used to clearly summarize all settings that deviate from the default. # This also has the advantage that all changed settings can be kept when updating the program. ''' #### Default configuration file #### DEFAULT_CONFIG = '''# This is the default config file. # You should probably edit it to suit your needs and use-case. #### Main program settings #### [main] enabled = True # Name of the program. Only for display in the log or program startup. name = # Enable/Disable the message routing. # This is controllable with a MQTT message. power = Yes #### LXMF connection settings #### [lxmf] # Destination name & type need to fits the LXMF protocoll # to be compatibel with other LXMF programs. destination_name = lxmf destination_type = delivery # The name will be visible to other peers # on the network, and included in announces. display_name = # Default send method. desired_method = direct #direct/propagated # Propagation node address/hash. propagation_node = ca2762fe5283873719aececfb9e18835 # Try to deliver a message via the LXMF propagation network, # if a direct delivery to the recipient is not possible. try_propagation_on_fail = Yes # The peer is announced at startup # to let other peers reach it immediately. announce_startup = No announce_startup_delay = 0 #Seconds # The peer is announced periodically # to let other peers reach it. announce_periodic = No announce_periodic_interval = 360 #Minutes # Some waiting time after message send # for LXMF/Reticulum processing. send_delay = 0 #Seconds # Sync LXMF messages at startup. sync_startup = No sync_startup_delay = 0 #Seconds # Sync LXMF messages periodically. sync_periodic = No # The sync interval in minutes. sync_periodic_interval = 360 #Minutes # Automatic LXMF syncs will only # download x messages at a time. You can change # this number, or set the option to 0 to disable # the limit, and download everything every time. sync_limit = 8 # Allow only messages with valid signature. signature_validated = Yes #### MQTT connection settings #### [mqtt] host = port = 1883 transport = tcp client_id = lxmf_mqtt_bridge #username = #password = # Topic for power switch. # Direction: From MQTT server. # Data: on/off topic_power = message/lxmf/power # Topic for power switch state. # Direction: To MQTT server. # Data: on/off topic_rm_power = message/lxmf/rm_power # Topic for state request. # Direction: From MQTT server. # Data: any topic_state = message/lxmf/state # Topic for state (diagnose data). # Direction: To MQTT server. # Data: {"power": "on", "identity": "<36a82374456b9c31a37f>", "destination": "", "hash": "36a82374456b9c31a37f", "interfaces": [{"clients": 0, "name": "Shared Instance[37428]", "rxb": 0, "txb": 0, "status": true}, {"clients": null, "name": "AutoInterface[Default Interface]", "rxb": 1111, "txb": 1176, "status": true}], "file_info": "/root/./lxmf_mqtt_bridge.py", "path_info": "/root/.lxmf_mqtt_bridge", "version_info": "0.0.1", "host_info": ["Linux", "test", "5.13.19-6", "#1 5.13.19-15 (Tue, 29 Mar 2022 15:59:50 +0200)", "x86_64"]} topic_rm_state = message/lxmf/rm_state # Topic for announce. # Direction: To MQTT server. # Data: {"source": "36a82374456b9c31a37f", "data": "Sideband"} topic_announce = message/lxmf/announce # Topic for receive messages (LXMF->MQTT). # Direction: To MQTT server. # Data: {"source": "36a82374456b9c31a37f", "destination": "36a82374456b9c31a37f", "title": "", "content": "Frage", "fields": "None", "date_time": "2022-05-07 14:19:10", "timestamp": 1651933150.803059, "signature_valid": 1, "signature_string": "Validated"} topic_receive = message/lxmf/receive # Topic for send messages (MQTT->LXMF). # Direction: From MQTT server. # Data: {"destination":"36a82374456b9c31a37f", "content":"Antwort"} # Data: {"destination":"36a82374456b9c31a37f", "content":"Antwort", "title":"Example", "date_time":"2022-10-01 11:45:00", "timestamp":""} topic_send = message/lxmf/send # Send state at startup. state_startup = Yes # Send state periodically. state_periodic = Yes state_interval = 30 #Minutes #### Message router settings #### [router] # Transmit LXMF messages to MQTT lxmf_to_mqtt = True # Transmit MQTT messages to LXMF mqtt_to_lxmf = True # Transmit LXMF announces to MQTT lxmf_announce_to_mqtt = False # Transmit state to MQTT state_to_mqtt = True #### Message settings #### [message] # Text is added. lxmf_to_mqtt_prefix = lxmf_to_mqtt_suffix = # Text is replaced. lxmf_to_mqtt_search = lxmf_to_mqtt_replace = # Text is replaced by regular expression. lxmf_to_mqtt_regex_search = lxmf_to_mqtt_regex_replace = # Length limitation. lxmf_to_mqtt_length_min = 0 #0=any length lxmf_to_mqtt_length_max = 0 #0=any length # Text is added. mqtt_to_lxmf_prefix = mqtt_to_lxmf_suffix = # Text is replaced. mqtt_to_lxmf_search = mqtt_to_lxmf_replace = # Text is replaced by regular expression. mqtt_to_lxmf_regex_search = mqtt_to_lxmf_regex_replace = # Length limitation. mqtt_to_lxmf_length_min = 0 #0=any length mqtt_to_lxmf_length_max = 0 #0=any length #### Right settings #### # Allow only specific source addresses/hashs or any. [allowed] any #2858b7a096899116cd529559cc679ffe ''' ############################################################################################################## # Init if __name__ == "__main__": main()